#RuralEdChat is a chat that focuses on the needs of the rural educator. This chat has been revised by Tammy Neil (@MathNeil), John Martin (@edventures) and Natalee Stotz (@nataleestotz).
Hello, #RuralEdChat I'm Tammy from rural north Florida. My area was spared from Hurricane Michael but many of our friends in the Panhandle are still without power or running water.
Want to help the Florida schools and their communities in the path of Hurricane Michael? FADSS has a GoFundMe page set up. #FLedChathttps://t.co/05CxzE3RpC
Tonight's chat is all about hoops we face, the dysfunction they can lead to, and how we can reduce or avoid them. We'll be looking for both venting and solutions :) #RuralEdChat
Hey Tammy! Glad to hear the worst of Michael missed you. Somehow, I haven't ever put it together, but I have a brother probably somewhere near-ish you, around Tallahassee. He lost power but is also back up and running again. #RuralEdChat
Most of it was EXCELLENT with a few notable exceptions. I was really excited & thoroughly enjoying the camaraderie & collaboration among fellow Science teachers. #RuralEdChat
Tonight's chat was driven by a report I read about an investigation into teacher certification, specifically for Computer Science- "The research has uncovered an unbelievable level of disfunction", a feeling I immediately identified with #RuralEdChat
A1: Grades is the big one - as much as I try to move away from defining success as a letter grade, at the end of the day, I still have to submit a percentage which translates into one. #RuralEdChat
A1: Like attendance? That's a big one. $$ We talk about it all the time. We're in the midst of a county-wide attendance contest. Big focus on AR (85%+) too. #RuralEdChat
Yes! For me, along with this is planned student absences - the forms to sign, the make up work to plan, the gradebook schedules to adjust... #RuralEdChat
I actually shouldn't complain. Because I've had melanoma a couple of times & we have intense sun w/ no shade, the rest of the staff pick-up my outdoor duty & I do other things to help out. #RuralEdChat
A2: Ensuring attendance, & therefore consistency of education, is critical to student success. Plus, they like being honored for high-attendance achievement. #RuralEdChat
A3: There are some procedures that make no sense anymore. We are asked to print out the attendance record from the computer, sign it, and turn it in. Until this year, I still had to turn in paper lesson plans at the end of the year. #RuralEdChat
A3: Meetings, meetings, meetings. Did I mention meetings? In reality there are some that could be consolidated or eliminated. With a small team it's hard to take up time sitting around and talking. #RuralEdChat
A3 the thing that I struggle with is that no matter the size of the school federal and state regs are the same. A lot more falls on fewer desks. #RuralEdChat
A3: In Ohio, the process to become a teacher hinders districts from getting quality teachers - especially in rural districts. Student learning/growth hindered.
Here's my question to you all. How many people you know (educators, parents, tax payers, et al) really, truly understand how their schools are funded? #RuralEdChat
Great question! I think many of us THINK we know but there are so many different facets, I'm not sure how many have a real handle on the full picture. #RuralEdChat
Major challenge to address rural teacher shortage should be to streamline licensure/endorsement process. Also, make endorsements cross over state lines! #ruraledchat
I think auditors get blamed for a lot of things. I've never seen one. (Doesn't mean they don't exist. I still believe in Santa Clause, too. )
. . . Which, if they do not “pass” after three attempts, will not receive a teaching license. Overall, a good concept but poorly instituted.
Hi friends. In 2018, teachers are still being asked to take attendance on a computer, print it, sign it, and submit it to the office.
This and more mind blowing facts from #RuralEdChat
A4: As @nrea1 already mentioned, streamline the process to become a teacher. Also, create a pipeline for aspiring rural educators - grow your own. Also topics discussed while at #RuralEdForum#RuralEdChat
Yes! Yes yes yes! I can search for files on my computer much more easily than I can search for a single sheet a paper somewhere in that stack of tests and assignments #RuralEdChat
Quick certification process for teacher assistant or aide which hold associate degree. @AzRuralSchools is working on scholarships for teaching assistant to become licensed teacher. #RuralEdChat
Q5: Most of our chat has been about process dysfunction. Other than processes, what are some sources of dysfunction or friction in your school? #RuralEdChat
For me this also leads to the Q of what we want teachers 2B & how we percieve them. Glorified babysitters, public governesses, pink/blue/white collar, licensed technicians, highly-educated professionals...? #ruraledchat
A5: Quick turnover of superintendents. Leadership is key when trying to move a school forward - especially when trying to establish rural collaboration.
Q5: Most of our chat has been about process dysfunction. Other than processes, what are some sources of dysfunction or friction in your school? #RuralEdChat
A5: right now, communication between admin and staff is one. We've received a lot of last minute notice of schedule adjustments for assemblies, and each assembly seems to be a different length at a different time. #RuralEdChat