Meet and chat with colleagues about Universal Design for Learning (UDL) on Twitter! The best hour of professional learning you'll get in 30 minutes. Held the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 9-9:30PM ET.
Hey All! So excited for my first #UDLchat moderation #nervous! Tonight we are talking assessment and data! Please introduce yourself (name, location) and your favorite teaching redo moment! #UDLchat
Zach Smith - Fresno/Sanger, CA - My favorite redo moment was during an formal observation. The kids weren’t getting it, so we scrapped that lesson portion and found a new representation! My principal loved it! #UDLchat
Kimberly from Fresno, California @FresnoKremenEdu My redo moment would be when teaching Kindergarten we made bird feeders with peanut butter and seeds. And yes, peanut allergies... (everyone was ok) #UDLchat
Joni Degner, UDL facilitator from Columbus, IN—the Midwest Mecca of Architecture! I have a million teaching redo moments every single day with my two little boys. #udlchat
Jennifer- from Kentucky! Teaching redo: I was trying to teach a bunch of dyslexic/ADHD elem. Ss with dance moves using LEFT and RIGHT. They were strugglin'. So, I grabbed a red and lime green marker and drew a red dot on their RIGHT hand and a lime dot on their LEFT. #udlchat
Hiya! I'm Katie from Clovis (near Fresno). I have the privilege to work in @SangerUnified and my favorite teaching redo moment is restarting a whole lesson on fractions because I knew it was bombing and I needed a different representation. #UDLchat
Popping in for a really quick hello, #UDLchat fam… having an emergency root canal tomorrow and the pain is winning tonight. I’ll catch up with the awesome transcript when I’m back to 💯. [GIF: woman with a half-numb face saying, "I had a woot canaw!"]
Jennifer from Kingston, ON. I have many 'redo' moments from my first year especially when I teaching phys-ed and didn't know any of the rules! #udlchat
Hi all! Hillary from Maine. Just did a redo of exploring @texthelp Read and Write for our learners. The learners construct their understanding based on the goal. Powerful! #UDLchat
#UDLchat Kim from WI. Favorite redo moment is with my now 4yr. old when I had instructed him to pee in yard if emergency. he, overgeneerslized and thought that meant he could also pop in neighbors yard.
A1- As a wise teacher told me...if the students aren’t engaged, they aren’t learning. Focusing on the why and the goal will improve learning and test scores. #udlchat
Hi, Erika Kahlenbeck from Columbus and my redo moment would be not getting closer to all of my great co-workers my first year of teaching. #togetherisbetter#udlchat
A1 - Students doing pretest or similar were able to reflect on areas of improvement and set goals prior to the lesson series. Improved scores AND better understanding of learning process #UDLchat
#Udlchat A1. I've seen implementation of UDL give students more avenues to the goal. Student achievement outcomes increase, but more importantly an awareness of what they need to learn and a clear map of how to get there.
Hi, Meg from Pa. Sorry I am late. When kids are in environments where instruction is designed for variability, they work harder for their teachers. #UDLchat
A1: since the skill is the focus of attention in the universal design of a lesson, the performance gradually improves in the performance test, in addition an iterative process must be designed thats allows students to improve their performance #UDLchat
A1. I loved seeing students fall in love with there scratch paper because of all the drawings and strategies they could use it for. To the point where one girl was heartbroken to have to return it. Evidence of ownership!! #UDLchat
Robin from Pa! Hi everyone! If we are strong in reflecting on our teaching we will have many of these redo moments! My first one was while student teaching...underscored for me the value of relationships with our students...never forgotten that one #UDLchat
A1: Confidence is HUGE! When Ss feel like they have mastered the content in class, they often feel more confident and perform better on exams. Also, explicitly teaching test-taking strategies helps Ss performance on standardized tests. #udlchat
A1: when proctoring the SAT I saw many of my students skimming the questions and marking them up before reading the long passages. Strategies we had been practicing in close reading and analysis. It was so hard not to show them how amazing they were right then. #UDLchat
A1. I try to offer choice in exam case studies. I’m not sure if grades improved, but students reported that they appreciated the choice. I call that a win. #UDLchat
Q2. How specifically can we use UDL to support students (maximize executive functioning, minimize threats and districts, etc.) when it comes to standardized tests? #UDLchat
Joining late! Theresa from Fresno/Sanger, CA. Fav redo moments - when I realize I am doing too much talking (and thinking) for students & I take time to give them time to digest & discuss info with partners #UDLchat@SangerLearns
#Udlchat A1. I've seen implementation of UDL give students more avenues to the goal. Student achievement outcomes increase, but more importantly an awareness of what they need to learn and a clear map of how to get there.
I love the retooling of assignments in my grad courses! Inviting learners to show what they know in a way that makes sense for them is priceless and I’m Always blown away by their knowledge and creativity. #udlchat
A1: I love seeing students know exactly what they individually need to be successful on an assessment (highlight, take notes, use scratch paper, chew gym, etc.) because they are aware of their needs as a learner. #udlchat
A2: @Culpzilla mentioned practicing test-taking strategies in class. This can be so effective because for some Ss it feels like they have the "inside scoop" on how to perform well on exams! #udlchat
A2- beyond teaching good test taking strategies, I also think under the UDL framework that self-regulation is just as important for as long as we are asking kids to sit and focus. #udlchat
#UDLchat A2 Creating opportunities for student to experiment with various methods of tracking progress will lead to their success. Giving students room to learn what works best for them minimizes the threat before the standardized test.That learning transfers to during the test
A2: UDL teaches Ss to charge of their own learning, know the supports they need, and gain confidence in their own ability....bring on that test!!#UDLchat
A1 Teaching AP lit, my kids HAD to write 3 essays in 2 hours. Scaffolded writing instruction, engineered opportunities to discover what makes a good essay, & giving freedom to develop strategies ensured that they were not only ready for the test, but ready for anything. #udlchat
A2: Love this! Also accepting who they are as a human and learner and creating a safe spaces to grow and persevere. That cocoon/chrysalis/butterfly analogy comes to mind. #UDLChat
A2: The reality is that a lot of careers require assessments. The magic of UDL is helping students know more about themselves as learners and what they need to be successful. And that it's okay if what you need is different from someone else's needs. #udlchat
A1: I have observed my college students translate learning from interactive "hands on" learning experiences to their essay writings on tests...building with legos...building collaborative partnerships! #UDLchat
A1- As an art teacher my students do not take standardized testing for art, but I have seen how UDL principles help students engage with the material and create a meaningful learning experience when they are able to express themselves. #UDLchat
#udlchat A2) Minimize threats/distractions providing choice in where/how they feel most comfortable testing. Familiarity with format is huge. Exec. skills: Utilizing strategies that help plan and organize information.
Q2. How specifically can we use UDL to support students (maximize executive functioning, minimize threats and districts, etc.) when it comes to standardized tests? #UDLchat
Q3. In building capacity of educators we work with, how do we answer the question of "what about the test?" when it comes to UDL implementation? #UDLchat
A2. By helping Ss learn to be flexible in their choice of tools & strategies. Providing feedback & engaging in reflection can help Ss can learn how to make strategic choices & how to be persistent. Good for tests, great for life #udlchat
A2 UDL helps Ss reflect on their learning and they should begin to see that any assessment is just one aspect of their progress, one test is not the whole picture of what they know. #UDLchat
A3- teaching to the average student (most test prep) will continue to get you average results. Let’s start designing the learning environment for everyone so everyone can learn. #udlchat
A3. Offer options. tests are just an option. Let’s get creative and think beyond tests and presentations. Students can express themselves in many ways. #UDLchat
A3. The best way to nail a test is to know it know the concepts inside and out! The best way to do that is to have them taught in a Universally Designed way!! #UDLchat
A3: Helping them keep the focus on the goal of learning, not the goal of taking tests. If kids can learn via a flexible approach to instruction and assessment, they will be able to engage with that test successfully! #UDLchat
Q3. In building capacity of educators we work with, how do we answer the question of "what about the test?" when it comes to UDL implementation? #UDLchat
A3a: It's not always Ss' lack of content knowledge that hurts them on tests. Test-taking is also about time-management, attention, self-regulation, goal-setting, strategies, and much more. UDL helps with all that other stuff so Ss can more easily show what they know. #udlchat
A3 As a leader of a new District, we are just starting our UDL Journey. I always tell the staff that the ”test” takes care of itself when we provide rigorous, relevant, learning experiences which include very clear goals. #UDLchat
A3: Any skills we teach for the test have to translate to life. UDL helps students to constantly use what they know to figure out what they do not.Student in UDL environments make the best use of all supports to reach for the stars.The "test" is just a metaphor for life. #udlchat
Q3. In building capacity of educators we work with, how do we answer the question of "what about the test?" when it comes to UDL implementation? #UDLchat
A3: Working some elementary teachers right now. They are new to UDL. Some have chosen to do options for assessments (projects) AND their district-mandated assessments. They want to show parents “real and meaningful” representations of learning. #UDLchat
A3b: Also, if Ss have been engaged throughout the rest of the semester, and have been taught with mult. means of rep. and assessed with mult. means of action/exp. they are going to have a deeper understanding of the content, which will help with test performance. #udlchat
A3: UDL arms Ss with the tools to tackle "the test" without teaching to the test. Knowing how to apply their learning makes "the test" a piece of cake.#udlchat
A3. I’m kind of repeating myself here, but when we foster purposeful, motivated, resourceful, knowledgeable, strategic, goal-directed learning, were setting up learners who can take on anything...project, job, test...anything. #udlchat
A3: T’s I’m working with are starting to look at what they can do differently rather than just what they can get their Ss to do differently eg checking accessibility of their language in test instruction/ques using Fog Index
A3- I would say the test is just one way to show how certain students acquire information, but create a meaningful and individualized learning experience with UDL and the students will be proud and ready to show what they have learned. #UDLchat
Q3. In building capacity of educators we work with, how do we answer the question of "what about the test?" when it comes to UDL implementation? #UDLchat
A4. FALL IN LOVE WITH GROWTH before regression!! Growth benefits your learners at the bottom of a score profile because they have the most potential to grow! #UDLchat
A3: the evaluation of the test must be considered and this implies realizing the fundamental value that this process has for the adequate decision making about the process of each student #UDLchat
A4: I read a really good article about a professor that analyzed her Ss' test scores by demographic. She could see that the way she was teaching was not effective for ALL her Ss, and she plugged in culturally responsive pedagogy to help fill that gap. #udlchat
A4. FALL IN LOVE WITH GROWTH before proficiency!! Growth benefits your learners at the bottom of a score profile because they have the most potential to grow! #UDLchat
A3 - UDL develops expert learners who are strategic & resourceful. Expert learners are not experts in content but experts in how to learn, manage time, be strategic and so much more! #udlchat
A4 - Focus on where a student started and celebrate the growth of where they finished. Not everyone learns on the same timeline and that’s fine. #udlchat
Assessment is part of learning, whether informal or formal. With #UDL, we can reframe assessment to help us shape more effective learning experiences. Thank you @digitallearnudl & @zsmithteach for a fantastic convo. Join us Oct 3 for our next live #UDLchat with @DegnerJoni!
#UDLchat Opportunity preceeds ability. Give students the opportunity to choose, to try, to stretch, to bend, to achieve more than they ever thought they could. The data is the lowest rung on the ladder.The supports in a UDL environment make the sky the limit. #LETSDOTHIS
A4 The scores from an assessment given one-time year is only one piece of data. Kids do amazing things EVERY Day! We need to celebrate but really challenge kids with instruction built around the data we know. #UDLchat
A4: offer many means of representation so students can highlight their strengths and talents. Then use data to inform what you will do differently as a teacher. Finally, give feedback that is exactly the next step for the learner but also celebrates areas of growth. #UDLchat
Couldn’t agree more! It’s worth spending the time articulating the big idea with colleagues and sharing this with Ss so everyone is clear on the destination but can choose their own route to get there. #udlchat
A3 - Planned an ELD + Writer’s Workshop 6-week lesson series. Our PLC used the standards & final rubric to identify clear goals & mini lessons needed to build up students’ skills. The “tights” helped reveal the flexibility & choices for lessons and final writing task #udlchat
Currently exploring the potential of self-reported grades to measure growth in relation to individual S rather than against cohort. Anyone else tried this? @john_hattie#udlchat#visiblelearning
A4 - Data doesn’t always tell the whole story. We need to remember the faces behind each data point or test score. Our students are more important than numbers #UDLchat