#elemchat Archive
Inspired by the brilliantly successful, powerful learning and collaboration opportunity that is the weekly #edchat, #elemchat was created to provide elementary (or primary) school educators with a venue for discussing issues and strategies that are specific to teaching in their context.
Saturday June 18, 2016 6:00 PM EDT
What are some ideas to extend student learning during the summer?
Our school gives summer informational fliers on educational websites and camps
Summer learning programs, encourage reading through the summer
Some schools I know have a "Summer Slide" offered to students to retain reading
i like the idea of biweekly twitter chats with students on educational topics
What a great way to help keep them thinking
My son is going to 1st grade. Looking for cool ideas for him this summer.
I teach at the HS level so not really aware of what's out there for young children
Try to pull in learning with any activity, Botanical Gardens- science, drawing conclusions
You could also have him keep a journal of summer adventures
I love the idea of field trips during the summer. Kids won't even realize they're learning
Awesome ideas! https://t.co/9hD4Uj9BD8
Try to pull in learning with any activity, Botanical Gardens- science, drawing conclusions
Biggest thing is to ask them "why" they think what they do about things
I guess the goal is to incorporate learning into every fun summertime activity
Summer slide is a week or 2 in the summer where they can come read at school and do activities
How can I make reading fun for a little boy going to the third grade?
Find an interest and then go with it
What reading strategies do you use for upper elementary? Reading to learn vs learning to read
I try to get books that interest him - legos and superheroes and he's hooked lol
When working on reading strategies, I usually focus on phonics and decoding.
When students master phonological and decoding skills, their reading levels seem to improve drastically!
My son (1st grader) is currently reading ON grade level. Any ideas to get him ABOVE grade level
Learning to read is so important. As a hs counselor, I see students struggle with all subjects bc their reading skills are low
I see it as well as a HS teacher. Every area is impacted when reading skills are low https://t.co/hyMCsZonkc
Learning to read is so important. As a hs counselor, I see students struggle with all subjects bc their reading skills are low
Yes, my son LOVES it, but the pacing can be a little slow for him sometimes
thank you. I might have to try it this summer