INSCRIPCIONS OBERTES pels tallers territorials per aprendre com organitzar un #edcampCAT ! Girona, Lleida, Tarragona i Terres de l'Ebre seran els territoris que acolliran aquests tallers. Si ets de la zona, no t'ho pensis més i vine!
Saps com funciona el mapa de les sessions? Coneixes tot allò que necessites saber per organitzar un #edcampCAT vibrant? Vine als tallers territorials del moviment #edcampCAT i els membres de la xarxa de mentoria t'ho faran viure per aprendre'n! + info:
Interesting and enlightening article by Julian explaining how he adapts his approaches to engage children in elaborated, reconstructive thinking/learning! Shows the possible development/effect of a 'mantle of the expert' approach to teaching going forward. @imagineinquiry
Saps que un #edcamp és un espai de trobada autogestionat per persones que els apassiona l'educació i volen compartir aprenentatges i experteses per créixer juntes? Saps q tothom en pot organitzar un i és gratuit? Vine als tallers territorials i viu com! tu!
Saps que un #edcamp és un espai de trobada autogestionat per persones que els apassiona l'educació i volen compartir aprenentatges i experteses per créixer juntes? Saps q tothom en pot organitzar un i és gratuit? Vine als tallers territorials i viu com!…
Current project is to look for sponsors for our #Edcamp! Need prizes for giveaways and showing off at our makerspace. If you know a company that would be willing to donate, please tag them in a reply! Thanks.
Hey @ycsd -looks like March24 is a pretty busy day around the County with races and dashes and all kinds of events! But remember- you can still come for the afternoon sessions even if you can’t make it at 9! Some >none #Edcamp#ycsdchat
@Wes_Kieschnick We have been seeing so much about you new book #BoldSchool and would ❤️to share the inspiration with educators at #Edcamp ! Could we get a copy of the book to raffle off?
Current project is to look for sponsors for our #Edcamp! Need prizes for giveaways and showing off at our makerspace. If you know a company that would be willing to donate, please tag them in a reply! Thanks.
You know how at #edcamp there's the rule of 2 feet? I.e. if you're not learning, then use your two feet to get up & walk to a diff session where you are learning. What if Ss could use the role of two feet in school? How many Ss would you have in your class? #edchat#edtech
The first #edcampnola I went to was pretty big. The last #edcampcenla I went to was a good size too. Some #EdCamp ’s can be small but that can create some really focused and involved learning groups.
A5: Scheduled presentation kind of goes against the grain of the #edcamp model. #Teachmeet is a model with scheduled presentations and facilitated discussions that are participate-driven. #LaEdChat
The #edcamp model has definitely been successfully used with students in schools (even at elem level). Would love to attend one in this area. #LaEdChat
A7: I have bounced around the idea for an #edcamp Northshore LA. My school is too far out from the interstate to host it so I’m working on collaborating with a few other schools that are easier to get to. #LAEDCHAT
The sub struggle is one for sure. Last year, we had a scheduled day off so the staff could attend a conference. With prior planning, it can happen, you never know. I also like seeing schools use an #edcamp model for PD. Not the same but so much more value than sit&get #CUEchat