#INeLearn Archive
The #INeLearn hashtag is used for both asynchronous sharing and synchronous conversations. Include #INeLearn in your tweets if you want to share resources or questions with Indiana educators and school leaders. Asynchronously, the #INeLearn hashtag provides educators across the state of Indiana a central space for sharing. On Thursday evenings beginning at 8 CST/9 EST when you use the #INeLearn hashtag, you are joining a live conversation--the #INeLearn Twitter Chat. For one hour, we interact in real time having a virtual discussion.
Thursday October 6, 2016 9:00 PM EDT
Welcome to tonight’s chat! I’m Pam O’Risky, eLearning Coach for MSD Mt. Vernon
Yes, there are tweets in the stream, but tweets from are not displaying.
And I’m Diana Gill, tech coach at
say hello and check in! Who is with us tonight?
Glad to see with us! You rock!
Chris Tucker, assistant principal at Western Boone HS.
Will and be at ICE next week?
We will not be RTing tonight's moderators. Join chat & look for & . Include the hashtag in your tweets.
glad to have you with us tonight!
Hey guys excited to attend this chat!
Thanks for joining us! You are always a big part of our chats!
Hello . This is John Wells from Evansville; English T, doing some Tech Coaching
Sydney brown student from iupui
You better believe it! Counting the days to | who else?
Can't stay long -- Stranded in Clearwater Beach riding out Hurricane Matthew. Jenny Aykroyd English teacher
thanks for affirming it's not just me :) are you joking chat tonight?
Welcome and glad you are here!
be safe and enjoy the distraction while you can.
R1) Something that will help save time, engage students, or help teach.
I would hope to learn how to effectively use our technological resources
A1-- Basic technology in a school setting-- both application and theory
thanks for joining tonight!
R1) Being taught the the ins and outs of tools or devices. Hopefully hands on
R1: This says "how to" to me.
A1 Something ENGAGING I can take back and implement right away.
Katie Bradford from South Bend. Joining a few minutes late!
No worries! Glad you are here!
Hi ! We don't count tardies here!
Somehow, the phrase "Technology Training" sort of rubs me the wrong way. Seems pretty low on the SAMR model.
A1: Specific tool training that may or may not apply to specific pedagogy ???
A1-I think it will differ with each teacher/learner.To some it may mean nuts and bolts, but to some it would be more application.
A1: Does training imply I will give you something, not collaborative work?
A1: I would hope that it was something useful. I'd probably want to look at the presenter to see if it'd be beginner level or not
Question 2: How is this different from technology integration coaching?
A2: Coaching is about asking the right questions, supporting pedagogy with tech if it fits
Hi, ! Chantell from Angola. It's been a while; been busy with this guy making his debut 3 weeks ago! https://t.co/JTzbN049ph
A2: Collaboration and needs-based
Great question! I'm interested in our perceptions on this. https://t.co/GWM0Nz6Kkj
A1: Does training imply I will give you something, not collaborative work?
A2: I'd expect this to fit the needs of the teachers and be collaborative. Much more engaging.
A2: Have some difficulty here.
A2: Coaching is more of a conversation, training sounds more one-sided
Thanks for sharing! I was wondering how you were doing. What a handsome guy! .
R2: Coaching is more about the why
Hiya friends! Matthew from Lafayette. A2: Training is often Step 1, 2, 3, ... where integration should be more "fail forward."
A2-- coaching is more 1-on-1 and specific to learner needs
Coaching would be personalized; not a packaged/pre-planned session, but tailored to learner's need
Sorry, having issues connecting!
R2 coaching implies working side by side, nuturing, encouraging. Not a one and done situation
R2 I also view coaching as just in time learning
A3: Good teaching comes first, then various tech can be shown as possibilities for supporting good teaching.
R3) Teachers are playing and experiencing the technology while learning.
I think training is the model most are accustomed to. It allows the learner to be passive...
A2 I believe coaching is what the learner needs at that point in time. Collaboration. Where as training is steps and preplanned.
I feel like my answers are really short tonight
A3: I think the training becomes more collaborative to find tech that will help assess skills being taught.
A3: When integration is the focus, there is more discussion, thinking, and creativity involved
R3 if integration is the focus, all are grounded in pedagogy rather than the tech tools. Learning is at the center.
A3: Integration is, or should, focus on pedagogy, content, & engaging methods to enhance solid instruction, not replace it.
So important to start with this! https://t.co/aCDgA83Ey2
R3 if integration is the focus, all are grounded in pedagogy rather than the tech tools. Learning is at the center.
R3: Integration/coaching doesn't limit the learning as training might
R3 I don't know that it looks different. It would provide uniform instruction and support to ensure users know how to use tools.
R4: Coaching feels, to me, most successful 1 on 1
I like what you did there-coaching allows "trainer" to model skills, mindset, skills https://t.co/wuS1hv9yUs
R3: Integration/coaching doesn't limit the learning as training might
Jumping in late. 3 year old decided to play with super glue at 9! Ugh.
Joining a little late - Nancy here from Center Grove - STEM coach
A4: It starts with a mindset shift in most cases. It also needs strong guiding questions focused on what is best for Ss
A4: Coaching to me always starts with relationships.
A4: Integration/coaching should be small groups or more individual conversations to be most effective
R4: Successful coaching seems to work better on individual basis. Large group instruction doesn't work for all.
R4 Coaching=more difficult in groups. Facilitators need a solid understanding of differentiated instruction to meet multiple needs
thanks for joining! Kyle, that sounds fun! We had a 4yo homework meltdown here!
A4: Model best practice. The more individualized the better. Ideal 1:1 but even small groups. Make it personal!
R4: 1 on 1 helps build relationships and trust better than large group instruction.
This is such an important and sometimes overlooked part of coaching. Makes a HUGE difference though! https://t.co/TLT2HUFeQq
R4: 1 on 1 helps build relationships and trust better than large group instruction.
Yes, and coaches can do much more listening
R4 just like on the field, a coach builds their team and focuses on developing individual strengths alongside teamwork
Relationships- most important part of coaching
R4) I believe coaching is best either 1 on 1 or in small groups, since every student learns differently
R4: Just like classroom, coaches have to meet Ts where they are - should be an individualized learning process
R5 I think helping teachers know what will fit their students needs and start small. Don't be afraid to fail.
R5: Being present! In the buildings and in the classrooms.
A5: Model, model, model! Show “Ask 3 before me” works in professional setting! Colleagues, YouTube/Google, Twitter/Social media!
R5: I always like to start with having them give me a lesson they love to teach and one they don't. Try to improve either w/ tech.
R5: Stay true to student learning- the why will be stronger than the fear of the how
This is a fantastic way to open up the conversation! https://t.co/WX988pCdBY
R5: I always like to start with having them give me a lesson they love to teach and one they don't. Try to improve either w/ tech.
Helping teachers meet Ss where they are and realizing tech isn't one size fits all. Different kiddos may need different things.
R5: I always like to show Ts the benefit first, model, then offer to help co-teach or sit with them to set it up.
R6 like said, find the pressure points; provide a meaningful reason for taking risk and investing time to learn
R5: I love giving them an idea of how to make their job easier and less time consuming by using tech.
I LOVE the modeling! Show ways to do different tasks with enhanced learning! https://t.co/EwnF0s3WTT
A5: Model, model, model! Show “Ask 3 before me” works in professional setting! Colleagues, YouTube/Google, Twitter/Social media!
A5: Start small, remind them to start where they are at with just 1 or 2 tools that work for their Ss
A5: Also, get them into other Ts classrooms to observe good teaching w/tech
and it is amazing what they ask you to help them with in those drop-in visits!
I love focusing on the why!!
So important! Hesitant Ts get overwhelmed with too many options. https://t.co/lMVxOOxvT2
A5: Start small, remind them to start where they are at with just 1 or 2 tools that work for their Ss
A6: Coaching should be non-evaluative. Should be a safe space for trial/error, growth, and support
EXACTLY what I did as a tech mentor. Effective and powerful!
YES! So much collaboration is a happy accident in the hallway during passing period
R6 Should be off student and teacher's needs. If technology helps, then admin can model.
Q6 interesting ?...admin ideally are invested in the learning and modeling the transformation; integration shouldn't be isolated
How do we get reluctant Admin to model?
Admin modeling is such an important piece to effective tech integration. So necessary! https://t.co/cOICvBuKOQ
R6 Should be off student and teacher's needs. If technology helps, then admin can model.
R6: I like to promote to teachers for them to get out of their "comfort zone". https://t.co/SBqiitOEaG
A6: Coaching should be non-evaluative. Should be a safe space for trial/error, growth, and support
R6 I don't think any coaching initiative will succeed without admin support. Part of the admin's role is to coach staff as well!
R6: admin expectations should definitely be kept in mind, but should not be a driving force! There should be room to grow and fail
R6: Only if the teacher asks for help in those areas-if coach is trusted, Ts will ask for help in these areas. Trust is essential
THIS is SO true! How can we get them into the coaching? https://t.co/st0VERbksU
R6 I don't think any coaching initiative will succeed without admin support. Part of the admin's role is to coach staff as well!
You are right! Trust is essential!
Admin need coaching too, especially if they are afraid of tech/change! Help make their lives easier w/tech
let's coach them! Then they can see how beneficial coaching is! Challenge admin to join in the process
Great question. I’d love to see different ideas on how to pull admin in more! https://t.co/ewsfYCD7FG
How do we get reluctant Admin to model?
Similar to how Ts should let Ss grow & fail in their own rooms. Trying new tech shows Ts can fail, but keep trying.
R6: Student success should always drive coaching. It's simple!
1:1 coaching of Admin? I LIKE!
A6 More often than not we are the safe place for them to land. The last thing we should do is evaluate.
yes, I think we need to build trusted relationships here too. Can be easy for admin to feel intimidated by the tech
A7: The questions we ask should always start with needs of Ss, goal of lesson, then shift to tech. Good ?s matter!
R7 Posting goals and having students set goals always helps with the why.
R7: I always remember everything we do is ultimately for kids and their success.
A7: Keeping in mind the school’s vision, referencing it can help
A7: We give the WHY to put the tech into the context of the class so we are not doing tech just to say we are doing tech
R8 I think badging helps. Finding rewards for the pioneers. If it helps students, then our tech department will always support.
R8: I like to try to have an in each department. They model for their own dept, which is a HUGE help.
A8: Classroom observations good teaching + tech integration, Use something like Pineapple Chart! https://t.co/ZDfOOqKADd
They will work and share for BADGES! YES! https://t.co/omIkWE8K6B
R8 I think badging helps. Finding rewards for the pioneers. If it helps students, then our tech department will always support.
A8 District Drop Ins- Ts presenting best practices to other Ts. They get sick of hearing us talk after awhile. ;)
R8: Center Grove implemented PLCs so Ts are sharing what is successful in classrooms including tech integration.
This is certainly a quick win for teachers! Excellent suggestion! https://t.co/o80IhEDs0N
R8: I like to try to have an in each department. They model for their own dept, which is a HUGE help.
A8: Fun demo slams at beginning/end of staff meetings, asking reluctant to share when you see something great in their class
R8: I think it's best if some of the impetus is connected to students, not continually holding up same Ts as models.
A8: I've always encouraged classroom visits. Go see integration live in action then try to find time for them to debrief/reflect.
What a GREAT idea! https://t.co/AHmLOeY8nw
A8: Fun demo slams at beginning/end of staff meetings, asking reluctant to share when you see something great in their class
R8: Just came up with a video idea today at my school! A teaching pioneer will start filming a 1 min video each week & then share.
we have "tech teams" in our district. Similar concept. I love the name!
R8 Pioneers are our star players, collab with them and give them oops to lead, but focus on your 2nd line players
LOVE this idea! Thanks for sharing! https://t.co/mn21fwOOgL
R8: Just came up with a video idea today at my school! A teaching pioneer will start filming a 1 min video each week & then share.
"Tyner's Tech Tips" cred goes to my buddy at school! https://t.co/2QDiHHhmz2
R8: Just came up with a video idea today at my school! A teaching pioneer will start filming a 1 min video each week & then share.
A8: Important to have your rock stars share their “bloopers” too. They’re not always perfect either… Good for all to see!
R8: I'm going to throw the D-word out there-Data doesn't lie. If Ts share success thru data, it can help other Ts see advantages
R8: I have even volunteered to sub so another teacher could visit a rock star's class!
A9: Going back to my initial comment, there are some skills that everyone just needs to have. Give everyone that base skill
Cool! and I push out a 4 Min Fun Fri video each week-screencasting a tech tool, Google resource, etc.
I've wanted to do this! Great idea.
R9 (How did you ladies fit in 9Qs?) Training has a place but it can not be the answer to PD.
I'd love to see one. Could you share? https://t.co/dd6qyMlbrI
Cool! and I push out a 4 Min Fun Fri video each week-screencasting a tech tool, Google resource, etc.
R9 With all of the resources out there and the advantages tech brings for S engagement, data, accessibility, etc. how can it not?
R9: If the technology increases student achievement, I say YES!
R9: It's necessary, but you have to continue the conversation once the training is over.
A9: Basic training is ok, but letting them struggle a bit is better. Try it! Figure it out! Ask for help if YOU need it.
We are good! When everything works right! https://t.co/duZsyjXK4d
R9 (How did you ladies fit in 9Qs?) Training has a place but it can not be the answer to PD.
R9 Give Ts the option of training. Flip/Blend PD to make coaching more meaningful by having Ts do "training" in advance!
And THAT is where the real work of coaching begins for all parties involved! https://t.co/3eQwdJCHeN
R9: It's necessary, but you have to continue the conversation once the training is over.
A9: Def. a role in PD, but variety and option as can better serve the needs of your staff. Not a one size fits all sit and get.
Coaching is about relationships, questions, modeling, and focus on students!
WU: Adult learning must be timely and meet where they are
It was fast, it was furious, and it was challenging.
WU: Even coaches need new ideas, so thank for tonight!
Wrap: Coaching=more effort from all. And leaders need it too!
yes! Who has a new idea to use from tonight!? https://t.co/DI8pvyBZJo
WU: Even coaches need new ideas, so thank for tonight!