#edtechchat Archive
#Edtechchat focuses on Education Technology. Co-founder Tom Murray says #edtechchat "connects us professionally with inspiring educators from all over the world, all of who encourage us to be better every day for the children and families we serve.”
Monday January 11, 2016 8:00 PM EST
We have 5 chromebooks in our classroom this year so I am excited for tonight.
Welcome to ! Please introduce yourself and from where you’re joining us!
You're here early, peruse the questions here. Have a suggestion, let me know. I'm flexible (sometimes) https://t.co/It8Jd4wGN0
What's up everyone Mike from PA
Congrats, My DW just turned in chapters 4&5 and has one more to write of her dessert..
Jennifer from in Bolivar, MO in trying to inspire preserive Ts to integrate
It’s not necessary to participate in the chat from a chromebook, but it is encouraged.
Tonight, will be “Talking Chromebooks” with guest moderator ! Welcome, Craig!
I have 5 available at all times for T ed courses...use them lots!
Hi everyone! Patrick from South Florida. Looking forward to it!
Hello All, Greg from Chattanooga, Elem. Admin., Can’t wait to see you all @
Thank you, I am honored to be your moderator tonight as we talk iPads, ... wait, I mean chromebooks https://t.co/uwdmGfqu9Q
Tonight, will be “Talking Chromebooks” with guest moderator ! Welcome, Craig!
Make sure to add to all of your tweets tonight for this chat. Your voice matters!
Hi ! I am Jason from San Francisco.
Joe from Michigan, ready for some
4th grade teacher from California and your moderator for this evening.
Dan from St. Louis. High school business teacher.
Shelly from Toronto; Instructional Coach
Hi ! HS social studies teacher from NY. Interested in Chromebooks but haven't used them in the classroom.
Susan Bearden, Tech Director, Melbourne FL, co-moderator, huge Chromebook fan!
here from Ohio looking to further diversify my use of chromebooks and get the hang of a chat
Sarah from CT! Have a full cart of Chromebooks for my classes!
hi Letty from California, kinder Tt glad to be back after 3 wks of being unplugged, back to work!
You probably mixed them up because you never sleep! :-P
Hello! Joel Chattanooga TN 8th Grade US History 1:1 ipad classroom want to learn about Chromebooks. Im a newbie
Like you said "dessert," even tho it's not very sweet right now! WTG for her! Wish I were that close
Pleasant good evening Joining in for a little bit. Stephan: academic coordinator and lecturer based in Rio de Janeiro
Greetings from Indy. Fortunate to have set of chromebooks in library; use them with Ss almost daily.
4th & 5th grade classroom teacher from Maine. Excited to learn something new.
Laurie, from San Marcos. 3rd grade 1:1 with chrome books in my class.
Welcome to ! Glad you are joining us!
like full split flexible or pretzel flexible
Shaunda from Texas on my Chromebook
Hello Sandra from fame. :-)
Is that an official certification?!? JK, I want it!
Alex, fan of open, cross platform content and applications in Austin, Tx
Alex from NJ - keeper of the stats chromebook keeper and
We’ll use the Q1/A1 format. Look to for questions. (that's me)
Hello Irasema Sanchez from Houston
Hi peeps! I'm Emilia, NJ school techie who loves edtech integration! Hope you are all well!
Love the pic! I need to do that!
2nd grade classroom teacher from Niles, MI. We have 5 Chromebooks in our room and I am excited to learn.
Happy Monday, ! Sadie from St. Louis, technology teacher and district tech integration trainer
I'll be waiting! I know doesn't have much else to do anyway!
Hello Greg! Good to see you tonight
Make sure to add to all of your tweets tonight for this chat. Your voice matters!
8:05 –
Q1 coming up in 1 minute…
Hello Coach. Glad you could make it out.
Q1 coming up in 1 minute…
we love Chromebooks and have designed our headsets to be compatible with them!
first day back at work thought i would start back here too
Welcome to all participants! This is going to be a great chat!
Welcome! You'll get the hang of it very quickly! It's awesome and overwhelming at the same time!
I love your headsets - i have to order a bunch more!
hi Jenny from Australia here.
Take it easy on that foot sir, and your students. :-)
Hey ! I have a teacher interview tech blog about the tools teachers use, anyone up for contributing? https://t.co/9HOpYnYLia
Welcome! Love the newbies! You'll love this
Q1) How would you describe a chromebook? Why are they a popular choice for schools?
Hey Jenny! Thanks for joining us this morning :)
David Hicks, Principal, Stokes County NC
Dan from NJ tech coach in a MS with 1:1 in 6th & 7th
Hold on tight everyone, it'll be a fast pace chat tonight. Don't worry if you miss things, it'll be archived.
Sounds great - is it an ongoing study?
is getting started! Join the discussion! https://t.co/qnPIZhZHdx
Welcome to all participants! This is going to be a great chat!
A1) Powerful educational tools that are simple to use.
I have little experience with a chromebook so I am looking to learn from this .
Kevin a teaching Principal in Ireland
Light & quick! Easy to use :) https://t.co/xXoeTktVhJ
Q1) How would you describe a chromebook? Why are they a popular choice for schools?
I like that. Interesting that you chose the word powerful!
A1) Powerful educational tools that are simple to use.
A1 - Chromebooks are popular because of cost, ease of administration, and Google functionality
Q1: Take anywhere digital everything
Mona Towner - Instructional Coach - Berwyn IL
Hi. Sean from Raleigh, NC here. 5th grade Math and Science teacher.
Hi , I'm Leslie in Mty, Mexico. Looking forward to some learning!
I'm ready lets see how well I know my chrome book
A1: If you are integrating applications of Google, a much more seemless tool to do so, easy for elem. Ss
Jumping into the ... woot!
Q1) How would you describe a chromebook? Why are they a popular choice for schools?
Q1: Schools choose bc of price pt, no viruses, & versatility
A1 Part 2: one log in accesses search, gmail, classroom, docs, everything saved.
A1) Mobile Internet Device, at it’s current prince point it’s great for schools.
A1: chromebooks are laptops that store everything on the cloud. Popular for students because of ease to access/price/usage.
Chromebooks are not powerful from a computer processing standpoint, but are powerful tools for learning!
A1 start-up quickly and easy to access Google Drive
A1- An instant launch com with the Google platform! Ease of use, cloud storage, simple tie in for class usage, & affordability!
A1 chrome book is a laptop for Internet made for Google.
and a whole lot cheaper than that MacBook Air
A1: tools that can be easily integrated into the class landscape
A1: Chromebooks are entry points to the cloud - nothing too fancy, somewhat familiar, and simple to operate and manage
Uh… can’t plug my HD cam into one yet. Be quiet about my MacBook.
well we are flying to the moon. You can't fly there slow
A1) Chromebooks push my kids beyond their iPad comfort, easy to use, some kids find them less stressful
A1) Chromebooks are low cost versatile devices that allow students to connect to the web quickly. They work well with
A1 CB is a complete suite accessible with a simple login and provides a way for schools to leverage tech at an affordable rate
A1: Inexpensive glowing box that allows use of Google products. Affordable option for 1:1.
CBs are easy to use, internet access devices able to do much of what a regular computer can do. Love the ease of use/setup, $$
Interesting. Why do you think they find them less stressful?
A1) Chromebooks push my kids beyond their iPad comfort, easy to use, some kids find them less stressful
Hi Brian from southern NJ
A1) The tools are what have brought the CBs along.
can plese explain? i am in a 1:1 iPad room
A1: Low cost, great Google apps integration, easy to manage from IT standpoint.
but that is the point - it is not an all purpose or even special purpose device it is basic
Are u hosting tonight? Cool!!!
A1). ChromeBooks, Google Docs, Google apps. .
A1: TV+Computer+Digital Reader+camera?= easy to use by digital natives. Not as easy for some adults 😜
are they useful beyond GAFE?
Sandi from NJ running late. Chromebook looks like a laptop but it is a cloud access device.
so you won't be able to plug it into your Mac. connector
A1: The ability to connect w/ is amazing!
A1. Looking forward to how Chromebooks are used. Do they work well in primary?
Chromebooks are affordable, flow smooth w/ , and allow Ss to practice typing and using lots of apps
A1) I think they're so popular because there really isn't much to them - set up and go! And so easy for students to use!
For sure! There are so many sites that work very well with CBs
RT https://t.co/65Q8Z9NZpc
A1 CB is a complete suite accessible with a simple login and provides a way for schools to leverage tech at an affordable rate
As useful as the internet as a tool for learning :)
Q2 coming up in 1 minute…
All laptops are moving to be web appliances
A1 Lisa from DE! Our chromebooks make the world go round in our room! LOL There's so much you can do with them!
A1 Affordable device that boots up in seconds Increases student accessibility.
Hey there friend! Glad you could join us!
A1 compact, easy to use and reliable
I would say that they are perfect for elementary, epscially if you're alternative is a laptop and use use web apps
Southern NJ? Howdy Brian!!
not all - surface still tries to be more, and every macbook is more
Chromebooks are the best bang-for-the-buck education collaboration tools available today.
A1: Offer access to things you can get on normal PC, but in a much simpler, easy to use, *cheaper* way
Touchscreen becomes too much for them, hit something and they've opened new screen/accidentally closed program
That accessibility piece is so important. Easy to support from a district standpoint too.
A1 Affordable device that boots up in seconds Increases student accessibility.
A1: Great for use with Google Classroom and Drive apps
Help bridge the home/school connection for those who have Internet access at home. https://t.co/4NKVk5hgqR
A1: chromebooks are laptops that store everything on the cloud. Popular for students because of ease to access/price/usage.
Our students are big fans of our touchscreen chromebooks. Acer 720P.
Touchscreen becomes too much for them, hit something and they've opened new screen/accidentally closed program
We use them in Kiosk mode for our early childhood kids. No log in required!
A1 Chromebooks are popular because they are quick, cheap, and highly functional
Agree! It is a device that provides cloud access.
Right now we use iPads in my K class & I am seeing Ss. No laptops in our district yet, all iPads.
- Versatile is a great descriptor for the Chromebook!
A1. Looking at CB due to cost & versatility. Ss need to work on typing /writing skills. Downside is if Internet is down.
those new low end macs are slightly better chromebooks but not by much
a1 easy to teach/use, but for admin, we love that we can push out apps and extensions easily! no updates that we have to do!
Yes! I love sending home their writing to read with parents via Google Docs.
A1 Perfect for GAFE districts
my 2nd grade did amazing with them! K and 1 only have trouble with our district log in. Once on they rock!
A1) CBs are the best tools for online testing…Hate to even say it because it shouldn’t be about the testing
What's the price diff on touchscreens?
prince, come on Greg they're kings!
So true the admin piece is HUGE! We'll talk apps in a few.
a1 easy to teach/use, but for admin, we love that we can push out apps and extensions easily! no updates that we have to do!
Are you a GAFE school/district?
A1: Chromebooks are simple to deploy and minimal upkeep.
I would like one day per week with no devices,internet,.IWBs .Just Quality teaching from the heart .Its a ski that may get lost
usually about $75-100 more
Hi looks like we're talking about chromebooks. I'm all in with mine and all for them. Let's go!
Q2) What suggestions would you give to someone first starting use of chromebooks?
Hello to everyone! Checking in from !!! I'll be in and out but am so excited to b here w !
we use the chromeboxes as a 3D design stations
What's so great about them?
Hi looks like we're talking about chromebooks. I'm all in with mine and all for them. Let's go!
I need to look into those for purchases 4 next yr's budget. Do your Ss like them better than reg?
A1 - A low cost, easy to use, very fast boot time IT staff preferred device for your students.
A2 This the question I am looking forward too
A1 ext.-I think their integration & manageability for the Tchr in the classroom setting is quite appealing compared 2 others!
A2: Create procedures for your students!
Are there some chromebook specific sessions at FETC? What are they talking about?
Hello to everyone! Checking in from !!! I'll be in and out but am so excited to b here w !
Howdy Dan… Yes Prince points…not a price at all. Moved from the phone to the Mac.
Oh boy... Talking APPs!!!!!
We have both. They always try to grab the ones with touchscreen.
I agree Eric! Collaboration is a huge part for us! https://t.co/qGGYsFGpHF
Chromebooks are the best bang-for-the-buck education collaboration tools available today.
A2: Put all your other devices away and use only the chromebook. Full immersion will speed the learning and break the tie
I need more knowledge about chromebooks!
hey lady! Can't wait to see you F2F this week at !
Go to the app store. Investigate what is there for extensions & apps - what would be most useful to you? https://t.co/CnQ6KjnxYE
Q2) What suggestions would you give to someone first starting use of chromebooks?
A2: give your elem. students a chance to play with some of the tools, that's how they pick it up best (within parameters)
Q2: Don't look for the Firefox or Internet Explorer icons bc THEY AREN'T THERE! Thank goodness!
What do you use? Tinkercad?
Not w Chromebooks. Laptops would still have functionality if not on Office365. (Sigh) Must have reliable network.
A2: one step at a time... If necessary set a goal for 1-2 times a week and slowly increase as Ss need increases
Everything I've done on old laptops and desktops is faster, easier to accomplish, and easier to access on one
A2: it's not an iPad, so don't expect to use it like one.
A2 Don't worry about printing. Just share.
A2) ChromeBooks are great. Price them carefully; good deals out there if you compare.
Jealous. Plan A is still in effect .. we're hooked up with a ticket to
hey lady! Can't wait to see you F2F this week at !
A1 CB easy to use, low cost
A2: Start slow, easy to get overwhelmed with all that one can do with Chromebooks.
To me largest upkeep is a plan in place to replace devices regularly. https://t.co/UUgcsItqxu
A1: Chromebooks are simple to deploy and minimal upkeep.
a2: a2 staff needs to be GAFE trained before Ss receive the devices! https://t.co/43SpiUnZZv
Q2) What suggestions would you give to someone first starting use of chromebooks?
True, however there are probably still things that you can do on each. Best of both worlds have mixed. https://t.co/zEqpKGXArW
A2: it's not an iPad, so don't expect to use it like one.
offline features allow Ss to access documents, it will sync at a later time but everyone can use it
A2:Build in time for short tutorials with your kids. Don't just assume they know how to use every tool/feature.
but of course. and works on chrome products
A2: Familiarity with the Google suite prior to using them may help uneasiness for new users
A2 Embrace , research alternatives to sites/software you've customarily used that might not work on CB so you're ready.
A2: When my dist went to them I got my own and signed up to lead a workshop in 30 days. The pressure helped me learn, fast
Hi ! Wish it wasn't dinnertime :( This looks like a great chat! Can't wait to read the storify 👍
A2 Play in the Chrome store and investigate!
Good point. Would be nice for students to start to be familiar with too
A2 Professional development! Either from school,district, other teachers, Twitter. Just learn from others!
A2 Get Google certified, the basic training teaches so much, and will benefit Ts and Ss
A2). One App at a time! Too many can overwhelm teachers and students.
this is key! Ss need to work through protocols for efficient and appropriate use
. Agreed, we have been using since beginning of year and I just introduced Sheets this week
A2: set guidelines, allow Ss to explore/play, rate apps, start w/ end in mind, what is your purpose?
a2 staff needs to be GAFE trained before Ss receive the devices! https://t.co/43SpiUnZZv
Q2) What suggestions would you give to someone first starting use of chromebooks?
We'll be sharing what we have found in the app store in a bit!
A2 Play in the Chrome store and investigate!
I agree. I love my iPad, but I also love my chromebook.
Teach ss to create memorable and secure passwords
A2: Logistally for high school, practice and rehearse procedures for pick up and put away. Otherwise, it's a hot mess & label!
A2) Speak to other CB users. There are limitations. https://t.co/cawNoXQDGX
Q2) What suggestions would you give to someone first starting use of chromebooks?
A2 start using the tech regularly and you will be surprised how fast they pick it up.
Touchscreen works for a lot! It's also good to show kids that a finger swipe isn't the only way to get somewhere.
Yeah, I agree Nancy. :( Talking about chromebooks.
so knowing GAFE gives Ss and Ts and good starting point?
good point! It can eliminate stress and confusion
A2) Drink the Google Kool-Aid enjoy it. Don’t add apps or extensions until you are ready.
A2: know the Chromebook first before teaching to S. Read up on how they work and how to log in.
You can love them both! Not a "either/or" scenario :)
Actually, my session is called "1:1 is out, BYOD is in" so yes I'll be discussing Chromebooks:) https://t.co/VMaBdbd7G7
Are there some chromebook specific sessions at FETC? What are they talking about?
Hello to everyone! Checking in from !!! I'll be in and out but am so excited to b here w !
Have a great time! Bring back energy/ideas!
So much to learn! What is the diff with an ipad?
A2: invest first in staff PD so they can be used to fullest potential
Great for students to track their own progress/data!
. Agreed, we have been using since beginning of year and I just introduced Sheets this week
Good point, however admins seem to want to push things out as a whole whether or not each is ready?
A2) Drink the Google Kool-Aid enjoy it. Don’t add apps or extensions until you are ready.
Q2-Hook up on Twitter with GAFE experts like to better learn! Spend at least a month in personal use b4 class use.
student voice and input is great and powerful
Start slow, master the suite first. Sooo many features available in the basic suite
What are the top two drawbacks?
Always start with the Staff.
you guys missed the thumb break
correct. I tried only using one or the other. Then thought why?
yes! is an awesome google resource!
Q2: Absolutely! This is something that many districts don't even think about or take time to do.
A2: Don't assume you're the expert. Your kids might have them at home...let them lead a tutorial and help their peers.
Along that lines, I found it important to remind other staff that CBs do not contain the Office suite (news to some)
I disagree, sure training helps, but kids will oick up lots and teach others
Yes but if u r a Google district, it is the best tool.
Q3 coming up in under a minute…
Advice I got was to do CB 1:1 but buy iPads for technology-rich environment
I'm doing a session on Chrome Extensions in NJ at the High Point GAFE Summit. Extensions are way better on C-books than others
yes AND https://t.co/3Xk0wjkkvW
Q2-Hook up on Twitter with GAFE experts like to better learn! Spend at least a month in personal use b4 class use.
Agreed! The apps and extensions can be a little overwhelming for those just beginning
A2:Some Ss will turn into natural "tech support" for others that are not savvy. Work on extended projects so all kids have time.
I’ll see your hot mess and raise you a splintered lesson objective *smirk* (totally agree w/ procedure drills!)
Tis always a good thing to get it into the hands of students.
I disagree, sure training helps, but kids will oick up lots and teach others
Q3) What’s your favorite application or extension to install for use on a chromebook?
A2: Learn with Google about Google - they provide online tutorials that are simple to follow
totally agree Greg! But man! Extensions r the best!!
A2) Give teachers time to "PLAY" with the new chrome book. Their confidence is very important when sharing with the students.
The only device that we have given up on is the dell…
is your school 1:1 with chromebooks?
It's like you read my mind for Q3.
I'm doing a session on Chrome Extensions in NJ at the High Point GAFE Summit. Extensions are way better on C-books than others
Hmmm...if a website uses an older version of java, it won't run in Chrome.
Are you referring to diversifying tech = tech rich, why iPads?
- Yes, collaboration is key not only for Ss, Ts as well in PD sessions, meetings & such.
A2 sync all your devices to your gmail account then take care of the rest
A3: LOVE Screencastify for flipping classroom stuff & teaching Ss in hybrid class how to do things
Yes, many are moving away from Java
Hmmm...if a website uses an older version of java, it won't run in Chrome.
Ugh. I forget the Pre-Q ... How do you accessorize your chromebook? (extra glitter perhaps?)
we can't forget meaningful and consistent PD
A3: Extensions: screencastify, goo.gl url shortener, text to speech, snagit, storify, and more
we have had many that pick up quickly, but many that get left behind, we have Ss that create screencast tutorials
BYOT/D is happening anyway w S phones. Why not embrace it?
iPads are part of diversifying. Have parts that CB doesn't do easily & works diff.
A2: Don'g forget to enable offline apps - the part everyone forgets - just in case the wifi goes down :)
Yes, it's a process! Crawl, walk, run, sprint ..... Be better today than yesterday! https://t.co/Nvh9uXdew5
A2: one step at a time... If necessary set a goal for 1-2 times a week and slowly increase as Ss need increases
A3: Read and Write for Google for my students that struggle with writing
Is the easiest way to get phones / Cbs to work together through Google?
BYOT/D is happening anyway w S phones. Why not embrace it?
A3 Extensity - orgaizes my apps and extenstions, Read & Write reads Google Docs and more
Yep. Tech Tuesday has been All about Google and the devices all 1st semester.
glitter & sparkle is always good!! :)
agree completely.. Loved managing a CB program, seamless as a school
A3: Chromecast. Google URL Shortener. Eye Dropper to pick color hex/rgb from any color on a webpage. Great for design projects!
I m not even paying attention to question anymore
And differentiated. Meet folks where they are and continue to help them learn/grow using tech
he will bring u one at ! It will b ur prize for being our best man @ our
A3: I love the app launcher, checker plus for calendar/mail, classroom, drive, flubaroo, forms. Way too many to count.
Unfortunately our physics teacher likes to use a lot of cool websites that are java based
my favorite screencasting extension by far. seemless on the chromebook
Indeed, for I have mostly moved to JavaScript, as web based apps can run on mobile platforms too.
A3) strong support for teachers to change their pedagogy! Focus on Ss as collaborators & creators
What he said. https://t.co/s8QrKFqPx4
A3: I love the app launcher, checker plus for calendar/mail, classroom, drive, flubaroo, forms. Way too many to count.
Interesting. Wonder what the alternatives are.
A2:Even the youngest can manage Google apps in a chrome book. Give them a couple weeks and they'll be teaching you.
Now that is an intro! https://t.co/LNWc8JoHZd
Forget ... Join in 10 mins for Feedback vs Grades... The rumble in the edu-jungle! Thrilla-in-Manilla folders!
Q3: TechSmith Snagit, Broadcast this URL, the QR Code Extension
From a Principal's perspective, Google Drive is a life saver. I run everything through my drive
A3: Tweetdeck is one of my favorite apps. I can be a part of multiple twitter conversations and still see updates in real time
A3: Kaizena to leave voice comments for Ss. Great esp for writing, editing, revising, grading, feedback
Regular, systematic usage coupled w expectations through modeling increases the CB usage/effectiveness! https://t.co/cNW7HKGdzU
A2 start using the tech regularly and you will be surprised how fast they pick it up.
A3: living in a Google environment...I would say Flubaroo
Amen to that! 2nd week in and all my kids had their log-ins (slightly complex) memorized and were ready to go.
not sure I can make - running out of budget
Interesting - My content is even physics. There is more and more purely web based content there.
What does broadcast this URL do? Is it like Google Tone?
Q3: TechSmith Snagit, Broadcast this URL, the QR Code Extension
not saying don't play with the tech yourself. But be aware that kids might know more
A3: Do I have to be practical? I liking FluencyTutor
Yes, I have that one as well. Use it mostly for screenshots and annotations
I think that it will transition to HTML 6 or whatever it is... Or at least I hope!
Interesting - My content is even physics. There is more and more purely web based content there.
Use Firefox or IE and add to safe sites list :-/
maybe some sponsors to send you
Missing out on and the amazing chromebook master - definitely a chat I'll have to read later.
Yes. I think I tell teachers every day… “It’s on the Drive”. Best way to share files.
A3: Readability is a great extension. IT removes unnecessary ads and material from sites and gets just to the text.
Need to teach students how to manage their drives :)
From a Principal's perspective, Google Drive is a life saver. I run everything through my drive
I heard about Snap And Read Universal on sounded very awesome and powerful, want to check it out.
Q3 My crazy multitasking self loves One Tab and tab resize
A3 My crazy multitasking self loves One Tab and tab resize
A3: Features in google docs alone are amazing: image search w/in doc, dictionary, citations, voice typing and more.
Snagit, Readability, Clearly, Dyslexie are other programs my HS students use
has a great ext . great for still and video captures!
The Clearly evernote extension does something similar! I also install adblock plus as an extension
A3: Readability is a great extension. IT removes unnecessary ads and material from sites and gets just to the text.
Yes, HTML5, that and WebGL can be very powerful.
A3: Agreed! Love as well!
JUUUULIE!!!! Much like M. Brando screaming Stella in Streetcar.
we r not yet- we r a mix of Chromebooks carts and BYOD
The MoveIt extension is fun & a cool way to take a brainbreak
Digital organization skills are important for students to learn!
A3 Share to Classroom is cool too!
1-breakage 2-connectivity
PD 4 Ts is paramount to successful implement.! Without Tchr knowledge it stays in cart & fun 2 talk abt. https://t.co/Miex4Q7lEu
A2: invest first in staff PD so they can be used to fullest potential
Q4 coming up in 1 minute… (more or less)
I also love the interchangeability of chromebooks. If Ss lose or break one, just hand them another. Login, It's Yours!
Yes! We need to model how we should teach
Anyone use Kami to annotate pdfs in Drive with Ss?
A3: Have to say I'm loving Google Photos, automatically upload to folders and students can access via Classroom to reflect
Agree!! I assess students on file management throughout the term. Being organized = working faster https://t.co/gVhyQXTyIV
Digital organization skills are important for students to learn!
For some reason my Revolve laptop doesn't like extensions. It freezes when just one gets added. Tips?
This made me laugh! No, ur still very cool! Lol https://t.co/NCWGR0Qb3J
So if my class is 1:1 does that mean I am not "in" anymore? :(
Can you include a link or info on what initial steps Ts take to get Google certified. Thx
The replacement screens are inexpensive too. Even students are able to replace them.
I also love the interchangeability of chromebooks. If Ss lose or break one, just hand them another. Login, It's Yours!
I use dochub, it has the digital signature too! (in google drive add-ons)
I have found I need to use both, Readability does not work on all websites
Thank you appreciate 1:1 with iPads at my school in Chatt
Agree! Content curation and digital organization are critical for Ss with so much info available https://t.co/r3aq7AB1NJ
Digital organization skills are important for students to learn!
WOW... I see a lot of Apps that I'm going to researching tomorrow.
Yes and now w/ the Photos collaboration
LOVE IT is the best for aunnotating pdfs
Q4) How have students created or connected using chromebooks?
I read that Clearly was going to be discontinued soon, did you see that in the chrome store?
A3 - love using the 'share to classroom' extension, great for pushing websites to younger kiddos, content to classroom for older
Hey folks,gotta run. Enjoy the rest of
I think of how many hours I spent looking for lost documents when only working via desktop, G Classroom makes ez
I will check it out - Just tried Kami Mon w/ Elem Ts who need it to annotate text. Is it Ss-friendly?
This is an avenue I need to explore further. Great potential for images as WW prompts.
I like the Blur adblocker chrome extension!
A3: May be simplistic, but I love Save To Pocket and the bit.ly extensions. Makes curation of content easy and sharable quickly
A4: My students love Build! (Digital Legos)
Hi! Eric, Data and Technology Coach from Erie, PA.
umm no that means your students might S well be using stone tablets
that is a good, useful one for people starting to use forms. Gets them hooked b/c it saves time!
stickers! This one references the written word – .918 = type height, old school letterpress https://t.co/hsTOuNuxq6
Chromebooks are just a device. Apps & exts turn them into a very power tool 4 a/v and higher order thinking & learning
A4: countless ways. They build glossaries in docs, work multiple solutions to probs on shared Ggl Slides and join Twitter Chats!
A4: multi-class and mixed-grade presentations via Google Slides and other formats
:-) I thought it looked great - Hoping to see it in action on the next assignment w/ 4th grdrs
Love connecting the students for mystery skypes!
A4) Mystery “Skype” w/ Google HangOuts. ;-)
A4) We have found it very easy to have a Padlet wall where students can contribute.
I was thinking the same thing. So glad for the archive https://t.co/gec0nlAgXR
WOW... I see a lot of Apps that I'm going to researching tomorrow.
Very easy type in Omnibox-Google search bar Google cert educator, that's it! free lessons, cheap tests https://t.co/7yfTlZrVtn
Can you include a link or info on what initial steps Ts take to get Google certified. Thx
A4 A teacher started where older kids partner with younger for projects/presentations.
A3 - All the apps that align with word, i.e., sheets, docs, & slides, as well as forms, calendar, & drive!
make sure the battery is charged because Craig never sleeps!
A4) Chromebooks work very well with response systems such as Easy to share / connect.
So did mine, so I bought my own to get ahead of the curve for my Ts and Ss. It was only $150. Worth every penny
definitely contributes to buy-in
A4 Using Classroom as LMS Ss can blog and respond; complete and share assignments
Shared Google Slides or Drawings are great ways for students to collaborate within GAFE
A4 A teacher started where older kids partner with younger for projects/presentations.
yes! super easy! our whole staff is working on it!
A4: Our grades 5&6 classes do everything in classroom - including welcome a teacher's new pet dog over break!
A4: students started working on debate presentation in class, shared the doc and collaborate at home
A4). Teaching my teachers and my students how to use assignments through the drive as been FANTASTIC!(20% reduction in copier)
LOVE the bit.ly extension!! Also Evernote web clipper and Diigo.
Takes a few hours to study, tests are three hours. Level 1 took me 2 hours, level 2 took a little longer
A4. Kids are having an easier time collaborating through Classroom v 365. Not as many hiccups if more than one student is in!
A4: our students have access to drive. 3 of my classrooms are all on Google classroom, my other 3 classes take tests on forms.
Have used this technique with college students as we explore edtech tools. Great opportunity for collaboration
A4 - Chromebooks and Gclassroom are the peanut butter and jelly of learning.
Our district went with 365 and opened Classroom at the same time… Many are stuck on 365.
Wonderful to know and appreciate the fast response!
A4) Even works with chromebooks! Students can reflect upon their work.
I am glad pulls websites out as a separate feed - going to put me out of business!
A4 - Padlet is a great tool for shared notes on a Chromebook
I have totally been a little lurker 2nite just enjoying the convos! But I love Kami!! https://t.co/QvhfCfaVzH
:-) I thought it looked great - Hoping to see it in action on the next assignment w/ 4th grdrs
A3: one I love is Speak it extension. Have kids listen to their writing to check it before turning in. Is it what you think?
me too! I also use Google Forms to assess college students. Don't care what resources they use. Good Questions don't.
A4 - Usage of collaborative docs & grading through group work, student 2 student interactions is a great way for collaboration!
Lurking is okay with us. Welcome.
Love the commenting and suggesting that is available. CBs work very well with blogs too.
A4 - Usage of collaborative docs & grading through group work, student 2 student interactions is a great way for collaboration!
A4: We almost always create something collaborative in class, so Ss (preservice Ts) can refer back later
Finally landing in Orlando for ! Think we could have drove with the flight delays & stoked arrive! Missing a great !
love ;introduced it to several Ts & they love it!!
This is a great point for support from the admin side - easy to swap and send for repair! https://t.co/TfFckXeZ3x
I also love the interchangeability of chromebooks. If Ss lose or break one, just hand them another. Login, It's Yours!
Q5 coming up in 1 minute…
The Google Slide file that you posted is awesome! Thank you!
A4: kids do math on dry erase, snapshot into google slides, turn in on classroom.
Lurking is learning! But so glad you chimed in :)
Jeremey in Mich, HS sci and tech coach. A4 Ss are finding classroom a seamless way to interact with ts and one another.
Google, first day, the kids were teaching the teachers. Kids are still having trouble with 365 after years of using
I won’t make it until Wednesday Morning. Something about Adulting and Principaling this week.
Loving what all I am learning tonight. If I may interject into the chat. are there any negatives to the chromebook?
As does Works well for our district. https://t.co/IyYK4wl0Qd
A4) Even works with chromebooks! Students can reflect upon their work.
I loved watching my Ss get so excited about Google Docs. I can't wait to show them all the many things to do with slides.
What do you use to snapshot, Webcam? or is this a virtual Dry Erase, sorry if I missed something
see the image was the results of a glitter bomb
No doubt, they're only as good as the user & his/her expertise/willingness to attempt new discoveries! https://t.co/l6GOj19Voy
Chromebooks are just a device. Apps & exts turn them into a very power tool 4 a/v and higher order thinking & learning
Q5) How have chromebooks impacted your classroom or school?
Your voice counts. Join us
I discovered My Maps part of Google and really want to explore it with my kids. Blogged about the ideas so I don't forget.
Websites running older versions of java won't work on Chromebooks
thank you very appreciated
We have more CB than we have carts… Need another Cart. Teachers want them instead of iPads. Same with GirlTeen.
student showed me to use slides, insert image, take a snapshot. It's right there!
A4 - I jigsaw using GSlides. Each slide of the presentation is a heading of the text. In the end we have a group presentation.
I guess my lonely iPad might think there is a negative
try snagit! we also like screencastify for screen recordings
I miss Publisher (great text and graphics) which is one aspect of Office suite not in Google, any alternatives
Excellent! Collaborative maps are a great suggestion.
I discovered My Maps part of Google and really want to explore it with my kids. Blogged about the ideas so I don't forget.
The Chromebook is a great device. Editing video is a bit painful though. Takes awhile to adjust.
Going to have to finish reading the rest of this awesome later. Real life is calling!
A5: Our lower school is currently being transformed by chromebooks and - carry over to the upper grades has been great
A5: with C-books available, Ss can go to Desmos instead of ti-84. They can ask Qs and seek answers instead of just do math.
A5 We are paperless using Chromebooks. Ss learning they can have some control over what they learn,
A5 -If looking at the model, it has made tranformative education much easier (and affordable) to accomplish. No more labs!
. A5: empowered students to easily create and share
There are options... just not as clean or simple as iMovie on a iPad or Mac.
The Chromebook is a great device. Editing video is a bit painful though. Takes awhile to adjust.
A3) Screencastify, especially after they change privacy policy for edu & COPPA
a5 we are 1:1 4-12 with CBs in elementary and MS. Ts and Ss LOVE it https://t.co/LM7ibP8mD2
Q5) How have chromebooks impacted your classroom or school?
A5) CB access to database resources for projects
A5: they have allowed ELA Ts collaborate to provide narrative feedback for writing
if you have specific software needs you can be limited. We solved most issues with apps
A5: Increased uptake of Google Apps. Allowed us to put devices in the hands of more kids due to lower cost!
A5: they have helped me go to a paperless classroom and get S responses back to them in a faster fashion rather than hand grade.
Are there projects that you do now that are made possible by CBs?
a5 we are 1:1 4-12 with CBs in elementary and MS. Ts and Ss LOVE it https://t.co/LM7ibP8mD2
Q5) How have chromebooks impacted your classroom or school?
Can't run exe files (can't install programs) my onlinebook req d/l and install before access.incompatible w/ CB
super awesome to use the customizations!
Soooo. I am never not around wifi. Can you do anything on them without wifi?
I rebuilt old Dell 2120 carts to be chromebook carts to handle our devices!
let the kids teach you! Ask for it. A kids best day is when they teach you something.
We just started using CB's with our students. Every day is a great learning experience and I am loving watching the kids.
A5 enabled more students to have a device instead of just a cart
This I like!!! Feedback is so important.
A5: they have helped me go to a paperless classroom and get S responses back to them in a faster fashion rather than hand grade.
I LOVE My Maps! Combine with forms for more fun!
I did the same with and iPad Cart. :-)
A5: As an admin, the practical details of daily life are shared using c-books between us and meetings are spent on better things
it definitely makes jigs awing more efficient and exciting for Ss
love the Turn In feature via Google Classroom, no more asking each person ten times if they are done
dochub is what I recommend
True, the lower cost of implementation has enabled me too to get more into the hands of Ss
A5 enabled more students to have a device instead of just a cart
I'm anti PDF. I'm firm in the "new task" camp.
Agreed. About the best online editor I've found for free is from Youtube.
The lack of Java and Flash support means some sites cannot be viewed on devices
A5) we're 1:1 so all day access is awesome!
Ss can work from any machine with simple login. Ss not locked into one machine https://t.co/n5kljguJhW
Q5) How have chromebooks impacted your classroom or school?
Q5: higher expectations of access which allows more time to create in class. Check out the SAMR model if you haven't yet.
Also love the collaboration piece.
All made it easier for schools to go cue up the gaggle fish https://t.co/lapZaPylOp
True, the lower cost of implementation has enabled me too to get more into the hands of Ss
A5 enabled more students to have a device instead of just a cart
Q5 - Their affordability have provided tech where most likely there wouldn't be funds for tech just yet!
Very nice!
. Collaborative Google Slides, Docs. Peer review, followed by assignment more feedback via Google Classroom.
I use My Maps on first day of semester in Teaching SS class to have Ss show where they went over break
a5:for my Ss with LD's using the CB has improved their access to reading&writing supports & they're using the same tech as all
Would they have found more $$$ or would they have brought in less tech w/out chromebooks?
Q5 - Their affordability have provided tech where most likely there wouldn't be funds for tech just yet!
Yes, I've used it but still seem to prefer Youtube for actual trimming. makes videos fancier though.
G.Maps are so cool. You can create maps for your class and show amazing things..
A5 Efficiency has been increased. PD, to collaboration, to communication, and everything in between
Yes! This, too! https://t.co/s8HE7eRork
A5: Increased uptake of Google Apps. Allowed us to put devices in the hands of more kids due to lower cost!
Same here! https://t.co/rJN5OlEecg
A5: Increased uptake of Google Apps. Allowed us to put devices in the hands of more kids due to lower cost!
did this last Friday, my 4th Ss taught the 2nd Ss, so much more powerful, plus one-on-one
A4) ThingLinks & Glogsters to show what they know. Nearpod a to teach their classmates a concept
A5: Kids should be communicating digitally. I have weekly Gmail expectations; use academic language, style.
wevideo isn't too bad for clipping movies and adding
Thanks for the responses to my own Q
Q5: Ss access to email has improved quality feedback and communication.
Agree! My biggest complaint would be not being able to download Word b/c we're between 365+Classroom
Yup! That is why we have them in district. Cost and being GAFE allows for being best device.
A5: we r doing a 1:1 pilot with 35 freshmen that have Chromebooks to fully explore. Been an amazing experience to lead
it's so nice! But some forget to hit "turn in" both times.
You can open word files in chromebook and convert gdocs to word..no need!
Q6 coming up in 1 minute…
No better way to accelerate feedback and learning. Such a great way 2 also build a community
Kids have great insights and are very inventive with tech
Yes I hate how good it runs vs. My Mac.
Timely feedback & minute-by-minute formative assessment heightens student engagement significantly. https://t.co/pazqecAaEa
A5: they have helped me go to a paperless classroom and get S responses back to them in a faster fashion rather than hand grade.
Good to hear that CB use is also at HS level too.
Know that it's picked up in Elem now. https://t.co/1EpTwHAtkB
A5: we r doing a 1:1 pilot with 35 freshmen that have Chromebooks to fully explore. Been an amazing experience to lead
SERIOUSLY?!?! Thank you! This has been such a pain for me hahah!
yes! try ways of feedback with kaizena, or joezoo, super easy! https://t.co/VeKYdvhCEM
This I like!!! Feedback is so important.
A5: they have helped me go to a paperless classroom and get S responses back to them in a faster fashion rather than hand grade.
I just thought about the fact that I’m never away from wifi…kinda scary.
Q6) What would you like to be able to do on a chromebook? or do easier on a chromebook?
Just used Glogster this week, great experience and once all the content was written, easy to use
We need to have a spring 2nd Gr bootcamp by 3-6 gr Ss about chromebook basics
Looking for Sketchup type 3D app for CB, any suggestions?
hahaha the Great Nathan tweeted me im honored
A5 Bolstered Writing Workshop classes, Gs 6-12 by putting more devices for writing/researching into Ss hands thnx to pricepoint
Q6 how are chromebooks better than androids?
It's huge in HS. It mimics the real life career world that Ss will see with the collaborative C-book environment
A6: I would like a graphic design type program added to the Google Suite similar to tools in Publisher, etc.
When I arrived at they had 2 aging MacBook carts in 6th. Now we are 1:1 in 3-6 /w Chromebooks.
I have loved this time w/ tonight! But gotta go do some Mom duties! See you next week (hopefully)!
A6: Looking for the first CHromebook/Android tablet hybrid - sort of like a chromebook surface
A6) Plug in My HD Camera and record to a hard drive. Kinda like
- Same funds, just fewer devices purchased.
yes they are! I have them building sites now as a reflection in our digital found course I redesigned for the pilot.
and private comments students can read rather than seeing a bunch of writing and fearing the worst.
I use google doc templates then add designs using the Insert Drawing feature.
yes! and others to make videos (youtube, screencastify, snagit)
Better monitoring of student use. Working through some tool vs. toy expectations right now.
I think if you build screen time in collaborative projects that force vocal comm.. it helps
A6 Have students skype with classrooms across the district about a similar topic. Have group skype sessions going on.
Would imagine in corporate / business world that they'd have Laptops or desktops :)
It's huge in HS. It mimics the real life career world that Ss will see with the collaborative C-book environment
A6 - Great Q. Using extensions on multiple CBs with synced data. EX- only saves locally
. I use drawing and slides for a ton of my graphics needs.
Yes. Still have carts but closer to 1:3 rather than 1:5. More devices.
A6: oh good question...I work with language learners 2nd-3rd and would love to know what others are doing with younger ones
True. https://t.co/lCaspB0k6T
A6: I would like a graphic design type program added to the Google Suite similar to tools in Publisher, etc.
what grades use gmail? and is it activated in classroom for them to just click?
set your standards higher. I am the Chris Farley of the edtech community
There's some cameras that are compatible... but not many https://t.co/OcIbx18GRz
A6) Plug in My HD Camera and record to a hard drive. Kinda like
Yes, I have done this way too, I just love the fluidity of a program meant for graphic design opposed to word prcs
A6 - Video greenscreening
Ugh… Is it Sketch that kinda does this?
I'll have to try out drawing, not familiar with it yet
Ooooh I'd like this. Hey can we get a Chromebook compatible version please.
A6 - Video greenscreening
A6. Our biggest barrier at this point has been math--Algebra specifically
A6 Agreed, green screening would be awesome. Looking for something like that for my daughter right now.
- I love this chat! I've been listening in while I have been eating dinner. Great tips!
I agree. I used publisher for 10 yrs to create our school newspaper. I'm sure Google is on it! any word?
Grades 6 - 8. We do inbox management, so they go directly to Gmail and reply/compose from there.
even he was a genius in his field
More sites are moving to html 5.
I would agree with the challenge, especially at the elementary level when math tools are not as user friendly
I'd like to work with chromebooks. :)
Picmonkey works! https://t.co/7UPbJqJe2n
A6: I would like a graphic design type program added to the Google Suite similar to tools in Publisher, etc.
w/Google share feature I tell my kids that the google doc/slide/sheet must be shared with T. This helps monitor
A6: Word art like Tagxedo or wordle would be great for chromebook
that is where I would start. Looking more at using with older
Is there a way Gurus to print your entire classes work for one assignment at one time in Google Classroom?
I agree. I have been using slides for multi-page design. Just change settings to 8.5x11. Works well. https://t.co/GLEgNOLQ86
A6: I would like a graphic design type program added to the Google Suite similar to tools in Publisher, etc.
A6 - Desktop publishing program such as Microsoft publisher or Pagemaker! Also, better photo editing.
with adobe suite going web based, there may no longer be a need for the high powered desk/laptop.
A?) I also like the fact that you can wipe a CB very easily. Poof it’s all gone. just like new.
A6: programs that can better monitor what they are doing from a T computer.
Good question!
This would save me TONS of time. https://t.co/t6DiPpanzH
Is there a way Gurus to print your entire classes work for one assignment at one time in Google Classroom?
Use classroom and you don't have to share, they automatically come up on your account, more organizzed
Learning a lot of awesome tools from you all. The librarian in me wants to create a LibGuide to curate these.
video greenscreening could allow small budget newscasts,
I do like the preview window within drive to look at G Classroom work.
Thanks Craig! That would save me SO much time, too!
Hugely helpful, because my laptops I have to send to admin :(
Doctopus too https://t.co/WFutTbbXiU
Use classroom and you don't have to share, they automatically come up on your account, more organizzed
What can't you do on a Chrome? There are equivalents for just about everything out there https://t.co/gqbXVBCmBD
Q6) What would you like to be able to do on a chromebook? or do easier on a chromebook?
Cost and what device is capable of doing makes it a grt device for Ss.
is built similar to solidworks
desktop publishing is a big one. still limited with g docs but adobe creative cloud may help
Craig is amazing is he not. :-)
Can you refer a source list?
Q7 coming up in 1 minute…
Learning a lot of awesome tools from you all. The librarian in me wants to create a LibGuide to curate all these.
A6 ext. - Better ease of printing when needed.
If you're running a windows machine & a CB, Remote desktop is a MUST.
NO not live binders. I'll get lost in them forever
. We have our kids start with drawing as their first google app. But it's quite powerful.
the idea is not to print them... Use online tools to grade and have a better tracking system of comments
Would LOVE better desktop publishing! Google Drawing and LucidCharts are getting us by for now.
Yes. We use the cloud-based Adobe. Works grt on the CBs.
My Ss like paper copies to share their work with their families when they don't have devices at home
I think there are some good book creation sites that work well with CBs too!
I've used integrated with math for finding volume. Kids love it! https://t.co/gtijTcgRSV
Looking for Sketchup type 3D app for CB, any suggestions?
As we wrap up Q7) Who are your go to chromebook experts? Where do you go to learn more about chromebooks and their use?
mine keeps timing out after a certain time and have to reconnect, but I like it!
yes lucidpress is awesome! https://t.co/6tumZV5RO9
I think there are some good book creation sites that work well with CBs too!
If home chrome shares wifi printer with Ss account, they can print from school to house! Cool!
Q7 how much money could you donate to to get him to a east coast conference
they can share with parents on email.
Yes that's the idea, but some kiddos want paper copies to show family when they are w/o home tech resources
Q7 Here! Y'all are great!
I'd recc Slides. Change the page layout to 8.5x11 and it's surprisingly powerful
A7 - Twitter is the biggest "how to integrate" catalog. I also lean on Richard Byrnes and
Aww Nathan. I've been fortunate once to receive sponsorship to Florida!
Q7 how much money could you donate to to get him to a east coast conference
A7) I ask the Chrommodore 64 or go to and
A7 - As much a Sunday school, goody 2 shoes answer it is, I continually come to Twitter! A myriad of great people & resources!
a7: Google and my PLN like &
PLN's like this! https://t.co/UP6fGJVzlM
As we wrap up Q7) Who are your go to chromebook experts? Where do you go to learn more about chromebooks and their use?
wouldn't it be cheaper to get one of those mobile person ipad things and just bring him everywhere?
Q7: looking forward to the Conference!
. shout out!!!! So many great newsletters.
is a great source too. https://t.co/zQgWoDeyj0
A7 - Twitter is the biggest "how to integrate" catalog. I also lean on Richard Byrnes and
Go Fund Me for Craig… Maybe if we win the Lotto.
LOL too funny
wouldn't it be cheaper to get one of those mobile person ipad things and just bring him everywhere?
A7) my chromebooks experts are and -- if they don't know, well, it's just in the unknown ;)
Ideally we can provide devices for them to take home and to provide internet access if needed
Some families do not have devices at all. Not even phones. You have to also be willing to think outside the box
I hit up twitter often… Say it proudly.
If I win the Powerball I will fly you to FETC Craig :)
yeah but we can't make tacos together that way there it is
what about apps like Doink Green Screen is the CBable?
A7: my tech family and previous ELA PLC
A7) My students! Or Google trainer boards but haven't had much trouble at all a semester into pilot.
A7 Gosh.. , - subscribe to Chromebook Enthusiast daily newsletter...
Hey for A7... be sure to add some of these Chromebook Gurus!
-Me too! There are many Google apps for Educ & resources.
. It wasn’t me Craig, but JoeZoo def looks interesting.
A7 - Ss are also never afraid of testing apps and extensions. They are great resources as well.
A7, Honestly, Google it! Twitterchat
No We have EdCamp Hawaii. You register and get you air faire free.
Q8 how did & not mention tacos for a whole chat? That is impossible
A7: are pretty much all we need :)
Thanks for joining this week’s ! Don’t forget to follow your new connections from tonight!
Thank heavens for archiving, this was amazing, but overwhelming at the same time
Great work moderating tonight.
I'm slipping out to go have some tacos!!!
Q8 how did & not mention tacos for a whole chat? That is impossible
Thanks for joining this week’s ! Don’t forget to follow your new connections from tonight!
A special thank you to or moderating a terrific chat tonight!
Thank you for letting me moderate tonight! That was fast and furious.
Btw ... - cool name, my friend!
It's our community that makes that chat! Picked up a few goodies myself. https://t.co/Uy7J5XHGgD
A special thank you to or moderating a terrific chat tonight!
Thank you all for enlightening this chromebook newbie learned tons Thanks
Thanks for joining us Craig! You rocked it!
It was great Craig, TONS of info.