This is the official Twitter account for #OklaEd, thehashtag that brings OK educators together. #OklaEd is not political & promotes constructive dialogue.
A1 I teach thinking schools more than straight content. So it leads to much discussion. Without that is a lot of modeling of and discussing appropriate behavior and actions. #oklaed
A2. I use the Harkness method which is similar to a Socratic discussion where Ss provide the ?ās. I do that to model constructive group discussion. I also do a lot of group work almost daily so it is my classroom culture. #oklaed
I first discovered it through some shared AP World History resources on a google drive connected a FB group. There is also a FB group for Harkness. I just downloaded a 154 pg PDF about it. I can share it with you. #oklaed
A3. I am learning this better. Mabee Gerrer Museum in Shawnee has a free Saturday PD training on Visual Thinking schools (including in class follow up visit and coaching). I am attending in January. #oklaed
Amy to the rescue. I am stuck in an airport with no free WiFi (Iāll save the rant about that for later after #oklaed) So I am limited to what I can do on my phone right now.
A3: Was on a panel w/3 recent high school grads. They told @LeadershipOK audience they felt most prepared for life by teachers who taught them public speaking, boosted confidence. We need more opportunities for this practical coaching/modeling that students crave. #oklaed
A4 google drive, padlet. I would love to move to having the AP History students do a portfolio from World through Government but will take some years to move there. The reflection on their work is what creates our discussion. #oklaed
A5. Sadly none right now. Well I did do a session on writing better questions using @RightQuestion. I am personally learning coding for apps so I can have students use coding and possibly create apps in Econ and History in the future. #oklaed