Welcome to #NYEDChat! Tonight’s discussion is Evolving Leadership. @TonySinanis and @donald_gately are moderators. Let’s rock Twitter tonight. Tag in a colleague to raise their voices with ours.
Join us in 30 minutes for #NYEDChat! We are going to be discussing the link between learning and leading! Who is ready to join us? Hey @donald_gately - are you ready?
Please introduce yourself to #NYEDChat group of colleagues.. Share your name, role in education, and location. Be sure to use #nyedchat in your tweets.
Hi, Carol ELA Consultant from Long Island here doing backup work for #NYEDChat via NYC. Enjoy the topic, Evolving Leaderships with my colleagues at the moderating desk @donald_gately@danieldmccabe@TonySinanis.
A1 To build relationships with stakeholders, we can listen, validate all feelings and experiences, and keep reframing the conversation in terms of the ones we ALL have a stake in: the students. #NYEDChat
A1: I am intentional about what I share with people. I come back often and check in. People see that presence and trust organically develops. Trust is the core of relationship building. #nyedchat
A1: LISTEN! The best way to build relationships with the community is by listening! Listen a lot; listen attentively; listen patiently; and listen without being consumed with thinking about a response! #NYEDchat
Hello! HS Career & Tech AP on Long Island, NY Hoping to join in on tonight’s (and my first) #nyedchat to share and develop my understanding of evolving leadership
A2. One obstacle is when we accidentally (or purposefully) talk past each other. Relationships are impossible to build when we don't "speak the same language." #NYEDChat
All of this. You can't always "skip ahead" to focusing on the student. A family's experience affects how they perceive everything you'll talk about. #nyedchat
A1 To build relationships with stakeholders, we can listen, validate all feelings and experiences, and keep reframing the conversation in terms of the ones we ALL have a stake in: the students. #NYEDChat
#nyedchat Q3 you need to model being a learner by "walking your talk." Give out articles to staff that you have read, hi-lited, and posed questions about...
A2: Time. Tough to spend enough time with all stakeholders to build relationships as much as we all want. I try to get a lot done at night to provide more time in the day to spend building relationships. #nyedchat
A2: An obstacle to relationship building is a lack of trust & the only way to change that is over time. Be patient, be transparent & be consistent. That will help build healthy & positive relationships! #NYEDchat
A2. #nyedchat Often I find time is the greatest inhibitor of relationship building. I have found it necessary to build this time into my daily schedule.
A2 Past issues that caused a negative climate takes time to break through. But once you do, can be very rewarding & relationships are stronger for it #nyEdChat
A1 Be approachable, make time, be honest and willing to help in meaningful yet attainable ways - invest yourself in the community you're building together and follow through #NYEDChat
A2 When we feel threatened or goal-driven, we focus on whatever moves us away from the threat or toward goal. We see no perspective but our own and no course of action but the one we’ve already decided is “right.” #NYEdChat
A2. We need to take the time to build relationships with P, Comm, and Stakeholders. Take time to share pics of Ss with P doing their proj. getting P involved in act. in sch. #nyedchat
A2. Another key challenge is that relationships are an investment. They have to be nurtured, cared for, and not forgotten. And that requires real work in our busy roles! #NYEDChat
A2.2 Only when we feel safe and contented can we drop our threat-avoiding and goal-seeking behaviors and become more flexible: we can look around, consider other perspectives, develop creative solutions, and work together. #NYEDChat
A3: I am transparent about my learning. I put my Twitter handle on every presentation I lead. It is on my email signature. I like to model my obsession for learning. #nyedchat
A2 people are often jaded by past experience. In the words of Fullan “be persistent, but patient” continue to be genuine and people will turn around #nyedchat
A3. One key piece is we have to cultivate, and welcome, a culture of joy. Our work has to be fun, and we have to make it fun for those we serve! #NYEDChat
A3 As a leader, I create optimal conditions for learning through #positivity, engagement, collaboration-I model the stance of a teacher as a learner. #NYEDChat
A3: I am transparent about my learning. I put my Twitter handle on every presentation I lead. It is on my email signature. I like to model my obsession for learning. #nyedchat
This is a great idea. I have found my twitter handle and website need to be transparent, honest, appropriate and aligned with my belief structure. #nyedchat
A3: I am transparent about my learning. I put my Twitter handle on every presentation I lead. It is on my email signature. I like to model my obsession for learning. #nyedchat
Getting caught up in the everyday issues that distract administrators from building relationships that support student learning! Trying to set aside at least 2-3 periods a week to get into classrooms. #NYEDChat
A3. We can do this by modeling our joy. Smile regularly, laugh often, and be playful. Much of our work is serious, true, but if we can't take the time to laugh, then we're missing what's most important. #NYEDChat
A3: I try & create optimal conditions for learning by listening & helping to remove barriers. As an edu leader my job is to give our students & staff access to the resources they need to learn & be successful! #NYEDChat
A3 I take new responsible risks with those I’m encouraging to do the same. I research and offer new tech options and demo them myself. Sometimes I fail right in front of them. But it’s showing them that I’m not afraid. #NYEDChat
A2 Being honest with one another while being open to suggestions and feedback. Supporting one another and providing reassurance that we have each other's best interest at heart. #nyedchat
A3: I am transparent about my learning. I put my Twitter handle on every presentation I lead. It is on my email signature. I like to model my obsession for learning. #nyedchat
A3 Book Clubs w/staff (voluntary), sharing ideas I've heard/seen on Twitter and Voxer. Staff keeps hearing about my #momsasprincipals and #principalsinaction Voxer groups #nyedchat
#NYEDChat A3. Willing to try new things. We decided in our SS classes at North White (IN) to incorporate primary source speakers in our classroom. Engages Ss and makes history relevant and meaningful. Here are some of our speakers.
A3 My classroom is a place where students views are respected and encourage. You have to develop a climate that allows students to not be afraid to FAIL! #NYEdchat
A3 transparency is key to creating an optimal learning environment. Discuss best practices, ask for help, form PLNs to bring teachers together. When Ts work together everyone wins because we rise to the bar that we collectively set #nyedchat
A3. I almost always have an article, book, or protocol handy and in mind. There is so much to learn. I love trying to connect the dots for myself and others. #NYEDChat
A2 Being honest with one another while being open to suggestions and feedback. Supporting one another and providing reassurance that we have each other's best interest at heart. #nyedchat
A3 We can ask for help. We can ask teachers, parents, and students for their stories and advice so we (and others) can relate to and learn from their experiences. #NYEDChat
A3 Book Clubs w/staff (voluntary), sharing ideas I've heard/seen on Twitter and Voxer. Staff keeps hearing about my #momsasprincipals and #principalsinaction Voxer groups #nyedchat
A3: This is the first year that parents saw my "I am currently reading" on my email signature and started a conversation with me about my reading life. #nyedchat
A2- The desk is a huge obstacle 2 relationships. Being visible is being out & about. Routines & procedures are just as important for Ldrs as they are for Ts and Ss #NYEDChat
A2. We let differences ruin relationships. We need to spend more time listening and trying to understand. Then we. An move forward and work together positivity #nyedchat
A2- The desk is a huge obstacle 2 relationships. Being visible is being out & about. Routines & procedures are just as important for Ldrs as they are for Ts and Ss #NYEDChat
A3: I model being a learner in various ways including participating in Twitter chats, blogging as a way to reflect on learning, sharing resources & listening! #NYEDchat
A3. Another key way that I showcase life-long learning is by acknowledging and welcoming my own ignorance. I'll never know it all, but I'm always working on ways to know more today than I did yesterday! :) #NYEDChat
A3: I share my work on my blog/website/social media with colleagues and students. It contains evidence of life long learning. I tell them if I can do it, so can they!
A3: We continue to reevalutate curricula to make sure we address the needs of today's learners. We would be remiss as instructional leaders if we didn't. #NYEDchat
#nyedchat A3 We have fun incorporated outside the wall learning with our Ss in all grades. Recently, Grade 6 visited Ulyanovsk, Russia, 7th Grade Toronto, Ontario and 8th Grade Northern Sweden. If I️ am excited about learning, so our the Ss.
A3 I’m always asking questions, supporting the personal mastery in others....Book clubs! Nothing better than reading, discussing and learning with (from) others #nyEDchat
A3. Another key way that I showcase life-long learning is by acknowledging and welcoming my own ignorance. I'll never know it all, but I'm always working on ways to know more today than I did yesterday! :) #NYEDChat
#nyedchat A3 We have fun incorporated outside the wall learning with our Ss in all grades. Recently, Grade 6 visited Ulyanovsk, Russia, 7th Grade Toronto, Ontario and 8th Grade Northern Sweden. If I️ am excited about learning, so our the Ss.
A3. Another key way that I showcase life-long learning is by acknowledging and welcoming my own ignorance. I'll never know it all, but I'm always working on ways to know more today than I did yesterday! :) #NYEDChat
A3 I allow my failures to be visible. We are ALL learners. I fail forward, I own it, I seek help and resources from my #PLN and together we build each other up. #nyedchat
:) I used to think ignorance was bad, but then I realized it was more about recognizing and acknowledging it. This also helps me identify my weaknesses and be cognizant of my blind spots. Humbling and important! #NYEDChat
A4: Sometimes districts put things in place to hinder open access to learning. Twitter blocked on cell phones. Sites blocked on devices. One size fits all PD. Etc. #nyedchat
A4 Obstacles to Learning: TTWWADI attitude and T-directed environments. Overcome these by positive modeling of ways to engage learners in Stu-centered learning. #NYEDChat
A3. A healthy learning environment needs to be taught, discussed, and modeled daily. And we can teach children that we are learners by being honest with our practice- try new things and don’t be afraid to tell them. Afterall we do it for them. #nyedchat
A4. Another main obstacle is lack of voice. We all want to play a role in the work of learning. We need to feel heard and acknowledged for us to truly learn. #NYEDChat
A4. Finally, I would say the opportunity to take action. I don't tend to learn deeply if I don't have the opportunity to try something out or put something into practice! #NYEDChat
A4 transforming thinking is hard. So many Ts are timid to change their practice out of fear of failure. The longer you are teaching the more you see trends come and go. Have faith in yourself as a leaner and remember that failure is often part of the process #NYEDChat
A3. A healthy learning environment needs to be taught, discussed, and modeled daily. And we can teach children that we are learners by being honest with our practice- try new things and don’t be afraid to tell them. Afterall we do it for them. #nyedchat
A3 I allow my failures to be visible. We are ALL learners. I fail forward, I own it, I seek help and resources from my #PLN and together we build each other up. #nyedchat
A4: An obstacle to learning is fear because learning can create discomfort & can come as a result of failing, which are both unsettling. We need to put learning at the center of our work each day! Learner first; educator second! #NYEDChat
A4. As for removing obstacles? I like to do my best to give everyone the chance to voice ideas and to be a guiding hand rather than one that sets a direction. And, I'm a fan of try it before you buy into it. :) #NYEDChat
A4 Well to bring a psychological perspective strong aversive antecedent stimulus control results in: 1.Hyperarousal, 2. Escape/avoidance, and 3. Operant suppression, that is the range of new behaviors we try to acquire in the presence of an aversive declines sharply.#NYEdChat
A4 Trying something different in your classroom to get students engaged. Not all students learn the same way we need to figure out ways to meet all learners! Not be afraid to FAIL! #nyedchat
That is such a wonderful tool. I used a newsletter with our staff as a principal too to spotlight best practices in our building. That was inspired by @ToddWhitaker! #NYEDChat
In reply to
@Laura_Jennaro, @donald_gately, @PrincipalJ, @ToddWhitaker
A4 Like students, we get attached to images of what we “should” be (smart, knowledgeable, likable, fun) and what we “can’t” do (lose control, upset anyone, not know an answer, mishandle a situation). We can learn to accept uncomfortable feelings as part of learning. #NYEDChat
A4 - feeling like you have to do it all - every newfangled technology and teaching methodology because they're all so interesting and amazing. Though I'll never stop reinventing myself! #nyedchat
A4 TIME! I’m adding books to my nightstand faster than I can read them!....I have started listening to books (I’m receptive to other suggestions in this area though haha) #nyEDchat
It always goes back to time - I'd love to spend more hours digging deep into what I want to learn more about but sometimes schedules are dictated by other mandates...always working on a balance #nyedchat
A4. Satisfied with the status quo. Students have learned this way for years. Sharing research on best practices and having innovative teachers turn key strategies that have increased student learning & understanding. #NYEDChat
It always goes back to time - I'd love to spend more hours digging deep into what I want to learn more about but sometimes schedules are dictated by other mandates...always working on a balance #nyedchat
A4. Satisfied with the status quo. Students have learned this way for years. Sharing research on best practices and having innovative teachers turn key strategies that have increased student learning & understanding. #NYEDChat
A4 TIME, fear of failure and fear of change-perseverance, relying on trusted colleagues, and willingness to learn from others no matter what their position #nyedchat
A4: Sometimes districts put things in place to hinder open access to learning. Twitter blocked on cell phones. Sites blocked on devices. One size fits all PD. Etc. #nyedchat
A5 - through learning and leading I have learned to listen more. When I am doing more of the taking it is a good self cue to stop, listen and learn from people. #NYEDChat
We also connected with a HS class in Monterrey, Mexico and participated in a debate/dialogue over issues such as gun control, immigration etc. Ss were able to share opinions and learn to disagree without being disagreeable. #nyedchat
In reply to
@Laura_Jennaro, @deboer_katie, @QuesnellLinda, @Samantha_Cusick, @WMSpalexopoulos, @wms_akeup
A5 I’ve learned I don’t always have to serve as the expert or act detached and “professional.” I can be an equal, vulnerable, sharing participant among students and colleagues. #NYEDChat
A5: To somewhat quote Matthew McConaughey, my learning forces me to chase a better version of myself in the future. I focus each day on improving. https://t.co/6a1pgO6VZQ#nyedchat
A5: I am a totally different educator & leader today than I was 5 or 10 years ago because of the connections I have established. Being part of a virtual community of practice was the game changer for me! #NYEDchat
A3 - be present when Ts are learning. Be involved. Be the lead learner. Share my learning. Read each day. If it is good enough for them it is good for me. If it is good for me I need to share it with them. #NYEDChat
A5 Taking yourself out of your comfort zone. Try something new! Talk to colleagues, learn from each other! Be open to learning to model the behavior for students! #nyedchat
A5 I feel like I am constantly changing and growing from the relationships I've made in my district as well as my #PLN I look forward to continuing to learn, share, & grow together #nyEdChat
#nyedchat A5 continue to learn and get better because of chats like this. Learning from professionals in NY. Some many creative ideas that can make me better. Thanks for letting me jump in from Indiana! We are all in this together.
A5 oh dear this is one that hits home! I have become so much more empathetic as I listen and support through new and/or difficult endeavors working to put my personal opinions aside. #NYEDchat
A5: I wish I could have a do over of the years before I became connected! Thanks to transformational leaders and my PLN, I renewed my passion for teaching #nyedchat
Finding those turn key teachers is key. Have others watch them and see the students grow and learn. Peer observation with collaborative planning can work with this too! #nyEDchat
A5. Everyday, I learn something new. Through building relationships, coll., sharing ideas, talking to Ss and listening to their stories and hearing their proj. that they are sharing. #nyedchat
#nyedchat A5 continue to learn and get better because of chats like this. Learning from professionals in NY. So many creative ideas that can make me better. Thanks for letting me jump in from Indiana! We are all in this together.
A5. More reflective on my interactions with students, teachers, support staff, & parents. More committed to my own learning - try to read @ least one book a month (lofty goal for this working mom :) )! #NYEDChat
A5 having trusted colleagues is critical to grow as a learner. The voices of experience helped me tremendously as a new teacher and now I pay it forward with new teachers. Teaching is isolating at times and knowing that you have support from others is key. #NYEDChat
A5: Being connected has been transformative for me as an educator and a learner - I am humbled everyday to call such inspiring humans my friends and colleagues! #nyedchat
A5 I learn everyday-more about the ppl I work with, more about leadership, more about what is best for our kids-Never stop learning and growing #nyedchat
A5: My PLN has transformed my practice - my Voxer groups especially allow for ideas to be shared, questions asked and thinking pushed - the trust established among members provides a safe place to be vulnerable #nyedchat
Reflaction: Action 2 take based on this chat: continuing to spread the power of asynchronous professional connections & wonder - See article at https://t.co/u6Tr82nA6n#NYEDChat
I agree, I have met so many amazing EDUs virtually here first and then in person. Some have become my mentors and teachers and more importantly, friends. #nyedchat
Tomorrow I will add an I am currently reading line to my signature! I will also have a meaningful conversation with someone else’s timeline driving the conversation with a member of my community. Thank you #nyEDchat from #principalamy from Toronto, 🇨🇦
Reflaction-Tomorrow I will follow some of the great edus on this chat, get back to my positive "sticky" notes for staff, and check out the links ppl shared #nyedchat
Thank you #NYEDChat for an amazing night! I have to cut out a few minutes early. Thank you @donald_gately & @danieldmccabe - love collaborating with you!
Loving #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay and I plan to add what I am currently reading to my email signature. Just have to remember to update it as I finish the books. #nyEdChat
A2: Sometimes difficult conversations need to happen for the purpose of promoting good practice. Cannot be taken personally. If that happens, relationship repair is needed. Choose words carefully! #nyedchat