Welcome to #mdeschat ! I hope you've had a great day! Take a moment to introduce yourself & let us know which social media platform do you spend the most time on?
Welcome to #mdeschat ! I hope you've had a great day! Take a moment to introduce yourself & let us know which social media platform do you spend the most time on?
I'm not sure about the reliability of this info...but interesting Seventy-one percent of teachers use Facebook daily for personal use, followed by Google + (33 percent), Pinterest (32 percent), Instagram (27 percent) and Twitter (18 percent) #mdeschathttps://t.co/YsONnBKsZ4
Welcome to #mdeschat ! I hope you've had a great day! Take a moment to introduce yourself & let us know which social media platform do you spend the most time on?
A1 I've met so many amazing teachers on twitter...but my biggest prof. network is through Instagram. It started with periscope really. @principal64 got me networking on twitter! #mdeschat
A1: Twitter is my favorite because I can connect with educators across the world. Best experience has been talking to PE teachers in China & Canada through the #espechat. Also meet Ts on Twitter like @missreed & then got to meet them in person. #mdeschat
A1. Depends on what your goals are. Love Twitter for general education trends/discussion, others for deeper conversation, Periscope, Voxer, Google apps #mdeschat
How do you use Instagram for educator professional networking? I use it for my fitness professional network because I think it's easier to navigate for that. #mdeschat
Yes!! I agree - twitter is awesome because of the twitter chats - makes it so easy to collaborate and network! (this is a great segway into Q2... which will be coming in a few mins) #mdeschat
A1: Twitter is my favorite because I can connect with educators across the world. Best experience has been talking to PE teachers in China & Canada through the #espechat. Also meet Ts on Twitter like @missreed & then got to meet them in person. #mdeschat
How do you use Instagram for educator professional networking? I use it for my fitness professional network because I think it's easier to navigate for that. #mdeschat
A2. I’ve learned so much from the people I’ve met and brought those ideas to the schoolhouse: edcamps, genius hour, maker movement, DI, & on & on #mdeschat
A2: I find that once I like/follow@one person, Instagram does a great job of suggesting people I might find interesting. I also like to look at who others are following. I have found some great inspirations this way! #mdeschat
Q3 How does social media keep you engaged as a prof. learner? Why should teachers & people in the education industry use their SM to network? #mdeschat
A4: Was experiencing serious burn out last year..Twitter connections and chats reignited my passion for teaching b/c I'd get so many ideas and aha moments that I could take back to my school the very next day. #mdeschat
Q3 How does social media keep you engaged as a prof. learner? Why should teachers & people in the education industry use their SM to network? #mdeschat
A3 The discussions I have with the people in my network keep me learning and questioning my thinking & teaching... I'm challenged and inspired to learn more #mdeschat
Q3 How does social media keep you engaged as a prof. learner? Why should teachers & people in the education industry use their SM to network? #mdeschat
A4: Was experiencing serious burn out last year..Twitter connections and chats reignited my passion for teaching b/c I'd get so many ideas and aha moments that I could take back to my school the very next day. #mdeschat
Q3 How does social media keep you engaged as a prof. learner? Why should teachers & people in the education industry use their SM to network? #mdeschat
A3: Before this year I only used it as a way to share with parents, but @LisaParzanesehas pushed me to grow not only as a teacher but as a learner. She has inspired me to grow. My newest find is #readlikeateacher, an awesome book club for teachers far and wide. #mdeschat
Q4: What established clear expectations do you have for your teachers regarding partnering with families? For what exactly are they held accountable in their work with families? #MEMSPAchat
A4 All my engagement strategies were inspired by teachers online, my understanding of social justice education, I've leaned on my network for ideas & support in blogging & lesson ideas #mdeschat
A3: Before this year I only used it as a way to share with parents, but @learnwholeheart has pushed me to grow not only as a teacher but as a learner. She has inspired me to grow. My newest find is #readlikeateacher, an awesome book club for teachers far and wide. #mdeschat
@learnwholeheart Hey Bonita! I am not seeing your posts on #mdeschat for some reason right now. Have you pulled up in a separate column on TweetDeck to follow the Qs. Playing catch up.
Q5- We have a Twitter account that for a while was used regularly but I’m not sure has been used in a while. Our PTA has a Facebook page that is active regularly. Good way to engage with parents. #mdeschat
A5 Our county uses twitter for # challenges & they encourage us to post (they RT & have a tweet of the week). I love when our school account posts my team mates lessons...I love seeing what everyone's doing & learning from them #mdeschat
Yes - communication. We're always so busy - it can be difficult to find time to collaborate and communicate. Social media can help even our IRL networks! :D #mdeschat
A5: we use Twitter and Class Dojo with Communication. I wish I used it better during the day but I find that it is sometimes an after thought. It is on my list to improve. I can’t help other teachers grow if I don’t show what I know! #mdeschat
Q3 How does social media keep you engaged as a prof. learner? Why should teachers & people in the education industry use their SM to network? #mdeschat
Our school's goal is to have 100% parent connection by the end of the year! We're at about 63% or so.... with I think 3 or 4 teachers at 100%! #mdeschat
One last question...and then...start collecting up some "must follow" teachers to recommend! I'll share some instagram must follows to help start your prof. instagram community if you're interested #mdeschat
One last question...and then...start collecting up some "must follow" teachers to recommend! I'll share some instagram must follows to help start your prof. instagram community if you're interested #mdeschat
A6 I'd like to make more time for Twitter...I think it's easier to avoid being sucked in and side tracked. I find I lose a lot of time on instagram - I get distracted.... #mdeschat
I have an IG account, but I only set it up because the former youth director and many of the youth at my church used IG. I almost never use it. A great tool, though, for photo sharing. #mdeschat