Welcome on board the great #BookCampPD boat! We're ready to set sail w/ Jay Billy @JayBilly2 author of #LeadwithCulture
I am Meredith Johnson. Send your sailing hat flying high & introduce yourself. Add a little wind in our sails by inviting someone from your #PLN to join us!
#LeadwithCulture has so many amazing ideas to implement at your school or in your classroom. Let's start out by knowing you will create one goal you would like to implement at the end of the chat. #BookCampPD
Welcome on board the great #BookCampPD boat! We're ready to set sail w/ Jay Billy @JayBilly2 author of #LeadwithCulture
I am Meredith Johnson. Send your sailing hat flying high & introduce yourself. Add a little wind in our sails by inviting someone from your #PLN to join us!
Hello everyone! Anthony Meals from the Blizzard swept land of Kansas! 8-12 Ag Educator and bus driver, blessed life! Excited for chat tonight! Year's been a lot to chew on...that said its been a great one this far! Double dipping with #teachpos and #BookCampPD
Hello everyone! Anthony Meals from the Blizzard swept land of Kansas! 8-12 Ag Educator and bus driver, blessed life! Excited for chat tonight! Year's been a lot to chew on...that said its been a great one this far! Double dipping with #teachpos and #BookCampPD
A1: It all starts at the front door. How we greet the kids as they enter. How the front office staff responds to the public and the teachers. All of this is most important in setting the tone of a positive culture. #BookCampPD#LeadLAP#CultureMatters
A1: to shift the culture I would remove all classroom doors (if I didn't have to worry about security). We need to open up and share all the wonderful learning and teaching that is happening in our rooms. #bookcampPD
A1: I can't say what I'd change at my current school- the culture is pretty positive! Previously, where I was, the one thing that had Ts down was the lack of autonomy! Let Ts have it, PLEASE! #bookcamppd
A1: I wouldn't change much inside the school but if I could change one thing, it would be that our perception/reputation matched all the great things inside our building! #BookCampPD
A1:As a small school hard for everyone in one place to do some great thinking and planning to best impact our students…I know this sounds crazy, but I would go to a four day week or maybe even one day as a half-day. Where that time was collaborative planning time. #BookCampPD
A1: Game Days! I think you can learn more about someone and develop camaraderie while playing games than anything else. I can't wait to play tabletop games with Ts tomorrow during planning & show them how to incorporate our games into their classes! #BookCampPD
A1: A focusing on foundational principles that will foster success is necessary for all organizations. Transparency and communication are essential to build trust and belief. #BookCampPd
Yes!! Morning greetings are more important than we realize. Sometimes our Ss come to schl after a challenging morning, or we might be the only smiling face they've seen since last time they were at schl. SO important! #bookcamppd
A1 I would have a rotating group of teachers welcoming students every day. We have a few at arrival outside and our admin inside but I’d love for teachers to see the excitement daily too. #BookCampPD
That is part of our job. PR. If great things are happening, we have to shout it out. I have told my staff and families, we can't be great until we talk about ourselves as great #BookCampPD
A1: I wouldn't change much inside the school but if I could change one thing, it would be that our perception/reputation matched all the great things inside our building! #BookCampPD
A1: the one thing I would change is to have all staff outside of their classrooms to greet students, parents, and staff. This builds a sense of community and interest in everyone. #BookCampPD
I agree. My school and current building are in good shape, but I think we can still shape things to serve each other as educators and our students' needs even better. #bookcamppd
A1: Gathering the voice of members, empowering their opportunities to contribute, and enabling individual and collection agency are essential in building culture. #BookCampPd
A1) I would change the expectations and standards that are held for actions and behavior to be clear enough that every staff member could act consistently. #bookcamppd
A1: the one thing I would change is to have all staff outside of their classrooms to greet students, parents, and staff. This builds a sense of community and interest in everyone. #BookCampPD
A1: Celebrations are important, so finding even more things to celebrate. Also collaboration w/staff to brainstorm even more ideas for engaging parents/families. #bookcamppd
A1: As with student feedback, the organization must adapt to individual needs, provide timely support, and be specific and targeted when communicating. #BookCampPd
Agree! One of the reasons I have encouraged and made a push to use social media more and more to promote our great students, teachers, and their achievements. #BookCampPD
A1: Sometimes the organizational levers, and bureaucratic processes need to be removed and/or streamlined if the barriers they create outweigh the support they attempt to offer to members. #BookCampPd
A1 We have started already but making sure we take the time to share the positive things going on in the school and send regular messages of gratitude between staff. We all need to feel valued. #bookcampPD
A1: Gathering the voice of members, empowering their opportunities to contribute, and enabling individual and collection agency are essential in building culture. #BookCampPd
A1: I would have staff do home visits. I think #Homevisits provides a clear perspective of what’s going on at home & reflecting at school #bookcampPD#CultureMatters
A1. Carroll, 2009 shared this quote. It is this collaborative culture during #BookCampPD that sends your learning soaring higher than you could achieve alone. Do you also see this in your school?
A1b: We're doing quite well culture wise with our PBIS and house system (we have diverse teams instead of houses but same concept) The Ss LOVE it! #bookcamppd
A1: Our building culture is pretty positive to begin with, but I would love to see more people step out from what they have always done year after year; listen to others ‘ ideas and perspectives. #BookCampPD
Love, love, love that idea. We always need more time for collaborative planning. As a SPED T I'm filling holes, but I am also working to make sure the littles are keeping up with class. Collaborative planning is vital! #BookCampPD
Welcoming everyone into the school is important for the community and school members to feel like they are working together toward common goals: success in the achievement and the well-being of our students and future citizens contributing positively to the community. #bookcamppd
We have recently undergone major renovations and have finally had consistent leadership over the last 3 years. Lots of things have changed for the better, but we are battling a poor reputation established from past years. #BookCampPD
I love our music department has bands and choirs performing both in the halls and even outside in key moments, welcoming all into the school. Talk about creating a positive culture. #bookcamppd
In reply to
@JulieGB7, @amynicolebettis, @Hahne_Elyse
A1: I would shift tasks to allow the admin team to have the time to support our teachers. They do the main part of the work and often don't have the support they need. Admin teams need to be more available and it can be seen as a positive. #bookcamppd
I love our music department has bands and choirs performing both in the halls and even outside in key moments, welcoming all into the school. Talk about creating a positive culture. #bookcamppd
In reply to
@JulieGB7, @amynicolebettis, @Hahne_Elyse
Yes! LOVE giving shoutouts on our social media pages! It has been a great source of positivity for Ss, Ts, and families! Great conversation starters for families about what their kids are learning! Get to see all the fun/joy in school! #bookcamppd
A2: I need to keep learning as a student, including pursuing my PhD, getting Google certified, going to conferences, and studying integrative thinking from Rotman. #BookCampPd
A2: I'm learning more and discussing more about equity issues. Having difficult conversations related to race and bias. Also working on learning more about #toxicstress and ACEs. I plan to present and hold community meetings about both #BookCampPD
We had great success with this with visiting all of our incoming K Ss homes right before school started this year. The Ss and families loved it! #bookcamppd
A2: I need to stretch myself as an instructor, presenting online, teaching additional qualification courses, presenting at edtech camps, and working with teachers at my board. #BookCampPd
A2 My step in my growth as an instructional leader is to take additional leadership roles in my school. I would like to facilitate PD at national conferences (@ILA for instance). #bookcamppd
A2: Stay engaged in my learning community of Ag Teachers by seeking a leadership role in my state professional organization. They are looking at us younger generation to start taking some of those roles. I've been hesitant for awhile, but just need to do it! 🔥 #BookCampPD
A2) I need to continue educating myself with as many resources as possible in order to take that next step as an instructional leader for my students and my athletes. #bookcamppd
A2: I plan to go deeper with my understanding and implementation of student choice. Planning to start Genius Hour every Friday during 3rd quarter. #BookCampPD
A2: My next step is to take some risks. Not always doing what has always been done. We want our students to take risks - so we should model that for them by doing it ourselves. #bookcamppd
A2: I would also like to push myself as a writer, applying to write AQ courses, design learning modules (incl. websites) for my board and writing both fiction and nonfiction. #BookCampPd
A2: im a baby in the teaching profession. I’m learning and little by little I’m giving back.
My next steps in growth as an instructional leader is building rapport with all staff.
A2: Whew. I have several books that I want to read, and I plan to blog about my implementations of the #DBC50Summer & #DBCBookBlogs adventures. Continuing to participate in Twitter professionally is an exponential growth opp. #BookCampPD
A2: Try to keep learning all I can about how to create and keep a positive culture and how to combat negativity that seems to be more powerful than positivity at times...mostly due to frustrations and fear. #BookCampPD
A2: I also need to pursue and inquire into areas of interesting by consuming multimedia, including books, talks/lectures, podcasts and movies/videos/documentaries. #BookCampPd
A2: I'm working with my teammate @aprylthompson to create more intentional social interactions between Ts and Ss to see and experince positive feelings of belonging and joy. We are working on 20 days of kindness (something) to get us through December. #bookcampPD
A2 Intentionally taking PD to help me grow in my field and as a behavior teacher. I just signed up for @TAMU free PD about behavior and autism for educators. Can’t wait. #BookCampPD
A2. @JayBilly2 shared, "A great leader is continually thinking about ways to make his/her school better. He is listening/learning from those around him. He is connecting to those doing great things and making those things work for his school." #BookCampPD
I agree. Modelling what we are doing and sharing successes and failures with both our colleagues and our students will help to build that risk-taking culture we are hoping for in all learners. #bookcamppd
A2: being a lifelong learner. continuing my Spanish lessons to improve my comm w/Ss & families, taking charge of my own PD, lots of reading/researching, & finding new ways to drive my SEL instruction & show S growth. Made a new rubric! #bookcamppd
A2: I received my Masters and Admin credential last December. I am looking to pursue a leadership position this next year. Also going to some conferences in 2019 and more professional reading and learning from PLN. Stepping out of my comfort zone. #BookCampPD
A3: I would love to get rid grades and most forms of homework. I'd love to be able to really work on meeting each student's needs . I'd also like to make education a prestigious profession for all to join. We don't do that enough #BookCampPD
A2: Continue to take risks and not be afraid to try new tech, activities, etc. Remind myself not to fall back on old habits or revert to what's easy/comfortable. #BookCampPD
A2: I received my Masters and Admin credential last December. I am looking to pursue a leadership position this next year. Also going to some conferences in 2019 and more professional reading and learning from PLN. Stepping out of my comfort zone. #BookCampPD
"Little by little"... I'm not sure I've ever seen a more extreme example of humility! For those of you who haven't attended one of Emily's standing-room-only sessions or keynotes, she is giving LOTS to LOTS! #bookcamppd#culturematters
Hey there #BookCampPD crew! Hopping in to say hi as we watch the snow and decorate the tree! Thanks for spotlighting the amazing work of @JayBilly2 in #culturematters#leadlap ☠️❤️☠️
A3: Wow, I think we’d all love to eliminate burnout and turnover. This is a crisis that not just affects educators, but most of all our students and communities. We need to start asking..how do we make our schools that attract, keep, nurture, and grow young educators? #BookCampPD
A3) I’d like to see the focus turn to students treating their education like their occupation. They need to know that when they work hard it is to make themselves better. #bookcamppd
There are definitely some educators attempting this across North America. Would also love for evaluation to be negotiated between teacher and student with the curriculum expectations as part of the discussion. #bookcamppd
It was so great, and I got to use some of my Spanish speaking skills too. I'm taking classes, so not fluent "yet", but it was so great to be able to communicate better w/families ❤️ #bookcamppd
A3: I would like to see a balance of differentiation and student-centered learning, as well as an emphasis on rigor. This balance is possible through careful planning. #BookCampPd
A3: I'd love to see education go back to allowing Ss to read just for the enjoyment of reading. All the testing, quizzing, book reports, etc is negating any love of reading Ss have-I'd love to see more Ss get to pick up a book, read it, love it, no strings attached. #BookCampPD
A1: Listen to what staff needs are instead of making decisions based on what seems cool or what you saw someone else doing. It's like a family where each child has its own unique needs. #bookcampPD
A3: I would like to see ALL Ss, regardless of race or poverty level, achieving at their highest capability! I take these steps daily in my classroom- my expectations for Ss and Ts are NEVER lowered. High expectations = high results! #bookcampPD
A3: I would like to see an emphasis on personalized learning tailored to individual students and their needs, as well as the allowance of individual pacing (mastery learning) and for students to have multiple opportunities to demonstrate learning. #BookCampPd
A3: I'd love to see education go back to allowing Ss to read just for the enjoyment of reading. All the testing, quizzing, book reports, etc is negating any love of reading Ss have-I'd love to see more Ss get to pick up a book, read it, love it, no strings attached. #BookCampPD
A3. There are also those who write blogs that connect with our (r)evolution philosophy. Mine is Leadership Freak https://t.co/GitVhnUR91 Do you have a blog that connects w/ you like this? #BookCampPD
A3: I'd love to see more work around the eb and flow of Ss needs, not just grade level. Working along side thier developmental and SEL needs. Teaching and expanding what they need when they need it. #BookCampPD
A3 I would like to have more STEAM and STEM materials & activities available to all students. I would like Ss to work towards solving problems/issues in their communities starting in elementary school instead of being asked what do they want to be when they grow up. #bookcamppd
And the good will you will get just by trying to meet families with their own language. I'm sure the impact is impressive and you probably feel amazing just engaging in the process. #bookcamppd
A1: Listen to what staff needs are instead of making decisions based on what seems cool or what you saw someone else doing. It's like a family where each child has its own unique needs. #bookcampPD
A3: Provide students with options to demonstrate learning/growth/mastery. We are a profession governed by standards but we serve individuals so encourage them to show off their UNIQUE paths to achieving those standards! #BookCampPD
A3: I would like to see it become commonplace for students to be able to demonstrate their learning using their choice of product and their choice of technology (if any) in the process. #BookCampPd
A3 I spent months thinking about which aspect of education I wanted to place my passion/energy behind in an attempt to cause change for the positive. I decided starting #BookCampPD where educators would share their thoughts about what they've read would create the greatest shift
A3: in the next few yrs I'd like to see more inclusion of diverse Ss.
We need to highlight all Ss in our classrooms, lessons, schools, community, and society! #culturematters#bookcampPD
I'm sharing my story to bring awareness on what happens when potential is not tapped.
Definitely working on it in my neck of the woods, friend! Went from 400 circulations year 1 to 1600 circulations year 2, and already at 2500 this year and we're not even halfway done! #WINNING#BookCampPD
A3 Just got Google certified this past summer and am now part of the Palm Beach County #TrailblazerCommunity Teaching with tech keeps kids attention and is relevant to them #BookCampPD
A3: I would like critical feedback and reflection to be moved into the process where it has more impact and not being given or expected after the product is submitted for evaluation. #BookCampPd
Definitely working on it in my neck of the woods, friend! Went from 400 circulations year 1 to 1600 circulations year 2, and already at 2500 this year and we're not even halfway done! #WINNING#BookCampPD
A3: I would like to see a greater focus on student driven instruction an not necessarily data driven instruction. I think we collect data for no purpose and students are lost in the mix. A greater focus on the whole child will make a difference.#BookCampPD
Q4. What are some possible ways you could find out about the passions of the people with whom you work? How could you do more to share your passions? #BookCampPD
A3: I would love to see Ts and Ss feel empowered and feel like what they are doing is important and relevant. I would love to see Ts LOVE teaching and Ss LOVE learning. I plan to start this by openly appreciating all of the little things accomplished every day! #BookCampPD
I've always had them for students, but I think I would have been even more explicit about them if I'd realized the impact of expectations on students earlier in my career. #bookcamppd
A4: The best way is to have real conversations with those that you work with. Ask them and watch them, you'll find out. To let others know, again have conversations. Blogging also helps #BookCampPD
A4. Ts might shy away from verbally sharing their passion(s) so why not try a "Passion Notebook?" You can start this at your school! Grab a notebook, write initial entry, place it into a mailbox w/ a note asking them to share their passion and place it into another! #BookCampPD
A3: To help with this revolution it is important to model it both with teachers and with students, partially as “proof of concept.” Design with the aforementioned principles in mind and then refine. #BookCampPd
A4: When you're passionate about schools and education, people can't stop you from talking about what you do. Let everyone know #BookCampPD#LeadLAP#CultureMatters
A4: TALK! Many times, all it takes is a morning/afternoon greeting to get folks talking about their passions! I am intentional about learning as much as I can & encouraging others to do the same! #bookcamppd
Q4. What are some possible ways you could find out about the passions of the people with whom you work? How could you do more to share your passions? #BookCampPD
A3: I would love to spend less time testing Ss and more time teaching and being involved in authentic S interactions. I will continue to advocate for what’s best for my Ss, in spite of what scores and numbers say about my Ss. #bookcamppd
Grateful for your vision and encouragement! This is such a powerful platform on which educators connect, challenge, and share with each other #bookcamppd
A3 I spent months thinking about which aspect of education I wanted to place my passion/energy behind in an attempt to cause change for the positive. I decided starting #BookCampPD where educators would share their thoughts about what they've read would create the greatest shift
A3: Sharing what is possible online, in social media, in conferences and within the board is a good start. Giving talks and writing books can get the messaging to a greater audience.
A4: Our pd plans are based on our passions, including my own. I look forward to hearing progress and how I can support as I sit down with each staff member this week. #BookCampPD
A4: I have actually done this through more personalized PD. I discovered that small groups are a huge benefit for learning what people are all about. I believe I am also able to share my passions through this PD. #BookCampPD
That is where we need to get to. It's a big jump but it has to start somewhere. I agree with all of this. Mastery of content and learning for learning sake #bookcamppd
Getting get of grades would be wonderful. This would allow for learning for learning sake. I would also be open to eliminating ages for a particular grade. If you master the content you move up.
A3: This is a hard question because I feel that so much of it needs to change to stay relevant. We cannot keep teaching in a system that is 100+ years old when no other business does that. #BookCampPD
A3: I would like to see student's learning the way they need to learn by showing how they have mastered the skills in different ways. Reading for fun and learning from each other. #bookcamppd
A3: I would love to see less homework. Some of our Ss have challenges which are not conducive to completing assignments at home. I'd also love see more tech advancement & help our families even more w/access to technology & consistent/reliable internet access. #BookCampPD
A4: Actually, get out and hang out with our colleagues outside of work. Maybe having a relaxed Memorial Day gathering of the school staff. When the walls are down, passions can start coming out. I want to gain confidence to share my writing with my teaching peers! #BookCampPD
A2: Listen more. Speak less. Some people's problems are not meant to be solved by me. Some people just need space to vent and problem solve on their own. #bookcampPD
If you would like to help spread the word about #BookCampPD a sticker or magnet could be headed to a snail mail box near you! Just DM me an address and which you prefer. Thank you!
A4 It is important to build relationships with our staff as we do with Ss. Sharing a compliment or a question with someone opens up an opportunity to learn more about them. I like to share my passions through room transformations including transforming the lounge:) #bookcamppd
Q4. What are some possible ways you could find out about the passions of the people with whom you work? How could you do more to share your passions? #BookCampPD
A4: If I shared my passions any more, my people would kick me out, HAHA!
I can make it a point to listen more. Be present when Ts come to chat before/after school. So much going on, but they are just as important as my Ss, so I need to work on listening to them. #BookCampPD
Would love to get there. We have it to a small degree where I am from, but it is upsetting to hear how important standardized testing in some schools, boards/districts, and states. Definitely calls for a revolution. #bookcamppd
Thank you, Michelle. There have been times when I thought about giving my attention to something else but you have consistently been there, encouraging me forward. I appreciate you!! #BookCampPD
A3: I would like to see it become commonplace for students to be able to demonstrate their learning using their choice of product and their choice of technology (if any) in the process. #BookCampPd
Oh yes .. it is true! December is almost here. WOW, doesn't life fly by so fast when you're having fun?
@kmichellehowell will be our guest moderator next Sunday evening w/ #TheCuriousClassroom . Also, just in time for holiday giving, children's books Dec. 16 & 23 #BookCampPD
Please thank @JayBilly2 for being our guest author during our #BookCampPD chat.
The words 'thank you' hardly seem like enough to share at the end of this chat. You are greatly appreciated for sharing your wisdom and passion!
A4: Every teacher has something they're passionate about (just like every kid has a passion)
The only way to know is to ask questions, & really listen when they share!
Please thank @JayBilly2 for being our guest author during our #BookCampPD chat.
The words 'thank you' hardly seem like enough to share at the end of this chat. You are greatly appreciated for sharing your wisdom and passion!
A3. There are also those who write blogs that connect with our (r)evolution philosophy. Mine is Leadership Freak https://t.co/GitVhnUR91 Do you have a blog that connects w/ you like this? #BookCampPD
Love this. Differentiation is where we need to go. I find that teacher implementation is sometime the barrier with some of these best practices. We have to embrace and help others embrace what is good for kids. #bookcamppd
A4: Informal conversations are some of the best ways to explore the passions of other people. This requires that we become better listeners. #BookCampPd
Didn't the #BookCampPD chat fly by? If you would like to 'follow' the amazing educators in this #PLN please follow the directions below. Super easy to use after any chat. #StrongerTogether