#FLedchat is a virtual meeting place using Twitter. Educators across the state of Florida come together on Wednesdays at 8pm EST to discuss the topics of the week.
I can only hang for a few but: Ben from NC. 5th grade cat herder. Supporting my Pencil Pal @kmichellehowell on this rainy evening and chatting with some new peeps. sup #FLedchat peeps!!??
Hello, #FLedChat! Excited for this topic and for @kmichellehowell to moderate! Lauren, not from FL. I write about empowering students and teachers to make school meaningful.
Hey, hey #FLedChat! Michelle, School Librarian from Middle TN here! Happy to be guest moderating! On a rainy night, I like to curl up with a good book!
Hey, hey #FLedChat! Michelle, School Librarian from Middle TN here! Happy to be guest moderating! On a rainy night, I like to curl up with a good book!
A1: Creating (I feel) is highest form of learning. Therefore creativity is the ability that humans have to consider problems, critically think, and authentically produce. #FLEdChat
A1: Creativity is an individual problem solving technique. The way you solve the problem at hand. That problem may be a blank canvas, a ball of string, or a blank page. #FLedChat
A1: In the classroom: Allowing someone to show understanding of a concept in a new or different way. Also allowing Ss to demonstrate a passion or skill of a certain thing. Doesn't necessarily have to be academic. Creating a new thing or modifying an old thing #FLedchat
A1. To me, creating and making are synonymous. It could mean changing one (or more) objects into something else, re-purposing something, or creating something new like a work of art. #FLedChat
A2: A teacher needs creative space in order to focus the energy on the students in the room. Kids can create when they are given the room and perhaps the okay to be... #FLEdChat
A2: To slightly steal from Dene, creativity is one of the highest forms of learning, if you can take ideas and apply them to creating something new, WHAM-O you've got some high level learning #FLEdChat#whamoisatechnicalterm
Creativity is different for each person ... discovering something new ... a new perspective ... an interpretation ... all requires a sense of creativity #fledchat
A2 My best lessons and projects are usually my most creative—approaching learning in a different way—and it seems like the more creative I am in designing student experiences, the more creative they are during that experience.
A2: To slightly steal from Dene, creativity is one of the highest forms of learning, if you can take ideas and apply them to creating something new, WHAM-O you've got some high level learning #FLEdChat#whamoisatechnicalterm
A2: Creativity definitely also allows for people to 'show off' a little bit and share their passion - where creativity and learning meet, that's an exciting place! #FLEdChat
A2: I believe (as a newbie 2nd yr teacher) we grow if we are allowed or encouraged to explore different ways of learning. It is tough for us at times in Public Ed to meet "standards" and "percents" and be creative without admin freaking out. #FLedchat
A2: Creativity and education go hand in hand! I TRY to let students think for themselves and not spoon feed everything to them.. inspire them to be more independent thinkers! #FLedChat
A2.2: Students are able to grow as a result of creative learning and teaching. New teachers need to be lead in this as well as veterans. Authentic learning happens when we are prepared and have an end goal. But that process can look really crazy to the outsider. #FLedchat
i have a different approach ... I design nothing for my students ... I do create opportunities for them ... create opportunities for them to create their own learning experience #fledchat
But seriously I know what you mean. Results can change that narrative...if given even a small space to try... you know? I know I don't know the situation exactly there... #FLEdChat
Ok #FLEdChat, I've got to dip out early tonight- do me a favor and check out my post on creativity v. consumption before you sign off! https://t.co/AU3sIgSu5D
Well, my admin means well and it is nerve racking when we constantly perform lower than normal. BUT, maybe that is a reason to try some different learning styles. ? #FLedchat
You are exactly right Ben. If what we've "always done" (hate that phrase) has not worked, it's time to take a bigger step and maybe in another direction altogether. #FLEdChat
A3: No. A game or show may inspire another to create their own. Nonstop watching/gaming is different. Thought, some games require creativity to play. #fledchat
Can you write that book for me? I would buy several copies! haha! I am really working on motivation right now in my Ss. I have tried to add in some self directed independent learning this year. Some has went well, some not so well. But I love em #FLedchat
A3: Not wrong, just needs to be balanced with creative exercises as well. While some games allow for divergent thinking, most movies/games are just meant to entertain and don't provide huge value. It's the WHAT you are consuming that matters. #FLEdChat
A3: It is totally normal to take in content. However, as educators we need to support our students in developing skills to become creators as well as supporting their passions. #FLEdChat
A3: The quality of content is so important with that scenario. All content is NOT created equal. It's just like we say with data entry... garbage in, garbage out. #FLEdChat
A3 Consuming is what we take from the world, often with little regard for consequences on ourselves, others, or the planet. Creating is what we give the world, in an act of love for ourselves, others, and the planet. #FLEdChat
A3: The quality of content is so important with that scenario. All content is NOT created equal. It's just like we say with data entry... garbage in, garbage out. #FLEdChat
A3: I’d be lying if I said I didn’t binge watch on Netflix every once in a while, but it worries me how much my boys/Ss talk about video games. They need to go outside more or create their own fun games! #enjoychildhood#FLedChat
I see your point, but I think there’s a difference between consumption and listening/learning. Also: consuming for the sake of self-kindness (like eating nutritious food) vs. self-indulgence. #FLEdChat
A4: Maybe it is inquiry-based learning. Asking relevant questions to stimulate thinking. Challenging them to think beyond what we already have to "see" what we don't and may need. #FLEdChat
A4 To nudge students from consuming to creating, we can help them clarify their own values. How do they want to approach their learning? Their lives? Each other? What will they create that will have meaning and purpose, for themselves and in the world? #FLEdChat
A4: I think we need to change what we expect in 'work' If the old essay and report are the standard, where is the chance for creativity. But make it a video, or photo array, drawing, etc, then we encourage creativity.#fledchat
A4: I think students that are used to consuming>creating need a lot of guidance and need to feel they are safe to create, but at the same time, not too many boundaries to let them truly be creators. #fledchat
A4- i thought I wasn't creative for 20+ years. School taught me that Art was creativity. I don't draw so I can't be creative. It is so easy to stifle the creative part of a child's brain. We MUST enhance it. #fledchat
A4. For starters, we need to look at the ways we ask students to demonstrate their learning. They can be creating with our content. Then, build in time a few times a week to let them create. Once they get bitten by the creating bug, they will do more and more. #FLedChat
A4: We also have to provide them with opportunities to get creative! As teachers, we often always want to be in FULL control. Sometimes we (myself included) need to let go a little. #FLedChat
Yes! AND, I’d argue that essay-writing can be an extraordinarily creative endeavor—if our students read published essays and try some of the author’s’ techniques in their own writing about topics that matter, instead of filling out templates. #FLedchat
A5: in the media center I have more flexibility for centers. Blocks, legos, crayons; all to foster creativity. This month white legos to make snowflakes, felt and odds/ends to make snowmen, and Google Drawings for both. All forms of creation #fledchat
A5. In the library, I put out materials and the kids decide how to use them. The Deconstruction Zone is really popular right now--they love taking things apart and seeing what is inside--and then taking pieces home with them! #FLedChat
A5 We have an exercise in chapter 3 of EMPOWER Your Students where students figure out the purpose of an assignment and then creatively design their own assignment that serves that purpose while also serving their own values. #FLEdChat
Q6: I don’t get the opportunity to talk to a group of widespread superstars so I would love to ask this: how do YOU feel about using things like Fortnight to engage kids in the classroom? Yay or nay? #FLEdChat
A6. I am still developing plans, but I want the library at my school to be a hub of creativity, with kids learning about and creating things based on their interests. #FLedChat
No final thoughts other than THANK YOU @kmichellehowell for moderating and a shameless plug to check out my new project, a blog (that I am sticking with this time not like the last 3 times) at https://t.co/Ptd82BXsUS#FLedChat