I don't have much to add in terms of "new things," but my biggest takeaway with #flipclass is how much more time I have to work directly with students. I can have more conversations, build better relationships, and help them understand more. #flipclasschat
I barely remember my life before #flipclass .... although I had a flashback recently when I had to have 2 teacher-centered classes in one week.
How did I live that life all the time?! #flipclasschat
In reply to
@JJBackeberg, @EffectualEdu, @Screencastify
I keep wanting to trend towards SBG/mastery but I have not made the leap yet. There are "conversions" that you can make to report back to traditional grades but its not truly SBG #flipclass#flipclasschat
I've probably asked before, but were there any issues transitioning with Ss not completing formative assessments because they didn't "count for a grade" #flipclass#flipclasschat
In reply to
@kirk_humphreys, @flipping_A_tchr, @trgriffin1
Grades are so engrained in out students minds so I feel like a shift in mindset is necessary across the board to emphasize whats really important, not just in #flipclass#flipclasschat
I truly love the idea of mastery, I just haven't been able to push myself to jump in yet. Any steps I should take to make sure I'm ready to implement? #flipclass#flipclasschat