#ProsperISD chat open to all in and out of district teachers discussing best practices and working with students K-12. It will occur on the second Thursday of every month at 8:00pm CST.
A1 When I taught theatre arts, I brought professional actors and technicians into the class to talk to my students. Sometimes the professionals were FORMER students, which was extra awesome. #Prosper4Ward
A1: Find real world examples, or share personal experience, of when the content is used in real life. Incorporate real life problems to solve. #Prosper4ward
A1: I have connected with professionals in my area to come into my class to go over things such as college admissions, different professions and personal experiences. #prosper4ward
A1: Our class has connected with several other classes from around the world. We've been pen-pals and Ss share their experiences and ask questions about their culture, experiences, opinions, etc #prosper4ward#wearereynolds
A1 I have had my students do a project where they are paired up with someone, given information on their "families" with jobs and income, and had to plan 3 months of budgets and unexpected expenses #prosper4ward
Taken pictures of wind turbines on my trip back home to Lubbock to let my kids see what they look like and they do exist for our alternative energy unit.
I tried to connect with experts in the field, bring in guest speakers, have a real audience for projects, email/write letters to connect with experts, basically connect with as many "real" people as I could and bring them in.
A1: I liked to give students real world problems to solve in science. It's always interesting to see their solutions. Sometimes their ideas are better than most of the adults! #prosper4ward
A1: Showing how what we do applies to life. Bringing community members and authors into the library. Making connections between campuses. #prosper4ward
A1) as admin seeing my teachers using everyday life in writing and research; virtual pen pals @KristyS1985; connections to everyday life. School should reflect the reality of a kid's life, not a foreign encounter that kids visit each day. #prosper4ward#leadupchat
A1: Our class has connected with several other classes from around the world. We've been pen-pals and Ss share their experiences and ask questions about their culture, experiences, opinions, etc #prosper4ward#wearereynolds
A1b) anytime we speak the language of our digital natives (students) we make a connection that is "everyday" for them with the use of technology. It's no longer optional, it's expected. #prosper4ward
A1: Fave way to connect real world is by building skills that will be used in the real world: creativity, empathy, flexibility, collaboration...#prosper4ward
A1: In math I had students look at a sonic menu that was mathematically incorrect. We wrote letters to sonic to make them aware of their price gouging. #prosper4ward
A1: When I was teaching ELAR, I had Ss follow authors on Twitter and they were able to converse with them - I looked forward to having the kids come to class sharing what they learned from their author on Twitter. #prosper4ward#wearereynolds
A1: I like using the #googleearth images that come up when I open a new tab as a math/science discussion point. Math is EVERYWHERE. It is neat for them to see that and make that connection #prosper4ward
Q2 Personal connections, connections through parents in the grade level/school or community connections. This is something I think about AFTER the fact...I need to be more proactive and think about getting people in. #prosper4ward
A2: @neprisapp is a great way to connect your classroom to industry experts. I also heard a lot about Skype in the Classroom at #edcamppropser Saturday #Prosper4ward
A2 This is the hard part, isn't it? It's nice when you know people, but it can be hard to find them. Services like @neprisapp are super cool, but can be pricey. #prosper4ward
A2) Twitter has been a game changer in connecting with teachers and leaders in their field to bring in their voices via a webinar, Google Hangout, or Skype. No longer any excuses with that kind of access. #prosper4ward
Do a parent survey and ask about their jobs and hobbies along with a checklist of all the topics you teach. You might find some resources that way. #prosper4ward
A2: I have to look far in advance. I have been reaching out to university professors. We almost had another hangout lined up but it flopped. #prosper4ward
A2: I just connected with an architect that I want to bring into class to discuss how he applies geometry, area, and perimeter within his career & help our Ss with some feedback on some of their future projects #prosper4ward@Mr_Nathan_Smith
A1: I️ love the idea of using Google hangouts to connect with a classroom or professional somewhere else...I️ also want to explore Nepris with my teachers #Prosper4Ward
A2: I just connected with an architect that I want to bring into class to discuss how he applies geometry, area, and perimeter within his career & help our Ss with some feedback on some of their future projects #prosper4ward@Mr_Nathan_Smith
Do a parent survey and ask about their jobs and hobbies along with a checklist of all the topics you teach. You might find some resources that way. #prosper4ward
A2b) We can't just talk about community engagement, we must do it! Are we reaching out to area leaders in these fields...they are all around. One call is all it takes...#prosper4ward
Loved seeing the PCIS students in the PHS library making phone calls to community leaders and then witnessing the symposium. Great connections! #prosper4ward
@ProsperRogersMS we have had very successful Mystery Hangouts, connected to a researcher in Antarctica via @SkypeClassroom, Tweeted with authors, and had virtual field trips with park rangers in Gettysburg! #prosper4ward
Real world. Imagine if we did reverse internships. Where we had industry leaders have work spaces in our buildings to do their jobs via phone & computer once a week. While in our buildings they also are learning about education & mentor in their fields. #prosper4ward#Leadupchat
So basically go to Skype in the Classroom, find someone you want to connect with and message them. If they accept, you set up a date and time. Then get with your tech to handle the hardware side of things. I would be happy to help as well! #prosper4ward
In reply to
@mr_bellman, @ProsperRogersMS, @SkypeClassroom
A3 everyone needs to know the why of things, it is one of the first questions we learn to ask and it is the basis of truly learning something, makes the learning have a meaning besides "because I said so" #prosper4ward
A3: The connections that our kids make now will help position them for success in the future. Our community and their expertise is one of the biggest assets we have. #prosper4ward
A3 Because it can give them an insight beyond what they get in the regular classroom. My students were used to me. When I brought in an actor or technician and they said the same things I said, it really helped to drive the point home. #prosper4ward
A3: They need to understand the “why” and seeing it first hand from a professional helps solidify that connection so they are more invested in the learning. #Prosper4Ward
A3. Ss need to see how school is relevant to their lives. Making connections helps kids get excited about learning, want to learn more, they are more engaged. It opens up their world and helps them create personal goals #prosper4ward
A3: It answers the question "how will I use this in the future?" Think how we could inspire kids to chase after a dream of becoming one of these professionals in the field. We could open up a whole new world for 1 child, and it would be worth it! #prosper4ward
Ss need to see real people, doing real jobs, in areas that interest students to show "what could be" for them in their future. Learning geometry makes more sense to someone who may be reluctant if they can see real world application.
A3 Ss need to experience the connection between their learning in the classroom and what's important to them. It's like giving them another answer choice to "What do you want to be when you grow up?"#prosper4ward
A3: Ss need to expand their thinking beyond the 4 walls in their classroom. This is an essential life skill and it is our duty as Ts to get these kiddos ready for the real world. #prosper4ward
A3) School and life should NOT be seen as a fragmented reality. When we connect the real world for kids it gives them a "why" and reaffirms a purpose. It's the realization of what can be for kids. #prosper4ward
Q2- I loved inviting @Mr_Nathan_Smith in to help introduce and facilitate a lesson using Nearpod. We are so fortunate to have many experts right in our building. #prosper4ward
A3: Ss need to expand their thinking beyond the 4 walls in their classroom. This is an essential life skill and it is our duty as Ts to get these kiddos ready for the real world. #prosper4ward
A2 our admin @hugheselem do a great job having our watchdogs tell about their jobs and what subjects they use a lot of during our morning announcements #prosper4ward
Kids from great homes need experts to confirm what their parents have told them.
Kids from less than homes need experts to show them what they have never seen.
Adding Q4 on the fly. Have you connected with outside educators lately to help you grow? What is one thing that you were excited to learn? #prosper4ward
Yes! Truth moment, I have always struggled with our profession saying, "real world" when we stay enclosed in our educational bubble. We must not lose touch with the reality of what our kids need to be college and career ready. Other voices help us to stay credible #prosper4ward
A3: Ss need to expand their thinking beyond the 4 walls in their classroom. This is an essential life skill and it is our duty as Ts to get these kiddos ready for the real world. #prosper4ward
A4 Connected with @kklaster at a Digital Fluency seminar, and learned how to use Autocrat add-on to solve a problem that's been plaguing me for a while.
A4. #EdcampProsper! I loved learning new ways that I can help support my new teachers last Saturday at Edcamp. It was great to connect with educators from other campuses in PISD and educators outside of PISD. #prosper4ward
A4 Got the chance to talk to some library administrators from local districts recently to discuss some common concerns and issues. Always great to build the personal network! #prosper4ward
A4: I follow of group of
future ready" librarians on Facebook and am always getting new ideas. Most recently I got a AR activity to use for Makerspaces. #prosper4ward
Digital Fluency Reboot has been great to talk to others from different districts and schools within Prosper. I've learned a lot from @kklaster. Thank you Prosper for giving us these opportunities #prosper4ward
A4 I worked with @mzweberreads to get the student tech program started, those students have taught me more in the 11 weeks we have been together than I have taught them #prosper4ward
Adding Q4 on the fly. Have you connected with outside educators lately to help you grow? What is one thing that you were excited to learn? #prosper4ward
Digital Fluency Reboot has been great to talk to others from different districts and schools within Prosper. I've learned a lot from @kklaster. Thank you Prosper for giving us these opportunities #prosper4ward
Asking my students to ask their parents when they use math in their jobs.... I’ve gotten responses from just simply calculating salaries to using pythagorean theorem to adjust a crane to build the Cowboys Stadium. #prosper4ward
Digital Fluency Reboot has been great to talk to others from different districts and schools within Prosper. I've learned a lot from @kklaster. Thank you Prosper for giving us these opportunities #prosper4ward
A4: I try to connect with teachers every day - whether that's waiting in line for the bathroom, walking down the halls, or eating lunch. I take something away that I could incorporate or try every day. I am always on the lookout for ideas! #prosper4ward
A4) I am fortunate to consistently be connecting with new educators frequently from across the country via GHO, Voxer, Twitter, Flipgrid, etc. More locally attending #Edcamprosper was great to see what our educators are exploring and learning! #prosper4ward.
A4: Honestly, I think I learn more from my students than I realize. Our class meetings are more than just community building - Ss teach me what works and what doesn't and areas I need to improve #prosper4ward
A4: I try to connect with teachers every day - whether that's waiting in line for the bathroom, walking down the halls, or eating lunch. I take something away that I could incorporate or try every day. I am always on the lookout for ideas! #prosper4ward
A4: I'm going to go back to Twitter again...I can't even begin to explain how much I have learned just from stalking - I mean following - educators from around the world on Twitter. #prosper4ward
I know, right! It's a new TED initiative. You sign up, go though some training and they give you all the lessons you need for your Ss to go from developing a Big Idea to delivering their own TED Talk. Very cool! #prosper4ward