#fcpslearn is a weekly chat about teaching and learning. Our focus is on creativity, innovation and inspiration. We discuss a range of educational topics that range from technology integration to the Olympics.
Welcome to #fcpslearn. Please introduce yourself, your location, your role in education and tag someone to join in tonight. We will be using the Q1/A1 format. Please make sure to use #fcpslearn in your answer.
A1: I put myself in their shoes. I look at the assignment or project as if I were the one being asked to complete it. My mind starts brewing ideas and we have fun. Sharing the good is a wonderful way to spark creativity. #fcpslearn
A1: Creativity in the #edtech world comes from and can be modeled through finding creative ways to use tools and by combining them with others #appsmashing.
Hello! I’m Amanda, a Canadian living in Illinois and working in Missouri. I’m an ESOL Coordinator for the Saint Louis Public Schools District. I’m inviting @AWSmith_MSDR9#fcpslearn
A1: I think I show my creativity in a lot of what I do, from the presentation of my cart, to my like..one bulletin board that I have... right down to the lessons that I create. Sure, some are boring but some are pretty darn awesome if I do say so myself #FCPSLearn
A1 I offer Choice Boards with creative response types. I’m always learning new skills/tools to share with students to demonstrate their learning in interesting ways #fcpslearn
Super prêt!
Though I was actually very ready to have school tomorrow. I'm in the midst of teaching one of my favorite units so I'm actually looking forward to our next day, whenever that is! #FCPSLearn
A1:I like to take ordinary things (worksheets, presentations, etc) and figure out how to use 4c’s.
With tennis coaching I like to come up with sayings before every match to get the players thinking and in the same page. I just like to have fun with everything I do. #fcpslearn
A1: I try to always find new and innovative ways to teach French and to integrate technology. I want to make sure I am engaging my Ss. By creative allows me to always keep growing as an educator and let’s my Ss really show they are learning. #fcpslearn
A2: I don't know that I have a dream choice here. I'd truly like to see or be part of a collaboration between any content areas and grade levels.
A2: My 8th grade ELA and Science Ts did an awesome collaborative unit together with ecosystems and biospheres. My 8th graders were taken back when they learned the projects were going to be done in both classes! #fcpslearn
I teach math. Collaborating with art or social studies would be interesting. Lots of math in social dynamics, politics, wars. And lots of math in art! Here's an example made by a student. #fcpslearn
A1: My greatest or most common way to show creativity is through technology! Although I'm not great, I own it and help my Ss learn that it's ok to not be the best! #fcpslearn
A2: I think it would be fun to incorporate more math into history.
3/5ths compromise, plotting data of gold rushers, election results, predicting elections, etc... #fcpslearn
What unit? We are working with descriptions in Level 2 and the food unit in Level 1. French 4s are working through the readings and the 5s are about to start the French Revolution ❤️🇫🇷 #FCPSLearn
A1: I aim to use a variety of interactive, personalized, and individualized methods when connecting with teachers for PD, coaching, sharing of resources, or just showing appreciation for all they do. Hand written cards by snail mail is a favorite #fcpslearn
A2: I've ironically been doing a lot of it lately - math, geography, history! But my biggest goal this year for this idea is to team up with @suireMHS and make a collaborative project between French and her US and WHI classes about FRA-USA relations #FCPSLearn#BrackenSuireWar
A1: I aim to use a variety of interactive, personalized, and individualized methods when connecting with teachers for PD, coaching, sharing of resources, or just showing appreciation for all they do. Hand written cards by snail mail is a favorite #fcpslearn
~our littles are so tech savvy we work on connecting/matching the best tools like @Flipgrid@buncee@googleea to seamlessly tie in to whatever we are learning ... not as an add on but an integral part of ...
A2: I would most want to collaborate on a lesson with my art colleague! she has such a wide variety of knowledge and love for the arts as well as with a willingness to utilize technology! #fcpslearn
A2: I already do global collaboration between a math class in France with my French Ss. I would love to do more collaboration with History classes within my own building. (I also majored in History in college) #fcpslearn
A3: I need to find ways to invite core subject areas into our space. We are too departmentalized. There are activities and ideas that bleed over into each other. We need to do a better job of communicating to make the product more interdisciplinary. #fcpslearn
A3 I love talking with other teachers and collaborating/stealing their ideas. I wish there was time for me to observe more MHS teachers!
Focus on improving one thing at a time. One lesson, one unit, one day, one course, one relationship... deeper, more intense focus on one thing to bring about real change. #fcpslearn
A3: One thing I talk to my Ts about is having Ss do the work. Dig deeper into their understandings by questioning instead of jumping right to correcting what they say. #fcpslearn
A3: I need to find ways to invite core subject areas into our space. We are too departmentalized. There are activities and ideas that bleed over into each other. We need to do a better job of communicating to make the product more interdisciplinary. #fcpslearn
A2- I would love to collaborate more with my art teacher, there are beautiful pieces I would like to do with the students but don’t have the time. #fcpslearn
A3: As a SPED teacher, I often challenge myself in the way of connecting different content areas/topics for my Ss. It takes some time for me but I can often make a connection for them, (even if it's a stretch) #fcpslearn
There are fabulous YouTube songs on subjunctive if that is your style. Not sure if you use @thisislanguage, but they have awesome lessons and activities on the subjunctive. #FCPSLearn
This is a cool idea. It'd be fun to team up with @missbell_art to talk about French painters where her kids study the technique of painting and my students study the person's life story and we come together to give one presentation! #FCPSLearn
A2: I would most want to collaborate on a lesson with my art colleague! she has such a wide variety of knowledge and love for the arts as well as with a willingness to utilize technology! #fcpslearn
A4: The key for me is to integrate #digitalcitizenship lessons or modeling into lessons that already exist. Using images in a lesson/activity/project? Talk a bit about copyright, creative commons, citation, etc.
A3: I try to collaborate with colleagues from other departments. I also participate in online PD classes which allows me to learn from educators across subject areas. It’s nice to work with others outside of the language classroom and see how others are doing things. #fcpslearn
A4: I think what we're doing right now is a great model of digital citizenship. I encourage students to check out my teacher twitter so that they can see all of the cool things I'm doing in other classes as well as see how I'm learning like them! #FCPSLearn
~I’m a voracious reader, totally love learning & surround myself with folks like you guys & other twitterverse folks who so willingly share expertise, resources and good old support ~ here are my most recent books I’m reading ... #thatsmypetey🐶
A3: With ESOL there is a focus on finding the “language of” whichever content area you are teaching to help master content concepts. The great thing about this is it allows you to find connections to other content areas which increases development of academic language #fcpslearn
A1. I draw and that is huge! My EL students benefit from visuals. When we are working together I’ll draw things and they are the first to say “You’re right Mrs. Kolligris, you are an awful drawer.” They like to see me take risks too. #fcpslearn
A4: I love teaching on the spot and taking a "happy mistake" into a learning piece. I have done mini-lessons on digital citizenship, even at the middle school level b/c they've become even more involved with tech #fcpslearn
A4: My hope is that by being kind and respectful of others. I think also assessing the worth of sources that I look at before considering buying into what they are informing. #fcpslearn
Check out the activities on @thisislanguage. I use a mash up that EF Language Schools creates for the subjunctive. It’s a mash up of Hallelujah and Hit Me Baby One More Time. My students love it! #FCPSLearn
In reply to
@MonsieurBracken, @thisislanguage, @damonandjo, @thisislanguage
A4 We have #DigiCit discussions weekly with a prompt much like a Twitter Chat in my class. We use @joinbubble for our class discussions and global discussions around various topics #fcpslearn
A4: utilizing tech in the room. I have one teacher who does everything through google classroom, other classrooms run small group time (for independents learners) on various online tools, and all classes use a variety of tech to teach. #fcpslearn
A4b: as an admin, I use Google in many forms of communication and forms of collecting what I need.. Google sites for my weekly newsletter, Drive to collect lesson plans, Sheets for data collection, etc #fcpslearn
A5: Communication is best fostered through both in-person and virtual options whenever possible. Ensure the introverts have a voice as well.
A4: I try to incorporate #digitalcitizenship into my lessons when integrating technology. It’s a skill that all Ss need regardless of the content area. #FCPSLearn
A5: This has been a bigger focus of mine this year - getting students to actually TALK in FRENCH with one another. I use various activities, prompts, and encourage them to give it a shot/failure is okay! It's doing well but still room to improve! #FCPSLearn
A4: I need to do a better job. Too often, I find myself infringing on others' rights to their property. Not so much now, but in the past, especially with music and copyright laws. #fcpslearn
A5: we often do an #ironchef where the students create and record a presentation. They load their presentation video onto a google class slide deck and we watch the presentations, offer feedback, and learn from each other. #eduprotocols#fcpslearn
~teach the littles the do’s & dont’s just like we do with tools used in our classroom
~Tons of PD offered ~ so I join in
~this is Ss created @Mentimeter about their weekends ~ 😊 #letthemlead ❤️
A5: I encourage Ss to always share their voice in my classes. We communicate in class, as well as through online tools. I love using @Flipgrid to make sure every voice is heard. #fcpslearn
Being sensitive to some of the more quiet members of class. I've been using sticky notes. I ask a prompt, students write thoughts, brainstorm, ask Qs or whatever in response and post. Then, they review what everyone wrote & discuss how to categorize all the responses. #fcpslearn
A5: Everything that we do is based upon communication. Many times I will ask kids if they talked to their partner to figure out the problem. 9/10, the answer is not. They have been trained to rely on us for the answers. We need to unlearn this behavior. #fcpslearn
A3. As an EL Instructional Specialist I’m able to work with Ss across subject areas. In social studies we are learning about MLK and in ELA class we are writing about characteristics of a hero. We will also looks at current events stories to identify everyday heroes. #fcpslearn