#educoach Archive
The #educoach hashtag is used by instructional coaches around the world. We chat each Wednesday at 8pm CST on Twitter and use the hashtag throughout the week to share resources, ask questions and collaborate with instructional coaches.
Wednesday May 18, 2016 10:00 PM EDT
Time for This week’s chat topic: Asking Better Reflective Questions
Good evening Let’s start by introducing ourselves and sharing a success story from the week!
Hi Shira from Portfolio School& co-moderator My leading a viewing&conversation of the movie Most Likely To Succeed
Hi! Lauren, K-5 Instructional Coach, Indiana. My is celebrating student growth data! Our students have made great gains!
Jessica from WI and co-moderator. My is just being back in after several weeks off.
That is great news Lauren! How does your school celebrate?
Hi everyone! Eric from Erie, PA, Instructional Coach at a large, urban pK-8 school! for the week: seeing student growth
Yeahhhhhh!!!! So glad you are back! We missed you!
The best! What ways have you seen student growth?
Haley from Waco, TX my is observing Ts and Ss striving to be global citizens during Peace Camp
Wow; tell us more about Peace Camp. Sounds great!
I'm interested in learning more about Peace Camp!
Been helping with benchmark assessments, watching our students work so hard and succeeding!
depends on classroom, but there has been a lot of student reflection/celebration of goals happening in classrooms
Barb in Minnesota building S profiles w/test data, parent and prior yr T's insights for 2016-2017 class rosters for Ts
Let’s get started with tonight’s topic: Asking Better Reflective Questions
7/8th Ss plan,create and lead lessons for prek3-6th around a central theme Culminating service project for year
Q1: How are reflective questions helpful for coaching conversations?
That sounds amazing on so many levels!
and more https://t.co/Oealz3zS6y
Share the name of a coach who's inspired you! For me: Liz Simons. She saw the best in me, and helped me see it for myself.
Love that you celebrate with student reflection. That is powerful!
A1: Reflective questions are the seeds from which conversations grow!
A2: provides a sense of self-awareness and allows for one to think about actionable next steps from where they are currently
A1: reflective questions help us linger w/the questions, before jumping to answers; helps us develop deeper understanding
A1: Reflective questions provide teacher the opportunity to think outloud. He who does the most talking does the most learning.
My is I have an interview next week. We had a great science days with leaders and teachers in VT
A1: reflective questions are open ended -no wrong answer-and provide opportunity to work from T's current reality
A1 reflective questions push us to think more deeply to help us move forward
Q2: What are some challenges to asking reflective questions in coaching conversations?
Just like when we are conferring with students! https://t.co/9alW1uuXjb
A1: Reflective questions provide teacher the opportunity to think outloud. He who does the most talking does the most learning.
LaToya, TN. New to chat. Here to learn from all.
A1 Reflective questions dig the channel into which a teacher can flow her, um, reflections.
We’d like you to learn with us all, not necessarily from us all. Hope you won’t hesitate to jump in. Welcome to
A2: knowing what questions to ask to help teachers reflect on the area of growth.
A1: reflective questions are the basis for coaching convos
Greg- 2nd grade, MD. Hope all are well. Checking in a bit late.
Best of luck! Showcase your positive presence :) https://t.co/ZNtYVq28uR
My is I have an interview next week. We had a great science days with leaders and teachers in VT
I like that metaphor of digging a channel; lots of possibilities there
A2: Honestly...asking good questions can be my challenge! I often rely on great resource lists!
A2: We so badly want to be efficient; rush to answers; see quick gains; sometimes hard to linger w/our questions
A2: reflective questions take time to pursue-setting aside time and headspace is difficult!
A2: We have to be ready to expect the unexpected based on response. Ts don't always take convo in the same direction anticipated.
A1- Reflective questions allow for introspective analysis. Strength/weakness analysis, areas of growth, need.
A2: Resisting the temptation to jump to a solution. Listen first to understand!
. Have Words -- Will Metaphorize Also: Thanks, Shira!
A2: getting truthful responses and not responses they think we want to hear
A2 Knowing the right question to ask. Trial and error are part of it.
setting aside headspace may be even more difficult than setting aside time; thanks for adding that
Bill Clarke, NY, joining late
That is also one of my challenges...I often want to get to a solution, but it's not always "about the nail!"
A2 challenges asking the right questions, that's why the relationships are so critical
Go for it, Ken! Now, how might we fill that channel?
A2- Mindset on Qs. Not meant as judgmental Qs, but opportunities to reflect and engage in discourse on how to grow & support Ss.
A2:Challenge w/asking reflective q's is sometimes ppl looking for quick fix & not expecting a question for a questiin
Questioning should be at the DOK 3 and 4 levels - just like we should do with students - so that we do less of the talking
say more about the connection b/ween relationships &asking the right question
Coming in late from CT for some learning.
Very true! https://t.co/3Z6WYA7sBo
Questioning should be at the DOK 3 and 4 levels - just like we should do with students - so that we do less of the talking
that is so true and difficult sometimes! Especially those who just want us to "tell them" what to think.
So important; our questions can sound judgmental or critical; so import not to judge; to open possibility
Agree that trusting, honest relationships are essential for great questions and non-defensive answers
Q3: What are some reflective questions you ask?
Absolutely! Clear understanding up front of the purpose/goal of the reflection. Supporting growth w/o judging.
Very tired + 🤒
I'll be lurking. EduConsultant
Somewhere in the Bay Area.
High school instructional coach, joining you all from Shanghai this morning. :-)
I think it's critical to be transparent about the process and goal.
If we really know our Ts, we will know the right questions, the questions need2 B differentiated based on needs
A3: What if? How might? What were you feeling? What can we learn from this?
. How about with the hitherto dammed-up self expressions of novice teachers?
A2 We must be "present" and utilize our ability to draw upon T strengths, while assisting Ts w/ reflecting which promotes growth.
Transparency is key! Keeps communication open and honest. Building professional relationships. Growth mindset.
Yes!!! With presence; and what the teacher seeks to bring of her or himself to the learners
Yes-heavy cognitive load teaching; dedicating thought to past seems counterintuitive-need to plan 4 future https://t.co/RKWigoAaZH
setting aside headspace may be even more difficult than setting aside time; thanks for adding that
Ooops if we really know our Ts, we will have better chance of asking the right question. I don't have all the answers or right ?s
I really like how might...
A3: My favorite - what did your students learn and how do you know?
Student - Tt relationships are more important than rigor & relevance. Ss will learn if they believe Ts care about them.
Q4: How do you pose follow up reflective questions?
hearing more metaphors about rivers; used to hear more about trees - seems a significant change to me
Being connectional is critical! When the relationship is established, the collaboration is more effective.
Transparency essential! We need to be open and honest https://t.co/6nKLriNCyv
I think it's critical to be transparent about the process and goal.
the second part of taut question is key-how do you know. Can't forget out why based on student evidence of understanding
I've come to the same conclusion: SteveJobs is my business partner. And since he's dead it's a bit problematic.
Such a good point! Reflection does take time
Sorry I'm missing tonight, but I'm out of the house and unable to chat. Can't wait to read your thoughts later!
A3 To be honest, formulaic questions matter much less than one's ability to LISTEN. Forget the Mad Libs...
A4- Follow-up reflective Qs should support the established reflection. Extended the dialogue, supporting growth.
A1 Reflective questions inspire new conversations and new discoveries... with ourselves.
Def working on this! I sometimes get excited to help solve problems. Need to listen more, talk less
A3: What changes did you make in the moment? What specifically prompted the changes?
A4- Follow-up reflective Qs should support the established reflection. Extending the dialogue, supporting growth.
A4: Therein lies the art of listening and being responsive to goals of teacher and what is possible right now.
For sure!! I need to use my question frames more & practice this
A4; be genuinely curious; seek to help teachers stretch their imagination, see together what neither coach nor teacher saw before
Now you have me laughing:)
A2 Good reflective q's are prepared in advance, but a juicy or flat interaction can derail intentions. Come over-prepared!
Being a listener is crucial to success. Building Ts voice, and supporting professional development.
Looking fwd to responses to this. I need to work on my questioning skills
Preparation is good; blended with presence & adaptability to what emerges
"genuinely curious"-so important! Sometimes we try so hard to remember the question frame we lose the authenticity
A4: follow up to reflection should go deeper-what made you think of that? What drew your attention to that need?
. No laughing! This is an educational chatter thing!
Business Companions were only Books + Music. Now also Art + dead people. So this is an improvement. 😠
(off topic? Needed2share)
Flexibility can generate a greater flow to the conversation, and more content-driven discourse.
I know; and sometimes we loose our sense of wonder and openness to possibility
Not formulaic, but direct & based on target of whether Ss got it, whether "it" is the right thing and how to improve
A3 What was the goal of your lesson? Why?...Did Ss meet your goal? How do you know?...Based on S progress, what is the next goal?
and a deeper dive into ourselves as educators&learners
agreed! We can lose the actual intent of listening because we are too focused on the question.
A4: To move another's thinking the f/u question needs to relate to their goal and experience. Open-ended, probing their resources.
Uggh! Am I doing this chat thing wrong:) And, after all these years.
A4: Listening's not a formula. Q Frames can help, but IMHO only really work when you're present and it matters to you
A4 One of my favorite follow-ups is "Tell me more about that."
A3 W/ feeling: What makes you say that? Why did it work that way? What's one thing you'd change if you could? What's another idea?
A4:I also like to keep in mind the 5 why's of digging deeper.
Q5: What are ways of nurturing a culture of professional reflection?
sometimes I listening to hard and focus on solving the problem and loose sight of the goal 😬😬
like getting to the root cause!
Yeah, really important that both parties come out of conversation smarter and better
Authentic conversation can start off planned at initial reflection, but fluidity can produce positive discourse.
Absolutely! Growth mindset all around.
The goal is allowed to change. :)
A5 Be transparent and model/share your own reflective practice
A5: setting aside regular reflection time as an organization-either as convo or writing, T choice- to process the day or week.
A5: Admin must model professional reflection by using feedback effectively.
A5: Balance the reflection and growth. Wonder out loud about your own moves. Give yourself a what if or two...Make reflection safe
A5: it's impt to model reflection ourselves and show Ts how through reflection it allows us to set goals, take action, and grow
And even more being reflective themselves
A4 Accountability of myself and Ts, allows conversation to expand. Listen with intent.Consistent feedback/reflective cycle is key
A4 Verbally reflect answers first then build upon our mutual understanding. Best if focused on just one item.
A5: make it a part of prof dev activities just like with kids...it makes Ts assess their learning
Q6: What are ways of helping teachers pose their own reflective questions?
and most often it isn't an immediate problem that can be fixed-have to go flexibly w/ flow of the convo
A5 Thinking about doing a book study w/Ts on reflective practice. Suggestions?
Continuous consistency, an understanding that "we" are in this together. You win, I win, We win
A5: Principal should be lead coach and lead coached
A6: Maybe part of it is establishing a goal-setting culture--what's the growth we're making? What's helping, what's holding back?
A5: mechanisms for reflection (digital, personal, collaborative); language invites/encourages authentic meaning-making
A6: modeling is always helpful and opportunities to provide diverse methods for diverse learners :)
but should the goal shift before the first goal is accomplished even if the convo shifts?
A5 We've built a culture of reflection. All Ts set a goal + claim a strength then share progress. https://t.co/1qrNkgEpZg
Maybe it depends on who set the goal and what the purpose of the goal is.
Absolutely. Without targets we won't achieve them. Every conversation should be based on mutually understood goal
Q7: What are some of the results you have seen from reflective practice?
What about a series of provocative videos, recordings that have to do with reflection?
A6: frames, sentence stems, etc. (scaffold until fluent/intuitive becomes natural)
A6: Scaffold questioning by providing question starters then have Ts start to evaluate student learning through that lens
A5 Connect w/ each T individually. Genuine conversation, not cookie cutter. Make time for the difficult conversations & give + FB
A7 I've seen teachers transition from teacher centered learning to student directed learning.
I see! That's why I think it is critical to set the goal together of the goal
A5:Modeling reflection is important. Try to follow up any demo lesson w/reflective convo or email to T abt my lesson
That’s an awesome transformation. What do you think supported that process?
A7 Reflective practice has created a brushfire of change + a bumper crop of leaders willing to share. PLCs!
Love this idea! Want to add this piece to my next PD
Great idea! If you know of any, please share. I need to do a little research.
A7: Ts who collaborate & set goals for S achievement naturally reflect as it relates to S growth, and have high S growth rates
A7: Ts gain sense of empowerment & are able to evaluate their practices through a diff perspective. I love seeing the aha moment!
A7: Replication of effective practices; Continuous improvement; "pay it FW" (transfer the skills &/or tch others)
Observing other Ts. Supportive coach. Feeling safe to be vulnerable.
A7 we are doing teacher to teacher instructional rounds with a powerful reflective component
Any must have mathematics coaching resource?
A7a: true growth happens when reflection is authentic. T-My Ss can't use those. Coach- are you setting up false ceilings for Ss?
Q8: How do you model being a reflective educator?
A7b: Talking small vs. large building sets. T thought, 1 or 2 Ss may try to use if opportunity was given. I will bring them in!
Awesome! I will check it out. Thanks!
A8: I try to be honest and share my own areas for growth and share reflections in my staff memo.
A8 I model reflection constantly asking for feedback. There is always room to improve.
A8: Lead with your own what ifs? and why nots?
A8 Focus on a growth mindset & know the right questions to start reflection with your teams.
A8: If anything I'm over reflective at times, but I do my best to ensure reflection is modeled in PD & coaching cycles with Ts.
A8: Good question. How do you do that without talking all about you and your experiences?
A8: Wonder - a lot. Wonder aloud. Ask questions; consider many possibilities
A8 Frequently gather + use T feedback. Ask q's + marinate on answers instead of having all the answers.
A8 Doing learning walks with teachers provides opps to model reflection about practice
I'm constantly writing down how might we("I") questions regarding my own areas of growth...it helps me think!
Be able to laugh and not take it as seriously and that nail in the head lady!
It’s really hard;I know. I think it begins w/humbly asking questions; seeking feedback esp when it will be hard to take in
I know I can be guilty of that too. I try to tell myself silence is key, but modeling is essential.
I am all about laughter...I love using funny video clips in meetings to lighten the mood.
I coach math... What types resources you thinking? Other than books by the greats (i.e. ,etc)?
A8: share next practices (coaching and instructional strategies) implementation plan and struggles
Can you share with us your video clip resource lists?
most definitely! I love to be self reflective-it's just how I'm wired.
Q9: What are ways reflective teachers impact reflection for students?
Sometimes with all the reflection, have to step back and celebrate the growth. Important to have some high-five time.
Have to locate it on drive or on blog--will do tomorrow.
A9:I have had some teachers build in end of the day reflection time for students.
A9: ideally we would see reflection transfer into the classroom with students asking more questions and able to self assess well
A9: reflective teachers recognize benefits and provide prompts and time for Ss to practice and apply reflection strategies
A8 Explicitly address changes I've made (or not) in response to feedback and the thinking behind it (both w/ individuals & teams).
The NPR story today about visual intelligence was really good.
Ah! Specific focus in my district is integration of 21st cent skills in math, 4Cs, 8MPs, tech integration (1 of 2)
Q10: What are some take-aways you have from tonight’s chat?
A9: I've made a goal setting chart with students- Why do we set goals, why do they matter? What helps us achieve them?
A9: One way is to start with the learning targets for the day - ask students to reflect on lesson/connections/learning targets
A10: considering ways to support reflective practices for Ts and Ss...I must reflect!
I use resources like to help shift practices (2of2)
Do you recommend any content coaching resources for science?
A9:encourage daily reflection time...15 minutes for thought collection and output..Ss and Ts together(individually) do it