#neisdpln Archive
A group of dedicated educators gather each week to discuss best practices & designing the school of the future. @yankee_todd is a third year principal of the middle school in San Antonio. #neisdpln is an amazing hour each Monday night at 7:30 central time.
Monday October 24, 2016 8:30 PM EDT
Kristi Ryan 8th Grade American History Wood Middle School. Very excited about tonight's discussion!
Bob Haak. AP at AHJS crashing the party again.
Victor. Principal at West Avenue. Do...as much as I can day in and day out. Excited about the learning we are going to do.
Wes Ryan, Instructional Technology Specialist.
Matt Heine, Wood MS, 7th/8th History
Kristi Avella, 5th grade, Woodstone
is officially in the building!
Todd, Principal at Bradley!
Katheryn Cline Social Studies Instructional Coach Wood MS
- Thanks for joining us tonight
3 8th Grade History Peeps at Wood in the house! Love it! Gald you are here! and
Gabriel Carrillo. ITS for NEISD
Steve Magadance, lead-learner
Lisa Felan- Woodstone ES- Kinder :-)
Jamie Dohme 5th grade Woodstone elementary
Erica Castillo, 6th grade math in AH. Crashing your party with
Wood Middle School with a strong presence tonight. Can anyone top Woodstone?
I know we have some trollers out there. Join as u can. Don't be afraid to take a step out of your comfort zone. We'll help you
Good evening! It's good to be here and represent
Come on let's do it https://t.co/M3tazev7QY
Wood Middle School with a strong presence tonight. Can anyone top Woodstone?
Tonight we will be using the Q1 and A1 format. Be sure to use the hashtag after each comment
Denise Olguin Woodstone 3rd grade
Also, please be sure to follow the & educators you see here tonight.
Jennifer Heine - Instructional Tech Fox Run, Northern Hills, Steubing Ranch and Thousand Oaks
Well said https://t.co/xLrMYfvpee
I know we have some trollers out there. Join as u can. Don't be afraid to take a step out of your comfort zone. We'll help you
Meredith Peterson Woodstone Kinder
Question #1 coming up soon
Ok... first time at participating in a chat…
Cindy at Instructional Technology
Good evening, . Nice to see you here.
Q1: What is the biggest benefit of homework in regards to student success?
Welcome Patsy! Representing West Avenue.
Kandra 2nd grade woodstone
A1 It can reinforce skills learned in class
glad you are online tonight1
A1: flipped classroom- providing classroom experience at home for students AND parents
A1: homework is a great tool for reinforcement of skills learned. It is also a great way to let parents know what is going on.
Jenni Stewart, Instructional Intervention Teacher at Huebner
A1: It helps practice learned concepts. It should only confirm what the teacher already should know about the student's ability.
A1. If well thought out and meaningful it can reinforce what is being learned in class
Lesley Achterberg, Woodstone, 3rd grade
Confirm what the teacher already knows -- interesting https://t.co/Kb4dAo3ihE
A1: It helps practice learned concepts. It should only confirm what the teacher already should know about the student's ability.
A1 I feel that it keeps parents connected to what we are doing in class and aware of what we are learning.
A1: Homework needs to planned with a purpose. Needs to have meaning and relevance to Ss. Used to let Ts know what Ss know.
- well said -- having a purpose !
Keeps students thinking about your content outside of school, if done well. https://t.co/qki6S3mDZz
Q1: What is the biggest benefit of homework in regards to student success?
Unfortunately, many people see it as "something to put in the gradebook."The big benefit of it homework is parent communication.
A1: Gives students a chance to demonstrate mastery of a concept in an independent setting, also in various formats
A1: teaches responsibility, shows parents skills learned, reinforces our day
- welcome! Thanks for joining us!
So far we all agree that homework has value when purposeful and well planned.
A1 hard ? w/o knowing what the hwork is...relevant, meaningful, or busy?
I like the parent connection component. https://t.co/mxzq9MK3TS
A1 I feel that it keeps parents connected to what we are doing in class and aware of what we are learning.
Makes me wonder then what the purpose of it is. https://t.co/RFazz3fbg0
Confirm what the teacher already knows -- interesting https://t.co/Kb4dAo3ihE
A1: It helps practice learned concepts. It should only confirm what the teacher already should know about the student's ability.
Love your title "Lead-Learner"
A1. It needs to be meaningful to the student so they know what they need to learn/reinforce and why
Well said .
Why is it given? https://t.co/kwEiWgUpdQ
A1 hard ? w/o knowing what the hwork is...relevant, meaningful, or busy?
A1: Keeping parents involved in their learning. Let's them see how we teach and the strategies we use.
Welcome! so great to have you join
The Why is key. Has to have value ! https://t.co/AmwkhnrUPd
A1. It needs to be meaningful to the student so they know what they need to learn/reinforce and why
- maybe you can explain Victor?
If the parents look at it https://t.co/icJtZEawlx
A1: Keeping parents involved in their learning. Let's them see how we teach and the strategies we use.
Don't know if I agree. It's not for the benefit of the parents. A phone call does a better job. Don't you think?
Tonight will spark some wonderful discussions on homework. This is going to be fun! Question #2 coming up.
Great points. Should help students and teacher identify strength and weaknesses. https://t.co/RTpyQrI4Ae
A1. It needs to be meaningful to the student so they know what they need to learn/reinforce and why
so happy you are here tonight!
Helps the psrents see the different strategies used. Can't do that over the phone...
A1. I also believe the student needs to know the TEACHER values this therefore they should value what they are being asked to do.
Interesting point, additionally not all kids have parental support. https://t.co/hlKCcDkmsl
Don't know if I agree. It's not for the benefit of the parents. A phone call does a better job. Don't you think?
Q2: A student is assigned 20 questions for homework. They complete 8 & they are all correct. What grade should the SS receive?
A1 homework can be a window into the classroom, so parents can be invited to peer in
Our next few questions will touch on our own core values and beliefs on homework & grading?
A1: no grade, more supprt
I don;t think homework should be graded in elementary school. https://t.co/9YMhCDchPN
Q2: A student is assigned 20 questions for homework. They complete 8 & they are all correct. What grade should the SS receive?
A2 I feel 20 questions is a lot for HW. I think 8 correct questions shows mastery and should be count down correct.
like the idea of for Ss & parents https://t.co/eaN2FGRxid
A1: flipped classroom- providing classroom experience at home for students AND parents
A1: I never take a grade on homework knowing that some kids don't have that parent support. I check for understanding only.
A2: Should the HW be "graded?" https://t.co/pOThU9VSF0
Q2: A student is assigned 20 questions for homework. They complete 8 & they are all correct. What grade should the SS receive?
A2.. I don't grade homework so I'm out on this question:)
A2 If all 8 address the same standard, the student is accomplished!
A2 Although I don't "grade" HW, I would give a 100. I don't need 20 correct answers when 8 suffice.
Lots of discussion on if the homework should be graded at all. Interesting?
A2: no grades in elementary. Happy teacher for eight correct with work shown!
A2. Does HW have to be for a grade? If it is practice of skills and they demonstrate mastery in 8 problems then why did I give 20
A2: Acknowledge the work they completed. You shouldn't grade homework. You can assess mastery of a concept with just one problem.
A2. I would probably have Ss choose x number out of 20. 20 is too many so they would get 100.
A2. Tough,it would depend on the TEKS. If all on the same TEKS then bad assignment on teacher & student really knows it well.
A2 Tricky question. T and Ss need to know the purpose. Was it for reinforcement? https://t.co/7bff7y4LWf
Q2: A student is assigned 20 questions for homework. They complete 8 & they are all correct. What grade should the SS receive?
A student can demonstrate mastery with just one problem. https://t.co/eJDenFLy7o
A2. Does HW have to be for a grade? If it is practice of skills and they demonstrate mastery in 8 problems then why did I give 20
A2: No grades in elementary. Just focus on mastery of the content
A2 no grades on homework, but am happy if they try.
Alicia Luebbers 4th Woodstone
Lots of discussion that reflects on our practice as educators with this question.
A2: If you have 20 Qs, I would like to know how many cover the same standard. Perhaps have kids select Qs that vary in difficulty?
Jumping in late! Good evening! Carol, principal at Huebner ES
Hard part - how to make it meaningful to Ss https://t.co/5zqJw1f05K
A1. It needs to be meaningful to the student so they know what they need to learn/reinforce and why
A2: Homework should be a means to gauge comprehension and understanding. Full credit.
A2. As a coach I don't need my players to do a drill 20 times if they showed mastery in 8. Move on and lets master something else
Q3: A student doesn't do any homework but passes all your assessments? Do/Should they pass your class?
HMWK in middle school, at least for me, is not assigned often and rarely goes in the gradebook. https://t.co/gBrEO1SRO6
I don;t think homework should be graded in elementary school. https://t.co/9YMhCDchPN
Q2: A student is assigned 20 questions for homework. They complete 8 & they are all correct. What grade should the SS receive?
Should the HW be independent enough that they don't need parental support?
Still waiting for the question about the negative impact of homework on Ss.
agree, I still check the homework and give them credit for trying.
If you use the flipped model, homework just primes the pump for the next day
this is back to relationship building between T & S https://t.co/zdV0K0r1PS
A1. I also believe the student needs to know the TEACHER values this therefore they should value what they are being asked to do.
A3: Depends on your district's policy. Personally, I say yes, student passes. They demonstrated mastery on your tool for assessing.
Why do students do homework for some classes and not others? Not really a question as much as it is a statement.
A2. They can get credit for attempting to try the homework and taking the time to work on it if they didn't understand it.
Elementary doesn't grade homework, so I'm out as a teacher. As a parent i wonder why homework is more important than the tests.
A3 a sweater elem teacher I don't grade HW but I would think yes
A3: Yes! Ss passed my assessments, they clearly demonstrated mastery. My HM was clearly not needed for their growth.
A3: The students pass the class but the % gets knocked down a bit. Homework should not be more than 10% of a final grade.
That is an excellent point ! https://t.co/BYlKimw81w
Elementary doesn't grade homework, so I'm out as a teacher. As a parent i wonder why homework is more important than the tests.
A3: yes they pass, show me what you know and you did. You mastered my teks!
A3 Yes. They don't need the reinforcement. Why get into the power struggle. If grades skip, argument for hw increases.
A2 (pt2): Flip the scenario. How often do we get frustrated as adults about the # of times we have to document 1 thing?
Power struggle -- excellent point. https://t.co/5yXwyCMC8p
A3 Yes. They don't need the reinforcement. Why get into the power struggle. If grades skip, argument for hw increases.
A3: Absolutely! Isn't this at the heart of DI? https://t.co/bChY5RItZ5
Q3: A student doesn't do any homework but passes all your assessments? Do/Should they pass your class?
back to Q1 meaningful, relevant...
A3: Definitely. You've shown mastery.
A2 - or it is used as a formative with no grade given
Again, if the HW doesn't address S needs then value doesn't occur. Create alternate assignment to challenge student. S passes.
A3. As a parent, hmwrk grades sometimes helps out the child who is a bad test taker. Students who pass exams should pass the class
Good point. Formative assessment should be telling Ts all along how the Ss is doing. https://t.co/PHklVmpMBE
A2 - or it is used as a formative with no grade given
Q4: Often times SS don't finish hmwk b/c they do not understand. What resources do you provide to assist SS outside of school?
A1- the benefit of homework runs the gamut from nil to massive. depends on the demo/needs/ expectations of the adm. and Ps, Ss
A2: at MS/HS level, possibly give students option to make a quick video that shows how to solve 2-3 problems instead of doing 20
- Love this point Bob! How do you provide DI in the classroom to push students?
A3. Wins and losses aren't dictated in practice, games assess mastery of skill.
So what do we give these students to push their growth? https://t.co/sHCMWgwQ3m
A3: Yes! Ss passed my assessments, they clearly demonstrated mastery. My HM was clearly not needed for their growth.
I think that homework keeps parents involved which is crucial to student success.
We are at a time when all of my content can be in video form to support all students and some parents
A4: flip the classroom videos. Can watch at home or before/after school in class.
A4: Early check in to classrooms. Ts are in their rooms early to provide extra support before class starts.
Absolutely. We need to remember not all kids are going home to parental support at night. https://t.co/kgLFvoqdeq
Should the HW be independent enough that they don't need parental support?
A2: if not grading at MS/HS, why do it as a S? Possibly allow Ss to use homework during assessment as motivation to complete
A4 My Ss have access to Bloomz, Google Classroom, and we flip our classes at least once a week. HW should not be new work w/o flip
I think that is the question. We want to see if they have mastered the cont., but do we take time from inst?
A4:small group reinforcement but them not understanding should not be a surprise.We should know our kids & where the struggles lie
A4: And that's early. Our doors open at 6:55 a.m. . ...then there's. Continued in next tweet.
A4: And that's early. Our doors open at 6:55 a.m. . ...then there's. Continued in next tweet.
A4: Ss are welcome to come in before school. I often have a small group that needs that reinforcement but have no one at home.
A3. Yes because they are getting what they from the lessons and succeeding in their assessments.
Do you think this is the case with secondary students?
What would you say to someone who says - They won't come in for tutoring? https://t.co/hphTpwisGA
A4: Ss are welcome to come in before school. I often have a small group that needs that reinforcement but have no one at home.
A4: There's more than one way to check for understanding. Would you liked to be evaluated based on one form?
A3: Not sure about the pass even though homework wasn't turned in. We complain about the role of tests, this could contradict that
- always comes down to relationships!
Like said, small group, or if the whole class didn't seem to get it, I'll re-teach.
A4. Student morning appt book, school email, conversation about difficulties, and empathy because life happens.
A4. At the secondary level Ss take it upon themselves to create study groups using facetime and skype.
Empathy ! Might be tweet of the night https://t.co/9W37h717O5
A4. Student morning appt book, school email, conversation about difficulties, and empathy because life happens.
A2- I see homework as an informal assessment, so this shows that the student needs more support. HW should not be graded.
I have seen this and it is really cool! https://t.co/B9NliEVLJl
A4. At the secondary level Ss take it upon themselves to create study groups using facetime and skype.
life does happen. Ts must be flexible and understanding
A4: Tutoring opportunities w/ various teachers. Peer tutoring. Flipped classroom model (in some contents). In-class support.
Although, homework shouldn't be a new skill; it's something that we've gone over several times in class.
A4. Flipped classroom helps students at home with explanations about the homework, students also have access to google classroom.
Lots of discussion tonight on relationships, checking for understanding & knowing our students.
A4 I keep a blog with instructional video (often to help the parents!), Bloomz, & google classroom.
Unfortunately, this is what STAAR does to our kids. https://t.co/Kk4JCjKe8q
A4: There's more than one way to check for understanding. Would you liked to be evaluated based on one form?
I use screencasting a lot to help our staff. Then if they forget something they have that to fall back on.
Those 3 things are at the core of what we do as educators. Why else are are we in this business? https://t.co/A5WiTR2IAq
Lots of discussion tonight on relationships, checking for understanding & knowing our students.
Q5: A student should be allowed to redo any assignment or assessment for a higher grade (on their own time) . Thoughts?
And to us as educators of students.
A5: Totally agree! If they are taking initiative, then I want them to get credit.
A5: Heck yes. After all, what are we after? Mastery or timeliness?
Taking initiative! https://t.co/AUcmkXAr4J
A5: Totally agree! If they are taking initiative, then I want them to get credit.
T-PESS is multifaceted. But no one likes one sided anythings.
As a parent, I see my son spending many hours completing projects, but not a lot of feedback.
A5: DEFINITELY if they are motivated and want to do better who are we to decline that. Don't we always try to be better?
Good point -- what is the feedback? https://t.co/xJePoM2Dzb
As a parent, I see my son spending many hours completing projects, but not a lot of feedback.
Yes we do! Well said! https://t.co/2uZRB6E2nh
A5: DEFINITELY if they are motivated and want to do better who are we to decline that. Don't we always try to be better?
A5 I agree Ss should be able to redo work, but there needs to be a time limit.
A5: Absolutely. Not all students' hamsters spin the wheel at the same time.
Do you ever wworry about cheating on a redo? https://t.co/dlHtHof2Iy
A5: Totally agree! If they are taking initiative, then I want them to get credit.
A5. No but can do targeted TEKS activities to strengthen missed TEKS for points awarded.
A5 Ss are able to correct work to a 70. I do allow extra time as needed to prevent qs not being answed.
The second assessment could be an oral assessment by the teacher - an alternate assignment. What else?
A5 Part 2: Ss are not all ready to learn our content based on our scope and sequence's timeliness. https://t.co/rXpkWiYLUZ
Q5: A student should be allowed to redo any assignment or assessment for a higher grade (on their own time) . Thoughts?
No more than I would worry about cheating on the first assignment. Tests are typically redone in class.
An alternate assessment should be given the second time around.
I would want them to explain random problems to check for understanding.
A4 I have a blog with helpful hints, access to their math book with tutorials .
A5 Definitely, if they are taking the time to correct then they should get the credit.
My man says -- planes don't take off on time, Doctor's are late & we still pay full price. Does this relate to us?
A different product that demonstrates the assessed TEKS. https://t.co/Y9KHTHmiU0
The second assessment could be an oral assessment by the teacher - an alternate assignment. What else?
Lots of forward thinking folks. But all this takes time & creates extra work for Ts. How do we balance this for T?
Might not be bad to create a menu of options at the start of each unit. https://t.co/5pbYH3i5IO
The second assessment could be an oral assessment by the teacher - an alternate assignment. What else?
A5 absolutely! problem I've had is parents redo the assignment & the student still has no clue. I prefer an in class reteach.
I think teachers are held to a different standard. https://t.co/dU2UHBu8c6
My man says -- planes don't take off on time, Doctor's are late & we still pay full price. Does this relate to us?
A sketch that shows understanding of a concept? https://t.co/r0WgdgpLxp
The second assessment could be an oral assessment by the teacher - an alternate assignment. What else?
I've always thought a bank of grade levels questions related to TEKS would be a great asset. Would be easy to do with Google.
Cristin Foreman -Woodstone - 5th
A5: I don't always know all the answers the first time. Why should i expect my kids to know.
Can you explain? https://t.co/8S1v3kei5O
I think teachers are held to a different standard. https://t.co/dU2UHBu8c6
My man says -- planes don't take off on time, Doctor's are late & we still pay full price. Does this relate to us?
A5. I would not retake test but retake strand/TEKS, discuss how/why S answered wrong, knowledge/processing skill/verbage
I agree, I often do the in class re-teach, then you can see if they really understand.
This is a great night -- sharing our thoughts and challenging each other.
I vote for DI as an upcoming topic! I would love to get feedback from this group on differentiation. https://t.co/IFzc6GRRTr
A5: Absolutely. Not all students' hamsters spin the wheel at the same time.
Q6: What should a grade on a report card tell us?
Next week? https://t.co/RrlVm2yOTN
I vote for DI as an upcoming topic! I would love to get feedback from this group on differentiation. https://t.co/IFzc6GRRTr
A5: Absolutely. Not all students' hamsters spin the wheel at the same time.
A6: I have a third grade dual student. I would love to see which TEKS she had mastered. Grades don't do it for me.
A5. I feel this depends on their efforts shown in the classroom. If you see all the attempts and no success then def. Yes!
LIke the idea. https://t.co/d8rhdBuCVO
I vote for DI as an upcoming topic! I would love to get feedback from this group on differentiation. https://t.co/IFzc6GRRTr
A5: Absolutely. Not all students' hamsters spin the wheel at the same time.
A6: how a student accomplished teks taught in that time period.nothing more or less.
A6: I'm not convinced a grade really tells us anything. https://t.co/z4cLpJCW5k
Q6: What should a grade on a report card tell us?
A6- we were talking about this today. The RC needs to show what the child is truly capable of in that content area
A6:For Ts nothing new. For Ps nothing new. There should be constant communication between school and home. No surprises for anyone.
A6. The report card should show the Ss level of mastery not the Ss level of participation (i.e. missing assignments)
I have HS student no think grades need to reflect mastery of subject knowledge. https://t.co/8KmpAFdv7s
A6: I have a third grade dual student. I would love to see which TEKS she had mastered. Grades don't do it for me.
A6: Nothing surprising. Parent communication is ongoing, not every nine weeks.
A6: How successful/where a student is currently at in demonstrating mastery of the content that's been covered.
A6 Grades tell us how "good" of a sts a child is, not really the growth and effort of the sts. Someone's A is someone's C!
A6: A RC should tell us what our Ss know. Currently, they tell us how compliant our Ss are. We need to move to SBG.
A6: For Ss, it should set the platform for areas on which to work on. Again, no surprises for them either.
A6: Does the grade represent what they truly know? Or what they know and how compliant they are?
A3. I give parents ideas for conversation starters. This allows SS to have continuity at home and school.
A6 I'm afraid it is how compliant they are.
A6. Should does not = does It should represent the level of mastery and love of learning the teacher has created for the student.
This is on reason why "A" students go off to college and struggle.
Sad, but true. Do you feel it applies to quality of instruction from Ts? Title vs. non title? https://t.co/GrdtcW0ziM
A6 I'm afraid it is how compliant they are.
Wrapping up the hour tonight.
Agreed - hard to do though with 150+ Ss https://t.co/kEZBcaTNUH
A6: Nothing surprising. Parent communication is ongoing, not every nine weeks.
A6: Can a single number capture 9 (or 8 or 11) weeks worth of work and content? https://t.co/JGD7c0dz1P
Q6: What should a grade on a report card tell us?
Lots of good discussion & debate on homework and grading.
And that's why grades mean virtually nothing. Where are the days of student portfolios? https://t.co/cquFFeXBHm
understand each nine weeks isnt the same.Some grades may be higher due 2 more interest and success in that material being taught
That is easier than ever with Google and apps like SeeSaw.
Say it ain't so. We'll have to wait until next week. Thanks for moderating
A6 - this question assumes a lot about the types of assessments used...can a MC tst truly measure mastery?
Q7: A SS turns in 5 assignments. He forgets the 6th. His grades average a 93 (the first 5) With the 0, its a 78. Thoughts?
Yep thanks to all for another great evening!
Love the discussion tonight! Thank you for the thought provoking questions and moderating https://t.co/SkIkNcoaWu
Wrapping up the hour tonight.
A7. Drop the lowest grade.
A6. A grade on the RC should tell SS/PS capabilities and areas to grow.
Just had this happen with my own child. Not sure who lost the assignment, but I was not happy. Clearly she is mastering...
A7 I drop the lowest grade. Ts have bad days and so do Ss. One thing shouldn't break a kid!
How do we as an education community move towards SBG? Huge mindshift for all stakeholders. https://t.co/tVZ0lFg9Tw
Unfortunately with multiple units in a grading period it just tells Ss a percentage. W/Out sbg the Ss don't know wh… https://t.co/MpCeq8UEjS
A6: For Ss, it should set the platform for areas on which to work on. Again, no surprises for them either.
A7: There's a difference in mastery and responsibility. Where's the T to S communication?
come visit to see... https://t.co/dGTHXLgpcS
And that's why grades mean virtually nothing. Where are the days of student portfolios? https://t.co/cquFFeXBHm
understand each nine weeks isnt the same.Some grades may be higher due 2 more interest and success in that material being taught
A7: Unfair and unsupportive of the student's abilities and undestanding of the concept.
Amen sister. Put that one on the Ts and the Ps. https://t.co/7Nh9Ck8QHB
A7: There's a difference in mastery and responsibility. Where's the T to S communication?