Join in the #HISDAdminChat conversation each Sunday night at 6pm CST as we discuss the challenges we face and the successes we celebrate while learning and leading as an HISD Administrator.
A1: Ensuring Ss at all levels show strong growth in a year. I'm providing time (subs) for monthly 1/2 day planning sessions for K-5 Ts to ensure they have time to prepare for their small groups. #hisdadminchat
A1. Secondary Education is my current high bar. Some of the systems from Elementary work, some don't. The goal is to work with my team to ensure that we are putting effective systems in place for students. #HISDAdminChat
A1: I realize everyone’s “high bar” is different based on the needs of their campus. I’m reinventing the way I coach and lead my team. In order to move us from good to great, I needed to change my approach. #HISDAdminChat
A1) Transition to ninth grade remains my high bar. I feel we've front loaded a lot for "front of the house". Next set of work is "back of the house" for how we equip teachers with all they need to support these new freshman. All year. #HISDAdminChat
A1 Sitting in campus planning meetings to provide targeted content focused edtech support aligned to needs and data of each more blanketed support. #HISDAdminChat
A1. Listen to others, ask questions, read......put into practice and continue the cycle. Rely on those around me, both near and far, to push my thinking and give good guidance and feedback. And work hard. #HisdAdminChat
I still owe you a visit. I'll email this week so we can collaborate. Middle school is a bit of everything. You've got the right approach in learning. #HISDAdminChat
A2: at the ES level, 1 to 1 is still something I aspire to. We have gotten good traction on creating 1 to 1 environments, but until the devices are truly ubiquitous we are still somewhat limited. #HISDAdminChat
A1: Taking advantage of tech in the classroom. Phone use can be used for such good! Not always a distraction in class. @GoogleForEdu and @Socrative have saved me! #HISDAdminChat
A2 - Have 100% of our parents see us as partners. This is something we are continually working on so we can better support our students. #hisdadminchat
Taking a risk by investing our all in literacy our first semester. However, when you’re limited on time to give results you’ve got to do what’s never been done before #HISDAdminChat
A1: Regrouping my small groups every 3 to 6 weeks to ensure that I am meeting them at their needs. So they are NOT being left behind or being challenge to push forward. #HISDAdminChat
A2. I would say that growing all of our ELL students a level in one year's time would change the learning on our campus. We work very hard with our new comers and ELL students, with the multiple languages we have. For all students to grow would be great! #HISDAdminChat
A2: honestly, getting out of IR! WHEN we are this happen and the teachers see that they can do it...The sky will be the limit!!! #urgencyofnow#HISDAdminChat
A2: Flipped classroom. Students watch lesson night before, and next day is all project based and student-led. #HISDAdminChat#PBLchat hard with short class periods, but 4 minute mile is pretty short too LOL 😂
A2: Honestly, having all scholars reading on grade level by the end of 1st grade. I still struggle with lower grades having that great sense of urgency. With the number of students who enter us already behind the mark, it’s a difficult yet ATTAINABLE goal. #HISDAdminChat
A1: Regrouping my small groups every 3 to 6 weeks to ensure that I am meeting them at their needs. So they are NOT being left behind or being challenge to push forward. #HISDAdminChat
A2) Determining what role homework should play in a large high school. I don't have the formula but it's certainly an "impossible" that is overdue for me. #FormativeAssessment#HISDAdminChat
Removing all barriers that could get in the way of students reading on grade level. Whether it be scheduling, program structure, or instruction. #HISDAdminChat
A2) Determining what role homework should play in a large high school. I don't have the formula but it's certainly an "impossible" that is overdue for me. #FormativeAssessment#HISDAdminChat
Q2: My “impossible” is to have EVERY adult understand that discipline issues are really social emotional issues and we need to stop treating them as discipline issues with punitive punishments and start treating as social emotional needs to be met! Let me stop preaching...
A1: working very hard during the work week and weekends on anything the teachers need. Being in two places at once even if one is digital (texting resolutions/suggestions) and Google Classroom 😀#HISDAdminChat
A3: My broken window to fix would be that PreK and Kinder students can really learn to read more than just letters & basic sight words by the end of the year. #hisdadminchat
A2:My impossible would be to get 100% of my Ss to show growth.
I have lots of Ss with challenges in their home lives that are out of my control and to be able to help them ALL be successful in OUR classroom is what I strive for everyday no matter how big or small. #HISDAdminChat
A3: I’d love to repair punitive grading. Kids don’t learn from zeros and no possibility of rebounding; they flounder. Instead, I’d love to see a system of restorative grading that gives a child an opportunity to rebound with their humanity intact. #HISDAdminChat
We’ve got to build confidence in lower level math. #HISDAdminChat For my students in on-level courses to view upper level classes or AP courses as attainable. @BellaireHigh does a great job with equity in AP, but some students don’t consider themselves worthy.
A3: Scheduling! I wish we had more time for parent conferences, teachers to cross observe partners, planning, student pull outs, professional development..... #HISDAdminChat
A3. This is hard because it's not necessarily that it's broken it is a reality...but helping fix and deliver instruction to a very wide range of literacy levels particularly in English 1 with large class sizes. #HISDAdminChat
A3: Scheduling! I wish we had more time for parent conferences, teachers to cross observe partners, planning, student pull outs, professional development..... #HISDAdminChat
A2: Every teacher feels confident or willing to take risks in using/integrating tech in daily lessons. Ss are so excited when the devices are used in the classroom. #engagement! #HISDAdminChat
Technology can help with lots of this. Video teaching and share/discuss w @googledocs. Plan w collaborative doc. Used tech to help with this list as campus instructional coach. #hisdadminchat
A2:My impossible would be to get 100% of my Ss to show growth.
I have lots of Ss with challenges in their home lives that are out of my control and to be able to help them ALL be successful in OUR classroom is what I strive for everyday no matter how big or small. #HISDAdminChat
A1: My new “high bar” is adding value and support to every team or relationship I’m connected to. The way I’ll ensure this happens is by listening longer and talking less so that I effectively provide the right support/resources. #HISDAdminChat