#TMchat Archive
Current and relevant education discussions are held every Tuesday in #TMchat. A weekly guest moderator, considered an expert on the the week's topic, joins @conniehamilton to guide the one hour chat and actively engage with participants. Founder and moderator @conniehamilton supplies her responses to the week's questions visually in Thinking Maps.
Tuesday January 5, 2016 9:00 PM EST
Welcome to . Our topic tonight is Learning from Mistakes. Please follow my guest moderator
Good evening. Sonya, instructional coach from Texas going to try to do and tonight!
Thanks for joining Howard
I'm Connie Hamilton. Jessy Thompson and I are your moderators tonight. Let the introductions begin. https://t.co/FqRiNa9cb4
Welcome Sonya. Multi-tasking tonight.
Mary from VA. I teach 2nd
Hi I am Terry, 2nd gr T in Fl. I am multitask chatting tonight since it moved to a new time.
faige retired kinder teacher from Los Angeles
Thanks for following to Tuesdays, Terry.
Our format will include 7 questions. Use A1 to respond to Q1 & remember to include hashtag in all tweets. https://t.co/zfNvdhSgOc
Jessy from Michigan. So excited to be back at school!
Barb in Minnesota enjoying this change on my Tuesday
Like the new earlier time, Deisree?
Yes, I'm usually not very good at attending to two chats!
Amy...small school principal from Central Valley CA?
Great to see you tonight.
Hey! Senior internship in 3rd grade and my first chat. I'll try to keep up!
teachers are never retired! Welcome to
HI Amy. How "small" is your school?
An awesome up and coming teacher, I am so glad you're here. https://t.co/Ib8fkbUshU
Hey! Senior internship in 3rd grade and my first chat. I'll try to keep up!
thanks! It's been awhile. Couldn't remember the time/day
Not able to join your chat but I LOVE the completeness of your graphic! If I were a teacher, that alone got my attn!
Every body follow . It's her first chat tonight. https://t.co/UJvh9BillM
Hey! Senior internship in 3rd grade and my first chat. I'll try to keep up!
I went to Yucca Loma elementary in Apple Valley
Howard. Full Inclusion private campus. Building the school has been a blast! Focus on Autism and Technology. Currently Mid Sch sci
Hi! Happy New Year! 🎉 Kim from VA.
A1: we say "that's cool" when S or T makes a mistake - WBT strategy.
Jack Griffith. SS teacher from FL. Attending my first chat.
A1: "mistake" is defined as part of our learning. We expect them and know that we are in the process of learning.
a1: something that everyone does
a1: as a learning process. It's ok to explore.
A1 Mistake = opportunity for reflection and growth. It's a misstep, not an end.
Q1. take risks to learn and we learn from our mistakes
Anything that we don't feel ok with.
A1: Talk about decisions more than 'mistake' or 'accident' Teach 'guess and test' strategy -which is based on leveraging failure.
Hey.... that's my brother-in-law! Welcome to Jack! Everybody follow.... https://t.co/NmybOqcOaK
Jack Griffith. SS teacher from FL. Attending my first chat.
I love this. It shows that mistakes show growth!
So nice to see you Paola.
Hi all.. Been a minute. 9-11th grade language arts Mobile, Al here.. Glad to be back 😎😎
A1: I always told my kiddos "I can't help you if you don't make mistakes" - learning opportunities.
mistakes are not meant to hinder but help people grow
Good evening all! Angela from NY
I'll have to agree, David.
A1. Mistakes = learning, opportunities for growth, reflection, collaboration, and betterment. Embracing risks leads to improvement
A1: a mistake is a second chance. A hiccup. A chance to reflect & do again with gusto.
Are you in Citrus County by chance? https://t.co/C0NQUgQ3Vp
Jack Griffith. SS teacher from FL. Attending my first chat.
with gusto! Love it! https://t.co/FQTYONkLEC
A1: a mistake is a second chance. A hiccup. A chance to reflect & do again with gusto.
With kinders I can't turned into lets do what you can and go from there and then the power of yet https://t.co/BiqlbH3gEY
Anybody using platform for tonight?
Unless it's me laughing at myself!
A1: I try to self talk (pt it out & think out loud) through mine so they know that it's ok.
A1 When Ss recognize their mistakes we celebrate-it means they're engaged & thinking-mistakes are conversation starters
Great to see you Stephanie.
A1: Here's a great article on learning from mistakes. A1: As the single most important opportunity to learn: https://t.co/OGBBzRtkH9
A1: Mistakes are defined as hiccups. Speed bumps to our understanding and the process of making it relevant. Reflect and learn
we think of ideas as sharing. no no wrong answers as questions usually open ended
Kind of makes it hard to learn w/o mistakes, doesn't it? https://t.co/ZEpSrJrXNY
A1: I always told my kiddos "I can't help you if you don't make mistakes" - learning opportunities.
If vouches for you- you are in!
Nice way to open up the learning process with Ss. https://t.co/Aq0tzu8Oge
A1 Mistake = opportunity for reflection and growth. It's a misstep, not an end.
there are no mistakes in my class, only chances to grow as a human being and learner. I make "mistakes" daily to prove the point
Dont' forget to include on all your tweets tonight.
I think reflection is key. How do you teach Ss to reflect?
A1 gentle teaching to ensure mistakes don't bring shame
not facing mistakes hurts students; avoid challenges/taking risks
A1: Not really looking for mistakes. They are opportunities to look at a problem and think about it.
Mistakes = fail which = First Attempt In Learning in my classroom...our mantra
And without trying I often made mistakes, owned them & accepted help from my Ks We problem solved together
A1 I tell my kiddos that it's not about the mistakes we make but how we make up for them that counts.
Ts and Ss are better served when mistakes =opportunity vs. gotcha
Modeling the process to learn/reflect from mistakes helps students be more growth minded. https://t.co/75oJX2lWNt
there are no mistakes in my class, only chances to grow as a human being and learner. I make "mistakes" daily to prove the point
Q2: What examples of growth have you seen in students who understand how to learn from mistakes? https://t.co/cgWsGaWHep
I teach my students to question.
Absolutely! Teachers are, too, don't you think?
How do you help students avoid shame?
Sounds like a meme to me.
Agree! Encourage learning risks! https://t.co/MRNDn7o6tV
A1. Mistakes = learning, opportunities for growth, reflection, collaboration, and betterment. Embracing risks leads to improvement
A few minutes late, but happy to jump into
A2: Their willingness to try and not worry about making a mistake. Their confidence to keep trying is also proof
thanks! Mistakes are my best tool, since kids learn that EVERYONE makes mistakes every day.
A2 When kinders would help each other and try without becoming upset
Had Ss come 2 us shut down by anxiety. They're now in college!
A2 It's the S who looks at the attempt, makes an adjustment, and tries again.
Joining late to - James from Florida here representing
Gotta go. May be back in time.
I remember how difficult it was to not be afraid of making a mistake when I was a younger T
A2: This takes work. But eventually you will see a change, and they don't feel they have to be "perfect" to be successful.
Thanks for joining from sunny California.
You should be in the chat right now at
Hey ! Hey ! It's not so sunny in California this week.
A2: kids are more forgiving of others, and more willing to try until THEY feel successful
I ask Ss to look at what others chose or said & answer "why" they chose what they did. Talk or think it through.
A2: Ss who keep working at the problem. Try different strategies. They ask for more and practice beyond what's asked.
When does not being perfect the first time become a big deal?
A2: In a nutshell . . . Ss become lifelong learners!
A2: I've see students who are willing to begin to trust themselves enough to answer a question even if they get it wrong.
kids have to realize that it is in the process not a product that learning takes place.
Did you see here? is well represented in tonight. Happy to have experts here. https://t.co/defbLrgUo1
Joining late to - James from Florida here representing
A2 First choice can set Ss up for success or struggle-have seen Ss shine when they select good-fit work paired w/ good-fit goals
We'll be here until 10pm EST and back next Tuesday, Howard.
love it! Success does not necessarily mean perfection
Susan from FL joining in late, but glad to be here!
A2: T's can use appropriate questioning that will lead students to think deeper or differently they will see the process of learning
Q2 kids will tell others. we learn from mistakes
A2: when you see them persevere to solve a problem...never quit just find a new way.
I love this. They start volunteering more. They shine.
It is scary how young this occurs. We were just involved in the project, so enlightening. https://t.co/PB4dxYEhRy
When does not being perfect the first time become a big deal?
How do you encourage that, Jack? https://t.co/bxxkEINtkX
A2: I've see students who are willing to begin to trust themselves enough to answer a question even if they get it wrong.
Don't we all think is rockin' as the guest moderator tonight? Thanks Jessy!
Ss receive vibes from Ts, Ps, other Ss, & themselves that perfection is the goal & then believe it.
Empowering the student to leverage learning-Huzzah! https://t.co/EyxRmKDy0C
A2 It's the S who looks at the attempt, makes an adjustment, and tries again.
Susan is one of the original crew!
Q3: What does learning from mistakes look like for students, teachers, administrators, parents? https://t.co/30DsUF7yfv
TweetDeck on iPad is sooo jumpy. That not withstanding Will have to check back later. Early dinner
Ohhh... we know something about questioning, don't we, ? Now I'm fired up, Shannon! https://t.co/5onmOQyrq1
A2: T's can use appropriate questioning that will lead students to think deeper or differently they will see the process of learning
So true. I love when Ss start using those questioning techniques with each other.
Do you use Socratic Seminar?
A2: Mistakes are a vital part of the learning process. Each of us are a work in progress..
That's some evidence they're growth minded isn't it Amy?
I do this by encouragement and I often remind students of the fixed vs. growth mindset.
Have you read Teach Like Your Hair's On Fire?
Ss need to know that without wrongs there would be no rights...
and less critical of others who "get it wrong" at first.
I just realized is happening right now! Yay! A1: Mistakes can be defined as "mis-takes" like the movies- "Take 1. Take 2. Take 3..."
A3: it looks like learning: figuring out what went wrong, deciding what needs to be changed, and making those changes
Don't forget in your tweets. https://t.co/IYk3jxBMby
and my fav quote is "there are no mistakes in art." Learning IS art!
A3: It creates a safer environment for everyone. Removing competition, creating collaboration.
I have used it, and I'm talking about leading students through an inquiry process and then making adjustments.
I want to visit Susan's school!
A3: learning from mistakes looks like hypothesis testing and reflection. What may succeed? Why did this happen? How can we adjust?
I use Super Improver Wall to stress improvement! Love
So true. It just becomes part of the process.
Here is pic of the buttons that I give all the frosh after my talk about learning and brain https://t.co/REEZRPvtYb
Such a close connection between learning from mistakes and mindset. https://t.co/AtuXtuBrjD
I do this by encouragement and I often remind students of the fixed vs. growth mindset.
A3 It's a process of reflecting, refining, adjusting and open to dialogue
How do you include parents in this process? https://t.co/56zbYkR62A
A3: it looks like learning: figuring out what went wrong, deciding what needs to be changed, and making those changes
Very Excited about our training tomorrow Dean!
I loved your graphic you posted. I often use post its, scissors and tape, so students can quickly adjust and modify
A2: Students who learn from mistakes realize to FAIL is just the First Attempt In Learning.
A3. It looks like a necessary part of the learning process, as they're opportunities to grow. It's a mindset for lifelong learning
I encourage by saying "they aren't there yet but will be."
A4: I think learning from mistakes as a teacher is the ability to reflect and grow and know that growth is always possible!
A3: Students need support from multiple perspectives to see advantages of learning from mistakes. https://t.co/BzadWTtJgm
A3: learning from mistakes looks like a staircase with rails to me. One mistake builds to the next step of learning.
Love the ! https://t.co/ndND0zKFIs
A3: learning from mistakes looks like a staircase with rails to me. One mistake builds to the next step of learning.
A3: As adults, we need to model that it's OK to make mistakes. I apologize to my students and move on.
Do you set students up for mistakes to highlight it as part of the process?
A3 we can always improve - no matter where we are in the process
A simple addition to everyone's daily vocab... YET! Little word changes everything.
A3: S: A wilingness to take risks, T: to reward risk-taking, A: to invest in non-trad methodology, P: to emphas growth over grades
I couldn't agree more! My whole life is a series of happy accidents and mistakes that put me here
Parents can sometimes be an obstacle in allowing Ss to learn to fail so they can succeed
A3b.It is important 2 have a culture that encourages a growth mindset, embracing challenges/risks as necessary opport. For learning
They see who does something better & they know. early as Ks. But if they see their strengths that's powerful
There are levels - 10 stars - new level, kind of like a video game. :)
Love the of this response is awesome https://t.co/CvzlG4ZdKO
I couldn't agree more! My whole life is a series of happy accidents and mistakes that put me here
A4: Not sure I encourage "mistakes" as much as I encourage "attempts" knowing that many will not always be right the 1st time
Not necessarily encouraged, but when writing ss are told to "spell" the best they can and we will fix later. Let's get the idea.
A4: Ss are encouraged to try.
Thanks. And nice with the photo.
A3: Learning from mistakes as a parent and teacher is the ability to reflect and grow and the willingness to keep trying!
thanks! Every single day is an accident waiting to happen, it's a to make it happy
Ss need to learn how to compete with themselves and celebrate personal growth https://t.co/NysLlCkJMb
They see who does something better & they know. early as Ks. But if they see their strengths that's powerful
Hey Art. Glad to see you in tonight.
A4-5: we focus on attempts and revision-some call it fail forward-we call it learning; it is our work
Thanks for the chat! See you next time. Happy New Year all!
Agreed! Mistakes are encouraged, but risks, and shared thinking are. Both are excepted and not judged
it's the willingness and ability to grow that matters most!
A4: everyone is encouraged to try anything, any time & to abandon ship from its too much right now. Grades as standards based,not %
It is about the process not the product
A4: I tell students they can call on a friend to help them answer a question, but they have to at least repeat what the friend said.
A4: I encourage them to tell me what they are thinking...I'm not looking for a right answer or conclusion..just your thought process
I create an enviro of opportunities for growth, improvement & much reflection. Plenty of person.formative feedback
A4: Using tech is always an opportunity to show things that can go wrong and how to handle it.
That's true too. Glass half full mentality.
Joining a bit late, but still finding value in ideas being shared about learning from mistakes.
A4: push Ss to step outside of their comforts zones in their reading and writing. Ss must read and write challenging material.
I model mistakes by mis-spelled words that are later corrected, or when I tell them to turn to a wrong page.
A4 I always remind my Ss that the worst that can happen is that it won't work out-try it, see what happens.
Can ask them to show you what they're thinking too. Both verbal and visual representation of thinking.
I fail every day at both, but I know I can try again tomorrow
Here's the poster child for growth mindset. Hi there Steve. https://t.co/epExuSAcrp
Joining a bit late, but still finding value in ideas being shared about learning from mistakes.
Another mantra in my classroom..."make your thinking visible"
I need 2 learn 2 use Map Builder more efficiently & teach Ss
I'd love to see a collaborative site where Ts can share outcomes from classroom opportunities https://t.co/V5Qag4Cktt
I create an enviro of opportunities for growth, improvement & much reflection. Plenty of person.formative feedback
I always smile and make a joke about a tech hiccup and my Ss see a positive example who to handle a bad situation.
meant ARE standards based:) !
Yes. Or verbal. Talk it out if it helps.
Love that! As adults we need to remember that too!
Will chat about that tomorrow! https://t.co/tBxbQwgVkv
I need 2 learn 2 use Map Builder more efficiently & teach Ss
Absolutely! great way to connect the two
agree 10000%! I don't care about the first attempt, just the final understanding
Makes a risk less scary when you can identify "what's the worst thing that can happen?"
I'll be at KLC with on Friday. You be there? https://t.co/Uu9RVzM75A
Aw, thank you. Missed chatting. Gotta connect sometime again.
A5: Not sure rewarded, but they are celebrated. We celebrate that they are learning and willing to come out of comfort zone.
I love that. I laugh too. I'll also show some problem solving techniques so they know I didn't give up.
I have to admit, I really liked this one.
A5: when Ss make a mistake the reward is they learn something new!
The more Ss see Ts embracing mistakes, the better off they are. The same is true fro colleagues!
A4: I constantly ask Ss to tell me what they think.And tell them that there are no wrong answers because it is their own reflection
A5: I like how "Rewards students for mistakes" by showing them Rationale of why they missed Qs + resources to learn from.
A4: My Ss are rewarded with a deeper level of understanding of a concept and take more ownership when they learn from a mistake.
You also need to read the book The Not Perfect Hat Club by and yes we all wear our hats!
The learning last longer when we https://t.co/t20teNNL3z
A4: My Ss are rewarded with a deeper level of understanding of a concept and take more ownership when they learn from a mistake.
Yes wonderful book. Loved doing
You will love using Map builder with students
A5: Not sure it is rewarded but we have fun and keep trying. The reward is when we know we've given our best effort.
When did we lose learning as the true reward? https://t.co/BsTd56jp4s
A5: when Ss make a mistake the reward is they learn something new!
It's all about creating life-long learners. We'll spend our entire lives making mistakes
white board markers one off regular desks with baby wipes! Math on our desks is my best
Hmmmm could it be testing and accountability?!
Not rewarded per se, the progress of learning IS the reward! My Ss are encouraged to again
Learning, and other progress, can be very motivating when they are noticed/ acknowledged!
My daughter asked "what's point of a puzzle?" It's lots of trial/error &small rewards on way to success. ?
Q6: Under a high-stakes eval system, how can teachers be encouraged to take risks and learn from mistakes? https://t.co/TKmIgEzM8t
A5: Why reward what is expected? Should expect our Ss to fail The reward is in the growth after failure. intrinsic never extrinsic
A3 I think learning from mistakes from teachers means allowing us to change our direction even in front of the kids or other staff.
A5: Allowing students to be heard and explain their thinking to others has always been a great motivator in my experience.
puzzles are a life lesson of small adjustments, trial and error, and persistence!
Love the from writing on desks! https://t.co/qYxiElXHFt
white board markers one off regular desks with baby wipes! Math on our desks is my best
A6: in Ts' high stakes world, new strategies must be tried-innovation is an iterative process reflection and revision are essential
It's still on my dining room table. Not putting it away until it's done.
a2 I have seen students learn to value their work ethic, over just their score. The process becomes a source of pride, not a score.
A6: Ts can take risks when they have a supportive Admin. who encourages them to take risks and to stretch their teaching skills.
is huge & so often quieted because of in a classroom https://t.co/BF4OKTfPX8
A5: Allowing students to be heard and explain their thinking to others has always been a great motivator in my experience.
A6: This is tough many Ts are too afraid to try. I remind myself that I'm doing what's best for Ss and it pushes me.
It's so important to be willing to model the growth that we want to see! https://t.co/tWXueXqjrM
A3 I think learning from mistakes from teachers means allowing us to change our direction even in front of the kids or other staff.
all my life i was told "don't write on the desks!" Now I say "Write on the desks!" Take that former 1st grade teacher!
It's a leadership initiative, encourage teachers to try stuff and stop focusing on one number to sum up a year of learning
A5.The reward is the actual learning & growth that takes place, & the skills to embrace risks as oppor. Intrinsic motivation is key
What is a you have taken in the name of students? https://t.co/RAGvEJaADd
A6: Ts can take risks when they have a supportive Admin. who encourages them to take risks and to stretch their teaching skills.
A6: When plan is focused on goal/not th progress to the goal, teachers are also encouraged to take risks https://t.co/rDOO7EU9Ka
A6: I learn from every post-eval w/ my Admin. What can I do next time to improve? Each each is another "take."
I was in a classroom where everything was painted with whiteboard paint. Walls, cupboards, everything.
A6: Envisioning and embracing the reward/success can help make any risk worth taking.
A6: I always tell teachers to follow their truth north and do what is best for kids.We are creating critical thinkers, not testers
Amen, sister! https://t.co/X9aacThcRU
A6: I always tell teachers to follow their truth north and do what is best for kids.We are creating critical thinkers, not testers
& well stated from the bregade! https://t.co/rPv329vNIs
all my life i was told "don't write on the desks!" Now I say "Write on the desks!" Take that former 1st grade teacher!
we are looking to paint hallway outside math classrooms with it as well...magnetic as well! ;-)
It breaks my heart to see a student paralyzed from fear of making a mistake!
That would be & truly make a school https://t.co/apnRyiYc9N
we are looking to paint hallway outside math classrooms with it as well...magnetic as well! ;-)
A6: we have to use what we do wrong to learn how to do it right. Simple as that.
A6: Evaluation goals need to be designed and implemented cooperatively in ways that measure success beyond standardized testing.
A6 Stop valuing ourselves against a score, & look at what the kids do everyday. We have to believe we're worth more, and so are Ss.
A6.If the focus is on what really matters- what is needed for S learning 2take place- then achievement will be a natural byproduct
Critical Thinkers become outstanding test takers!
- just need to let parents know in case Ss think writing on walls at home is ok! https://t.co/ZbyKjRUJGK
I was in a classroom where everything was painted with whiteboard paint. Walls, cupboards, everything.
A7: “Failure is instructive. The person who really thinks learns quite as much from his failures as from his successes.” John Dewey
A7: A favorite quote: I've learned so much from my mistakes, I'm thinking of making a few more. https://t.co/kW1BWIAed0
A7: "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."- Thomas H. Palmer
is it that parents focus too much on grades? Less about the process of learning itself?
Not certain, I totally agree but believe that are what our country needs! Not more !
Dewey also spoke to learning being a result of reflection, not experience. How does that apply to mistakes? https://t.co/J5wrpCWNX6
A7: “Failure is instructive. The person who really thinks learns quite as much from his failures as from his successes.” John Dewey
Thanks for a great - as always! I'm off to learn from my mistakes and try working on a website.
A7: Experiencing failure and learning from it, makes you more open to trying something new in the future.
A7: there are NO mistakes in art! My art teacher used this as her mantra, and I adore it!
That I can agree with! https://t.co/62lKMsxVDd
A7: Experiencing failure and learning from it, makes you more open to trying something new in the future.
And the aphorism of the night goes to . . . (This will be painted on my classroom wall tomorrow!) https://t.co/MXYqT9uiga
A7: A favorite quote: I've learned so much from my mistakes, I'm thinking of making a few more. https://t.co/kW1BWIAed0
It's not just parents, right ? https://t.co/ASr9YqIUhx
is it that parents focus too much on grades? Less about the process of learning itself?
Ps focus on grades may be a result of little context-don't have any other way to know Ed
A7: FAIL Means: First Attempt In Learning! Or The Power of Yet! Not Yet, but you will...
Hugely! Metacognition and self-analysis of mistakes is what leads to deep and durable learning
I need to introduce you to and watch you two play words with friends.
Funny... Metacognition was the last topic. https://t.co/P11mVC2a2I
Hugely! Metacognition and self-analysis of mistakes is what leads to deep and durable learning
I'm so fortunate to collaborate with such awesome educators on a weekly basis! Thank you all so much for the great insights tonight!
Amen to that! https://t.co/OrEgU0Wo4E
I'm so fortunate to collaborate with such awesome educators on a weekly basis! Thank you all so much for the great insights tonight!
Thank you for hosting tonight. What is the topic next week?
is fast with creating transcripts for , so a slightly early start. https://t.co/90Xr0PBUHM (includes all resources)
no, but as a parent and not a teacher I critique only myself. ;)
A7: Google's Astro Teller said to Choose a solution, listen & make mistakes as fast as possible. Crazy resilience!
TY and and Many words of wisdom shared tonight!
Thank you and for a other rich session! Have a wonderful week!
Thanks for the tonight...my first visit...may have to make it a regular stop on my personal PD tour
Then we'll see you in Tuesday, Jan 12?
Thanks for an outstanding chat tonight! So glad I was able to join in. Love the new time!
I'd love to have you as a regular moves to Tuesdays. https://t.co/dOjCVlvbq0
Thanks for the tonight...my first visit...may have to make it a regular stop on my personal PD tour
And that's so unattainable! It's the mixed message of you can do better
Here's to a great 2016! TY
I will set a reminder on my devices and will definitely be back for another
oh my what a fantastic chat tonight. I have been away too long! Thanks and for a great topic!! 📝📝
Wonder how fellow Ps can get more context. I learn what I can. Ts must focus on the Ss.
This had been a great 1st experience! I look forward to being a regular there.
ready to get out there & mess up!! 😎😎 So I can learn to do it right
See you next week, brother. (but without the Twitter egg... gotta lose it) https://t.co/0DQz1hUC5f
This had been a great 1st experience! I look forward to being a regular there.
Just like riding a bike. Welcome back to
When is the next one afterwards? I have a KoC meeting next Tuesday?
Thanks Happy New Year and see you next week.
is every Tuesday at 9pm Florida time. https://t.co/j8rMisCGrq
When is the next one afterwards? I have a KoC meeting next Tuesday?
that's terrific! An anytime resource for anyone with a stake in how kids are learning. Thanks for sharing.
Ask good questions about child's day, pursue response to 'what did you learn today?'