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A1: I started out using tech as a substitute for how I did things without tech - for example my IWB replaced my overhead projector - but, as I began to better integrate tech into my teaching my lessons def improved, as did student learning #participatetrchat
Love this! interactive white boards (IWB) are a great way to increase student engagement. Combine with @classdojo for class mgmt and you're golden #participatetrchat
They are - but initially, in my class it was just a super expensive overhead. When I moved to England I received some fantastic training on how to leverage it as a creative tool - then I was off to the races! #participatetrchat
A2 Limited access to Chromebooks/laptops so use classroom computers on a daily rotation. Students know exactly when it’s their turn! #participatetrchat
A3: I might be a little biased, but I LOVE @participate Collections and find new ways to use them every day! Am also digging on the @nearpod Virtual Field Trips - where were those when I was teaching!?! So cool. #participatetrchat