Lane Talkington, Librarian at South MS. I plan on doing house projects (lots of painting!), going on a few small trips with my boyfriend and family, and being a stay-at-home DOG Mom : ) #gfedchat
A1: I've learned to sort out what truly matters a little better this year compared to last. Big picture-the kiddos aren't going to remember if I got that one lesson in or not, they are going to remember my relationship with them. #gfedchat
A1: I think I've tried to be more understanding of problems our students are dealing with. So more than improved teaching instead better listening. #gfedchat
A1: Well, it's my second year at my job so I feel as if I know what's coming this year and could make educated decisions. I had a momumental goal for this year (genrefying the library) and we are set to accomplish it! #gfedchat
A1: More collaborative relationships! I find the more people I work with the more I learn and am able to support others with curriculum and technology integration. Truly together we are better and grow professionally! #gfedchat
A1: My ability to come at situations from a more student-centered perspective. Using more and more of Collaborative Solutions - and work with kids to problem solve! #gfedchat
A1 Purposefully giving students more choice in how they demonstrate learning & how they work (independently, partners, small group) and #RelationshipFirst#gfedchat
A1: Last year I was teaching both first grade and training for Reading Recovery. This year I am able to focus on just one of those jobs (RR)! I've been able to just have time to think more on how to improve my teaching practices. #gfedchat
A1: Spending more time working on the soft skills with my students and how to get along with others. Really listening to the students and helping to problem solve through every day life #gfedchat
A1. Grateful for the team of Specialists and supportive teachers @ Wilder. Very appreciative of our Resident Teacher. Personally more empathetic with ss and practicing behavior strategies from Ross Greene. #gfedchat
A1: I've become much more focused on the learner-centered classroom, with student voice, choice and yes, some technology when/if appropriate. #gfedchat
A1: last year I was training in RR and just trying to figure out my role. This year I feel more comfortable and capable. However, I am still learning a lot and trying to improve my instructional techniques #gfedchat
A1: I have been utilizing technology more and more this year. After learning new apps last year I've been implementing them with what the kids are learning and they love it. #gfedchat
A1: I tried to give my students more choice & voice throughout our curriculum. It's been fun to see where they have run with different projects! #gfedchat
A1: I tried to give my students more choice & voice throughout our curriculum. It's been fun to see where they have run with different projects! #gfedchat
A2: Implemented new PLTW App Creator curriculum that I was trained on last summer. Always exciting, scary, & fun to try something new, kids did great! #gfedchat
A2: I have learned to lead professional learning and book studies. Then when I facilitate, I learn even more from the participants. I also attended NDATL, learn from committees, task force and my team! Surrounded by #joufullearners!
A2: RR training was extremely helpful. Having people who were in the same boat as I was empowered us all. This year, continued PD has helped me to learn from others #gfedchat
A2: Fall Educator's conference in Bismarck, Reading Recovery ongoing professional development, collaborating with other reading teachers and classroom teachers. #gfedchat
A2: NDLA Library Conference, in GF, this year was phenomenal! I am currently taking Library Media Certification classes, gfedchat, 4 bk studies, 1 Innovations in Learning class and building pd with Jessie. #gfedchat
A2: I've joined the @ModernLearners Change Leaders Community. Innovative thought leaders from throughout the world sharing ideas, blogs, books, and weekly chat via Zoom has pushed my thinking. HT @bruceadixon and @willrich45 et al. #gfedchat
A2 Jumping into new ways of learning: Bloxels, ozobots, learning Cue robots, Seesaw for Schools, supporting standard based report card learning #gfedchat
A1: I've learned a lot more about the evaluation process and not relying solely on standardized assessments to determine if students qualify for speech/language services. I also feel more consistent and concise with taking data #gfedchat
A2: working collaboratively with colleagues to create, explore and teach new ideas...allowed students to be the experts and teach me when needed (technology)
A2: ed chat has been great; took a chance being on the new ECSE evaluation team; looking forward to some ELL training this week and PD in language and literacy at the end of April #gfedchat
A3: I use their interests for lessons and try to find books that include those interests. Also, interventions groups have a choice in choosing texts to read. #gfedchat
A3. Led a 'Cardboard Club' with Dash robots and Makedo Kits to allows students to have choice in their learning and showcase their creativity. #gfedchat
A3: 8th grade class gets choice in almost everything they do. Make their own apps, create their own restaurant, their own photoshop pictures, etc. Lots of choice! #gfedchat
A3: In my class I gave kids a couple of project choices in Production Technology. It is a little tough to modify my curriculum or at least it is for me. #gfedchat
A3: I try to create a comfortable environment in the Library where Ss can tell me what books they want, how they want to read, what find of furniture, and how they want create and play! #gfedchat
a3: bringing them to the table when conflicts arise. empower them by problem solving with them rather than enabling them by problem solving for them. #gfedchat
A3: since I primarily teach reading and writing, allowing students to choose books that they are interested in to read and giving students options to pick from for topics to write about. #gfedchat
A3: Trying to incorporate more freedom and choice in everything we do so it is a way of life for us. Choice on what to research and write about, how to present / show what they know etc. Morning and closing meetings to address victories and issues throughout the day #gfedchat
A3: go with the flow teaching. Have the information which I need to teach Ss, but allow them navigate the learning path which we take. Taking questions as they come up. #gfedchat
A3 Small things like letting 4th graders decide if they want to build @makeymakey alone or with a partner, Ss choice of building @makeymakey station for Kinder kids, choice of materials #gfedchat
A3: I have seen some awesome voice and choice! Check out #GFPSYAReads to see how South students used their voice and choice to make book recommendations. Also, helped @annacorinemoser and her students with Genius Hour. #gfedchat
A3: I've tried giving more assignment choices, especially projects. I try to choose reading materials that correlate to Ss interest. Always have Ss select their own independent reading books. Planning to try genius hour. #gfedchat
A3: Most of my ss published a personal book. Allowed Ss CHOICE for their lessons and ways to publish through technology, provided multiple books at their level for them to pick from. #gfedchat
A3: I listen to what they are wanting to do more of and try to add it in. Also, any research project they choose what they will be researching, writing, and presenting on. #gfedchat
A3: With voice and choice comes student agency. Always remind yourself of the following question:
"What decisions am I making for the kids that they could make for themselves?" via @terSonya#gfedchat
A4: @maultSLP taught me how to use images and videos to enhance student learning. I rely on Google Classroom and trying different apps to get Ss engaged -- Goose Chase, FlipGrid, etc. #gfedchat
A4: Lots of chromebook and work on SeeSaw, snap circuits to introduce electricity and circuits for science, twitter chat during GRA, Dash robots to use the coding skills we learned on
Voice and Choice isn't tied to technology. It's about personalization and meeting student where they are and helping them grow with the ability for them to guide their learning as well. #gfedchat
A4: The @Flipgrid really helped get kids out of their comfort zone. It also helps those kids who aren't great at writing but can explain their answers. #gfedchat
A4: the 2 I started using this year are SeeSaw -they shared their learning which showed comprehension and Google Classroom-great tool for me as a teacher for organization
A4: So many opportunities: Coding with Swift, Ozobots, Dash and Dot Robots, Expeditions, Google Draw, #BookSnaps, ChatterPix, #DoInk, #Goosechase, #Flipgrid, and more. Latest was a mash up with Discovery Ed, Expeditions and BrainPop to research and create a memorial. #gfedchat
A4. Help teachers use Seesaw to enhance student learning & engagement in the classroom. Use Google VR goggles to give students unforgettable experiences that improve understanding of subjects in the classroom. Plus lots more! #gfedchat
A4 Tech should have a purpose to amplify Ss learning. Help Ss see how tech makes learning more efficient or connected or enhanced. Also emphasize #DigitalEmpathy when connecting on tech #gfedchat
A4: Technology is a difficult thing for me to incorporate in such a short time period. But, I have incorporated ipad usage when possible. Starting to use Seesaw and have Ss pair with their classroom account #gfedchat
A4: My students publish and produce their work using a variety of apps that they then share on seesaw. Use Chromebooks and Ipads daily to enhance their learning. #gfedchat
A4: we have certain interactive websites paired with almost all of our units, where Ss practice and extend their content understanding. We have also used themed Google Expeditions, Google slides, Padlet, See Saw, Flipgrid... #gfedchat
A5: Well, I know one I was not successful with that I need a new system for--dealing with cell phones! If anyone has suggestions, please let me know :) #gfedchat
A5: Even more of Dr. Greene's CPS model, more whole brain teaching techniques. Morning and Closing meeting. It feels like some days it hasn't really made much of a difference, but I do see small steps here and there. Kids are able problem solve with each other and me. #gfedchat
A5: sitting down with Ss and getting their input on behavior management and plans. They are the ones who will make plans work. Allowing Ss to express there needs and wants #gfedchat
A5: I am at a school that uses ZONES and I hadn't used that before. Incorporating the language helped me to understand how Ss were feeling and it also made finding a solution more clear for the Ss #gfedchat
A5: Generally, students are engaged in what we are doing in the classroom. They typically love technology tools. I like to involve them in the problem solving process if they are struggling with behavior or respect (others and devices). #gfedchat
a5: getting better at meeting the class where they are at. if I go into a lesson and they aren't having it, I'm more comfortable throwing me lesson plan out the window to meet their current learning needs. #gfedchat
A4 Tech should have a purpose to amplify Ss learning. Help Ss see how tech makes learning more efficient or connected or enhanced. Also emphasize #DigitalEmpathy when connecting on tech #gfedchat
A5: I have learned to implement more accommodations while teaching my dual-exceptional students (not all of them are actually diagnosed with something, some just need a break, or a different approach). #gfedchat
A5: cell phone usage-I have tried the "respect educational time" approach (doesn't always work), i outline the unit before we do it - that helps, i treat them with respect, talk to them like they are young adults vs. children but i dont usually have issues
A5-as always, establish relationships; giving positive feedback loud and having a positive attitude-attitude is everything!! I also have class discussions and allow students to share feelings about how they feel when students are doing things that cause issues.
A5: Thinking beyond behavior management, 2 things come to mind: 1) an engaged student is rarely a behavior problem and 2) relationships, relationships, relationships #gfedchat
A5: Used flexible seating this year giving my students the choice of where to learn and work. Haven't had issues except occasionally having to ask a student to find a new spot to sit.If an issue arises with behavior I have the students call and explain to their parents. #gfedchat
A5: In Library-go over rules @ beginning of the yr. & remind constantly. Our behavior probs are mostly about over-excitement--they run 2 comfy chairs, sequin pillows, legos, building toys, & interactive displays-It's hard to be too mad about their Library excitement! #gfedchat
A6: I collaborate on a daily, sometimes hourly basis this year. Collaborating with counselors, admin, other teachers, SPED teachers, and kids themselves to find out what works best for certain tough kids. Also collaboration with other teachers and my student teacher! #gfedchat
a6: plc time. more phone calls. more emails. more sharing of what I did. asking what is being taught in other subjects to see if I can incorporate it in my classroom lessons. #gfedchat
A6- lots of practice working with colleagues who arent fun to deal with...learned when to let it go and keep in mind what actually matters, the kids #gfedchat
A6: we have GL meetings every other week as well as early release days. This time has allowed us to discuss Ss and to problem solve as a team. I also feel the discussion logs in Google have helped because it is easy to look back at our previous discussion & evaluate #gfedchat
A6. One of my favorite parts of this position- constant collaboration and learning from great educators in our district. I get to learn from other CTPs as well as every classroom teacher that I get to plan with. #gfedchat
Excitement vs Naughty... they are eager to be in the space and we love it! "New" will give way to comfort with a space that embraces students and their needs! #gfedchat
A5: In Library-go over rules @ beginning of the yr. & remind constantly. Our behavior probs are mostly about over-excitement--they run 2 comfy chairs, sequin pillows, legos, building toys, & interactive displays-It's hard to be too mad about their Library excitement! #gfedchat
So agree! From a Ss perspective, Ss wonder: 1) What does this learning have to do with ME/my life? 2) Do I matter/belong in this class/school? #gfedchat
A5: Thinking beyond behavior management, 2 things come to mind: 1) an engaged student is rarely a behavior problem and 2) relationships, relationships, relationships #gfedchat
A6: We have been working on "Profile of a Schroeder Graduate" which are skills that we want our students to possess when they walk out our doors. We are now developing "Gopes" = Goals/Hopes to make that happen. #gfedchat
A6: I sincerely appreciate all who participate in #gfedchat every week. Great collaboration and sharing of ideas. I learn many new things about a variety of topics. Thank You!! #gfedchat
A6- Meetings on PLC days have been a great way for Spanish teachers to collab. Love it! I collab daily with the other teachers. Love that too!
A6: T asked if I could do a genre sampling activity. . We hosted Book Speed Dating & it was so much fun! Loved the giggling, excitement, & shocked faces when I told them we were dating books! Also, loved seeing the PILES of bks checked out! #gfedchat
A7: Next year I really want to work toward becoming a stronger RR teacher but also being more involved with MTSS scheduling and planning. Since it was my first year at my schl, I just went with the flow. I want to be more involved and more helpful #gfedchat
A7: use SeeSaw to build my students learner profiles and to share with their families. Just wasn’t something I got to this year but am anxious to get it going next year. #gfedchat
A7: I'd like to explore how to incorporate more technology with my new position. I want to collaborate more with teachers in all grades and get to know more students at Century! #gfedchat
A7: Keep being true to myself and make relationship with my kiddos. The more choice I give, the more I get to know the kids and that's the best part of my job! #gfedchat
A7: Continue to work with and learn from others. I have had an amazing opportunity to work with teachers all over our district, @southms_gf and @TwiningSchool. Feel blessed to be able to help teachers and students every day. #gfedchat
A3 (catching up after getting toddler to bed...): I've let Ss have a lot more say in their preferred activities to work toward. I'd like to improve upon helping my Ss know WHY they come to speech therapy and what their goals are #gfedchat
A7: I think the best part of teaching is we can continue to improve, change & grow on a daily basis -- we owe it to our students & ourselves. #gfedchat
A7: I think the best part of teaching is we can continue to improve, change & grow on a daily basis -- we owe it to our students & ourselves. #gfedchat
A7: 1 hands on activity with all classes (tweaked to fit each grade level) that come in to check out that month. We have 29 classes scheduled each week & want to engage them all with literary activities, book sampling, & tech petting zoos. #gfedchat
A4: not much tech use going on in my therapy sessions with preschoolers, but I'd love to start using the smart board to incorporate some large motor/sensory activities into our sessions #gfedchat
Thank you #gfedchat PLC for a great year of learning and collaboration. We will see everyone back here in September for another school year of #gfedchat
A5: I think a lot more about Zones of Regulation and helping my preschoolers understand their emotions in order to be ready to complete therapy tasks #gfedchat