CatholicEdChat is a twitter chat. Topics focus on discussions around educational issues for Catholic Educators and topics beneficial to Catholic Schools. We look forward to continuing to connect Catholic Educators online to discuss education and teaching with faith in our schools. The chat takes place on Saturday mornings. Time 9am EST.
#catholicedchat Carol Hartmann St. Patrick Catholic School, St. Charles, IL School Library Media Director + K-8 Technology Instruction @stpplmc My twitter is PD only to share with School Teaching and Tech staff.
Sean from Orland Pk IL. Trying to do #CatholicEdChat and #EduGladiators on Tweetdeck while watching a badminton fundraiser tourney at Glenbard East HS.
A1 - It is about thinking differently and grit. We chat about it alot but I set out this summer to offer "rubber to the road" activities to help build creativity in our classrooms. #creativities#catholicedchat
A1 - Here is today's #creativities Take a walk. Snap a picture of one thing that catches your eyes or looks beautiful. It really heightens your exploration skills! I have been collecting them I can't believe how much more I notice #mywalk#creativities#catholicedchat
A2 - Science teachers challenge the kiddos to take a vacant land in our town and devise and design what would would be the best choice to be there! #sd113a#catholicedchat
A2 #catholicedchat We have an 8 week enrichment program 2x a year for grades 3-5 with different courses for the students to choose from. The teachers collaborate to design the courses
A2 Google Doc Journals for Reflection about CST; Catholic Virtues Search / Tags in Follett Book Reviews of Fiction across Genres; Patron of our LMC is St. Jerome: Where in the Non-fiction Word/World (God's Creation) is St. Jerome/Christ-Teaching? #catholicedchat
A2 - Anyone who will be at #ISTE18 my good friend @MrKosko will be faciltating STEM Challenge at the ICE Booth. All hands-on challenges... all activities you can bring straight to your classroom. #catholicedchat
A3: We are doing our first 'One Book, One Marian' this summer, and reading Tattoos on the Heart. Should make for an interesting time of connecting this fall. #CatholicEdChat
#catholicedchat Q3 I think some of most powerful ways to bring Religion into STREAM is having students examine real world problems connected to Catholic social justice teachings. @CatholicRelief is a great resource for this! Faith in Action! @USCCB
A3: Love Q3 in our social studies classes! For example when we had our discussion over immigration the first question we asked them was what does the church call for us to do? #catholicedchat
A3. Esp.with middle school, to make sure that what we create, make, design is for the good of others. Reflection and discussion about seeing God's hand in the world's design, science, math, etc. #CatholicEdChat
We challenged our STEAM Ss to solve our asphalt jungle and they came up with our garden project. We train our Ts, partner w/ Ed tech companies and start in K #CatholicEdChat
We had Fr Boyle out a few years ago. Last year we did a school read. on Just Mercy, Bryan Stevenson, and carried his work as a focus last year. #CatholicEdChat
I am seeing so many thoughtful answers on this question from Catholic leaders from @JamesMartinSJ to @USCCB now it's time for action and change! #CatholicEdChat
A2: We have utilized #minecraftedu to incorporate #stream lessons. Recreating our church , measuring and designing religious things, a working advent wreath. #CatholicEdChat
A3 #catholicedchat The 8th grade worked on a PBL project to design a living wall for our media center. When complete we had a prayer service to dedicate and bless the wall.
That's really cool. I love when we can get authors to come in and speak to our Ss. Brings a whole different perspective to what they're reading. #CatholicEdChat
Understandable these conversations are hard but I can thank my school people principal @KJFMLR! She wants us to have these amazing and challenging conversations! So it starts with strong leadership then trickles down from there #catholicedchat
Thank you for the great shares! This is what #CatholicEdChat is all about. Sharing and connecting. Getting our wheels turning for new ideas for the Fall. On to Q4
A3 My LMC EdTech Staff and I completed @sherry_weddell Catholic Spiritual Gifts Inventory to cross-train digital resources/services. We read Fruitful Discipleship and mapped our gifts/talents to new school mission: Welcoming+Personalized+Service #catholicedchat
We challenged our STEAM Ss to solve our asphalt jungle and they came up with our garden project. We train our Ts, partner w/ Ed tech companies and start in K #CatholicEdChat
A3 I haven't done this yet, but I really want to Ss to create projects in Digital Citizenship to connect w/ some current event and social justice issues.
So so true I couldn’t agree more so what we try to do is to have them respond in a journal. We ask for students to share but if they don’t their journal speaks for them. You can respond to them in their journals personally then make a reflection piece the next day #catholicedchat
Sam from Green Bay jumping in. For me- it is knowing the Gospels. Bible study helped me. I also make sure that each unit has an essential question that directed at faith and Catholic teaching. USCCB has wonderful documents to support our themes.
A4 The recycling bin!! My students are learning about the possibilities/limitations of working with different materials and it costs zippo.
I would stay thank you to @NCEATALK conference this year in Ohio! They address this head on last year and it was amazing! And I promise this is a conversation happening in every diocese across the nation #catholicedchat
The Archdioceseof Baltimore has chosen a theme of service for next year to get our Ss our and visible in the community doing service projects. Always looking for ideas!#CatholicEdChat
We talk & write a lot about current events and how we, as Catholics, think about what is going on in the world. My goal for this upcoming year is to take the next step and somehow bring about action and advocacy. I will share ideas as we work on this! #CatholicEdChat
A4. Iowa has great STEM resources at the state level. Extension offices lend out kits. AEA offices lend FOSS kits. I will have to seek out Nebraska resources! #CatholicEdChat
Our local @STLScienceCtr has an amazing maker space that got my ideas flowing for my classroom. Recycled vehicles, fun with wind, marble/ball runs. #CatholicEdChat
The Archdioceseof Baltimore has chosen a theme of service for next year to get our Ss our and visible in the community doing service projects. Always looking for ideas!#CatholicEdChat
#catholicedchat A4 more resources on STREAM from @NCEATALK Did you know next summer there will be a STREAM 3.0 Conference?! Details should be coming out in the fall :)
A5 Combining grade levels has been powerful - enables students who normally are not in a classroom together to make new connections with students across grade levels
A5 Collaborate for a learning/building project with a local electronics company - the engineers learn as much from my students as my students do from them. We built a bluetooth speaker together
A5: We our planning family #stream nights this upcoming year. The more parents, family, community members that are involved will help support our projects in the future. It helps create a wider influence when they understand what #stem#steam#stream is. #CatholicEdChat
A5 Working at a small school where I am the entire SS dept, it's essential that I work w/ the other depts! I've been bouncing ideas to my other Ts all summer long & sending them my calendar so we could see topics we could collaborate on #CatholicEdChat
A5. Invite speakers as experts. Take a tech or manufacturing or biology field trip. Collaborate with adult school groups on a project like @21stCenPrinKW did. #CatholicEdChat
#catholicedchat A4 more resources on STREAM from @NCEATALK Did you know next summer there will be a STREAM 3.0 Conference?! Details should be coming out in the fall :)
A3 our 6th grade religion teacher created a STREAM project where our students created their own arc of the covalent using the engineering design process. #catholicedchat
A5 STREAM Launch events after a 6 week design/build challenge includes the whole school community. These are very proud moments for the kids and shed light on their skills that are not always evident through traditional school work.
#catholicedchat A5 Think beyond your school community! Parishes, local businesses, government agencies and non-profits are often willing to help with specific tasks when asked. Its a great way to use real-world connections for kids and to invite more people to know your school
We had a master gardener who came in several times to work with our students on the living wall project. The students really enjoyed working with her and learned quite a bit. We have also had a Google Hangout with a chemist who worked on art restoration.
Great idea! My goal is for our Ss to utilize more the amazing resource of an amazing Catholic college right next door, @BenedictineKS. I'd love for Ss to contact profs as mentors for projects and (hopefully) for 20% Time. #CatholicEdChat
In reply to
@reenkberg, @21stCenPrinKW, @BenedictineKS
A6 I think what is most needed is time for collaboration. Opportunities are there for overlap, and working together, but teachers need the time and leeway with schedules to incorporate all of these areas. #catholicedchat
A6 While I know the whole process is S-centered & collaborative, I'd like some training in the areas where I'm weakest--notably the engineering part! I'd love PD where Ts can help each other improve their working knowledge of all the STREAM areas #catholicedchat
A5. You must develop your Ts. Create opportunities for them to experience the mindset of how STEAM projects should be approached and facilitated. #CatholicEdChat
A6 I created a video for parents to help them understand STREAM, which I have used several times with new teachers. It has made all the difference in helping them to just get started. Seeing the process made it manageable to find a comfortable starting place
So many local PD sessions are STEM or STEAM, it’s adding that “R” that seems to be the issue. So I am happy to hear @NCEATALK will be providing some PD. #catholicedchat
A6 I run STREAM PD for @steschool1. I found it was most important to cover the magnitude of NGSS and the complete a deep dive into the engineering design process. #catholicedchat