Rik in SNOWY MA, honored to lead alongside our @KatieBudrow in #sblchat tonight as we share healthy aspects of "Positive Learning Environments (PLEs)". Ready?
As I await the #Quinn Nor’easter in the Boston area, I’m ready with @KatieBudrow to inspire #sblchat at 8CT/9ET Tonight on “Positive Learning Environments” (PLEs). #SnowKidding
A1 Students work collaboratively, not competitively. Criteria are clearly communicated. Summative assessment is relevant and authentic. Oh, and there’s lots and lots of quality feedback! #sblchat
A1: positive learning environment provides Ss with freedom to explore and make mistakes. Actually it welcomes and encourages mistakes. That’s how we learn. #sblchat
A1: PLE's have accessible space for students, multisensory tools for learning and established rules/norms to provide a safe space for student questions. #sblchat
A1: Relationships always come first. Greeting students at the door, greeting them by name, telling them great job at the game/concert/etc. The environment is shaped most by our relationships with S's #sblchat
Q1; Comfort, both physical and psychological. Students are going to learn more when they are in a comfortable climate, in comfortable seating with enough space and with a teacher with which they are comfortable sharing, failing and succeeding. #sblchat
A1: All students feel that they can risk failure and experiment. All students feel supported to be honest with themselves and one-another. Students and teachers laugh a lot. #sblchat
A1: In my class we focus on honesty and trust. Mistakes are great in my class, we work on if we make a mistake we remind ourselves it’s making our brains grow then we try again. Listening is huge, that includes me listening to the kids. #sblchat
A1 Students feel safe to succeed, take risks, and to fail. Students know their teacher believes in their ability to learn. The teacher is viewed as a guide, not a dictator. #sblchat
A1: Relationships always come first. Greeting students at the door, greeting them by name, telling them great job at the game/concert/etc. The environment is shaped most by our relationships with S's #sblchat
A1: All students feel that they can risk failure and experiment. All students feel supported to be honest with themselves and one-another. Students and teachers laugh a lot. #sblchat
A1 Students feel safe to succeed, take risks, and to fail. Students know their teacher believes in their ability to learn. The teacher is viewed as a guide, not a dictator. #sblchat
A1. Engaging learning experiences, ridicule free zone so students can lose the fear of failing, and collaborative groups helping each other. Can’t forget clear expectations for outcomes. #sblchat
Q1; Comfort, both physical and psychological. Students are going to learn more when they are in a comfortable climate, in comfortable seating with enough space and with a teacher with which they are comfortable sharing, failing and succeeding. #sblchat
A1: Positive Learning Environments: learner-centered, feedback and growth driven, have student choice, levels of understanding, recognize learning happens at different times, and allows time to demonstrate improvement. #sblchat#edchat
A1 Students feel safe to succeed, take risks, and to fail. Students know their teacher believes in their ability to learn. The teacher is viewed as a guide, not a dictator. #sblchat
A1: Positive Learning Environments: learner-centered, feedback and growth driven, have student choice, levels of understanding, recognize learning happens at different times, and allows time to demonstrate improvement. #sblchat#edchat
A1: a positive learning environment for students is place where students know they are loved and safe. Where they won’t be punished for having a lack of skills either academically or socially but will given the support they need @CoyMillerElem#MMMteam6#sblchat
A1: a positive learning environment for students is place where students know they are loved and safe. Where they won’t be punished for having a lack of skills either academically or socially but will given the support they need @CoyMillerElem#MMMteam6#sblchat
A1: In my class we focus on honesty and trust. Mistakes are great in my class, we work on if we make a mistake we remind ourselves it’s making our brains grow then we try again. Listening is huge, that includes me listening to the kids. #sblchat
A2 - When our Learners advocate for themselves through engaged participation, collaborative questioning, and active listening, our Positive Learning Environment (PLE) becomes more Learner-centered. #Ownership#sblchat
A2: Giving Ss choice provides them the opportunity to build Character - personal responsibility, time management, valuing others talent, receiving feedback...so many crucial elements to Learning outside the curriculum #sblchat
A2: I think students have to learn how to ask questions, how to agree or disagree with others and communicate needs/wants in socially appropriate ways. Educators must teach these skills just as they do math or reading. #sblchat
A2 - When our Learners advocate for themselves through engaged participation, collaborative questioning, and active listening, our Positive Learning Environment (PLE) becomes more Learner-centered. #Ownership#sblchat
#sblchat Will from VA jumping in here. A2: If you are showing your students how much they mean to you, they will show you everything they can to meet your expectations!! #chooseyourculture
A2 Self-advocacy is critical to developing students as reflective, independent learners so that they understand that it is about their learning not just grades and scores. #sblchat
A2: Giving Ss choice provides them the opportunity to build Character - personal responsibility, time management, valuing others talent, receiving feedback...so many crucial elements to Learning outside the curriculum #sblchat
A3. Empowering and coaching student to self advocate is monumental. When they use their voice to communicate needs, we must listen and affirm their conjectures #sblchat
A2. Getting frustrated means the end for many because “they can’t make a mistake.” Advocating (saying I need help) means Ss are willing to grow. They may even help others grow. #sblchat
A2: When students know they have control and voice over their learning, when we remove the mystery behind learning, assessing, and scoring, we create a positive learning environment. And a PLE surely results in greater engagement and learning. #sblchat
A2: Ss need to be taught self-advocacy. It begins with these 3 Qs:
Where am I going?
Where am I now?
How do I close the gap?
All are important but advocacy gets developed/encouraged with the last one. #sblchat
A2: self-advocacy means S's feel safe to advocate. S's should advocate for the hows, why's, what's in their learning. How they communicate this is an opportunity for building confidence, trust, and voice. #sblchat
A2: Ss need to be taught self-advocacy. It begins with these 3 Qs:
Where am I going?
Where am I now?
How do I close the gap?
All are important but advocacy gets developed/encouraged with the last one. #sblchat
#sblchat Will from VA jumping in here. A2: If you are showing your students how much they mean to you, they will show you everything they can to meet your expectations!! #chooseyourculture
A2: I know all my students learn differently. I work to make activities for different learning modalities all around the same standard. They get to choose the activity and they are all partner involved. They get to choose with whom and how to deeper their understanding.#sblchat
A2. Getting frustrated means the end for many because “they can’t make a mistake.” Advocating (saying I need help) means Ss are willing to grow. They may even help others grow. #sblchat
A2: I know all my students learn differently. I work to make activities for different learning modalities all around the same standard. They get to choose the activity and they are all partner involved. They get to choose with whom and how to deeper their understanding.#sblchat
Student self-advocacy can lead to a more student-centered classroom & school in which students take active roles in their learning. This is ALL positive. #sblchat
A2: I know all my students learn differently. I work to make activities for different learning modalities all around the same standard. They get to choose the activity and they are all partner involved. They get to choose with whom and how to deeper their understanding.#sblchat
A2: when students can advocate for themselves they can take greater ownership of their learning. Make students be a partner in their learning and see the growth! @CoyMillerElem#MMMteam6#sblchat
A2: For self-advocacy to occur, the environment must be set students up for success: there is a clear target and support for the many paths that will lead there. #sblchat
A2 Above all students need to learn how to learn! Continuous self-reflection, monitoring their own progress, and determining what they need to move their learning forward is critical. #sblchat
A2: In a system where safety and trust is cultured, teamwork and selflessness perpetuates. When a lack of safety or distrust is present, cynicism and paranoia prevail. Again, can be tied back to relationships #sblchat
A3 - Healthy grading practices that include ungraded HW, (or no HW), a REDO on any Formative Assessment (FA) to stimulate the learning, and not averaging learning are components for a Positive Learning Environment (PLE). #sblchat
A3 Takes away a lot of the competition. No longer looking around to see who is the best in the class. Now, we get to look around to see how we can all get better together. #sblchat
A3: If students know what skills they've mastered and which they are still learning, the focus can shift to the 'Growth Mindset' we strive for instead of pass/fail or rankings. #sblchat
A3 Healthy grading practices such as only achievement and summative assessment in grades give the clear message that school is about learning. #sblchat
A3: When I switched to SBL, my students no longer asked why they needed to do an assignment because they were all critical practice, stopped asking about s grade and asked how they could improve. It changes their perspective. #sblchat
A3 As teachers we should assess for three 3 reasons. 1. To give student feedback. 2. Inform our instructional decisions.3 to communicate progress to students and parents. If we only perpetuate the game of school by assigning points..we are doing our students a disservice #sblchat
A3. Switching to standards gave Ss clear vision of direction with content and skills, allowing for focus. Allowing retakes on summative assures them they may not be ready the first time but can improve and be reassessed to show growth. #sblchat
A3: When grades are based on learning, and you reward full learning w/full credit, Ss are rewarded for continuing to strive toward mastery. Effort=Achievement=PLE. #sblchat
Q3. The shift to healthy grading practices honors apprehension about change re: measuring growth over absolute and use the feedback cycle to build the trust to transform paradigms #sblchat
How do we make Ss feel safe & work with other Ss who act out? Balance mercy/justice; protect others and work w/beh. challenged kids. Sometimes competing interests. #sblchat
A3b: I do not give any homework, and I only grade assessments. I record practice without any grade weight. Yet students complete all practice because they see it is necessary for the learning. #sblchat
A3 As teachers we should assess for three 3 reasons. 1. To give student feedback. 2. Inform our instructional decisions.3 to communicate progress to students and parents. If we only perpetuate the game of school by assigning points..we are doing our students a disservice #sblchat
A3: When our practices focus on learning (progress) over judgement (points), trustful and supportive relationships are fostered between Ss and Ts. From here, all is now possible! #sblchat
I've had Learners do Extended Practice after a failed Final Exam because we agreed that had learned so much more than the exam indicated. Whew! #sblchat
I believe health grading practices focus on achievement. Grades should be determined by the most consistent level of achievement with emphasis on more recent evidence so growth not average is recognized. #sblchat
A3b: I do not give any homework, and I only grade assessments. I record practice without any grade weight. Yet students complete all practice because they see it is necessary for the learning. #sblchat
I believe health grading practices focus on achievement. Grades should be determined by the most consistent level of achievement with emphasis on more recent evidence so growth not average is recognized. #sblchat
Woah, @BradLatzke - I must admit, I just Googled you, and I AM A FAN. You were an admin at the Shanghai American School - what were the grading practices there? Mastery? Standards based? #EDgIER@jlvw76
A4 - We find that differentiation based on Learner-specific strengths and gaps create more engagement and helps to make the learning more relevant, meaningful, and personal. #sblchat#PLE
A4 Everybody gets what they need, which might not be the same thing. Also helps students embrace and celebrate differences. The fact that we are learning becomes the common ground. #sblchat
A3. Shifting to healthy grading practices should, first, encompass authentic job embedded support of Ts instructional behaviors, reflective practices, strategic feedback about their own growth and development...this will influence what happens with the Ss #sblchat
A3: Shifting to healthy grading practices can lead to higher levels of student efficacy. They should be able to see the direction connection between their evidence of learning and their grades. Grading with effort, behavior, and attitude obscures this connection. #sblchat
Q3: healthy grading practices mean S's aren't being coerced into working for an inauthentic purpose. Grades should not matter. Learning matters. #sblchat
Q3: healthy grading practices mean S's aren't being coerced into working for an inauthentic purpose. Grades should not matter. Learning matters. #sblchat
#flipclass has helped me to strategically differentiate based on Ss understanding from video...students self-select daily groups to extend, enrich, or re-teach learning #sblchat
A4 Allow student choice in how they demonstrate proficiency of a concept. If a students takes an assessment and is only proficient on certain parts...let them reassess only on the concepts they need to...this individualizes the learning #sblchat
A4: Differentiation provides access to learners through various forms of scaffolding, visual supports and learning materials. Equal access means that everyone is given the opportunity to learn. #sblchat
A4: Differentiation provides access to learners through various forms of scaffolding, visual supports and learning materials. Equal access means that everyone is given the opportunity to learn. #sblchat
A4. We can structure the class time to meet student needs gleaned from formative assessment data. We can pull smaller groups, do individual check-ins, and make it a priority to allow time for our students to share where they are at in their learning. #sblchat
A4. Appropriate materials for various starting points, paces, or needs ensures engagement and success for the maximum number of students. Confidence goes a long way. #sblchat
A4: For me, differentiation is done through problem-based learning. It is not 'everyone doing something different' But rather, every learner receiving different levels of information, and creating low floor/high ceiling questions to reach all levels of learners #sblchat
And the key to achieving this, among many other things, is to build relationships with our students so they feel safe to self-assess along the way #sblchat
A4. We can structure the class time to meet student needs gleaned from formative assessment data. We can pull smaller groups, do individual check-ins, and make it a priority to allow time for our students to share where they are at in their learning. #sblchat
A4: There are no “average” Ss. There is no “one size fits all” lesson or assessment. Recognizing & embracing this understanding let’s Ss know that their individuality matters (and is noticed). #sblchat
To all who participate in #sblchat - Are you going to be in Boston for ASCD Empower 18? i’m co-presenting with @DouglasReeves, @leeannjung at 1.30 on the Saturday. How about a #sblchat tweet up?
A4: There are no “average” Ss. There is no “one size fits all” lesson or assessment. Recognizing & embracing this understanding let’s Ss know that their individuality matters (and is noticed). #sblchat
A4: differentiation and personalization helps S's feel empowered. They can choose their entry into learning and and feel confident about their opportunity. #sblchat
To all who participate in #sblchat - Are you going to be in Boston for ASCD Empower 18? i’m co-presenting with @DouglasReeves, @leeannjung at 1.30 on the Saturday. How about a #sblchat tweet up?
A4: Differentiating learning supports kids and their needs. When we support them, they respond in kind with engagement, excitement, and learning. #sblchat
A4: I just wrote a blog today describing why we should change our instructional practices and why many are reluctant to do so...very timely #sblchathttps://t.co/tQMl5SQYZf
A5 - Our #MHSAlgebra1 and #MHSPrecal Learners benefit daily (as do I) from me being a regular contributor with our collaborative teams (PLCs). #sblchat
In cultures that put WE > me and OURS > my...schools create a student-centered culture where ALL educators in the building believe ALL students can be successful! #sblchat
A4. Differentiated instruction is aligned with personalized learning. Ts use the data to inform practices to communicate to Ss where they need to grow. Ss then use their voice to debrief their learning and engage in the feedback process. #sblchat
A5 Teachers working collaboratively leads to consistency and shared assessment and grading practices so each class isn’t ‘myth, mystery and magic’ for students. #sblchat
A5: PLC's are supposed to be forums in which educators collaborate to use common formative assessment data to drive instructional practices and strategies. #sblchat
A5: PLCs use student work/assessment as part of the evaluation of their instructional practice. What do Ss get? Where do they need assistance? How can I best provide scaffolding to assist Ss on road to mastery? It’s about what Ss learned, not what Ts taught. #sblchat
A5: our plcs help us to delve into the data of where our students are and where they need to go. They can’t succeed and grow if we don’t know what they need to be successful #sblchat
A5: our plcs help us to delve into the data of where our students are and where they need to go. They can’t succeed and grow if we don’t know what they need to be successful #sblchat
A5: Effective PLC's do too much for one tweet. However, the best thing they do is eliminate the idea that students are "mine" and instead become "ours" #sblchat
IMO in PLC’s more important is the development of shared practices and doing shared marking of student assessments so performance standards are applied consistently. #sblchat
A5. Collaborative engagement within PLCs for the Ts fosters the best practices that parlay into sound instructional interactions in learning communities for Ss...authentic dialogue, inquiry, reflection, feedback, creating, trust, relationships #sblchat
A5: I can say that without a doubt I am a better teacher, better curriculum developer, better assessment creator, and better interventionist because of my PLC. #sblchat
A1: Students feel safe and welcome. Students and teachers speak to each other with respect. Work is displayed. Seating is flexible and set up for cooperative learning. #sblchat
A1: Students feel safe and welcome. Students and teachers speak to each other with respect. Work is displayed. Seating is flexible and set up for cooperative learning. #sblchat
A5: Great question.S's should benefit from T's being collaborative about the whole child. We should care about offering complete support in all of our academic and affective instruction. #sblchat
A2: Students need to feel safe asking for help from their peers and their teachers. If students don't feel safe, they are just going to keep their questions to themselves. #sblchat
A6 - Our Administrative Team knows teachers are on the front line and support, trust, and edify us. MHS is thankful to be a school that supports teaching and learning to be owned by the teachers and students. #sblchat
A6 Minimize competition and create opportunities for true collaboration amongst teachers. Build what @simonsinek calls a ‘circle of safety’ for everyone in the building. #sblchat
A2: Students need to feel safe asking for help from their peers and their teachers. If students don't feel safe, they are just going to keep their questions to themselves. #sblchat
A6: Be visible! Know what is going on between the walls in the school. Be approachable! Be open to questions and truly listening to need. Follow through! #sblchat
A6: My administrator comes to our plcs to help look at the data with us. He will teach for us to give us a chance to observe each other. I think as an administrator, letting teachers use you for another resource is huge! #sblchat
A6: Admins can provide Ts w/opportunities to try new practices with Ss. Positive learning environments aren’t just limited to Ss. They should be applicable to entire schools and districts. #sblchat
A6: Be visible! Know what is going on between the walls in the school. Be approachable! Be open to questions and truly listening to need. Follow through! #sblchat
A6: Admins can provide Ts w/opportunities to try new practices with Ss. Positive learning environments aren’t just limited to Ss. They should be applicable to entire schools and districts. #sblchat
A4: GIve students what they need. Your classroom is not one size fits all. Challenge your kids. Provide extensions for those who have reached mastery. Help those struggling become proficient. #sblchat