Taste of EdCamp! CK teachers generated 24 topics of interest, sorted them into 7 categories, and dispersed to their respective breakout rooms for discussion—all under 15 minutes! 😎👍 #teacherchoice#PLC#edcamphi@EdcampHi#ECET2HI@HIDOE808
🗓️El #TecnoCampus col·labora amb l'#Edcamp, unes jornades per debatre sobre la transformació educativa que se celebren aquest dissabte a #Mataró.
Consulta tots els detalls sobre l'acte, gratuït i obert a tothom ➡️https://t.co/CJEIRuvVEB
Vols organitzar un #edcamp i no saps com posar-t'hi? Pots ser a Girona el dimarts 13 de març a les 17,30h? Doncs no t'ho pensis més i apunta't al taller que ha organitzat la @FundacioBofill. Informació i inscripcions a https://t.co/qgtjRt8Y4l@edcampCAT
NJ and Eastern PA Peeps: please share upcoming names & dates for an #EdCamp this spring! Trying to share the power of Twitter AND introduce the experience of EdCamps to colleagues. 🌸
Your love for teaching and empowering students will inform your instruction. That’s why it’s crucial to not just know what to teach and how best to teach it, but why it’s important to teach it at all. #Education#teacher#WednesdayWisdom#edcamp
So the #edcamp model is proving to be great for 'greatest hits' but too shallow imo for extended learning. What is next in deep pd learning for teachers? Can we created limited time learning communities that are inexpensive/free? Will educators commit to a week? #edchat#moedchat
RT t3pgcps: RT msantos411: t3pgcps EDCampDE_TTLI Yes they did! I attended the #edcamp on 2/15. Got really good discussions going on. Looking forward to round 2! #ttipgcps#DigCitPGCPS18
Just participated in my first #edcamp. I'm looking forward to implementing some of the ideas my fellow ETs shared about broadcasting and the green screen. #dodeaMAD
@acieri - trying to reply to your #EdCamp email, but it's being bounced by your mail server! Can you shoot me an email from a personal account possible? joey@flipgrid.com
We are doing #EdCamp style PD within our building. We value the empowerment & personalization of our teachers & their learning! Innovation is in our mission statement, so we much always uphold our mission! #Edchat#PD
Now underway... #edchat Topic: How is the professional development provided by your school or district meeting your needs to maintain relevance in the 21st century?
Implementation the VERY NEXT DAY! Teachers created google classrooms, started @Seesaw accounts, experimented with @Flipgrid & shared it all via twitter! It’s been amazing! It’s not a one size fits all for students or teachers! #edchat#edcamp
A5: I am a big fan of conferences and learning from peers. While I know funding doesn’t always to travel to conferences the rise #edcamp have allowed educators connect to other educators and grow their PLN #ASCDL2L
Q5: Future-ready schools and teachers need the resources and professional development opportunities to transform learning for their students. What are some of your favorite resources or PD opportunities? Answer with A5 #ASCDL2L
Teacher Burnout: Don’t let this happen to you! Experience community & share your expertise at #i39edcamp THIS June! I’ve found we are always #bettertogether & each Teacher brings a unique perspective to the table! #sharingiscaring at an #EdCamp near you!! #WeAreMCUSD
A1 share our experiences of the PD we do, the book studies, the awesome @voxer groups and Twitter chats, #edcamp and encourage others to try these forms of PD #TeacherMyth
A3 when I can choose where to go/how to spend time, enjoy participating in #edcamp style , love going to/presenting at conferences and learning from #PLN need time to collab #TeacherMyth