#whatisschool is an award winning edchat space where people can express an unbiased response to questions about schooling, where educators have a voice in shaping the future through their experience, recommendations and interests. Join us Thursdays 7pm ET / 11pm GMT / Friday 7am SGT/WA (Perth) / Friday 9am AEDT / Friday 11am NZT.
Welcome to #whatisschool! Let’s build our PLNs and get ready for the new school year with the best resources→ people! To start, tag in 3 PLN members that you count on each day!
#whatisschool I'm going to have to check the hashtag later. I'm going to a concert in the park after a long day of wrapping up summer school in @BerwynSouth100 Thanks for the tag @JenWilliamsEdu
Welcome to #whatisschool! Let’s build our PLNs and get ready for the new school year with the best resources→ people! To start, tag in 3 PLN members that you count on each day!
Q1: Let’s frame our discussion: how do you describe to others that Twitter and your PLN is more than just a tool and is about relationships? #whatisschool
Q1: Let’s frame our discussion: how do you describe to others that Twitter and your PLN is more than just a tool and is about relationships? #whatisschool
Kevin here a recently retired Teaching Principal with Irelands first and only Primary School STEAM Room.Just home from our daughters wedding in Byron Bay #whatisschool
I am Ashanti from NY! I am incoming college junior that is doing a Education Computing online course this summer. We are learning about Twitter chats this week. #whatisschool
A1: I tell them that Twitter has changed my professional world. It has connected me with people from all over the world that help me, challenge me and make me better whenever I want (I control my learning) #whatisschool
A1 - it is about the conversations ... idea sharing, but then it grows into collaborations ... friendships with people you may never see in real life. #whatisschool
A1 It's about a community of learning. Understanding the thought processes and experience of a diverse group of educators and learners. So, yes, include students as well. #WhatIsSchool
Q1: Let’s frame our discussion: how do you describe to others that Twitter and your PLN is more than just a tool and is about relationships? #whatisschool
How do explain a Twitter PLN to anyone not on board?! Some see it as a waste of time and not school related. I ask people to get involved and see for themselves what they might learn from and bring to the conversation. #whatisschool
Welcome to #whatisschool! Let’s build our PLNs and get ready for the new school year with the best resources→ people! To start, tag in 3 PLN members that you count on each day!
A1: Give it a go - you won't be disappointed - then I give them a run down, show them how it works and give them this guide and support to get started https://t.co/ErdmU3GHUz#whatisschool
A1: I know that I can count on my PLN just as you would’ a lifelong friend or family member. Twitter brings us together and it is very cool to build relationships and truly care about people around the world many of whom you have never met. #whatisschool
A1 I often tell others to imagine having an endless amount of people to support you, a place for many views, ideas, and an openly supportive platform for questions #whatisschool
Q1: Let’s frame our discussion: how do you describe to others that Twitter and your PLN is more than just a tool and is about relationships? #whatisschool
I’m a parent in Connecticut who has connected with educators across the world. I’m learning from them, but also fostering understanding among different stakeholders in education. We often neglect this in person. #WhatIsSchool A1
Q1: Let’s frame our discussion: how do you describe to others that Twitter and your PLN is more than just a tool and is about relationships? #whatisschool
A!: #whatisschool Try and you wont be disappointed. Help get them started and watch them become addicted to it. Such a great tool to learn, in such a user friendly space.
A1: Since I have joined Twitter I have connected with many inspirational people who help me be more positive, active and connected in many ways. #whatisschool
Q1: Let’s frame our discussion: how do you describe to others that Twitter and your PLN is more than just a tool and is about relationships? #whatisschool
A1: it is all about networking with other educators and professionals. You can learn new things from them and have discussions with them that can challenge you. #whatisschool
#whatisschool a1 People are always asking me why I know things and Twitter #PLN is oft the answer. Even sharing offline has helped my professional swimming in learning ocean. Found a lit of support on chats.
A1: the best moments are when you meet your PLN face to face. It’s like seeing a long lost friend in a long time and you can’t wait to catch up. The cool to is your PLN can be all around the world. That’s a powerful and beautiful thing to share with Ss #whatisschool
A1: It’s like having pen pals all around the world who share your interests but have varied expertise and life experiences. It multiplies your reach and enriches your practice. #WhatIsSchool
Q1: Let’s frame our discussion: how do you describe to others that Twitter and your PLN is more than just a tool and is about relationships? #whatisschool
A1: Twitter fosters connections, facilitates collaboration and empowers teachers to personalize their own learning. We make connections, widen our experiences and perspectives and learn together with our tribe. #whatisschool
Q1: Let’s frame our discussion: how do you describe to others that Twitter and your PLN is more than just a tool and is about relationships? #whatisschool
A1. It is an incredible laboratory of radical and fearless ideas plus encouragement to try them. My practice and thinking as a developer of powerful experiences to transform adult mindsets has itself been transformed by the people and ideas I've encountered here. #whatisschool
Twitter is a place where I have connected with my #hive and found postive, resourceful and sharing people that I look forward to seeing in person at @NAEA conferences! #whatisschool#a1
#whatisschool I describe it as a cornucopia of vibrant ideas and creativity. I describe the importance of finding such a plethora of voices and positivity because it truly brightens your outlook and mindset when you share the world of education with others.
Q1: Let’s frame our discussion: how do you describe to others that Twitter and your PLN is more than just a tool and is about relationships? #whatisschool
Hard to pick a Top 3 in a content specific area ... i don't see them in a content box ... they are more idea generators. ... inspiration sources ... #whatisschool
Q1: Let’s frame our discussion: how do you describe to others that Twitter and your PLN is more than just a tool and is about relationships? #whatisschool
A1: it’s a place to share ideas, learn, gain feedback, support and open my thinking o the possible. All of this comes from the relationships formed by simply saying “hello” to Twitter. #whatisschool
Q1: Let’s frame our discussion: how do you describe to others that Twitter and your PLN is more than just a tool and is about relationships? #whatisschool
I've enjoyed following @And02B (who once helped my daughter with her math over Twitter!), and have engaged with other math educators in convos and topics broader than math, including @MathDenisNJ and @jessxbo. #WhatIsSchool A2
A1: I know that I can count on my PLN just as you would’ a lifelong friend or family member. Twitter brings us together and it is very cool to build relationships and truly care about people around the world many of whom you have never met. #whatisschool
A1 - They are quite organic. As with other relationships you gravitate & invest time in those who are like-minded or have something positive to offer. Online exchanges reinforce ideas and makes for great meetings in person when you finally meet! #whatisschool
Q1: I started my Twitter LEARNING at St Hilda’s GC with Cathy Hunt @art_cathyhunt and @pabt65 helped me tweet for PLN startup! ⭐️during her session. #whatisschool
WOW this is amazing - connecting with so many new people - my finger is sore already from clicking on all of these names and following them - I hope you are doing the same #whatisschool
I'm curious the other ways people may have this sort of community, beyond social media and other online platforms. How might people still reap the benefits if they just can't connect with something like Twitter? #WhatIsSchool
A1 I often tell others to imagine having an endless amount of people to support you, a place for many views, ideas, and an openly supportive platform for questions #whatisschool
Q1: Let’s frame our discussion: how do you describe to others that Twitter and your PLN is more than just a tool and is about relationships? #whatisschool
I have a big #PLN ... i can't pick 3 .... I have a list ... my favorite is the one I am interacting with at moment ... they could have over 100k followers or 1 follower. #whatisschool
Literacy comes through in so many classes- I read so much goodness about literacy every subject area- it is all aboutreadi g across the curriculum and getting students interested in reading #WhatIsSchool
Literacy comes through in so many classes- I read so much goodness and creativity with literacy in every subject area- it is all about reading across the curriculum and getting students interested in reading #WhatIsSchool
A1: I tell them that Twitter has changed my professional world. It has connected me with people from all over the world that help me, challenge me and make me better whenever I want (I control my learning) #whatisschool
Sometimes I dislike keeping up with SM. I still find the best convos to be w/ former colleagues, mentors, friends, etc. To me, it’s not necessarily a must to find indv in your field, but more so your ability to understand how others thoughts fit into yours. #whatisschool
A4 Going to check check mentioned here. #whatisschool Pretty sure @cybraryman1 has a list in this category. Once again I tend to check hashtags on topic and follow thread or join in
Would love to drop #artsed labels. Instruction changes based on student needs, space, materials, district expectations, tech access, & many other unknown future factors. I'm here to learn, share, & grow. I'm so grateful for those that join me! #whatisschool#nolabels#pln
In reply to
@GrundlerArt, @ArtLadyHBK, @MiniMatisse, @MonaLisaLvsHeah, @smelvin, @Artguy76, @smARTisteacher, @ArtRoomBlog, @joycschultz, @NAEAMiddleLevel, @EvansArtHouse
Top members for world studies. I have done some chats with @dene_gainey on multicultural topics plus really enjoyed viewing his vlog on his recent visit to Tanzania. #whatisschool
#whatisschool a3 #ELLChat_BkClub is a mega favourite chat & people on it are so generous with their time & videos. @FizzicsEd gets thumbs up because literacy is there in Science & they passionately promote. Last but not least @ChouinardJahant. She makes me think hard.
A5 @SAISVisualArt is a good start. The teachers do a wonderful job! Don’t think they have personal Twitter accts but shoutout to Sarah Dutta, Georgia Parsons, and George Kileen #whatisschool
Following all these great peeps as fast as possible tonight on #whatisschool! Also, GREAT NEWS---a curated listing of recommended PLN members will be shared soon on https://t.co/6DCzWp7vgP! Stay tuned!!!! @mrkempnz
Agree! Twitter is an important part of building a genuine Community of Practice where everyone learns together to build new knowledge - no matter what their level of experience. All is valued and valuable. #whatisschool
In the education community there's the great @cvarsalona and her imagery, and elsewhere on Twitter, @Cybuhr & @AjmaniK for their insights on life in general. #WhatIsSchool A7 .
#whatisschool - need to head off to school, a little late this morning, but worth it, with all the new connections - have grown my PLN. Thanks @mrkempnz and @JenWilliamsEdu for hosting. Have a great day, afternoon, evening everyone!!
Q10: Now that you have a curated list of great PLN members, what is a question you have that you would love more information on? (tag in an educator you just followed from the chat) #whatisschool
Hard to say who exactly falls into this category, but I love @sylviaduckworth's graphics, @jesslahey's research in general... and there's my own colleague I've learned from in person, @JanetZarchen. #WhatIsSchool A8
Q10. Now that you have a curated list of great PLN members, what is a question you have that you would love more information on? (tag in an educator you just followed from the chat) #whatisschool
A6) I am sure that there so many amazing tech educators out there. But three of of them from my PLN that comes to my mind are @ATorrens84 (specifically his green screen projects) and @NZWaikato ( for 3dprinting projects) and @mrkempnz#whatisschool
I think of leadership beyond roles and beyond "education." @_TomGReid has written (and tweeted) a lot about leadership. @RosaIsiah's #WeLeadEd hashtag is fitting since she leads on critical social issues. Then there's the "laps," including @BethHouf for #LeadLAP. #WhatIsSchool A9
A10 Often when we talk about the future of edu we speak at most 5 yrs forward (short imo). Curious on others views much further down. 10 yrs as a minimum, 15 yrs as implementation, 20 yrs as your first results to possible changes you see coming? What’ll it foster? #whatisschool
Q10: Now that you have a curated list of great PLN members, what is a question you have that you would love more information on? (tag in an educator you just followed from the chat) #whatisschool
I love this question. I think for sustainable change to happen we perhaps need to think further ahead. Thinking too much in the short-term can produce knee-jerk reactions and then nothing is sustained. #whatisschool
Special thanks to @mrkempnz for always welcoming me to join in for the spectacular #whatisschool chat! LOVE this community of global educators that are making a difference in the lives of kids and the world!
I love this tweet. Chatting is so much fun. The learning, the sharing, the camaraderie, but what we’re really here for is to make a “difference in the lives of kids!” #whatisschool
Special thanks to @mrkempnz for always welcoming me to join in for the spectacular #whatisschool chat! LOVE this community of global educators that are making a difference in the lives of kids and the world!
I’m Kelly from WA. I am an elementary teacher (25+ yrs), GHF Blogger, mama to homeschooled 2e son & author of Boost: 12 Effective Ways to Lift Up Our Twice-Exceptional Children #gtchat