Roman from Ontario, Canada. HS Teacher/Student Success Leader/Agent of Transformation. Checking in to #g2great for another great night of learning. Gotta find my #canadianbrother@mrbgilson
I was just sharing with a group of teachers this exact message. Teaching is not telling; it's showing/modeling.
Pushing them to explore and learn alongside us. #G2Great
A1. What if whole class comes in "Knowing" today's concept? Flexibility to skip it. Or if missing background? Flexibility to add in. NOT lock step planning.
Torpedoes full ahead only works for submariners!
A1 one-size-fits-all children programs don't work because we don't have one-size-fits-all children. Yet basals have again taken a stranglehold. #G2Great
We need to take the risk to be student-centered b/c they are the learners! Teachers who are student- centered can invite colleagues to partner with them. Read. Join twitter! #g2great
A1 We can’t plan every moment out. Learning is spontaneous, it is an art and it is unpredictable. To respond to every student’s needs, you always have to be observing and be ready to support/intervene. Be mindful, be there for kids. Make anything possible for them. #g2great
A1: I am all about the skeleton plan, points I want to cover, points I hope to cover and points I can cover tomorrow. Today more plans than I covered but I did get to chat about a great book and a crappy one and help a student find a better fit. #G2Great
We need to take the risk to be student-centered b/c they are the learners! Teachers who are student- centered can invite colleagues to partner with them. Read. Join twitter! #g2great
#g2great@hayhurst3 A 1 I had a perfect experience of this ... am in the middle of learning makerspace and things like makeymakeys and not enough time- had kids read manuals on how to do makeymakeys and teach each other. They loved it! So freeing!
#g2great I’m a skeleton planner as well, and sometimes I wonder if I’m doing my student teacher a disservice by showing her my plans. I hope she’s learning how to capitalize on the possibilities of being flexible.
YAY you're here Yvette. So happy you joined us tonight. And yes student-centered is our first goal and so grateful to you for making that your “heart work” #g2great
A1 We must use great teaching practices where students are allowed to discovery time and time to share. We started using mentor sentences for grammar and the conversations kids are having are amazing! Lots of wiggle room to teach in the moment. #G2Great
#g2great A1 In the moment learning is fueling our Ss engagement. We need to support it as often as possible, so Ss know we are listening. Their voices need to be heard and validated as well as curiosities explored and perhaps satisfied.
A1: Sometimes the most amazing learning moments happen when a teacher tosses out the "plan book" plan" for one a plan inspired "in the moment" by a student. #G2Great
A1: In the moment inquiries are exciting. There is always a way to connect in the moment learning w personal experiences and/or curriculum. We are in the business of creating life long learners who must adjust to learning surprises! #G2Great
My post is less rant than I thought it would be after school but man do I feel strongly about report card grades lol Have a read if you wish #MasteryChat#G2Great
And it really can be a matter of risk-taking for many teachers who are so used to be told what to do and say and when to do and say it. But it’s a worthy risk in the name of our kids - and we owe it to them AND to ourselves. #g2great
We need to take the risk to be student-centered b/c they are the learners! Teachers who are student- centered can invite colleagues to partner with them. Read. Join twitter! #g2great
Q1....When teachers let go of the control and take a facilitative role it leads to more independent thinkers. The unplanned spontaneous moments of learning are often driven by student inquiry. #G2GREAT
A1: I think in our minds we play out how a lesson might go and then it goes a totally different way. Sometimes horrible, or it can be used to investigate further and dig deeper. Critical thinking and analysis is crucial even when it is not in the plan. #g2great#kellerliteracy
A1: The spaces in between the requirements of the curriculum can hold surprise and vitality. One could argue they’re where the learning happens. If we fill those spaces with more teaching for its own sake, are our students really learning? #G2Great
Skeleton planning is essential. We have to start with a plan that lays out our learning targets. We just have to be willing to let the students lead the learning and drive the boat. #G2Great
I use the phrase “What do you notice?” throughout the day. My teaching plan often goes out the window when the kids notice something WAY better than I thought they would! #g2great
A1:by putting children first. Not learning targets, not scripted programs, not one size fits all. If we embrace fidelity to children, we can accomplish this. #g2great
A1 Our plans and/or schedules are always changing. Unexpected blessings & challenges arise. We must be able to adapt/adjust while maintaining proper perspective. As Ts we often expect our Ss to know how to approach these situations. Not always true. Model in the moment. #G2GREAT
A1 In the moment teaching is based on kidwatching. When Ss need a detour or back-up, the wise teacher understands and changes gear to assist the learning process. Full gear ahead does not help those who need to slow down. #G2great (Carol ELA Consultant from Long Island)
In reply to
@hayhurst3, @DrMaryHoward, @brennanamy, @franmcveigh
A1 The only way to encourage student-centered flexible lesson planning is to make professional knowledge the fuel that drives us all! children #G2Great
A1: kids are naturally curious. What a shame it would be to squash their questions because they don’t happen to lead down the path I planned out. #G2Great
Pam from NJ dipping in for a bit.
A1: Because THIS is where/when the magic happens- and it gives us the opportunity to be responsive & trust in our students: this inherently breeds positivity and learning #g2great
A1: One important way my teaching has changes is that instead of telling students what to notice, I ask them what they are noticing. Thanks to Peter Johnston: noticing and naming! #G2Great
Because that kind of depth makes no sense if you don’t LIVE it. That’s the polar opposite of lesson scripts. Deep thinking requires you to bring yourself to the experience while scripts don’t really care. #g2great (and hi wonderful friend)
#g2great Ss are actually asking if we can pick sticks to explore wonders from the class wonder wall. Love that they are asking. Wish there was enough time each day to satisfy everyone's wonders. Starting small.
A1 Am learning all this next gen science and makerspace and makeymakeys and robots and, where is the time to plan... the answer, let the kids read the manuals, explore, and figure it out and teach each other. We are learning 2gether. ❤️ #g2great
A2 purposeful planning to me means responding to students, listening & watching them to know next steps. Includes them in the planning always! #g2great
And so often so much better and more meaningful. This leaves space for the kids to surprise themselves and us with what they can learn and do! #g2great
A1: wiggle room is essential. A teacher has the ability to immediately assess students understanding and adjust the teaching. It’s an organic flow, like in conversation. No student discoure without a flexible and spontaneous teacher. #G2Great
A1 students need to grapple in order to grow. If ts are always guiding the learning Ss don’t have time to build their own schema about concepts they are just remembering what we told them to do #g2great
A1: kids are naturally curious. What a shame it would be to squash their questions because they don’t happen to lead down the path I planned out. #G2Great
A1: I think in our minds we play out how a lesson might go and then it goes a totally different way. Sometimes horrible, or it can be used to investigate further and dig deeper. Critical thinking and analysis is crucial even when it is not in the plan. #g2great#kellerliteracy
A1: One important way my teaching has changed is that instead of telling students what to notice, I ask them what they are noticing. Thanks to Peter Johnston: noticing and naming! #G2Great
A2: Student choice & student voice when students are allowed to have say in instruction and curriculum. Choose a path of inquiry that is "interesting" and not "required"! Nurture Ss Curiosity!
A1: It is important to give students the chance to learn from each other and explore things deeper when it comes up! A lot of times that is when the best learning happens! #kellerliteracy#G2great
A1: People are . . . people & kids are the ultimate wildcard- sure we can (& do) prepare.. but need to also prepare to feel comfortable and ready to shift our lens, focus, time, attention... that's part of what makes teaching so exciting! #g2great
A1 I feel like my most memorable lessons are those that are created in my head, on the spot during a teachable moment. Flexibility + Curiosity. #g2great
#g2great A2: Purposeful planning is thoughtful, student centered, and focused on the question “What do I need to do to move this (or these, depending) child forward?” Lots of opportunity for kids to talk, share, read, explore, write.
A2 taking into consideration the backgrounds, interests, and needs (social emotional and academic) of the Ss in order for the lesson to be engaging and purposeful to them #g2great
In reply to
@hayhurst3, @brennanamy, @DrMaryHoward, @franmcveigh
A1 Intentional instruction, modeling, practice, & reflection upon soft skills to continue refinement. Create a classroom community w/ a culture & climate that hinges on continuous improvement & #growthmindset#G2GREAT#KellerLiteracy
Yes...these "in the moment" experiences are often what builds life-long learners. Sts know what they want and how they learn best...deviation from the plan leads to the greatest surprises! #g2Great
A2 Purposeful planning is being intentional about responding to every student's needs. It is planning differentiation, one-to-one conferencing and varied observations to make learning the best learning experience/adventure possible. Always putting students first. #g2great
A2: Purposeful planning means starting with the end in mind. We have to know the standards, understand how to unpack them, and develop assessments before we actually dive into the question of how. We have to know what we want them to learn. #G2Great
A2: purposeful planning means intentional and engaging activities, not just busy work. It also revolves around how the students learn best and using that to reach them at a deeper level #g2great#kellerliteracy
I love using mentor sentences.I learned that so many ss feel like they can't write, because of all the rules imposed on them. Then we read and amazing stories & ss realize that they can write short sentences, they can start a sentence with because, etc. #g2great
#g2great A2 Being purposeful means that you've created a sketch of the week, month, unit. Leaving blocks undecided on purpose means that Ts are mindful of S progress, pausing for extra instruction, if needed. Best laid plans don't always work depending on Ss in front of us.
A2 it means planning instruction based on Ss needs. Not teaching to a test, or following some program lockstep. It means trusting your pedagogy and using formative assessment as your guide. #g2great
A2: My purpose must always be the same: teach Students first. I organize my curriculum around them and their needs. Other factors DO get in the way, but I'm flexible. #g2great
A2: For me purposeful planning is about reducing the fluff stuff. What "must" I do? Get that in to the lesson and then see where the winds of change take us. Planning for those winds can be tricky but I live in Southern Alberta you can expect wind. #realtalk#g2great
A2: The purpose is about the WHY - that often doesn't shift. The what, how, and when that go along with the why are what might & can frequently shift and morph. Ultimate reminder: we are teaching kids - not content- and that experience is always novel & unique #g2great
A1: We should reframe over-planning as having to make intentional choices from a series of options. While planning is a professional responsibility, those choices must be informed by student need as it appears in the instructional moment. #G2Great
A2 Purposeful planning is TEKS driven and the teacher will know what the student needs to accomplish by the end of the lesson to be successful. #kellerliteracy#G2great
Purposeful planning means always keeping the end goal in mind and being intentional about our teaching so Ss are always moving towards the goal of independence. #G2Great
A2 Purposeful planning is determining what low-prep or high-prep interventions/scaffoldings are needed to ensure all students meet success with an engaged lesson. #G2great
Q2: purposeful planning is thinking about the skills and knowledge we want kids to have as lifelong learners, not just how to fill up a 40 minute period #G2Great
A2: It means keeping your eye on student needs. Makin Ss the priority. How can I move them forward? How can I engage all of my students in meaningful work. #G2Great
A2: The purpose is about the WHY - that often doesn't shift. The what, how, and when that go along with the why are what might & can frequently shift and morph. Ultimate reminder: we are teaching kids - not content- and that experience is always novel & unique #g2great
You've got to be intuitive and read the kids. We have a student teacher right now this is probably the hardest thing to learn. It's experience combined with the purpose. #G2Great
A3. "Purposeful planning" is 1st of all, crystal clarity of END goal. Ts, Ss, Ps, Admins all know the goal so purpose is always the target. 2nd. The plan is FLEXIBLE! If this, then this . . . options. Audible before the ball is snapped!
A2 Purposeful to me means intentional. I have to really think about what each student needs and plan accordingly. Sometimes that intentionally means being open to going in a different direction. #g2great
A2...I am also going 2 be totally honest and say that trial (and yes, error) and lots of time, trying, & experience made me much more comfortable deviating from a well-intentioned "plan" and becoming more responsive to what I saw/see happening moment 2 moment, day 2 day. #g2great
A3 The old saying comes to mind: 'The person doing the work is the one doing the learning." We learn by doing so this must be our ultimate goal! #G2Great
#g2great A3: When we allow students to take the reigns on their own learning, the benefits are great...authentic learning, student ownership, happier classroom.
A3-If they are never given opportunities to drive their own learning, how else will we discover their strengths, their passions, their curiosities about the world? #G2Great
A2 joining late but eager to talk about planning. Making it purposeful means keeping the big picture in mind. What is most important? Where do you want to be at the end of the unit, month, week, day? How do you have a plan and remain responsive in the moment? #g2Great
A1: In the moment learning opportunities can be links to how or what Ss associate NEW learning to. That is just one reason those moments are so important.
#g2great So true! As a grade level, we now regularly wait to plan an extra weekly math block until the end of the week so we know where the true struggles are and how we want to maximize time to strengthen those skills. There is definitely an art to the timing!
A2 Purposeful planning must address students’ perceptions to impact their reality. We are constantly engaging in meaningful reflection to keep shining our bright 💡& to keep climbing the 🏔. Our growing tree w/goals. We are 🍃ing the status quo behind. #G2GREAT#KellerLiteracy
#g2great A3: Once I learned to trust the kids and step to the side, I saw them become more engaged and excited about learning. They know I believe they can do the hard work of learning, and they rise to those expectations.
A3: engagement,boost of confidence, independence, respect for their learning, pride in their work, feeling of control since they have choice...and I’m sure these are just a few! #g2great#kellerliteracy
A3: Students will always rise above your expectations if they truly understand you believe in them. Engaged students equal increased learning! #G2Great
A3 The benefits to a student-centered classroom is student agency, self-determined learners, and independence. Frees the teacher to confer and encourage. #G2Great
A3: The benefits of relinquishing that control are high engagement, intrinsic motivation, self-discovery, self-confidence, and an increase in stamina! #g2great
A3-If they are never given opportunities to drive their own learning, how else will we discover their strengths, their passions, their curiosities about the world? #G2Great
A3 The benefits to a student-centered classroom is student agency, self-determined learners, and independence. Frees the teacher to confer and encourage. #G2Great
How many other professionals would show up on a Thursday night on their own just to have a conversation to inspire and enrich their own learning. Seriously - how many. NONE! So inspiring! #G2Great
A2: I think it is so important at the beginning of the school year to collaborate w/ students in creating the class “why”. Create classroom culture this way. #g2great
A3 Putting students in the driver's seat makes them own their leadership & learning. They become autonomous/responsible and less dependent on a teacher. They develop passion, curiosity and a love for learning. We need to guide & support them.The journey is amazing. #g2great
A3. They learn! They take pride in the learning and enjoy the process that it entails. And, culture continues to build among the classroom and its students. #g2great
#g2great A3 I have seen such a transformation in Ss by offering choice across the curriculum. Starting the day w/soft starts has been a game changer. Continuing to offer that choice throughout day, dancing in and out of T-directed tasks, really hooks Ss.
A3 I love the gradual release of responsibility model but we never seem to get kids to the independent stage. That should always be in our sights. #G2Great
A3 Putting students in the driver's seat makes them own their leadership & learning. They become autonomous/responsible and less dependent on a teacher. They develop passion, curiosity and a love for learning. We need to guide & support them.The journey is amazing. #g2great
A3: Yes... infinite pluses for students (of course) but for me... trust in students is what led me to (selfishly) have the most fulfilling and magical moments of my entire professional career. It's what keeps me coming back for more day after day, year after year. #g2great
A3 Benefits are students invest in their learning and are engaged because they’re all in as Choices are theirs. Develops independence, reflection, active listening, problem solving in students and teachers learn. Students always teach me as their POV differs.#g2great
A3: Students will always rise above your expectations if they truly understand you believe in them. Engaged students equal increased learning! #G2Great
A3: Yes... infinite pluses for students (of course) but for me... trust in students is what led me to (selfishly) have the most fulfilling and magical moments of my entire professional career. It's what keeps me coming back for more day after day, year after year. #g2great
Or people skip to the independent but the Ss don't really know the specifice work so it can't transfer.
Fine line between enough practice and learning to be an expert!
A3 when Ss know we believe in their abilities and trust them to own their learning they rise to the occasion. Autonomy is a driving force behind motivation #g2great
A3 When students take control their self esteem is built up and they are more likely to put in the effort needed to do difficult tasks. #G2GREAT#kellerliteracy
A3: The benefits of relinquishing that control are high engagement, intrinsic motivation, self-discovery, self-confidence, and an increase in stamina! #g2great
A3 When we get out of our kiddos’ ways & let them take ownership there is no limit on how high they will SOAR! Their lives & learning experiences are enriched w/the intangible gifts of soft skill development along w/ art of reflection. Value self & others more. #G2GREAT
That's why it is so crucial to really know each student as an individual. We have to know what makes them tick so that we can meet them where they are and push them forward. #g2great
A3:#G2Great The importance of allowing student voice in their learning is that you get more buy in! My students have a copy of the Course Of Study and explore the standards often. Anytime we begin something new...we find the COS. It’s their Road map! They can stear me 2 go 2
A4. Plan collaboratively with T peers. Ask about flexibility w/ tasks if new units/work. Lean on their experience. Collaboration is a Strength; never a weakness!
A3b. When we give Ss space to learn we get to hear their ideas and build upon them and help develop ways to correct misconceptions. You can’t listen if you’re the one doing all the taking #g2great
#G2Great A4: For new Ts, they should ask the question, "Why am I doing this?" If you don't know why, don't do it. With real purpose, passion. With passion, true teaching happens.
A4 Advice for purposeful planning? Release a death grip on programs & shift from compliant disseminator to responsible professional. YEP that's it! #G2Great
A3: The benefits=students have voice, choice, and control of their learning. Allowing space for students to self-initiate and self-direct...this is how we build life-long learners! #g2Great
A3 A shift is needed even in Stu-centered classrooms-gradual release of responsibility helps Ss become owners of their learning. Move on over to understand that #KidsCanTeachUs/a plus 4 Stu-led classrms. #G2great
#g2great And another fine line between enough practice and burn-out! Fingers crossed that the skills we are using regularly in workshop will be transferred for state testing. Can't put Ss through repeated "practice" for these tests!
.@ThoughtfulRead that's so well stated. Let's also keep in mind that the hallmarks of engagement is full of surprise for the teacher. IF you are led by their wonder and curiosity you are really never sure where you'll end up. But you can teach the process of learning. #G2Great
A4: Build a habit of reflection in order to learn from every experience (good, bad, ugly), build repertoire, and make choices that are even more thoughtful and intentional - with more efficiency & ease. And when in doubt, let's talk it out (collective teacher efficacy!) #g2great
A4: never lose sight of the students directly in front of you--and plan the learning that they need. (And leave space for their own exploration of their learning.) #G2great
A4 New teachers who are taught to plan will realize by thinking through the lesson in advance they can plan for CFU, partnerwork, and differentiation. No more wing and a prayer teaching! #G2Great
A4 It is important to always put kids first. Plan to have time for one-on-one conferencing; it is POWERFUL. Observe and learn from them. Gain support from colleagues & Twitter PLN, never go into work alone. It is okay to lean on others, learn from others. #g2great
A4 New teachers who are taught to plan will realize by thinking through the lesson in advance they can plan for CFU, partnerwork, and differentiation. No more wing and a prayer teaching! #G2Great
A4 We can't expect professional responsibility if Ts don't have knowledge to BE responsible. We have an obligation to ongoing professional learning. #G2Great
#G2great Help new teachers purposefully plan by looking at the Course of study.... and looking at where students are. Also, s interest inventories can help guide Ts where to begin in their standards. ❤️
A4: First set them up for success by seeing they don’t have more than two preps. Surround them with a terrific PLN. Encourage them to take intentional risks. Join them in planning units. #g2great
If I knew you were already in Hawaii, I would have showed up with maitais and my computer! I look forward to meeting you at Kane'ohe El next week! #G2Great
A4: also... the more practical advice: begin thinking through several different strategies & processes to reach a goal: the one way we learned it likely won't be just right for every student we encounter. #g2great
A4: Find your essentials, what are your must do items and WHY are they important to you and WHY should they be important to the kids, plan around those. Make room for change because it will come, but if it isn't important, if the why is not strong enough cut it loose #G2Great
A4: For new teachers....Data driven instruction is not scary. Knowing your students and what they come to the table with, strengths and areas for improvement, those are the things that allow us to help each child. #G2Great
A4: Advice? LESS is more! Quality over quantity. Glue yourself to positive people who will help you grow. Show your colleagues and Ss who you are, don’t tell them! Be on the cutting edge of best practices. Never say, ‘ We’ve always done it this way!’ That is dangerous! #G2Great
A4 know your why and never stop learning. The more teachers are comfortable with their craft they worry less about content we teach and more about process to help Ss learn #g2great
Everything we do becomes a habit. The hyper obsession in this country right now is creating a whole new culture of “tell me what to say/do teachers.” It worries me and it hurts this professional and our children!! #g2great
A4: Our school's teams plan together for all children, in all subjects. I like that skeleton schedule idea -- then room for Ss to engage and grow. #g2great
A3 to the left of this scale would be “non-compliance”. With purposeful planning and intentional design and the input of a student-driven classroom, the compliance moves to empowered 🍦#G2Great
.@late4clss Conversation is essential for learning and teaching. We need to listen to our students if we want to plan well. If we aim for independence we have to let them take the lead. #g2Great
A4 Advice for new Ts when planning? Ask yourself when planning instruction: What should kids know, understand, and be able to do? How will they show what they've learned (formative assessment)? #G2Great
A4: #1: Get to know your students--inside and outside the classroom. Build trust and your relationship. Next, keep asking, Would I want to be a student in this classroom? Would I want to do this assignment? Is it busy work or does it feel purposeful/meaningful? #g2great
A4 My advice? Before you make ANY decision ask, "Will this truly enrich & elevate the learning lives of children. If it won't then just say NO! #G2Great
#g2great A4 New teachers today are expected to walk in w experience of an established teacher. They hit ground running & feel that they need to do EVERYTHING right away. My advice is to build community, share passions, & know they may need to find new ways to teach chllng topics.
That is so true. I think that sometimes it's because we rush through content, and concentrate on content vs. learning, that leaves us no time for the independent phase. #g2great
#g2great A4 New teachers today are expected to walk in w experience of an established teacher. They hit ground running & feel that they need to do EVERYTHING right away. My advice is to build community, share passions, & know they may need to find new ways to teach chllng topics.
.@late4clss Conversation is essential for learning and teaching. We need to listen to our students if we want to plan well. If we aim for independence we have to let them take the lead. #g2Great
A4 Trust your observations. Allow yourself to veer off the plan if things take longer than expected. There is no perfect or just right. There is only intention and response. #G2Great
.@late4clss Conversation is essential for learning and teaching. We need to listen to our students if we want to plan well. If we aim for independence we have to let them take the lead. #g2Great
A5. Allow time for practice and talk to consolidate learning. Racing thru tasks does not work when learning does NOT stick. More importantly, want learning to transfer. More talk, more practice & more time. Add one extra day of practice w/ student choice.
A4 Purposeful planning? I'd tell new Ts that they teach kids, not content. We teach kids to read, think, write. We don't teach reading, thinking, writing. Kids first, content second. #G2Great
A4 Invest your time, effort, & heart upfront in creating a class community which values each other’s strengths & where opportunities for improvement are seen as defining moments of who we are. You pay it now or pay it later. Ss need to know they matter. #KellerLiteracy#G2GREAT
A4: jumping in late here but - Plan with the end in mind. Connect with every kid, especially the quiet ones. Make it fun. Make it meaningful. Make it memorable. #g2great
A4 It is important to always put kids first. Plan to have time for one-on-one conferencing; it is POWERFUL. Observe and learn from them. Gain support from colleagues & Twitter PLN, never go into work alone. It is okay to lean on others, learn from others. #g2great
A5 Planning is exactly is a goal or objective. In the end, it is the students and their learning that will tell you what needs to be done. Always be looking for cues, talk to kids, observe them, learn with them. We need to adapt to them. It is their learning. #g2great
Mentors are essential. We have to welcome newer teachers to our profession and help them develop the habits that keep learning joyful and teaching restorative and enlightening. #LitBankStreet#G2Great
A5 have flexible learning targets based on Ss needs. Look at the range of learners in your class and plan how you will help each one along an individual path. Feedback is key to moving Ss along #g2great
Begin with the end in mind, but don't over fixate on any one part of the plan. Keep the students and their learning at the forefront...focus on their strengths allow space for them lead. #g2Great
A3: jumping in here but I got to know my students so much better when my class went student centered. I was able to really talk to them and dive deeper. #g2great
This should be the vision for all educators.
I promise that I will always be in one of 3 places:
- in front of you to cheer you on
- behind you to have your back
- next to you so that you are not walking alone.
That’s when AMAZING happens Andy. We have to trust ourselves and trust kids (and the inevitable mess that comes with that kind of teaching - the best kind of mess is when we’re in the throes of passionate teaching! #g2great
I like the “let’s talk it out” idea. That’s so important when it comes to guarding against isolation and normalizing reflection with others as a practice. #G2Great
A4:know your students and spend time building a strong classroom community. When S interests are incorporated and individual learning styles/needs are understood, you are on your way. A strong community based on trust encourages risk and growth. #g2great
A5 Be a good kidwatcher. Listen in to what they are saying. Ask questions and get feedback. I think this goes back to purposeful planning. Build in checkpoints to be sure the students are with you. #G2Great
A4:know your students and spend time building a strong classroom community. When S interests are incorporated and individual learning styles/needs are understood, you are on your way. A strong community based on trust encourages risk and growth. #g2great
A5 I think of 2 plan categories: MUST DO; COULD DO (must is #1) Then I write on the plan in another color & reflect on how I could make it better. #G2Great
A5 Must meet Ss where they are. Reflecting on where they are, where they want to be, & how to get there teaches self-awareness. Gives Ss ownership of drivers & preventers which enable/hinder success. Applies to all growth & learning. Accomplish more. #KellerLiteracy#G2GREAT
A5 Be flexible. It’s not about the lesson it’s about how students react and respond to the lesson. Be prepared to change, adjust, and help students engage in work that supports them. You’ll have different kinds of learning happening—not same for all as Ss needs differ. #g2great
A5: Meet the child where they are and think of where they need to be. Determine the next skill they need to move one step closer to the goal. Coach and encourage. Find a personal way to get them involved/engaged. #g2great
A5: goals are the destination. Learning is the journey. Students take different roads, but end up at the same place. It’s our job to be the map. Do what it takes to get each student to the goal. Find other students on the same path to push or pull along. #kisdlit#G2great
#g2great A5 I find myself following the spirit vs. letter of the lesson plan "law" lately. We can't anticipate all S reaction, so we have to be willing to be in the moment w/them to encourage and guide them.
A5: Before I knew about Voice and Choice, I knew about, "WHY do we have to do this Mr.G?" I knew about kids being over taxed with "stuff" to fill time that they cared little to nothing about. If my voice is important for my learning THEIRS MUST BE FOR THEM #g2great
A6. "Extra time" could be used for 2 more practices of skill / intervention goal. Ss could work in partnerships for extra practice. Time for consolidation of learning. Also time to create. Poem. Art. Story. Card. Random act of kindness.
A4 If we build joyful classrooms of wonder-filled learning we model for new teachers. These newbies have the passion but need guidance on how to incorporate that into purposeful instruction. #G2great
A5 What are the alternatives? If we aren't flexible then what's the point? Ss come to school to learn, to discover & we have to give them that space. We have to be mindful to reflect on what changed in the plan & get back to it on another occasion. #g2great
As a fairly new teacher myself (2nd year) I will take all the advice I can get! However, I have learned to establish and understand expectations before teaching. That way you can be clear about what they should know and be able to do at the end of it all #G2Great#kellerliteracy
#g2great A6: An example of spontaneous instruction would be while reading aloud, you come across a research question. Stop, Google, Share your findings. Another example, write a first line of a story, pass it to your right, add to the story. End with a read around.
A4 If we build joyful classrooms of wonder-filled learning we model for new teachers. These newbies have the passion but need guidance on how to incorporate that into purposeful instruction. #G2great
It’s happening right now, Mary. I posed the Q, “What are the topics trending in your life that are resonating with you?” Students stepped up with #MeToo, Mental Illness, Black Lives Matter, Free Speech, Diversity, LGBTQ+, and Gender Roles. Then, they selected the YA texts.
That's why it is so crucial to really know each student as an individual. We have to know what makes them tick so that we can meet them where they are and push them forward. #g2great
A6 The advantage is to have time to get to know your students more. You need to have time to talk, to learn, to collaborate with students on their learning. Let students drive the time with their passions/questions/leadership. Make the experience about them. #g2great
#G2Great A4: For new Ts, they should ask the question, "Why am I doing this?" If you don't know why, don't do it. With real purpose, passion. With passion, true teaching happens.
A6: Students have the space to discover a passion! One of the Ts I'm currently coaching is trying genius hour for the first time--I can't wait to see what the students do! #G2great
#g2great A6 Taking time to research "wonders" from class Wonder Wall has been a leap of faith. We randomly pick sticks to be fair, so there is never any pre-planning of how we research. Trying to use safe, reliable search engines so Ss can use them independently for research.
A6: Don Graves talked about “nudge” paper. A 2-minute conversation with a student can lead to a quick note that nudges students toward next steps. #G2Great
True, that's like taking the intellectual pulse of the room. We can't anticipate what will resonate with students all the time. Sometimes we have to see which way the wind is blowing to know the direction and seize the moment. Student-centered meaning making #G2Great
A6 I think spontaneous unstructured support will happen organically in a classroom where trust and care happens. Showing compassion and understanding to students opens them up to ask questions, seek help, and become vulnerable. #G2Great
That’s why it’s so important to build a community of learners early and often. Relationship building is a crucial skill that all educators need to develop. #g2great
A6: Students have the space to discover a passion! One of the Ts I'm currently coaching is trying genius hour for the first time--I can't wait to see what the students do! #G2great
A6 Kids need time in their day to reflect on their own learning. Spontaneous instructional time can leave space for kids to engage in inquiry? "What new ideas/questions came up today in your learning? What do you want to know more about? How can I help you investigate? #G2Great
A6: I do this a lot in reading w/ conferring. Some days I listen to a S read or chat w/them abt reading & then decide what to coach/teach on the spot. Many times I learn what to order for my library after talking to a S about what he/she wants to/needs to read next!! #g2great
I don't know that I intentionally build time in for spontaneous moments, I do plan however with the knowledge that those moments come and know what to cut for today or tomorrow or on reflection forever if we go another way. #G2Great
A6: I like the flexibility of workshop time for this. Authentic 1:1 conversations with students that meet them directly where they need support. It is good when they see you process through a challenge together. #G2Great
A6 Each morning at the beg. of day the kids can discuss whatever they want in the meeting area. So I learn about new puppies, family trips, grandparents visiting etc. We just chat. I love it. #g2great
A6 Kids need time in their day to reflect on their own learning. Spontaneous instructional time can leave space for kids to engage in inquiry? "What new ideas/questions came up today in your learning? What do you want to know more about? How can I help you investigate? #G2Great
A5: I think it is important to address with the students what success looks like and then let them show you their learning and understanding in a way that they feel successful. This allows flexibility #g2great#kellerliteracy
Exactly why their called teachable moments. You can’t plan for those because the rise in the heat of passionate learning (ours and theirs) We miss so much when we turn a blind eye to them #g2great
I don't know that I intentionally build time in for spontaneous moments, I do plan however with the knowledge that those moments come and know what to cut for today or tomorrow or on reflection forever if we go another way. #G2Great
A6: I'm wondering if this might look like a cross between a "genius" or "pursuing passion/interest" hour and time for students to seek out what they might need more time& practice with. #g2Great
A6: we have time like that, called flex time. It allows time for some students to learn deeper while others are given more ways to learn concepts on grade level. Which allows for deeper learning the next time. #kisdlit#G2great
A6 An example of unplanned support is teacher rotation/conferring as Sts engage in learning on their own. Critical in the heat of learning opportunities. #G2Great
A6 Kids need time in their day to reflect on their own learning. Spontaneous instructional time can leave space for kids to engage in inquiry? "What new ideas/questions came up today in your learning? What do you want to know more about? How can I help you investigate? #G2Great
A6:this year I began Morning Tubs for the first 20 min of the day. S arrive and choose a tub with different materials to build with or items to explore. Game changing. #g2great
So perhaps it's about priorities. If we know what we believe to be true about instruction and learning then the choices about how we spend our time become easy. Spontaneous? YES! Student-driven? YES! Goal oriented? YES! Joyful? You bet! #G2Great
I don't know that I intentionally build time in for spontaneous moments, I do plan however with the knowledge that those moments come and know what to cut for today or tomorrow or on reflection forever if we go another way. #G2Great
A7. Keeping our eyes and ears open to possibilities. Is there a better way to do this? What else works? What do Ss suggest? Debrief. We learn more with our mouths closed. Ss should be carrying the "talk load" in classrooms.
I was wondering the same thing...might be a cross between a genius hour and also having students choose where they might need more time and practice. #g2Great
A6 Breakthroughs. Moments were the cycle of conflict, change, & growth culminate into something the melts your heart & brings tears to your eyes! Your kiddos have arrived! They’re ready to take on any challenge that comes their way w/grace and humility #G2Great#KellerLiteracy
Like looking up Hook Worms when talking about parasites because Hook Worms were just in the news. Took the conversation to a whole different place lol and a student changed their genius hour topic lol #g2great
A6 An example of unplanned support is teacher rotation/conferring as Sts engage in learning on their own. Critical in the heat of learning opportunities. #G2Great
A6: See the real magic! Embrace moments where students take charge!
Example: my student bringing all ingredients to teach the class how to make tortillas. Spontaneous and powerful #g2great
A7 I've been teaching a LONG time & I know my learning is never done. We elevate our practices by acknowledging life-long learning as our #1 role. #G2Great
A6 Breakthroughs. Moments were the cycle of conflict, change, & growth culminate into something the melts your heart & brings tears to your eyes! Your kiddos have arrived! They’re ready to take on any challenge that comes their way w/grace and humility #G2Great#KellerLiteracy
A6 In my classroom Ive incorporated Passion Projects that allow students to work on anything they are interested in. The projects have led to some of the greatest discourse and learning between peers.
A6 In my classroom Ive incorporated Passion Projects that allow students to work on anything they are interested in. The projects have led to some of the greatest discourse and learning between peers.
A6 Breakthroughs. Moments were the cycle of change, conflict, & growth culminate into something the melts your heart & brings tears to your eyes! Your kiddos have arrived! They’re ready to take on any challenge that comes their way w/grace and humility #G2Great#KellerLiteracy
A7: It's about being lifelong learners and maintaining a growth mindset. We have to be willing to continuously reflect on our craft and adjust accordingly. #G2Great
A7: When it comes to Ss, we must remember that we are seeing them only in one stage of their development, one day at a time. I've had the opportunity to connect with Ss years later as adults--a good reminder to me how much we all can grow and change! #g2great
A6 Breakthroughs. Moments were the cycle of conflict, change, & growth culminate into something the melts your heart & brings tears to your eyes! Your kiddos have arrived! They’re ready to take on any challenge that comes their way w/grace and humility #G2Great#KellerLiteracy
A7: I think we need to be risk takers. It is okay to not know exactly all the answers. Greenscreen has been a new thing for me. Kids figured it out and love to present with it. I don't have to be the expert. Kids leading learning=more authenticity! #g2great
A7: we need to be lifelong learners! We never know it all. Embrace change and growth. Never settle for “we’ve always done this” or “this has always worked.” #kisdlit#G2great
A7 I've been teaching a LONG time & I know my learning is never done. We elevate our practices by acknowledging life-long learning as our #1 role. #G2Great
A6 Breakthroughs. Moments were the cycle of change, conflict, & growth culminate into something the melts your heart & brings tears to your eyes! Your kiddos have arrived! They’re ready to take on any challenge that comes their way w/grace and humility #G2Great#KellerLiteracy
A7: Be involved in conversations like #G2Great. Risk, reflect, write, and share. Model it with your students and encourage them to stretch by digging into their passions.
#g2great A7 I feel that participating in these chats & reading current literature, both professional & kidlit, makes possibility an open horizon. I truly don't know who I was as a teacher when I wasn't reflecting as much as I do now. There is a hunger to know more & to do better.
A7 I've been teaching a LONG time & I know my learning is never done. We elevate our practices by acknowledging life-long learning as our #1 role. #G2Great
One word - community! Yes, this is just as important as learning how to read or write or do the math. They are crafting their identities and together they are discovering who they are as a group #G2Great
A7: Read. Write. Try out new teaching ideas. Talk to your colleagues about what’s working, what holds promise, and where your stuck spots are. #G2Great
A7: I can't imagine being stuck without the ability to level up. The best part of teaching is the learning, from my coworkers from my books and from my students. Possibilities are endless when we look for doors not walls. #G2Great
A7 I firmly believe that as a teacher everyday is a day of learning for me. Kids teach me so much each day. We are all teachers. We are all learners in the classroom community. #G2Great
A7 We simply need to acknowledge and understand that we are life-long learners. We need to keep growing, reading, learning and adapting. We need to collaborate and build our PLN to erase limits and create astounding limitless possibilities. It is all for the kids. #g2great
A7- Be open, take risks, try new things, don’t let fear grip you, take action...”stand up straight with your shoulders back” in others words, have confidence. #g2great
A7: it’s not hard for us as adults to understand this process. We can see the big picture for our students’ future...they NEED us to provide opportunities for them to understand THEIR possibilities #g2great
A7 I thrive when learning in the company of others. We can STRETCH our understandings by engaging in more professional conversations/collaborations #G2Great
#g2great A community is so important! I am really lucky because for most of my teaching career I have been looping. I keep my classes for two years. The sense of community is amazing although at the end of two years I am heart broken to say bye.
If you ever doubted or wondered if kinder kiddos were able to capture the essence of growth mindset & embrace it. Here’s proof that they can and will! @FRES117 kinder eaglets leading the way! #EaglesSOAR 🦅 We are climbing!🏔
A7 always learning and being open to responding to and supporting students stretches us. Conversations like this one on twitter help us adjust our thinking and teaching. Embracing ongoing learning by reading, reflecting, and learning from students and others. #g2great
We are so thrilled that Kimberly Davis is going to return to #G2Great next week to talk about Unleashing our BRAVE in Education. Her new book Brave Leadership is wonderful! @OnStageKimberly