#OhEdChat Archive

#OHEdChat was started by an ad hoc group of Ohio educators and other interested people. For information and updates about the chat, visit https://ohedchat.wordpress.com/

Wednesday May 9, 2018
9:00 PM EDT

  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:00 PM EDT
    Welcome to #ohedchat Introduce yourself and tell us where you're from.
  • Vroom6 - Moderator May 9 @ 9:01 PM EDT
    Right NOW! #ohedchat
  • mjjohnson1216 May 9 @ 9:01 PM EDT
    Hot topics? Will sweating be required? Meredith joining #OhEdchat from Florida
  • AlyseConsiglio May 9 @ 9:01 PM EDT
    #ohedchat from the 330 (NE Ohio), Alyse, 6-12 principal
  • burk_kburk2 May 9 @ 9:01 PM EDT
    #ohedchat Hello! I am Kayleigh. I'm a student at Kent State and am an education major witha double minor in spanish and special education!
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    We are excited to discuss-HOT TOPICS IN EDUCATION tonight! #ohedchat
  • Vroom6 - Moderator May 9 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    Craig, middle school leader of the amazing @wmscats! #ohedchat
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    HAHA! Glad you're here tonight! #ohedchat
    In reply to @mjjohnson1216
  • GarryEYoung May 9 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    Good evening, everyone! Garry Young, a Principal from Columbus Ohio area #ohedchat
  • cj_williams13 May 9 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    Hello! Chris from Columbus, Ohio. 2nd grade Intervention Specialist. I’m excited to learn with you all tonight! Hot topics in education? Right after #TeacherAppreciationDay?! Sign me up. 🙂 #ohedchat
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    Glad you're here Alyse! #ohedchat
    In reply to @AlyseConsiglio
  • mjjohnson1216 May 9 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    Hot topics will certainly have our fingers flashing across our keyboards! #ohedchat
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    Welcome Kayleigh! So glad you're here #ohedchat
    In reply to @burk_kburk2
  • MrWellsScience May 9 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Jeff Wells, STEM teacher, Lancaster High School #ohedchat
  • DillsMelissa1 May 9 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Melissa, tech integration, just returned from a softball game :) what a beautiful Ohio night! #ohedchat
  • jillcolaw May 9 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Jill 5th grade ELA& SS, chatting from Cincinnati #ohedchat
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Why hello Craig middle school leader-glad you're here #ohedchat
    In reply to @Vroom6, @wmscats
  • gdorn1 May 9 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Hi, Gretchen from KY joining in. #ohedchat
  • shirky17 May 9 @ 9:04 PM EDT
    hello #ohedchat paul from cuyahoga falls, maker educator (still searching).... i hear we are talking about AC???
  • casehighprinc May 9 @ 9:04 PM EDT
    Glad to stop by #ohedchat this evening. Brian, HS principal from Massachusetts
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:04 PM EDT
    Welcome-glad you're here, Paul #ohedchat
    In reply to @shirky17
  • mjjohnson1216 May 9 @ 9:04 PM EDT
    Maybe we should have buckets of water on hand in case the hot topics in #Ohedchat get anyone "steamed" up?
  • tyarnold18 May 9 @ 9:04 PM EDT
    Hello all. Tyler, hs admin from @PickAltSchool #ohedchat
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:04 PM EDT
    Hi Brian! Always great to have you in #ohedchat
    In reply to @casehighprinc
  • TebnerEbner May 9 @ 9:04 PM EDT
    Good evening, #ohedchat! Happy to be joinig in from NE Ohio.
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    Glad you're here tonight! #ohedchat
    In reply to @tyarnold18, @PickAltSchool
  • moler3031 May 9 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    Adam from Cincy checking in. How is everyone? #ohedchat
  • Vroom6 - Moderator May 9 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    Why thank you elementary leader of @JWReasonElem! #ohedchat
    In reply to @Jacki_prati, @wmscats, @JWReasonElem
  • DillsMelissa1 May 9 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    Hi, friend! #ohedchat
    In reply to @TebnerEbner
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Let's get started with Q1 #ohedchat What does personalization really mean? How can we personalize learning for students and teachers?
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Always awesome on #ohedchat nights! Welcome!
    In reply to @moler3031
  • Vroom6 - Moderator May 9 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Hey, Brian! Hope all is well! #ohedchat
    In reply to @Jacki_prati, @casehighprinc
  • shirky17 May 9 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    #ohedchat A1 is personalization making it personal? that it matters to them...
  • TebnerEbner May 9 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    Hello! How are you? Hope all is wel! #ohedchat
    In reply to @DillsMelissa1
  • mjjohnson1216 May 9 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    Ever sit on the shelf in a dunk tank, hoping the students wouldn't be able to hit the target so you so sailing into the COLD water? Yup, mighty chilly! #ohedchat
    In reply to @MrElmerLLC
  • TebnerEbner May 9 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    Welcome, Tyler! Great to see you! #ohedchat
    In reply to @tyarnold18, @PickAltSchool
  • ItsAMrY May 9 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    #ohedchat A1: I believe this is more about S ownership or assessment than instruction. Everyone has to learn the same content..that's curriculum. But how Ss demonstrate mastery or take ownership of their process? That's personalization.
  • casehighprinc May 9 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    A1 Choice makes it personal. Give Ss different opportunities to show mastery. We need to move WAY BEYOND boot camp for Jeopardy. #ohedchat
  • shirky17 May 9 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    #ohedchat A1 but DOES everyone have to learn the exact same content? can they get variations on it that matter to them?
    In reply to @ItsAMrY
  • Dale_Chu May 9 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    HAPPENING NOW: @Jacki_prati leading a chat on hot topics in education. Follow along at #OHedchat!
  • JMitchellELA May 9 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    Jenny, Middle school ELA from Toledo, stopping by tonight for #OhEdChat!
  • jillcolaw May 9 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    A1 choosing how to learn something is personalization. We all learn in different ways. #ohedchat
  • MrWellsScience May 9 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    We need tap into what interests students and make meaningful connections between their interests and the content. Building positive relationships allows us to be better in-tune with the kids we teach, therefore making learning more relevant #ohedchat
  • DillsMelissa1 May 9 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    Q2: For teachers, providing choice of PD for both topic and level, gaining teacher input on what to offer and allowing teachers to be involved in the process, just like we want teachers to do with students #ohedchat
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    A1-Choice is so important--we have been doing IGNITE sessions for staff meetings-3 quick 3 minute teaser presentations and then teachers choose which one to learn more about for the rest of the meeting time #ohedchat
  • TebnerEbner May 9 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    Welcome, Jenny! Hope all is well in NW Ohio! #ohedchat
    In reply to @JMitchellELA
  • moler3031 May 9 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    A1: personalization is building relationships, understanding strengths and passions and having students create ways to use those strengths and passions within the learning process #ohedchat
  • mjjohnson1216 May 9 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    A1. This book was very helpful in gaining an understanding about personalized learning. #ohedchat
  • burk_kburk2 May 9 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    #ohedchat A1- Personalization means teaching and relating to topics that the students are actually going to relate to. We can personalize learning by getting to know our students and teaching to what they experience.
  • Haole_josh May 9 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    Hey y’all. Really late. But can’t wait to learn #ohedchat
  • shirky17 May 9 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    #ohedchat A1 I believe content is becoming less & less relevant, what matters most is learning how to learn, learning to love learning , and learning means applying ideas to make the world a better place
  • AlyseConsiglio May 9 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1) Allow for multiple correct answers; choice in product; Choice in process. Allow for shades of gray (in a way totally not related to that book or movie title) #ohedchat
  • tyarnold18 May 9 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1: personalized learning is have it your way. Make learning real and relevant. I say it all the time but project based learning with special emphasis on Howard Gardens multiple intelligence. #ohedchat
  • gdorn1 May 9 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1. Personalization is designing learning to fit the needs of each individual Ss. They can track their own progress, they are in charge of their own learning in the classroom with the amount of time nec. to complete assess. T choose their own PD in areas of weakness. #ohedchat
  • GarryEYoung May 9 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    A1: Options. Choices - Both students and teachers. We all have content we need them to learn but there is more than one way to demonstrate mastery of content. Different learning styles can show mastery in different ways. #ohedchat
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    Gotta love when #ohedchat trends within the first 10 minutes!
  • MrGartin May 9 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    Justin, middle school ELA in central ohio #ohedchat
  • MrWellsScience May 9 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    A1: We need tap into what interests students and make meaningful connections between their interests and the content. Building positive relationships allows us to be better in-tune with the kids we teach, therefore making learning more relevant #ohedchat
  • mjjohnson1216 May 9 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    A1. This chat is very helpful for breaking it down by teacher and learner #ohedchat
  • walkchrysj May 9 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    A1 Personalization refers to making the shift from given the same learning information to all - to acknowledging and providing varied experiences to meet learners needs. We do this by identifying learning styles & interests and crafting opportunities connected with both #ohedchat
  • DillsMelissa1 May 9 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    That should be Q1:...... 😂 #ohedchat
  • Dale_Chu May 9 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    A1: Speaking of hot topics, this question has gotten some people into hot water https://t.co/FVm70ZZcV0 #ohedchat
    • nctqkate May 3 @ 9:01 AM EDT
      This may have gotten a school supt in WI in trouble for posting this tweet (c'mon people!) but I think it is hilarious....and isn't it right?
  • cj_williams13 May 9 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    A1: I think it starts with trust. Established rapport, valuing students as human beings, collaboration with family, & engaging strengths of everyone involved. It means students know that they’re going to have opportunities to learn & grow right where they currently are. #ohedchat
  • DillsMelissa1 May 9 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    Oh I love that! #ohedchat
    In reply to @Jacki_prati
  • shirky17 May 9 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    #ohedchat is Multiple Intelligence holding up to current research?
    In reply to @tyarnold18
  • ItsAMrY May 9 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    I teach math. Everyone needs to learn the difference between a linear and quadratic equation and the characteristics of each graph, for example. How they demonstrate that mastery? I'm flexible. Some can explore/demonstrate through numbers, others graphs. #ohedchat
    In reply to @shirky17
  • Haole_josh May 9 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    A1 it’s allowing students a way to figure out how to let me know they learned. I have student that actually wants to write papers. So I let them. #ohedchat
  • mjjohnson1216 May 9 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    A1. There are so many components to consider - content, process, product, and learning environment. #ohedchat
  • JeremyShorr May 9 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    This is one of the biggest travesties of the US education system. “High-Paying Trade Jobs Sit Empty, While High School Grads Line Up For University”. #stem #edchat #ohedchat @TIESTeach https://t.co/yXumZfmuUc
  • JMitchellELA May 9 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    A1 How can you not? Personalization begins w/ knowing which Ss learn best in quiet vs. noise, want hugs or not, need verbal vs. written directions. Knowing Ss well, means that Ts personalize instruction, & everything else related to teaching! #OhEdChat
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    Q2 is coming up in 1 minute #ohedchat
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    Awesome---there are ways to personalize learning in any subject-we do need to remember that there truly are some things all Ss have to learn--they just need to be able to personalize their path #ohedchat
    In reply to @ItsAMrY, @shirky17
  • shirky17 May 9 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    #ohedchat what level (DOK or whatever) are we talking about personalizing learning?
  • moler3031 May 9 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    Here is my example of personalized learning - I asked this student what he wanted to learn about the Industrial Revolution. He replied with the steam engine. He built a replica, made a slide presentation, and created a flipgrid to explain it. #ohedchat
  • walkchrysj May 9 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    Like the engaging strengths piece here. Requires a time investment with identifying how our students learn, ways they can contribute to their own learning, and allowing students to demonstrate this strength as their knowledge grows #ohedchat
    In reply to @cj_williams13
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    Q2-#ohedchat How does your school or district foster collaborative leadership?
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    So important Jenny! Personalization starts with relationships! #ohedchat
    • JMitchellELA May 9 @ 9:13 PM EDT
      A1 How can you not? Personalization begins w/ knowing which Ss learn best in quiet vs. noise, want hugs or not, need verbal vs. written directions. Knowing Ss well, means that Ts personalize instruction, & everything else related to teaching! #OhEdChat
  • shirky17 May 9 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    followed quickly by the 42% graduation rate from college #ohedchat
    In reply to @JeremyShorr, @TIESTeach
  • mjjohnson1216 May 9 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    A2. Collaboration requires trust. #ohedchat
  • casehighprinc May 9 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    A2 Our 2018-2019 school improvement plan is a direct result of innovations that Ts presented at our recent #FedEx Day. This was a chance for teacher voice to reverberate and develop purposeful plans. #ohedchat
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    That's super cool! #ohedchat
    In reply to @moler3031
  • mjjohnson1216 May 9 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    A2. Sometimes teachers help guide their principal (I was one for 26 years) to being supportive in encouraging teacher leaders. #ohedchat
  • GreatWeissOne May 9 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    A@: Something beneficial I would like to see is more intentional interaction & collaboration between the leaders of various buildings. As students progress from one building to another the knowledge shared among the leaders could be invaluable. #OhEdChat
  • burk_kburk2 May 9 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    #ohedchat It fosters collaborative learning by creating lessons with other teachers and by collaborating by working together and having the co-workers watch their classroom to observe the students from a new angle.
  • MrWellsScience May 9 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    A2: I'm lucky that our admin is very open to ideas. It's important to not have an admin vs. teachers vs. students mentality. We're all on the same team, working toward the same goal. #ohedchat
  • CRCarter313 May 9 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    Hi, everyone!!!! #ohedchat
  • JeremyShorr May 9 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    A2 The best districts I’ve seen are masters at loose/right framework. Clear expectations and metrics from the top, freedom to develop and implement action plans by the building level leadership. #ohedchat
  • mjjohnson1216 May 9 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    A2. Tons of truth in this quote. #ohedchat
  • CRCarter313 May 9 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    @Jacki_prati Hi, Jacki!!!! 👋🏼 #ohedchat
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    A2-when I became an admin one of my goals was to build a school full of leaders. We foster this in many ways-but mostly w/ me as the admin stepping back and letting teachers lead-I can provide feedback along the way #ohedchat
  • DillsMelissa1 May 9 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    Q2: Our leaders are great at being involved in teacher collaboration meetings, discussing student data, and developing curriculum 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 #ohedchat
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    Hello there! Thanks for jumping in #ohedchat
    In reply to @CRCarter313
  • AlyseConsiglio May 9 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    A2) build in time for sharing ideas and best lessons during PD days and having teachers present to colleagues Edcamp style. I always stress they ARE the experts and have so much to share with each other! #ohedchat
  • GarryEYoung May 9 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    A2: In our school we try very hard to value the input from everyone in our school. In terms of improvement plan, goals, etc we open up to student, teacher, and parent committees. Recognizing leadership within the building is important #ohedchat
  • CRCarter313 May 9 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    Of course!!!! #ohedchat
    In reply to @Jacki_prati
  • JMitchellELA May 9 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    Personalized learning in my opinion, really has nothing to do w/ DOK. Ss can't strive to achieve at the highest levels if they don't feel respected, loved & safe. Personalized learning, I feel, has to do w/ knowing your learners, period! #OhEdChat
    In reply to @shirky17
  • walkchrysj May 9 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    A2 We have worked to make our collaborative leadership organic. School leaders from elementary, middle, and high schools meet to discuss approaches to innovation, strengthening the quality of teachers' professional learning, and long-term goals for student learning #ohedchat
  • moler3031 May 9 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    A2: Wednesday’s we meet in dept, we started a book study with #Innovatorsmindset which has led to great discussions, and we post a lot on twitter and it’s great to see a lo or cool things happening around classrooms #ohedchat
  • GSmit4Character May 9 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    A2: Collaborative leadership depends on creating an environment of trust, mutual respect & shared aspiration where all can contribute openly to achieving collective goals. Sch leaders focus on relationships as well as results #ohedchat
  • cj_williams13 May 9 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    A2: Everyone’s voice is heard. Grade-level teams meet weekly (well, many times per week) and prioritize inclusion, least restrictive environment, & student relationships when planning small and large group lessons. And, again, trust/rapport from administration is huge! #ohedchat
  • CRCarter313 May 9 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    A2: We are a part of a community where teachers fosters each other’s growth! We support one another through PD events, as well as areas outside the four classroom walls! ❤️ #ohedchat
  • casehighprinc May 9 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    Need to transition to laundry. Thanks for letting me be a small part of #ohedchat tonight!!
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    Shared leadership also means that the whole staff owns the school and takes pride in it--we are all leaders within our "20 square feet" and how we behave impacts everyone around us #ohedchat
  • gdorn1 May 9 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    A2. Trust in building relationships. Allowing time for T to collaborate together which is done by sharing lunch times. During prep times, some T meet. #ohedchat
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    That's awesome! I just finished folding #ohedchat
    In reply to @casehighprinc
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    Q3 is coming up in one minute. #ohedchat
  • MrGartin May 9 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    A1: all Ss need to demonstrate mastery, but it’s up to Ts to interpret mastery from what Ss are comfortable with. That includes allowing for practice in their place and pace #ohedchat
  • ItsAMrY May 9 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    #ohedchat A2: Regarding collaborative leadership, I can hear Todd Whitaker encouraging leaders to consider the effect of decisions on your BEST Ts and Ss. If they aren't part of the conversation, you're doing it wrong.
  • TebnerEbner May 9 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    A2: Shared leadership means multiple perspectives, solutions-oriented thinking. It's awesome to see in action. #ohedchat
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    Q3 #ohedchat How do you balance between digital technology and other tools for instruction and learning?
  • RandallSampson May 9 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    A2 the best collaborative leadership occurs during the breaking of bread...there’s something about eating together and having a conversation #ohedchat
  • GSmit4Character May 9 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    A2: As a supt, I understood that collaborative leadership focused on cultivating teachers, parents, and community members so that they became invested in sharing responsibility for improvement as a District. #ohedchat
  • Dale_Chu May 9 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    Exactly right, Adam. #ohedchat
    In reply to @ItsAMrY
  • ItsAMrY May 9 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    #ohedchat Let me take this moment to invite any of you who would wish to visit Hudson, OH and visit Western Reserve Academy....to come to my classroom. I thrive on the input of innovative colleagues. DM me.
  • shirky17 May 9 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    #ohedchat A3 hard mix.... use best available tool. sometimes trial and error
  • walkchrysj May 9 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    Yes, the ownership component is essential, as we connect to the necessity of consistent effort to support all of our students to achieve their academic, social, emotional and positive leadership learning goals. When we own the work, we are purposeful in our investment #ohedchat
    In reply to @Jacki_prati
  • burk_kburk2 May 9 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    #ohedchat You can balance between technology by discovering what works and what grabs attention and what does not using both technology and no technology
  • shirky17 May 9 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    do you get into the maker space much? #ohedchat
    In reply to @ItsAMrY
  • JeremyShorr May 9 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A3 teacher agency to determine the best tool for the job. Sometimes that tool is tech and it should be used. Sometimes that tool is a pencil. Or clay. Or a wood shop. The balance is found in the intentional design of instructional supports. #ohedchat
  • MrGartin May 9 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A1: 1/2 tech 1/2 non-tech in station rotations #ohedchat
  • GarryEYoung May 9 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    Trying to multi-task between #ohedchat and #IronChefGauntlet tonight
  • TebnerEbner May 9 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    A3: Balancing technology & other tools: I consider which tool is most powerful for the purpose. Sometimes it's @padlet or @nearpod . Sometimes it's post-it notes, chart paper, and markers. #ohedchat
  • MrWellsScience May 9 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    A3: The technology CANNOT be the focus of the lesson; its a tool to be used. I love using tech in my lessons, but sometimes the "old fashioned" way is simply better! Google can't always replace tried-and-true methods #ohedchat
  • mjjohnson1216 May 9 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    A3. Consider who is your driver. #ohedchat
  • RandallSampson May 9 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    Ice T is strong in the game 👊🏾 #OhEdChat
    In reply to @Haole_josh
  • moler3031 May 9 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    A3: I ask a simple questions - will the tech enhance the learning? Will it enhance creativity and critical@thinking? #OhEdChat
  • cj_williams13 May 9 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    A3: Find out what’s working. Try new things. Always ask: “what does this friend need most right now and how can they get it?” #ohedchat
  • TebnerEbner May 9 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    I agree--there have been times I'd wished I'd chosen differently! #ohedchat
    In reply to @shirky17
  • AlyseConsiglio May 9 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    A3) Content and skills drive what tools you use, not the other way around. If a tech tool makes sense, great. #ohedchat
  • Dale_Chu May 9 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    I agree, Mr. Wells. #ohedchat
    In reply to @MrWellsScience
  • GreatWeissOne May 9 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    A3: I have always tried to "flip" the way I use technology. If it is an activity or learning that seems to be a natural use of technology, I don't. If it is "old school" I find a way to use tech. Really throws Ss for a loop, but is effective. #OhEdChat
  • jillcolaw May 9 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    A3 lots of variety! Also, what works best. Often I leave it up to the students to choose what works best to share their learning. #ohedchat
  • ItsAMrY May 9 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    #ohedchat A3: If it enhances Ss learning, I'm happy to use it. If it's a distraction or unreliable....I don't. The classroom experience I build will always be S centered.....not technology centered.
  • tyarnold18 May 9 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    A2: at my school everyone pulls their weight. From the top down. I want my staff to take on rolls they feel comfortable with but also look to take on a challenge with my support. #ohedchat
  • TebnerEbner May 9 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    What a cool way of thinking--calls for creativity, innovation. Great role-modeling for students, too. #ohedchat
    In reply to @GreatWeissOne
  • mjjohnson1216 May 9 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    A3. We are getting there ... this just takes time as learning environments change. I remember when there wasn't even one computer in any school. #ohedchat
  • Dale_Chu May 9 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    Good stuff, Jarrod. That's pretty creative! #ohedchat
    In reply to @GreatWeissOne
  • Dale_Chu May 9 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    Well said, Alyse. #ohedchat
    In reply to @AlyseConsiglio
  • gdorn1 May 9 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    A3. Instruction is used to drive the lesson and technology is used to enhance the lesson! Technology shouldn't be driving the lesson! #ohedchat
  • mjjohnson1216 May 9 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    I ran into this program by chance today. Is anyone using it? https://t.co/ZnKxLQLxau #ohedchat
  • TebnerEbner May 9 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    My first year of teaching, we had a Mac LC lab, and I got to share an Apple IIe with the teacher next door, solely for the grade book program. How times have changed! #ohedchat
    In reply to @mjjohnson1216
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    A3-It's important for Ss to see tech as a tool to enhance their learning-when tech is seen like this it's used more purposefully and intentionally #ohedchat
  • DillsMelissa1 May 9 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    A3: #ohedchat Love this, say, I can’t cite it!
  • shirky17 May 9 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    #ohedchat A3 and "one method" is not right for all learners...
    In reply to @TebnerEbner
  • AlyseConsiglio May 9 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    A3.2) also, a spreadsheet is often the answer...a collaborative spreadsheet is where it's at. #ohedchat
  • ItsAMrY May 9 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    #ohedchat A3: Positive example of tech: "Mathacognition." I've started keeping open journals with each S with metacognitive prompts about their emotional relationship to math, their process of learning, and their goals going forward. Google-doc based. Open convo between me/S
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    Q4 is coming up in 1 minutes #ohedchat
  • AlyseConsiglio May 9 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    I make my own version in Google drawing #ohedchat
    In reply to @mjjohnson1216
  • TebnerEbner May 9 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    I love seeing what students will choose to use when they have choice--reveals so much about them. #ohedchat
    In reply to @shirky17
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    That's a fun one #ohedchat
    In reply to @mjjohnson1216
  • mjjohnson1216 May 9 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    I developed an app for education with the man who wrote the operating system for the Apple IIe - loved his stories about Steve Jobs. Working with a genius like him is awe inspiring. Glad to call him a dear friend. #ohedchat
    In reply to @TebnerEbner
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    Q4 #ohedchat How do you foster hope in children?
  • shirky17 May 9 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    sorry to leave #ohedchat , but got things to do . bye. keep me in mind if you hear of Maker Space jobs
  • DillsMelissa1 May 9 @ 9:34 PM EDT
    I can’t type tonight!!!! Sadly, I can’t cite this! #ohedchat
  • burk_kburk2 May 9 @ 9:34 PM EDT
    #ohedchat A4: You can foster hope in children by teaching them what they need to know. Knowledge is power and it is our job to give them the knowledge they need to succeed. You can foster hope by teaching
  • Dale_Chu May 9 @ 9:34 PM EDT
    A4: By forging strong relationships and encouraging a growth mindset. #ohedchat
  • AlyseConsiglio May 9 @ 9:35 PM EDT
    A4) Catholic schools prepare you for two things: college and heaven. We got the hope thing on #lockdown #ohedchat
  • TebnerEbner May 9 @ 9:35 PM EDT
    A4: Foster hope by being positive, celebrating growth, being upbeat. Point out students' strengths, growth, progress. #ohedchat
  • jillcolaw May 9 @ 9:36 PM EDT
    A4 fostering hope by really knowing your students. If our students know we care then they are better able to learn and care for others. #ohedchat
  • moler3031 May 9 @ 9:36 PM EDT
    A4: I think we tend to focus on weaknesses too much. We need to focus on strengths, having Ss use their strengths, and focus on building a growth mindset. #ohedchat
  • GarryEYoung May 9 @ 9:36 PM EDT
    A4: It is important for schools to have enough support to develop social-emotional learning with students. Social workers, counselors, and a staff that values developing relationships with ALL students. Students have to know we are there for them #ohedchat
  • gdorn1 May 9 @ 9:36 PM EDT
    A4. Working with them on saying "I can do it" and trying to forget about a bad experience in learning that has lead them to dislike something. By believing in themselves, they eventually get their wings and begin to fly! #ohedchat
  • tyarnold18 May 9 @ 9:36 PM EDT
    A4: u want hope show them a better future. Schools need to stop preaching college&career when college is the main goal. Not all kids r college bound which is okay but show them the great opportunities they have. Support trauma informed care because this impacts all Ss. #ohedchat
  • JMitchellELA May 9 @ 9:37 PM EDT
    A3 It depends on what's called for. If a group discussion or a pencil & paper are the best "tools" for the task, then so be it. If blogging via @Kidblog publishing via @BookCreatorApp sharing S voice via @Flipgrid is the best tool at that moment; then "Carpe diem!" #OhEdChat
  • D4Griffin3 May 9 @ 9:37 PM EDT
    A4) The one and only @MagicJohnson said... Once you believe in someone you are eager to provide the assistance they need that plants the seed of hope. #ohedchat
  • ItsAMrY May 9 @ 9:37 PM EDT
    #ohedchat A4: REASSESSMENT. There is NO topic assessed this year that I am not happy to offer Ss another chance to show mastery. The gradebook is never closed. I will never lose hope in my Ss to grow and learn from mistakes.
  • DillsMelissa1 May 9 @ 9:37 PM EDT
    Q4: Foster hope in kids by truly believing in them..... Not just saying you believe all kids can learn, but living that, expecting it, and celebrating it!! #ohedchat
  • Dale_Chu May 9 @ 9:37 PM EDT
    Amen! https://t.co/DoVwWshF6s #ohedchat
    In reply to @AlyseConsiglio
    • atbrenner Mar 3 @ 1:53 PM EST
      The beliefs and values of St Andrew @ACEatND #ndaa welcome the President to their school community.
  • cj_williams13 May 9 @ 9:37 PM EDT
    A4: Oh wow, this is the heartbeat of it all. Show up. Be honest. Know them. Help expand their world beyond the classroom walls. Let them know you care. Let them know what they’re learning matters. Encourage them, all the time. #ohedchat
  • MrWellsScience May 9 @ 9:37 PM EDT
    A4: Get to know them, build the positive classroom relationships, and know when to encourage them! And sometimes parents need hope, too - never underestimate the power of a quick positive phone call or email #ohedchat
  • RLong308 May 9 @ 9:37 PM EDT
    A2: Robin - IL joining late! I am able to participate in opportunities for Bldg. Leadership, Committees if I chose to accept that opportunity...I am a TA with almost 20 yrs. experience...I DO chose to collaborate! #ohedchat
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:38 PM EDT
    Great point! It's important for kids to understand what learning really is! #ohedchat
    In reply to @ItsAMrY
  • GreatWeissOne May 9 @ 9:38 PM EDT
    A4: Relationship. I pride myself on being able to connect and build meaningful relationships with Ss. Building these relationships includes Ss understand that I have all the confidence possible in them and their abilities. #OhEdChat
  • walkchrysj May 9 @ 9:38 PM EDT
    A4 To foster hope in our students we must show them how to hope. This centers on helping them reshape thinking that all opportunities are growth possibilities & instances of failure don't define them but are chances to apply lessons learned when they attempt next steps #ohedchat
  • Haole_josh May 9 @ 9:38 PM EDT
    A4 for some students it’s building confidence and growth mindset. I know they can do it and so I tell them that. It’s sometimes that simple. #ohedchat
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:38 PM EDT
    Hi Robin #ohedchat
    In reply to @RLong308
  • mjjohnson1216 May 9 @ 9:38 PM EDT
    "Assistance that plants seeds ....." I can jump on board with this statement. #ohedchat
    • D4Griffin3 May 9 @ 9:37 PM EDT
      A4) The one and only @MagicJohnson said... Once you believe in someone you are eager to provide the assistance they need that plants the seed of hope. #ohedchat
  • TebnerEbner May 9 @ 9:38 PM EDT
    YES!!!! Telling them directly, and telling them "You matter to me. You are important to me." They need to hear it directly. #ohedchat
    In reply to @DillsMelissa1
  • GSmit4Character May 9 @ 9:38 PM EDT
    A4: Encourage & support students to use positive self-talk, rather than beating themselves up for mistakes, as they are more likely to reach their goals. #ohedchat
  • Dale_Chu May 9 @ 9:39 PM EDT
    So true, Adam. #ohedchat
    In reply to @moler3031
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:39 PM EDT
    I love this! #ohedchat
  • mjjohnson1216 May 9 @ 9:40 PM EDT
    I just knew you were SO VERY WISE! #ohedchat
    In reply to @D4Griffin3
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:41 PM EDT
    Q5 is coming up in 1 minute #ohedchat
  • moler3031 May 9 @ 9:41 PM EDT
    I hate to go but it’s been fun chatting! #ohedchat
  • RLong308 May 9 @ 9:41 PM EDT
    A3: My LMS @lrcthies does a great job of introducing technology resources, last week online citations were the lesson...this week the Ss are learning to catalog the library books! Its a balancing act that @lrcthies does very well! #ohedchat
  • Dale_Chu May 9 @ 9:41 PM EDT
    The KISS principle at work. #ohedchat
    In reply to @Haole_josh
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:42 PM EDT
    Q5 #ohedchat Google "design thinking" What does it mean to you and how does/can design thinking support teaching?
  • walkchrysj May 9 @ 9:42 PM EDT
    Right, Gary. One of the key goals in building emotional capacity is for students to receive the external encouragement and increase their internal ability to press on despite difficulty #ohedchat
    In reply to @GSmit4Character
  • epesART May 9 @ 9:42 PM EDT
    Great idea @CreativeWotown send students, faculty & the community a message that creative minds don’t stop when the bell rings. Creativity is a way of being. It’s a way of experiencing the world around us. Challenge accepted:) #K12artchat #dtk12chat #ohedchat #edchat
  • CRCarter313 May 9 @ 9:43 PM EDT
    My former professor, student teaching mentor, presentation partner, and now lifelong friend! ❤️ @KarenCarney3 #TeacherAppreciationWeek #KidsDeserveIt #BeTheOne #TLAP #JoyfulLeaders #ohedchat
    In reply to @NicholasFerroni, @arrowscoach, @KarenCarney3
  • RLong308 May 9 @ 9:43 PM EDT
    True That! #ohedchat
    • gdorn1 May 9 @ 9:29 PM EDT
      A3. Instruction is used to drive the lesson and technology is used to enhance the lesson! Technology shouldn't be driving the lesson! #ohedchat
  • JMitchellELA May 9 @ 9:43 PM EDT
    A4 Smile often, have lunch w/ them, sometimes, know what they are doing today, when they leave school, & their fears. But most importantly; know their challenges, & be a decent human being during their school day! #OhEdChat
  • TebnerEbner May 9 @ 9:44 PM EDT
    A5: Design thinking: a process for understanding a problem, generating possible solutions, trying them out, refining, and ultimately improving. So many possibilities for education! #ohedchat
  • mjjohnson1216 May 9 @ 9:44 PM EDT
    "It is a user-centered process that starts with user data, creates design artifacts that address real and not imaginary user needs, and then tests those artifacts with real users." https://t.co/Z9W0aMTtDF #ohedchat
  • burk_kburk2 May 9 @ 9:45 PM EDT
    #ohedchat A5: Design thinking is using logic and reason to find solutions to problems. It can support teaching because it can support teaching because it can teach a thought process and how to come to solutions. Focuses on the process.
  • mjjohnson1216 May 9 @ 9:45 PM EDT
    "it leverages collective expertise and establishes a shared language and buy-in amongst your team." #Ohedchat
  • GSmit4Character May 9 @ 9:45 PM EDT
    It’s important to reinforce the understanding w/ Ss that success lies in acting in alignment with one’s values. Without a clear set of values, life can be confusing. #OHedchat
  • MrWellsScience May 9 @ 9:45 PM EDT
    A5: By allowing students to work through the design process, they are able to see that its OK to make mistakes. So many Ss are afraid to not always have the "right" answer; they need to learn that mistakes can be the best teacher of all #ohedchat
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:45 PM EDT
    A5-I need to learn A LOT more about design thinking--this blows my mind and I love it! #ohedchat
  • mjjohnson1216 May 9 @ 9:46 PM EDT
    "It encourages innovation by exploring multiple avenues for the same problem." <-- who wouldn't buy into students learning this??! #ohedchat
  • Dale_Chu May 9 @ 9:46 PM EDT
    A5: The key is empathy... and when it comes to teaching and learning, trying to walk in your students’ shoes. #ohedchat
  • TebnerEbner May 9 @ 9:46 PM EDT
    Design thinking can help educators grow past the fear of mistakes/failure to a place where we are willing to take risks and try. #ohedchat
  • AlyseConsiglio May 9 @ 9:46 PM EDT
    A5) Our new courses- Genius Hour and Entrepreneurship totally employ design thinking. It's really real life stuff. Skills not content. I love seeing kids pursue their interests and passions with a little guidance and a platform to produce it. #ohedchat
  • GSmit4Character May 9 @ 9:46 PM EDT
    Thanks for the feedback and your insightful observation #ohedchat
    In reply to @walkchrysj
  • GSmit4Character May 9 @ 9:47 PM EDT
    Great observation. #ohedchat
    In reply to @ItsAMrY
  • CRCarter313 May 9 @ 9:47 PM EDT
    It’s always about relationships! ❤️❤️ #JoyfulLeaders #TeacherAppreciationWeek #KidsDeserveIt #BeTheOne #TeachBetter #ohedchat #NCTEvillage
    • KarenCarney3 May 9 @ 9:46 PM EDT
      Thank you for the kind words! You made my day! ❤️
      In reply to @CRCarter313, @NicholasFerroni, @arrowscoach
  • RLong308 May 9 @ 9:47 PM EDT
    A4: I greet every Ss I see every AM by saying “Good Morning & their name” ! Sometimes we talk about their night before or weekend before. We can end up being the best part of a Ss day! #positivity #ohedchat
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:47 PM EDT
    Remember to follow the amazing educators in this chat and build your PLN. I challenge you to follow at least 5 new people tonight! #ohedchat
  • mjjohnson1216 May 9 @ 9:48 PM EDT
    Solving a problem ... makes sense #ohedchat
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:49 PM EDT
    I am so intrigued by design thinking--my summer reading might just have to focus on this topic #ohedchat
    In reply to @mjjohnson1216
  • Vroom6 - Moderator May 9 @ 9:49 PM EDT
    A5: Next school year the @HCSD_ILC will offer an entire experience around design thinking at our middle level. A team of teachers, cluster of S’s and NO barriers. A dream opportunity for all. #ohedchat
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:50 PM EDT
    Time for Q6 in 1 minute #ohedchat
  • Vroom6 - Moderator May 9 @ 9:50 PM EDT
    Exactly! #ohedchat
    In reply to @AlyseConsiglio
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:50 PM EDT
    Can I be a student in that class!!! #ohedchat
    In reply to @Vroom6, @HCSD_ILC
  • AlyseConsiglio May 9 @ 9:50 PM EDT
    Come visit anytime! After this year I was thinking of putting together a video compilation of student projects...just a matter of organizing. First year has been wildly successful though #ohedchat
    In reply to @Haole_josh
  • mjjohnson1216 May 9 @ 9:50 PM EDT
    Whew ... that took some work to locate five people in this chat to follow - mission accomplished! I do love following more people - thanks for adding this. #ohedchat
    • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:47 PM EDT
      Remember to follow the amazing educators in this chat and build your PLN. I challenge you to follow at least 5 new people tonight! #ohedchat
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:51 PM EDT
    Q6 #ohedchat The end of the year is upon us, how do you facilitate reflection among our staff and students this time of year?
  • gdorn1 May 9 @ 9:51 PM EDT
    A5. Design thinking is understanding the prob., testing it, finding soln., testing solns., making nec. changes, for improvements in process. This can be applied to teaching in regards to taking a prob/ into a passion proj. and having Ss work at it and take it beyond. #ohedchat
  • mjjohnson1216 May 9 @ 9:51 PM EDT
    Yes!! Totally agree. Please tag me with what you decide to read and I will post it in #BookCampPD Great learning with others. #ohedchat
    • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:49 PM EDT
      I am so intrigued by design thinking--my summer reading might just have to focus on this topic #ohedchat
      In reply to @mjjohnson1216
  • burk_kburk2 May 9 @ 9:52 PM EDT
    #ohedchat A6: I reflect upon things by reviewing documentation and writing down my day in a glance.
  • TebnerEbner May 9 @ 9:52 PM EDT
    A6: I love when students can see concrete examples of their work from the fall and their work now. Irrefutable evidence of their growth. #ohedchat
  • mjjohnson1216 May 9 @ 9:52 PM EDT
    WOW! Would love for them to be guests during a chat and share their before/during/after reflections. Wouldn't that be so very cool? We could all learn from them. #ohedchat
    In reply to @Vroom6, @HCSD_ILC
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:53 PM EDT
    A6-I love to spend time talking to teachers about the school year and how they've grown. I think the end of the year is a great time to goal set for next year too #ohedchat
  • MrWellsScience May 9 @ 9:54 PM EDT
    A6: Usually I have had my students fill out a Google Form where they write a few sentences to my students NEXT year... sort of "What I know now that I wish I would have known then." Its a great way for them (and me) to reflect on the successes & failures of the year #ohedchat
  • MrHartzlerMath May 9 @ 9:54 PM EDT
    I have conversations with students. Sometimes over lunch sometimes during class, but when I start saying things that I wished went better and am honest with them they provide all kinds of feedback. I usually end up taking notes and asking follow up questions. #ohedchat
  • mjjohnson1216 May 9 @ 9:54 PM EDT
    A6. How about saving this graphic below, starting a Morning Meeting or classroom discussion around these seven ideas? Sometimes we have to guide new experiences (reflection) #ohedchat
  • jillcolaw May 9 @ 9:54 PM EDT
    A6 what I really want to accomplish is to take time for students to reflect all year- not just at the end. One of my goals for next year. #ohedchat
  • RLong308 May 9 @ 9:55 PM EDT
    A6: I assist my Tt, I do lunch/recess duties. I am always tweaking my processes and trying to improve what I do. I want the Ss’s input. I ask the Ss what they think...I want to know what they want @ recess! #ohedchat
  • MrHartzlerMath May 9 @ 9:55 PM EDT
    A6: I have conversations with students. Sometimes over lunch sometimes during class, but when I start saying things that I wished went better and am honest with them they provide all kinds of feedback. I usually end up taking notes and asking follow up questions. #ohedchat
  • jillcolaw May 9 @ 9:55 PM EDT
    This is great! #ohedchat
    In reply to @mjjohnson1216
  • TebnerEbner May 9 @ 9:55 PM EDT
    A6: For personal reflection, I like to look at what worked well over the year and WHY, as well as what I want or need to change. I have several goals for next year already. #ohedchat
  • cj_williams13 May 9 @ 9:55 PM EDT
    A6: Lean in. Talk with teachers about what worked, what didn’t work, and what to think about over the summer. Ask students about how they grew and times they were brave. Encourage them and help them get excited for the next chapter! #ohedchat
  • gdorn1 May 9 @ 9:56 PM EDT
    A6. After asking questions, giving Ss time to reflect and digest what they have learned in order to answer those questions. Some Ss may chose to journal or sketchnote their thoughts, others verballize. #ohedchat
  • jessdcahill May 9 @ 9:56 PM EDT
    A6- #ohedchat Jumping in late... but have been reading all the answers! I have a meeting with each teacher at the end of the year to reflect on their goals and to jot down an idea for their goal for next year- then I can pull that out in the fall. It is a great time of year!
  • TebnerEbner May 9 @ 9:56 PM EDT
    I love the 'times they were brave' part. They don't always see themselves that way. When they can see that, it's HOPE and power for future challenges. #ohedchat
    In reply to @cj_williams13
  • ItsAMrY May 9 @ 9:57 PM EDT
    #ohedchat A6: About a month ago I asked them to write a reflection on how they wanted to feel and what they wanted to think about themselves as they drove away for the summer. (In terms of performance/effort in my class.) Now I ask them to look back on that reflection each week.
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:57 PM EDT
    Thanks to all of you for joining #ohedchat tonight! Come back next week as I moderate with @AlyseConsiglio Should be super fun! See you next week everyone.
  • AlyseConsiglio May 9 @ 9:57 PM EDT
    A6) I want staff to reflect on their classes, and help me reflect. I send out an anonymous survey/eval. Honest feedback is critical for growth #ohedchat
  • MrWellsScience May 9 @ 9:58 PM EDT
    I spent an entire day earlier this year doing this (and you know why, Clay! lol). What the Ss revealed was amazing #ohedchat
    In reply to @MrHartzlerMath
  • Jacki_prati - Moderator May 9 @ 9:58 PM EDT
    Glad you're here! #ohedchat
    In reply to @jessdcahill
  • mjjohnson1216 May 9 @ 9:58 PM EDT
    Terrific! I just love knowing that when I spend time in Twitter chats sharing this or that a connection is made and someone actually uses it. You warm my heart #ohedchat
    In reply to @jessdcahill, @Jacki_prati
  • TebnerEbner May 9 @ 9:58 PM EDT
    Thanks, @Jacki_prati, for leading a great chat tonight! Looking forward to next week! #ohedchat
  • jillcolaw May 9 @ 9:58 PM EDT
    Thanks for “hot” chat @Jacki_prati #ohedchat
  • gdorn1 May 9 @ 9:59 PM EDT
    Thank You! #ohedchat
  • mjjohnson1216 May 9 @ 10:00 PM EDT
    @Jacki_prati awfully glad to know that during the summer you will be "losing sight of the shore" on your learning adventure! Thank you for moderating tonight's chat! #Ohedchat