Welcome to the January 17th edition of #ATchat. We have a great topic for tonight - Comprehensive Literacy
Approaches for Students with Complex Needs with @abmglass and her team moderating.
Good Evening! Amy here along with my AT colleagues. Our team is happy to moderate this lively #ATChat group. Our hope is to have a great conversation surrounding Comprehensive literacy approaches for students with complex disabilities
So great you and your team are moderating @abmglass! There's a lot of excitement about this topic- there were over 135 views of the Smore! #atchathttps://t.co/1Iu8mepZlU
A5: I’ll be bringing this bias topic into my next chat that starts now...#atchat as we discuss literacy instruction for Ss with complex instructionalional needs and use augmentative communication #DTSDCHAT
#ATchat I'm from SE Massachusetts. Weird weather? Probably 15 inches of snow and 0 degrees at the start of last week, 50+ degrees 5 days later and all snow gone.
Q1:What ways are you seeing literacy taught for those students who are complex learners and use augmentative or alternative communication supports?
Carolann from Connecticut, just a bit of snow today. Crazy though we have huge ice dams on many of our larger rivers which are causing flooding in some areas. #atchat
A1:Tell Me Curriculum @PrAACticalAAC@AttainmentCo proved to be a valuable resource for our preschool students. #ATchat
Lots of opportunity to bring in all aspects of literacy and language!
Hi all- Vicki in Memphis where I've had a 6 day weekend! Couple inches of snow Friday & a couple inches Monday night/Tues morning plus very cold temperatures & Memphis has about 15 trucks to treat roads- we just wait until it melts (tomorrow) #ATchat
#ATchat Q1 In one classroom I support students with complex communication needs with have started incorporating writing supports like alphabet charts and predictable chart writing!! We are excited!
A1 - I'm really looking forward to learning from you and your recommendations. I typically do not work with students with complex needs in my AT practice. #ATchat
A1 Hillary from ❄️ Maine. Excited for this Chat! We have layers of support and are specific to each student @boardmaker online, @n2yinc , @LexiaLearning@proloquo2go AAC Classroom. Love 2 hear other tools! #atchat
Curious how to Support Learners with Dyslexia? @ATforEducation will be providing a live webinar on 3/21/18 from 7-9 pm w/ @LivelyLetters_ - come learn about AT, accommodations, and strategies from certified/experienced professionals (SLP, ATP, and CDP)! #AT#dyslexia#ATchat
A1: I’m itching to hear how literacy is bring taught to Ss who are non-verbal and emergent AAC users. Honest Q here: Is literacy instruction really happening? #ATchat
A1:Success has been developing in some of our programs using The 4 Blocks Way. While it is not a curriculum it is a framework for how to teach reading and writing. #ATchat
A1a: In my limited experience with working with Ss with complex needs, I see functional life skills emphasized and little attention to literacy. #ATchat
A1a: I feel like we have a long way to go with reading and complex learners. Not as much time is spent on reading with the most complex kiddos when they are young. #ATchat
A1: I still see mostly the sight word approach, with an emphasis on the "functional" emergency words, sometimes the alphabet is taught and tracing for those who have the motor skills. But a few exceptions go beyond that! #ATchat
I see instruction being all over the place, for some it is only DTI, others informal, others what they get in inclusion. The big thing is people having problems assessing skills. I really like the ALL program and app. I also like 4 Blocks. #atchat
It has been a game changer for certain students. Sentences is a great place to start to understand the structure of writing sentences. I love the adaptability of Connect. Some students just use the selections, while others use it to start and then add more on their own! #ATchat
A1a: market needs better systematic, age neutral, multi year (k-12) literacy curricular program options for Ss who are non-verbal/AAC users and have complex physical characteristics (body, vision, hearing) #ATchat
We also have access to and have used these supports. Curious for opinions on using word banks rather than opportunities for generating letter by letter? #atchat
A1: I still see mostly the sight word approach, with an emphasis on the "functional" emergency words, sometimes the alphabet is taught and tracing for those who have the motor skills. But a few exceptions go beyond that! #ATchat
A1: Even the most involved Ss can be read to & may enjoy being on the receiving end of some REALLY GOOD storytelling. This is as a fundamental a phonemic & phonological & literary devices windfall for exposure. Discrete targeting is another story. Here 2 learn tonight :-) #ATchat
For wriiting, I often recommend Clicker Sentences with a progression of most to least scaffolding - guided order to random order and no visual model. #ATchat
A1. That is exactly what I see, Assessing skills for nonverbal, AAC students in a comprehensive and consistent manner. Frustrated with the partner determining the success of literacy skill development. #atchat
the shift should be getting teachers to look at how reading and writing skills develop. I like using Project Core and DLM modules for helpful explanations and ideas. #ATchat
That is what I see also, lots of functional sight words. I see people giving up on teaching phonemic skills way to early, in that I mean we should never give up on that. #atchat
We have used it in a variety of ways, all dependent on the needs and goals of the students working with the program. Setting up grids in Connect can be overwhelming initially, but using the Learning Grids as a starting point is tremendously helpful! #ATchat
In reply to
@CarolannC1, @MaegeK, @Clicker, @atchat
A1 In addition to using the Unique Learning System, a number of our classes are using a core word of the week approach which introduces a core word (ex. Go) combined with literature (ex. Go Dog Go) & go activities #ATchat
So sorry to miss this convo on literacy and CCN. that is my jam! Will check out the Storify. Pls give suggestions on how to get teams to follow thru on all the great AT like alternative pencils, etc. #atchat
I agree. I work with a teacher where we have revived teaching phonological awarenss in students whose previous educators gave up 3 years ago, even though they had some basic skills. #ATchat
In reply to
@CarolannC1, @KarenJan, @VickiBostonSLP
Q1 at HS we use 4 blocks model with Start 2 Finish as a guided and shared reading component. Hopefully going to invest in readtopia #ATchat@JudyRedmond1
I had high hopes for the ALL app, based on the Janice Light et al work at Penn State but it hasn't been very engaging for many clients. Can still use some of the ideas, but we've changed materials. #ATchat
We are still using PixWriter & teachers like it because it is easy. They display it on the interactive whiteboards and do group writing activities. #ATchat
the shift should be getting teachers to look at how reading and writing skills develop. I like using Project Core and DLM modules for helpful explanations and ideas. #ATchat
We’ve begun developing lesson plans based off of a multisensory, systematic, and explicit approach to literacy that targets at least the 5 pillars (thought the aim is 7) in a single short session to build neural networks for continued learning #ATchat
Yes!!! There is! Our team just started incorporating predictable chart writing using alphabet charts, core boards with 8 cells, and big tech communication boards. However, we are still trying to reach the goal of everyday!! #ATchat Q1
I had high hopes for the ALL app, based on the Janice Light et al work at Penn State but it hasn't been very engaging for many clients. Can still use some of the ideas, but we've changed materials. #ATchat
#atchat A2: Toolkit must include all the core components every other student in the school gets! Phonics, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension (both narrative & informational). Plus it MUST be age respectful!
I am not sure, I think because they feel that they are not seeing progress. For some I don't think they even introduce it because they feel the child won't get it. I see kids stuck for years on matching programs and never getting beyond that. #atchat
In reply to
@rziolkowski, @KarenJan, @VickiBostonSLP
Even in my AT for reading and writing course (taken in 2014) they referenced the National Reading Panal and suggested giving up on reading by late elementary school. I understand they were advocating for AT for compensation, but still need to work on reading esp w/ CCN #ATchat
In reply to
@rziolkowski, @CarolannC1, @KarenJan, @VickiBostonSLP
A2: Depends... it is a team approach SLP, Reading specialists, sometimes audiologists, OTs & psychologists. Each brings his/her own assessment and intervention philosophies & tools to the table. We work w whole child & so we must keep that at the forefront & be relevant. #ATchat
A2: Integrated approaches- Explode the Code, iPad apps like Word Wizard and Sound Literacy, Text to Speech support, captions on videos- tool to task where one size doesn’t fit all. #atchat
I agree, answer is sadly too many assume literacy isn't possible for these students. I find it necessary to confront that head on & use AAC role models who are successful readers/writers to counteract that. #ATchat
So much easier to find emergent literacy materials....not easy for HS Ss....but many didn’t get the least dangerous assumption/presume competence paradigm during younger years #ATchat
Unfortunately, yes. Often these learners may not have a reliable or robust enough communication system to represent what they know. In our area, thankfully we are seeing a shift on the communication end for these learners and my hope is that literacy will follow! #atchat
But why...What are the assumptions? Surfacing these we can start to address it. Personally, I'm not sure teachers had the training or the tools! #atchat
In reply to
@KarenJan, @CarolannC1, @VickiBostonSLP
I hesitate to use 1 program w/ students when providing literacy instruction. No 1 sized fits all approach. Many programs have varied progressions, its important to know where your students are at & use a prescriptive approach to meet individual needs/personalize learning #ATchat
Look for @ATforEducation at upcoming national conferences to learn more about encouraging meaningful literacy development in AAC Users, as well as topics on AT and Dyslexia from experienced and certified professionals (SLPs, ATPs, CDPs, and more). #AT#AAC#Accessibility#ATchat
#atchat A2: Toolkit must include all the core components every other student in the school gets! Phonics, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension (both narrative & informational). Plus it MUST be age respectful!
I think that teachers that work with our most significantly delayed students struggle to find resources that help them create a scope and sequence for their literacy instruction. As time goes on the gap continue at to grow between typically developing peers. #atchat
In reply to
@rziolkowski, @CarolannC1, @KarenJan, @VickiBostonSLP
Absolutely! Age respectful is a must. There’s nothing worse than seeing a student in high school reading Clifford the Big Red Dog unless he really likes Clifford the Big Red Dog #ATchat
#atchat. Gifs seem to really explain how I feel about these comments tonight...when will everyone stop under-expecting and underestimating our Ss with complex needs
In reply to
@krista_bolen, @CarolannC1, @rziolkowski, @KarenJan, @VickiBostonSLP
that is a really good point. Teams try an app; don't see results fast enough and then jump to another app. Need to come up with a plan first - then implement tools #ATchat
In reply to
@rziolkowski, @VickiBostonSLP, @possbeth
I see many assumptions especiallyf with students who are non-verbal and autistics. Reading the blogs of autistic non-verbal adults has been eye opening. #ATchat
Q3:What is your role as an AT consultant on the interdisciplinary team when providing a comprehensive approach to literacy instruction for complex learners?
In my experience with teachers, the training on teaching reading they do get is quite narrowly focused. And if the student can't vocalize sounds, they're not sure how to proceed. (Not all teachers! Some have come up with awesome solutions!) #ATchat
I agree, many places I go to just don't know where to start, or they can start but don't know the next steps, especially when looking at fluency and phonemic skills. It is such a need to have a comprehensive scope and sequence. #atchat
In reply to
@MeganCarroll27, @rziolkowski, @KarenJan, @VickiBostonSLP
Guided Access on the iPad limits your device to a single app and lets you control which app features are available. You can use Guided Access to temporarily restrict your iOS device to a single app or gray out areas you don’t want students touching. #ATchat
#atchat it depends on how open to change people are and how invested in the cutting edge leadership is. But you have to have backing and buy-in to foster a high expectation paradigm
We’ve begun developing lesson plans based off of a multisensory, systematic, and explicit approach to literacy that targets at least the 5 pillars (thought the aim is 7) in a single short session to build neural networks for continued learning #ATchat
I agree. I went to a 4 day training last summer on systematic reading approach and I kept raising my hand and asking what do you do for kids who have physical difficulties of kids that have limited verbal skills and kept being told this isn't designed for those kids :( #atchat
In reply to
@VickiBostonSLP, @rziolkowski, @KarenJan
What if your students don’t fit into a scope and sequence? Some kids have skill sets we’ve yet to unearth because “they don’t fit into the scope and sequence”. Multiple pathways for learning. #ATChat
In reply to
@CarolannC1, @MeganCarroll27, @rziolkowski, @KarenJan, @VickiBostonSLP
We are identifying many of the challenges that are imposed by the educators working with the Ss with complex needs. How do we overcome those challenges? #ATchat
I agree--teachers find it hard to envision how to practice phonics skills like blending sounds with AAC users who are may have mostly whole words and phrases on their devices. Even core word users can't work on phonics without access to fringe and word chunk pages #atchat
In reply to
@VickiBostonSLP, @rziolkowski, @KarenJan, @CarolannC1
A3: My job as AT is to show them what is out there to support the student's literacy skills. Also, I use my SLP role to work on literacy with students in my classrooms forming groups of like-leveled students and model for the teachers. #ATchat
The answer lies in research. We need to find out what works with kids who have complex needs, but there isn't a lot out there. Lots of potential work to do! #ATchat
You’re absolutely right. Plus the fact that so much is changed in the past decade with technology. I think sometimes we’ve embraced while forgetting about the foundations. #ATchat
In reply to
@VickiBostonSLP, @rziolkowski, @KarenJan, @CarolannC1
A3: My role is to think intentionally and unconventionally about how to leverage AT and UDL supports to support best practices in Literacy Instruction. #atchat
I have seen the same. Patience is not easy to come by. Ya and specialists need to give selves permission to learn WITH the Ss. It is not expected that an app will be a magic wand or instantly perfect. That takes time... #AtChat
In reply to
@mmatp, @rziolkowski, @VickiBostonSLP, @possbeth
Yes, I love the Language Stealers video partly because of how it explains core vocabulary but there's an often overlooked mention about teaching of literacy stopping too soon. #ATchat
In reply to
@MaegeK, @rziolkowski, @CarolannC1, @KarenJan
#atchat A3: We built First Author and Readtopia for a multidisciplinary approach. First Author-Authors Chair - AAC specialist to work on authentic speaking & listening. Indep Writing- Word Pred/Speech Reco. Readtopia has many opportunities for authentic communication (AAC)
I worked w Deaf and hard of hearing students for 13 years as an SLP. They face much the same struggles and discriminations as AAC users, particularly if they do not speak. #atchat
In reply to
@rziolkowski, @CarolannC1, @KarenJan, @VickiBostonSLP
I think having a scope and sequence that is research based gives us a place to start and we can adapt from there. I do think we have to go based on the kids interests and always assume competency and know that it probably won't be a linear progression #Atchat'
In reply to
@hillavee, @MeganCarroll27, @rziolkowski, @KarenJan, @VickiBostonSLP
Agree, but feel that sometimes people misinterpret what that means. Having a scope and sequence rather than winging it at least gives you a guide for hopefully more efficiently assessing those kids that need a different pace or path #atchat
What if your students don’t fit into a scope and sequence? Some kids have skill sets we’ve yet to unearth because “they don’t fit into the scope and sequence”. Multiple pathways for learning. #ATChat
In reply to
@CarolannC1, @MeganCarroll27, @rziolkowski, @KarenJan, @VickiBostonSLP
Have you tried the Phonics Keyboard. That was helpful for one teacher/student pairing. The student is quite bright and was already spelling on her device. #ATchat
In reply to
@possbeth, @VickiBostonSLP, @rziolkowski, @KarenJan, @CarolannC1
that is why it is important to provide students with access to the alphabet in multi-model ways. teaching them how to blend by doing internal thinking. #ATchat
In reply to
@possbeth, @VickiBostonSLP, @rziolkowski, @KarenJan, @CarolannC1
A3: I find my role as a facilitator to provide knowledge and access to tools that can best support the learners’ needs. We work collaboratively to ensure the tools are the right ones and adjust as needed. #ATChat
Assistive Technology does not replace foundational skills. It is a bridge for some gaps/to level a playing field, but the skill (from lower order skills to higher order skills) still needs development through explicit intervention and instruction #ATchat
... and we need to continue to educate that success comes with the integration of the tools AND the the curriculum. It can't only be about tools #ATchat
I completely agree with you Carolann. I sometimes hear people rule out a program completely because it is not designed for our complex learners, but I think that there are pieces that we can adapt and use with them, too! It gives us the building blocks to work with. #ATchat
In reply to
@CarolannC1, @hillavee, @MeganCarroll27, @rziolkowski, @KarenJan, @VickiBostonSLP
Not to mention considering a longer period of of instruction instead of constantly changing focus. While we do not want to stereotype, some learners need longer periods of practice and then the ability to generalize those skills before moving on to new concepts #ATchat
In reply to
@lrdichiara, @mmatp, @rziolkowski, @VickiBostonSLP, @possbeth
Q4: Do classrooms that you support have a universal core vocabulary board that is used to support student communication and literacy in large group instruction for complex learners?
I totally agree! Ts need PD opportunities in how to teach literacy in general. Too many of the Ts I see working with Ss with complex needs have never taught Literacy and don't know where to start. We need to teach them how to teach kids to read! #ATchat
Confidence in making adjustments with more complex Ss is key. Taking risks and seeing modification as a journey vs one and done or a success or a failure in one fell swoop. #AtChat
Absolutely! We do need to give a grace period for trial and error to really know if the tools and strategies we are using are the best ones. Sometimes this can take time, so patience is critical. #ATchat
In reply to
@JudithSchoonov1, @mmatp, @rziolkowski, @VickiBostonSLP, @possbeth
Curious how to Support Learners with Dyslexia? @ATforEducation will be providing a live webinar on 3/21/18 from 7-9 pm w/ @LivelyLetters_ - come learn about AT, accommodations, and strategies from certified/experienced professionals (SLP, ATP, and CDP)! #AT#dyslexia#ATchat
A4: All of the classrooms I work in as an SLP have a core board. We consistently use it with my older students (more kids that have complex needs). I have not gotten it into other classes yet, but I am trying to sell it to the department. #ATchat
So true. I sometimes cringe when I see teams who think the answer is to constantly introduce new strategies. How do you ever know what did and didn’t work? Not enough time to assess! #atchat
Not to mention considering a longer period of of instruction instead of constantly changing focus. While we do not want to stereotype, some learners need longer periods of practice and then the ability to generalize those skills before moving on to new concepts #ATchat
In reply to
@lrdichiara, @mmatp, @rziolkowski, @VickiBostonSLP, @possbeth
I read a study ages ago so I can't remember the source, in that we should be giving our kids twice as much literacy instruction, but because our kids are being pulled to go to so many different places, in fact they typically get half the instruction their peers get. #atchat
In reply to
@JudithSchoonov1, @lrdichiara, @mmatp, @rziolkowski, @VickiBostonSLP, @possbeth
A4: In classrooms that have the majority of one language system we have made large core boards of that system and used it to anchor the classroom instruction and support modeling purposes. #ATchat
#atchat First Author Curriculum includes a complete writing curriculum! There are 3 main components: Explicit Writing Instruction, Independent Writing and Authors Chair. It built for teachers without expertise in writing but is rich in instruction.
In reply to
@KarenJan, @ZajacSLP, @mmatp, @VickiBostonSLP, @possbeth
I struggle with the balance on this, as some of my students have attentional and behavioral challenges that make it difficult for them to have "mastery" of a skill (in an ABA classroom). It is so hard to decide when to move on, and when to keep practicing. #ATchat
In reply to
@JudithSchoonov1, @lrdichiara, @mmatp, @rziolkowski, @VickiBostonSLP, @possbeth
,@koppenhaverd literacy website is a great resource for research and more on lit instruction with AAC users. I wish he would update it though! #atchathttps://t.co/KRyDxDDgpT
In reply to
@ShanaM_CAIU, @KarenJan, @koppenhaverd
Hi Guys! Sorry I’m late- but has anyone mentioned the research of Erickson and Koppenhaver- worked with them this summer- they are AMAzing! Currently devolving PD for T’s of Ss with SGD teaching Literacy with AAC and Core #ATchat
Pretty sure he is part of the UNC Chapel Hill Center for Literacy and Disabilities with Karen Erickson. Saw her at a conference this fall...very thought provoking information about teaching literacy for students with complex needs! #ATchat
I've seen too many times where the alphabet on an AAC device will be hidden/blocked because "it's too complex" and have had to argue it's necessary for literacy exploration & learning for that student. #ATchat (it's a feature, not a bug...)
In reply to
@abmglass, @possbeth, @rziolkowski, @KarenJan, @CarolannC1
I think that this is a real struggle. I have found from a teacher perspective incorporating literacy components into instruction and non-instructional opportunities has helped. #ATchat
In reply to
@bon5ter, @JudithSchoonov1, @lrdichiara, @mmatp, @rziolkowski, @VickiBostonSLP, @possbeth
I struggle with the balance on this, as some of my students have attentional and behavioral challenges that make it difficult for them to have "mastery" of a skill (in an ABA classroom). It is so hard to decide when to move on, and when to keep practicing. #ATchat
In reply to
@JudithSchoonov1, @lrdichiara, @mmatp, @rziolkowski, @VickiBostonSLP, @possbeth
YES!!!! Presume Competence and provide research based systematic literacy instruction and AT support and watch all learners read/ write/ thrive, including those with complex needs @alysstets, @ATforEducation provides this instruction to Ss & ED teams daily! #atchat#atudl#AAC
#atchat. Gifs seem to really explain how I feel about these comments tonight...when will everyone stop under-expecting and underestimating our Ss with complex needs
In reply to
@krista_bolen, @CarolannC1, @rziolkowski, @KarenJan, @VickiBostonSLP
A4: (1 of 2) Yes! This has been a major focus for us this year -students need to be immersed in language across their day. I have one room where every student has a different language system. This was challenging when trying to plan the universal core board #atchat
#atchat Can you imagine how any student would develop literacy skills if they first had to "master" all their letters before they were given a book or other reading experiences.
In reply to
@VickiBostonSLP, @abmglass, @possbeth, @KarenJan, @CarolannC1
It is not too late to sign up to attend #ATIA18! Join me and @themobuti to explore visual supports for students with behavior, executive functioning or cognitive challenges, autism, & more Jan 30-31 in sunny Orlando! Sign up for An Eye on Visuals https://t.co/poK5yjt3Pd#atchat
Yes, I've read that, too. But I've had too many snow days in a row so I can't come up with the reference right now. Excellent point regardless! #ATchat
In reply to
@CarolannC1, @JudithSchoonov1, @lrdichiara, @mmatp, @rziolkowski, @possbeth
I’ve had that as well, but it’s evolving. Moving staff out of fear-based (overwhelm) to empowered based thinking with AAC is an ongoing process. #ATChat
In reply to
@VickiBostonSLP, @abmglass, @possbeth, @rziolkowski, @KarenJan, @CarolannC1
Good question, I wish I had an answer, I know I am tired of going to schools where an 18 year old is working on matching objects to pictures and life skills signs and that is the literacy instruction. #atchat
In reply to
@KarenJan, @bon5ter, @JudithSchoonov1, @lrdichiara, @mmatp, @rziolkowski, @VickiBostonSLP, @possbeth
Since ABA is just the science of analyzing data to increase behavior it should be fine. I work with an ABA program. Do a lot of teaching up front, ask them to probe it, as long as the graph goes up, you're good. Also groups are a great learning environment. #ATchat
In reply to
@KarenJan, @bon5ter, @JudithSchoonov1, @lrdichiara, @mmatp, @rziolkowski, @VickiBostonSLP, @possbeth
A4: (2 of 2) Ultimately, we decided to not get too hung up on the symbols and created a universal text based core board as the “facilitation board” #ATchat
I've only had an opportunity to use it with a classroom teacher once but I really, really liked First Author in scope & sequence as well as breaking down assumptions about what a student could produce. #ATchat
In reply to
@rziolkowski, @KarenJan, @ZajacSLP, @mmatp, @possbeth
Good question, I wish I had an answer, I know I am tired of going to schools where an 18 year old is working on matching objects to pictures and life skills signs and that is the literacy instruction. #atchat
In reply to
@KarenJan, @bon5ter, @JudithSchoonov1, @lrdichiara, @mmatp, @rziolkowski, @VickiBostonSLP, @possbeth
#atchat In our curriculums, the authors assume different communication devices. They have been thoughtful that instruction is built so that students can respond with a very basic system as well as a complex communication system.
Hi Mary Ann McGinn from Chicago area. Sorry to pop in at the end. We have been using Readtopia with 15 classrooms and just started First Author with 10 classrooms. #ATchat
A5: practice and generalizing language from literacy activities throughout the day. with access to classroom libraries with a VARIETY of books. #ATchat
Was in a MS classroom the other day and T said it was time for Social Studies and time to put away the iPads (which the students use for AAC!). #ATchat#AACisthevoice
A5: In a word - PRINT! So many classes don't have books readily available let alone accessible. Ss need to read, read, read - and if they can't then their Ts need to read to them! #ATchat
Hi Guys! Sorry I’m late- but has anyone mentioned the research of Erickson and Koppenhaver- worked with them this summer- they are AMAzing! Currently devolving PD for T’s of Ss with SGD teaching Literacy with AAC and Core #ATchat
#atchat I learned from Karen Erickson to give us 30 days then look for change. From conversations with teachers, they will see changes in those 30 days especially if they implement with fidelity!
In reply to
@hillavee, @VickiBostonSLP, @abmglass, @possbeth, @KarenJan, @CarolannC1
Yes. We try to build literacy instruction into the trials, but as I typically teach language and literacy in a play-based setting, I sometimes find it difficult to integrate the two philosophies. #ATchat
In reply to
@KarenJan, @JudithSchoonov1, @lrdichiara, @mmatp, @rziolkowski, @VickiBostonSLP, @possbeth
What are the outcomes? Do you have baseline comparisons - the first four months of the school year? Would love to hear what impact it has made on student learning #ATchat
Hi Mary Ann McGinn from Chicago area. Sorry to pop in at the end. We have been using Readtopia with 15 classrooms and just started First Author with 10 classrooms. #ATchat
A5: we need to afford the same opportunities to complex learners but with their WHY ... Core is the base, check out free resources with Project Core website, and then print should be about the Ss interests... shared reading, find out emergent bs conventional readers #ATchat
Fortunately the SLP and I were in the classroom at the time and were able to challenge the thinking (in a productive way of course). They got it! #ATchat
I have had so many students who become so drawn to the keyboard on their device and use it to support their participation in literacy activities without anyone explicitly teaching them to do so! #atchat
I've seen too many times where the alphabet on an AAC device will be hidden/blocked because "it's too complex" and have had to argue it's necessary for literacy exploration & learning for that student. #ATchat (it's a feature, not a bug...)
In reply to
@abmglass, @possbeth, @rziolkowski, @KarenJan, @CarolannC1
Along that line but with a twist, I view technology as changing the face of literacy to include a more vast exposure to media literacy... For our neuro-atypical students who think in pictures what will this mean? What opportunities will present and whwre will they lead? #AtChat
In reply to
@CarolannC1, @KarenJan, @bon5ter, @JudithSchoonov1, @lrdichiara, @mmatp, @rziolkowski, @VickiBostonSLP, @possbeth
I once taught some high school teachers how to use Boardmaker. They were so excited & I was feeling good. Went to the school 2 weeks later- they had printed out the symbols extra large to use as coloring sheets. 🤦🏽♀️ back to the drawing board for PD... #ATchat
In reply to
@CarolannC1, @KarenJan, @bon5ter, @JudithSchoonov1, @lrdichiara, @mmatp, @rziolkowski, @possbeth
A4. Started core this year. So powerful. All disciplines carry over. QR core models through rooms. Also boardmaker online great core materials. #atchat
I hesitate to use 1 program w/ students when providing literacy instruction. No 1 sized fits all approach. Many programs have varied progressions, its important to know where your students are at & use a prescriptive approach to meet individual needs/personalize learning #ATchat
Q6: What types of professional development and resources have you found helpful for yourself and team members to support literacy for complex learners? #ATChat
Hi Mary Ann McGinn from Chicago area. Sorry to pop in at the end. We have been using Readtopia with 15 classrooms and just started First Author with 10 classrooms. #ATchat
I once taught some high school teachers how to use Boardmaker. They were so excited & I was feeling good. Went to the school 2 weeks later- they had printed out the symbols extra large to use as coloring sheets. 🤦🏽♀️ back to the drawing board for PD... #ATchat
In reply to
@CarolannC1, @KarenJan, @bon5ter, @JudithSchoonov1, @lrdichiara, @mmatp, @rziolkowski, @possbeth
I have a student where that helped in beginning writing notes home to mom- first on AAC, now generalized to Chromebook. Student chooses which tool to use for this purpose. #ATChat
Google Slides is a great way to create books for literacy instruction/games (as well as share among team members) - you can edit them on the fly, embed images, links, and more, especially since it is critical to stick to a scope and sequence that makes sense for reading. #ATchat
Just like Ss, professionals need the time to learn, explore and become comfortable/proficient in the new tools we present as well. Causes old habits, like this, to die hard! #ATchat
In reply to
@VickiBostonSLP, @CarolannC1, @KarenJan, @bon5ter, @JudithSchoonov1, @mmatp, @rziolkowski, @possbeth
A4. Started core this year. So powerful. All disciplines carry over. QR core models through rooms. Also boardmaker online great core materials. #atchat
Engage your local library to do a read aloud using AAC and accessible educational materials. This is a great way for parents to learn strategies for carryover at home, as well #atchat
A6: We now have a district Literacy specialist for special education. She and I have been cross-planning and looking at ways to deliver PD for our staff. Have some ideas from tonight’s resources.. #atchat
A6: I started using core in my pre-k ASD classroom 5 years ago for comm and literacy.. now working in PD and co-developed More with Core- Literacy and Comm for S w/SGD as first part of Literacy series based on Erickson and Koppenhaver Literacy model Literacy for All #ATchat
LOVED this conversation tonight! You are all amazing educators who care about kids. We need to start a movement and bridge the gap between special education and general education. #ATchat
Would love to focus on outcomes. What difference has implementing these strategies made? What measurable and/or anedoctal differences have been made? #ATchat