#Lleidaeducació360 Per acabar la jornada, o com a Sessió 2, trobo que seria interessant un #Edcamp de Ciutat/Poble com a EcosistemaEducatiu.
Avui molts actors, són a la sala. Potser algú ho pot proposar! @Mireiamasro@educacio360
Avui es fa a bcn, @edEspaisedu
Conferencias #EDcamp Cochabamba 2018 🔥
¿Sabías que el dominio del marketing puede ser la diferencia entre el éxito o el fracaso de un proyecto?
En esta charla, Alvaro te compartirá sus experiencias asesorando empresas exitosas.
Inscríbete gratis en: https://t.co/NsOmlu9g32 👈
Have a wonderful day, #edcampwchester colleagues! I have to head down to Brooklyn this afternoon, so I'm sorry to miss your event this year. Have wonderful conversations all day!! 😊 #EdCamp
You know you are doing something right when you go to an edcamp and they tell the participants that they modeled theirs after yours. 😁 #edcamp for #edcampJunkies
Our biggest barrier is that students have no individual chrome books to use everyday. We have very limited access. Our district can overcome this issue by having more funds available to get individual chrome books for scholars. #AltRtEd#Edcamp
Thank you! Thanks also for encouraging me to tweet! I'm working on being more active on Twitter. Today's awesome #edcamp is a perfect way to practice. :)
Un goig i un plaer obrir l'escola de persones implicades en l'educació. Gràcies a totes i especialment al col.lectiu El Tinglado per organitzar l' @edEspaisedu#femxarxa#Edcamp
Workshops #EDcamp Cochabamba 2018 🔥
¿Quieres saber cómo ser más productivo al desarrollar Apps?
Junto a Luis Aviles veremos las herramientas más adecuadas para mejorar la productividad y lograr el desarrollo de un prototipo en poco tiempo.
Inscríbete en: https://t.co/NsOmlu9g32
What a great morning! Attended @edcampWCHESTER & facilitated a session on what a gradeless classroom could look like. Great discussions & learing @ #SEL w/ Michael Plotkin @CHUFSD#designthinking with veteran& preservice Ts, admin, public & private schools represented. #goodPD
My tired self thoroughly inspired and rejuvenated at this morning’s #edcampWESTCHESTER Thank you organizers and participants for your kindness and leadership #edcamp