#Satchat is a weekly Twitter conversation for current and emerging school leaders that takes place every Saturday morning at 7:30 EST. Co-founders and co-moderators are Brad Currie, Scott Rocco, and Billy Krakower. #Satchat's mission is to expand educator's Personal Learning Network (PLNs) that in turn will promote the success of all students.
WELCOME TO #satchat
Topic: Laptops and Lectures: Finding Their Place in Education
Your moderators are: @TheBradCurrie@wkrakower@ScottRRocco
Let's start the chat by introducing ourselves, what we do in education and where we are from!
Good morning and welcome to the first #Satchat of 2018, our 7th year in the @Twitter chat world. Today we talk about Laptops and Lectures: Finding Their Place in Education. You can find the questions here: https://t.co/lEagUVtA88. Please introduce yourself.
Good morning and welcome to the first #Satchat of 2018, our 7th year in the @Twitter chat world. Today we talk about Laptops and Lectures: Finding Their Place in Education. You can find the questions here: https://t.co/lEagUVtA88. Please introduce yourself.
He is the greatest troll that ever lived. That “like,really smart” line will send liberals into orbit. You’d think his humor would be obvious by now, but apparently not.
....Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart. Crooked Hillary Clinton also played these cards very hard and, as everyone knows, went down in flames. I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star.....
WELCOME TO #satchat
Topic: Laptops and Lectures: Finding Their Place in Education
Your moderators are: @TheBradCurrie@wkrakower@ScottRRocco
Let's start the chat by introducing ourselves, what we do in education and where we are from!
Proud moment for @wkrakower@ScottRRocco and I as we are currently working on the 4th Annual Tomorrow’s Classrooms Today Conference that is being held at Rider University on May 18 and 19. We hope you can join us for this innovative 2-day event https://t.co/DKYGPX2YiU#satchat
@Hinton_PKthru3 I am the elementary principal. Interested in how this topic could change how we reach our students and carry on into higher grades and college. #satchat
Good morning #satchat PLN
Great to see you all here in 2018
Scott, proud superintendent of @WeAreHTSD and co-founder of #satchat
Let's chat. Q1 coming up in 1 minute.
Q1 Based on your experience, does the presence of technology (i.e. a laptop) assist or impede a student's ability in a classroom when a teacher is presenting information? #satchat
Good morning and welcome to the first #Satchat of 2018, our 7th year in the @Twitter chat world. Today we talk about Laptops and Lectures: Finding Their Place in Education. You can find the questions here: https://t.co/lEagUVtA88. Please introduce yourself.
Q1 Based on your experience, does the presence of technology (i.e. a laptop) assist or impede a student's ability in a classroom when a teacher is presenting information?
#satchat friends, would be very grateful for votes for my #ISTE proposals:
teaching digital media literacy
and leveraging social media in the college process
They are crowdsourcing presentation selections this year!
If students have #EdTech available (laptops, tablets, mobile devices), how much lecture-type presenting is really needed? Teachers can put the instruction and models on a space like Google Classroom, get off the stage, and coach kids.
Q1 Based on your experience, does the presence of technology (i.e. a laptop) assist or impede a student's ability in a classroom when a teacher is presenting information? #satchat
A1 - It, of course, depends on the student and the technology...can the student refrain from looking at social media or some other distractor? #satchat
A1: Technology is a game-changer in education. When integrated in a balanced and intentional way, it can prove beneficial for students & teachers. Technology provides stakeholders opportunities to learn, assess, share, create, & communicate in a timely & efficient manner #satchat
A1: The culture of the classroom plays a major role. If Ss are in an environment where they want to learn and grow, then a laptop or other technologies won't be a distractor #satchat
A1: It depends on the class level, younger Ss aren’t as adept at note taking and need to learn to process, laptops might not be efficient, higher grades do better, but a blend of strategies is comprehensive! #satchat
A1 Laptops definitely impede attention. Some Ss (and Ts) can look over the wall, listen, and be fully present. Most can’t do it. I can’t do it. #satchat
Happy New Year! Hope you will check out the EduMatch Snapshot in Education (2017): Volume 2: Professional Practice! Get your copy at https://t.co/e6t5Oh14pF… #edusnap17#satchat
Q1 Based on your experience, does the presence of technology (i.e. a laptop) assist or impede a student's ability in a classroom when a teacher is presenting information?
A1 #satchat so this is interesting b/c rarely do I try and do both at the same time - either I have Ss on their devices and I circulate, or I "lecture" -- but I really really don't lecture, we do "activities" to facilitate the learning
A1 In my experience it depends on the age/grade level of the student, the way the teacher presents the info, the kind of info being presented and how the tech is being used. #satchat
Q1 Based on your experience, does the presence of technology (i.e. a laptop) assist or impede a student's ability in a classroom when a teacher is presenting information? #satchat
A1: Based on classroom observations, I’d say that procedures need to be in place for when kids need to be fully present. Some Ts will announce “45 degrees” so that computer screens are not distractors #Satchat
A1: Good morning from Saline, MI. There is too much good going on with technology to have it impede the classroom. We must educate kids on how to be good digital citizens. #satchat
A1: if technology is working alongside the lesson, it is a great tool to assist. If it feels like an extra or if the tool is first, it can impede. #satchat
Q1 Based on your experience, does the presence of technology (i.e. a laptop) assist or impede a student's ability in a classroom when a teacher is presenting information?
A1 When I'm presenting info, students are seated together in a discussion area. Chromebooks stay in lockers under the lab tables until students need them for research. Too much distraction potential if students have them open while we're talking. #satchat
A1 Sadly, I have to admit that tech can get in the way at times when a T is presenting. But why is the T presenting? Why aren't the Ss more active? We need to teach Ss how best to use tech, so they recognize when it helps and when it needs to go away. #satchat
A1) I've seen more examples where it's assisted rather than impeded. Look at any administrative meeting, multiple devices are present and being used. #satchat
Q1 Based on your experience, does the presence of technology (i.e. a laptop) assist or impede a student's ability in a classroom when a teacher is presenting information? #satchat
#satchat A1 I have found technology to help more helpful than not. As an advocate for the introverted #student, I recognize the way in which technology fosters safe communication. If I need #students to close their laptops, I need only say that.
A1: I believe laptops CAN be used as a positive tool during a lecture, to gain valuable student feedback, for example. Has to be used appropriately! #satchat
A1. It depends on the task. If Ss don't find value, tech can be an outlet/distraction. If they find value, it enhances and benefits Ss and Ts. #satchat
A1 Depends on the learner and level of engagement ... sometimes in PD I will look up things pertaining to what is being discussed ... sometimes I am just reading the news. #satchat
A1 This depends on how the teacher presents the information through enthusiasm in addition to the structure and community that has been embraced and implemented in that classroom. The technology is a great avenue to deliver content when done in an engaging way #satchat
Q1 Based on your experience, does the presence of technology (i.e. a laptop) assist or impede a student's ability in a classroom when a teacher is presenting information?
A1 It comes back to engagement. If any student is engaged, technology will not distract them. If they are not, there are other things a click away that will engage them. #satchat
A1: In our Kindergarten classroom, our SMART Board is an integral part of the presentation of new information and interactive involvement/responses from our students. It’s a ‘natural’ part our our learning day. #satchat
A1: Truly could do both• Depends on T•• so must empower Ts and build capacity so it assists. Just had a critical conversation yday about use of laptops w/a T. Must model expectations to Ss: then it's a #GameChanger#SatChat ❤️
Q1 Based on your experience, does the presence of technology (i.e. a laptop) assist or impede a student's ability in a classroom when a teacher is presenting information? #satchat
A1: Research - we learn more when we write by hand. That being said, I've gotten great benefit live tweeting & back-channeling during lectures. If transfer of info is key, hand notes are better. If goal is to spark creativity, discussion, and innovation tech is great. #satchat
A1: A device can assist with teacher info delivery if the teacher is leveraging it. If the teacher is ignoring or fighting it, the device is a vehicle for distraction. The device isn't the problem... lack of student engagement is #satchat
A1: Technology is a game-changer in education. When integrated in a balanced and intentional way, it can prove beneficial for students & teachers. Technology provides stakeholders opportunities to learn, assess, share, create, & communicate in a timely & efficient manner #satchat
A1: If there is a culture of technology in the classroom, it can definitely assist. Also having the presentation on the laptop where students can take notes would assist, as well! #satchat
A1: #satchat I would ask to what extent "the teacher is presenting information." Technology can help, especially if it's enhancing on-task learning. It's not the tech that's the challenge--It's how we use our tools. https://t.co/UMIJRmzGji
A1: In K-8, I would say impede due to the fact that it can distract them. Cool Math Games anyone? Also cause them to miss instructions but for my own or adult learning I take notes & look up rel resources. Certainly a double standard. What do we need to teach our Ss? #satchat
It depends on the maturity level of the student. Can a student stay focused on the lesson or will they be distracted by a game they want to play? #satchat
Q1 Based on your experience, does the presence of technology (i.e. a laptop) assist or impede a student's ability in a classroom when a teacher is presenting information?
A1:When I taught in school w/1:1 iPads there was the potential for Ss to be distracted while I was presenting. Rules put in place Ss knew iPad had to be faced down while I was presenting. They were mostly responsible. #satchat
A1. It depends on the task. If Ss don't find value, tech can be an outlet/distraction. If they find value, it enhances and benefits Ss and Ts. #satchat
A1: Research - we learn more when we write by hand. That being said, I've gotten great benefit live tweeting & back-channeling during lectures. If transfer of info is key, hand notes are better. If goal is to spark creativity, discussion, and innovation tech is great. #satchat
A1: It depends on how the presenting educator. Is the tech enabling the students to participate? Do the participants have a voice in the direction of the presentation? If not, it’s usually email time for most! #satchat
purposeful use of tech, not just tech for tech's sake - many struggle w/ the line here and I think it's b/c some of us are still "new" to modifying our lessons #satchat
A1: The use of technology will only assist if it adds value to the lesson, if it allows to do something that would otherwise not be possible. The use of technology has to be intentional.
A1 b It can be a good thing if the tech is providing a way for Ss to become part of the presentation, connect with each others, share ideas and Qs about the info presented. #satchat
A1 Do Kids stay “engaged” while using tech in classroom because they are truly “engaged” or because they are compliant and afraid to step out of line ... does it matter? #satchat
A1 I think it is wonderful when a student does a search for something I mention in a discussion & enriches the conversation by sharing the knowledge they just learned. Best part of teaching in Internet Age #satchat
We must be careful. Yes, technology is vital if we wish learning in schools to be relevant to the world outside. Yet we must ensure that the best parts of humanity - empathy, compassion, etc. remain at the heart of education if we are to avoid a society w/o those traits. #satchat
A1: #satchat I would ask to what extent "the teacher is presenting information." Technology can help, especially if it's enhancing on-task learning. It's not the tech that's the challenge--It's how we use our tools. https://t.co/UMIJRmzGji
A1: Research - we learn more when we write by hand. That being said, I've gotten great benefit live tweeting & back-channeling during lectures. If transfer of info is key, hand notes are better. If goal is to spark creativity, discussion, and innovation tech is great. #satchat
I find I have less problems with tech distractions when my learning activity is engaging ... most of the time it is not the techs fault ... it is mine. #satchat
A1 I try to keep teacher-directed info short and quick so Ss can get to the tasks on the chromebooks. I’ve go nd that circulating and one on one facilitating is more effective. #satchat
Q1 Based on your experience, does the presence of technology (i.e. a laptop) assist or impede a student's ability in a classroom when a teacher is presenting information?
A1 Mixed - need to have clear expectations 4 students & oversight. Like buying a treadmill 4ur house- will u run on it or use it as a clothesline #satchat
A1: Research - we learn more when we write by hand. That being said, I've gotten great benefit live tweeting & back-channeling during lectures. If transfer of info is key, hand notes are better. If goal is to spark creativity, discussion, and innovation tech is great. #satchat
Even if they do find value in the learning, tech can be a distraction if Ss haven’t learned how to regulate their own attention based on their values. #satchat
Agree. Me too. Research shows we retain more info when we write it by hand, though. Even if we never go back to those notes, the act of hand writing helps with retention of info. Great - if retention of info is what we're after. #satchat
A1: It depends on how the presenting educator engravings the tech within the lesson. Is the tech enabling the students to participate? Do the participants have a voice in the direction of the presentation? If not, it’s usually email time for most! #satchat
A1 - The utility and effectiveness of technology in the classroom is proportional to the planning put forth before the technology is introduced. No planning - Poor outcome; Clear, published intent - high payoff and opportunity for collaborative learning. #satchat
Could literally depend on the day - maybe that S just came from bombing a test in another class & isn't prepared to focus on your subject. I've seen it happen. #satchat
#satchat Same. And it seems like a waste of precious class time to transfer info for an extended period of time. Guided notes are mostly how I handle new info. And foldables.
A1: Research - we learn more when we write by hand. That being said, I've gotten great benefit live tweeting & back-channeling during lectures. If transfer of info is key, hand notes are better. If goal is to spark creativity, discussion, and innovation tech is great. #satchat
A2: Balancing the use of #edtech is along the same lines of balancing the use of a lecture. Students zone out if done in excess or not planned out well. Just like with any other instructional practice, if it helps enhance learning the content at hand then try it out #satchat
I have to agree with @HeatherLieberm2 The last time I taught a research lesson in an English 101 college class, students would have several windows open. Thus distracted.#satchat
Did u know:
Clinton had a SCIF (Secure Office) at her Chappaqua residence?
->& there was a "fire" there Thurs
She released ONLY 30k of *60K* emails
The FBI/DOJ does not know the criteria
Peter Strzok was involved
All in the latest FBI dump https://t.co/GYqS31Wk2c@GOPPollAnalyst
Agree. Me too. Research shows we retain more info when we write it by hand, though. Even if we never go back to those notes, the act of hand writing helps with retention of info. Great - if retention of info is what we're after. #satchat
s’funny for me every meeting or presentation or learning moment is connected to me using technology to fact check, extend my understanding, and capture my side bar thoughts. Mtgs move pretty fast for me because of the side channelling I do. #satchat
A2: A lot depends on lesson design & classroom management. If classroom rules, procedures established w lesson designed to engage Ss in learning focus issues should be minimized #satchat
#satchat Christians & Patriots, remember & obey! Savior Trump Christ gave up his greedy rich lifestyle to sacrifice his white fat body, blood & hair for our salvation in the name of Trumpism, bigotry, racism, hate, & ignorance. Bow Down. Be Loyal. Praise & Honor. Say Amen!
@MsGrotrian Tha ts great. I did a walkthrough on one of my 7th grade social studies, and they were engaged in this kind of activity. That class had 100% engagement. #satchat
I also don't want Ss to think I know it all, just b/c I'm the teacher - they need to be able to find info for themselves. I want to facilitate discussion, not act as a human encyclopedia! #satchat
Exactly! This is why it's so important to teach Ss how to use tech responsibly. Once a Dr gave me the results of my tests as she perused Facebook on her computer - I could see the screen. #satchat
A1) Student use of technology during a lecture to me always boils down to the students level of comfort with the tool & its purpose. If it enhances the lecture 👍! If it is a distraction & the student is frantically trying to type every word or off task 👎 #satchat
I am with you on this Ned- thankfully my mother made me take typing class in 8th grade. Although I disagreed, mom had a way of making me an offer I couldn't refuse- "ur taking it!" - best move ever made-type like a whiz. #satchat
A1: Research - we learn more when we write by hand. That being said, I've gotten great benefit live tweeting & back-channeling during lectures. If transfer of info is key, hand notes are better. If goal is to spark creativity, discussion, and innovation tech is great. #satchat
A1. The tool would be nacassary for a student who has special learning needs if they need the computer to obtain the information from the teacher. #satchat
A1 It comes back to engagement. If any student is engaged, technology will not distract them. If they are not, there are other things a click away that will engage them. #satchat
I can agree with that (as it would have been pre-computers with doodling during note taking). I guess my concern is the kid who I guess you can say addicted to a certain site and cant help but go there instead of using the tool for its intended purpose. #satchat
A2 We can explicitly teach note-taking skills, including laptop-based note-taking. When students are working on a project that requires laptop use, we can ask them to “screen down” when we give information and then ask them to say back what they’re doing and why. #satchat
Yes! Ss learn how to use their device outside of school for texting, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. we have to teach them how to use the same device to learn, collaborate, research. #satchat
A1 Do teacher prep programs address teaching students how to use tech appropriately in the classroom and how to integrate tech successfully? We must frontload our teaching with the expectations for laptop or other tech use during class to enhance learning. #satchat
A2 There is a balance with all instruction. Using only tech, or only lecture, or only partner share doesn't provide a good learning opportunity. #satchat
A2: Easy, focus on the instruction and THEN the tool. Technology assists students and teachers in many ways, but has to be monitored and vetted to ensure it is effective. #satchat
A2 Balance is a good word. Use of tech needs to be thoughtful, needs to have a purpose. If all you're doing is the same old same old with laptops on desks, it's not going to happen. #satchat
A2: The balance comes with using the techonology tools effectively. Reachers should alwats ask themselves "Does this add to the effectiveness of the lesson?" #satchat
A2: Balance is essential, offering a variety of strategies and tools, supporting the process of using them effectively, blend instructional to engage Ss :) #satchat
I wholeheartedly agree with @msoskil that technology can spark creativity, discussion, and innovation. We must look past the distractions that are seemingly everywhere, and focus on the outcomes. #satchat
A1: Research - we learn more when we write by hand. That being said, I've gotten great benefit live tweeting & back-channeling during lectures. If transfer of info is key, hand notes are better. If goal is to spark creativity, discussion, and innovation tech is great. #satchat
Thanks, Greg. I just collaborated w/ 5 other teachers to write a book on the future of ed and how it needs to balance tech w/ the need for school to remain rooted in the best parts of humanity. Check it out if you wish: https://t.co/xib1a9kBhg#satchat
A2 Decide if the tech is going to add a true learning opportunity and value to the instruction. Will the tech enhance the lesson? Will it provide Ss a better or deeper learning experience? The balance will come if you ask those Qs first. #satchat
A1 I try to keep teacher-directed info short and quick so Ss can get to the tasks on the chromebooks. I’ve go nd that circulating and one on one facilitating is more effective. #satchat
Q1 Based on your experience, does the presence of technology (i.e. a laptop) assist or impede a student's ability in a classroom when a teacher is presenting information?
...and my notebook is right beside my laptop at every meeting I attend. If retention were my only goal I would record the presentation for review later. #satchat
Many kids have told me I use too much tech ... I have to evaluate learning activities to see if tech offers the best tool for the job ... or I am not wanting to print out something in the name of saving a tree #satchat
A2: I think when we design lessons we should ask ourselves: How can I coherently include different components that will engage Ss and hit the objective? (ie-whole group, small group, partner, one on one, use of technology)-takes careful planning! #satchat
#satchat NO greedy corporations or rich ruling elite... or RUSSIANS!
NO cowards, enablers, or traitors in Congress.
NO liars, traitors, racists, crooks, or perverts as POTUS.
I love that...”courtesy mode”! I say “clamshell” please. I always admit that it’s even difficult for me when the chrome is open. Keep it short and sweet though! #satchat
A2: balancing instruction with tech use implies they are either-or options which I don't think is the case. What does instruction mean? stand-and-deliver? (I hope not) Technology requires a change in pedagogy for teaching & learning to happen well #satchat
Ts should think through the best structure for the lesson/objective-sometimes “flipping” the lesson works best, or stations, but there is still value in T directed instruction in moderation #SatChat
A2 Sometimes a workshop approach is best. We do our mini-lessons and let the kids work with technology on the assignments. Monitor and conference with the kiddos. #satchat
A2 comes down to lesson planning, meeting objectives, differentiation and knowing your students. How else are any tools selected for teaching a lesson. #satchat
A1 Yes and No! We need to get our minds around the idea that laptops are tools to enhance a lesson. If it doesn’t add value, then don’t use it. If it does, use it effectively! If you think the Ss are distracted use the 30 degree roll (how far to lower their tops) #satchat
A2: I think this is where Lesson Design becomes so critical• when the planning is intentional and the expectations are modeled and taught•• the focus will be ELITE ❤️ #SatChat
A2: #satchat If instructional activities are relevant and there are active learning opportunities, hopefully students will WANT to and not HAVE to, and the facilitator won't need to worry about balancing anything. https://t.co/KA6IdcgMJf
I don't think that they do very much. I know that all of the new teachers we get have little experience with technology in a classroom situation. It is unfortunate. #satchat
A2: Need to let students have that initial exploration so you can have their attention afterwards. Then small bits of instruction in between their use of it to keep them with you #satchat
#satchat A2 Thirty years ago, if I was using a book to complete research and take notes, my #teacher asked us to put our pens down and look up; now it is "close your chromebook and look up." Different, but not different.
A2: I realize that every teacher has their own journey to take when it comes to technology. But is very hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that many do not see that everything we do is a balance. Technology is not any different. #satchat
Many kids have told me I use too much tech ... I have to evaluate learning activities to see if tech offers the best tool for the job ... or I am not wanting to print out something in the name of saving a tree #satchat
A2: I'm doing it different this yr. I've only 'lectured' a handful of times this yr. typical day sees my Ss engaged in a project or researching and making sense of content on their own. #satchat#sschat
We looked closely at the SAMR Model & The Triple E concept in my building - tech isn't always the answer & we can meet 21st cen learning skills w/out a device, if necessary #satchat
A2: By using formative assessments to track students progress. If technologies aren't enhancing student achievement, put it away for another time. Be flexible and willing to make changes as needed #satchat
A2. Instruction & Tech should be interwoven so that the learning can be achieved through multiple pathways, one of which is connectivity & relationship with Teacher. #satchat
"Something's afoot!"
Early of a Morn
thinking of feet
warming to read I've already written about what's afoot in ME
when others step up w/#Kind#Energy: #Gratitude galore!
💐#ThankYOU—from th'Top of my Mind
to th'Tips of Beachless-in-Chicago❄️Toes!
A2 - Sometimes you have to say "hey, let's put the laptops & phones away and have a deep conversation here" Heck, I have to do this at home w/my own family at dinner table :) #satchat
You make a great point...if the teacher is 'lecturing' but students are free to interact with and ask any questions along the way...is that lecture? Because I lecture, but it is also an ongoing conversation. #satchat
A2) Balance comes from well outlined expectations of the use of the technology & training students how it will be utilized in your particular classroom/environment. We know students have & will use their devices- have to be intentional on how to support its usage #satchat
2) technology is a tool to learn the content and navigate life. Pencils, papers, chrome books, apps, all are tools. They are the means, not the ends. #satchat
I've seen people use a tool just b/c it's the latest thing. Sure, try it out! But understand why you're doing it.. I think ppl tend to drop the ball on that aspect - they're caught up on the novelty #satchat
A2: Technology is tool we use like anything else (textbooks, manipulatives, ext). It's use should be determined by; the desired outcome and student needs. #satchat
#satchat A2: Finding a balance presents a challenge in all aspects of life; it's one that takes time. Achieving balance between work & home took me some years. Ss need assistance with it. It's one of my yearly goals to help them with it.
Q2 Be sure each S has a learning goal/objective with a strategic plan to help them monitor their progress. S goals/objectives should drive focus, not technology. Skill set development is crucial and tech can support tremendously. #Satchat
A2: I hate the word "instruction." I'm not an instructor. I'm a teacher. I do so much more than instruct. I inspire, I create wonder, I spark creativity, I build relationships, I develop passion, I love. And, yes, at times I instruct. Tech is a tool for all those things. #satchat
A2 By undesratdning that technology is a tool. Plan for its use carefully and never introduce tech s part of a lesson until you have had a lesson on the tech. Think end game rather than shiny new object. #satchat
We looked closely at the SAMR Model & The Triple E concept in my building - tech isn't always the answer & we can meet 21st cen learning skills w/out a device, if necessary #satchat
A2 ask Ss their opinion! I had a "Tech Task Force" where Ss, Ts, and Admin came to discuss the use of tech in classrooms - it was incredible what we accomplished and the voices that shared #satchat
Problem with education system is unequal funding of public schools based off property tax zip codes, promoting inequality. Republican philosophy punishing poor performing schools funding rather than reorganizing and investing in technology and teachers dooms system #satchat
I was too. Last time I went to that doctor. But so many adults listen with half an ear while they read e-mails or tweets - maybe we were never taught good manners in this regard? #satchat
My daughter has a "doodling accommodation" in her IEP. She really does feel it helps her retain info, but Ts were giving her a hard time because they thought she wasn't paying attention. #satchat
For me that really depends on the topic & my level of engagement. I certainly do better in discussion forums versus straight lectures. I've been known to count word repetitions when complying to sitting quietly #satchat
A1 Many things in education help learning and many things can impede learning.
Effective classroom management and positive structures and routines are the foundation for technology of any kind being used effectively.
Too add I know Google has come out with extensions where Ts can control Ss screens when presenting. Does anyone know what that extension was called again? #SatChat
Q1 Based on your experience, does the presence of technology (i.e. a laptop) assist or impede a student's ability in a classroom when a teacher is presenting information? #satchat
A2 - as long as tech used in the learning process is purposeful and access is equitable, it can be a uniquely positive tool #satchathttps://t.co/1oQpHiupF0
We work with our teachers on viewing SAMR side-by-side with Bloom's Taxonomy. Push towards Modification & Redefinition like we would synthesis & analysis. #satchat
There are plenty of times when #edtech is not necessary. Some student collaboration should be tech free. Socratic circles, for example, are great for discussion and engagement and require focus, minus the tech.
A follow up reflection blog wouldn't hurt, though. #satchat
A2. I think it’s important for the tech to stay away until it’s needed. It’s also important to know how far away it should be. #satchathttps://t.co/fp0dWorQBG
Too add I know Google has come out with extensions where Ts can control Ss screens when presenting. Does anyone know what that extension was called again? #satchat
Q1 Based on your experience, does the presence of technology (i.e. a laptop) assist or impede a student's ability in a classroom when a teacher is presenting information? #satchat
A3: #satchat Interesting question. My friend @plugusin encourages all educators to teach their students how to "mitigate negative impacts" of technology use. See: https://t.co/T6Y36TXDoe
A2: Hi. Maryann from PA. I don’t think there has to be a balance between tech and instruction. Ss will be distracted by a pencil, eraser bits, classmates, snowflakes.. If the learners are not engaged in instruction/learning, they will lose focus regardless of tech. #satchat
A2 ask Ss their opinion! I had a "Tech Task Force" where Ss, Ts, and Admin came to discuss the use of tech in classrooms - it was incredible what we accomplished and the voices that shared #satchat
A2: Technology can be integrated as a vehicle to deliver and enhance instruction...think of all that can be accessed in the world to enhance information sharing and skill development during instruction. #satchat
Sometimes we learn by exploring tech together. I do a preliminary check for usefulness & ability to engage, then we try it out. For example, my Community Problem Solving students are learning to create Virtual Reality experiences using CoSpaces with blockly coding. #satchat
A2 When schools keep asking this, I wonder how much prep was done to ready the whole school community Ts Ss Ps for the advent of 1:1 Learning. Schools that haven’t often look for the bells and whistles in every lesson.
#satchat A2: Sometimes, my learners are asked (in French) to shut their laptops when we need to focus better as a whole in our little classroom community.
A2 - The use of #edtech and the need for student focus should not be considered mutually exclusive. Instead, Ts should ask themselves "How will using this technology in my classroom enable stud focus, collaboration and learning?" #satchat
A3: Yes, any time the class is building community through class check-ins, circles of sharing, activities designed to build a cohesive classroom culture #satchat
That's awesome! My daughter had Auditory Processing Disorder & should be given notes versus listening & writing. I've often thought she should have the note & write, draw or highlight around it as drawing & images are one of her modes of retaining & understanding. #satchat
A2: Hi. Maryann from PA. I don’t think there has to be a balance between tech and instruction. Ss will be distracted by a pencil, eraser bits, classmates, snowflakes.. If the learners are not engaged in instruction/learning, they will lose focus regardless of tech. #satchat
A2: I know I’ve said it before, but I have a literally said the teachers…would you stir your soup with a can openener? But, if you could use a spoon...would you? Differentiating when and when not to use technology pretty much follows the same thought process. #satchat
I'm guilty for sure, you should see how often Amazon boxes are left on my doorstep!! But when it comes to teaching, we have to be responsible consumers of tech #satchat
A3: If the lesson dorsnt require the use of technology, then it ahould be put away. Students need to learn the art of a great conversation and how it can help them to learn at a high level. #satchat
A3: Technology could be put away during a learning experience such as a Socratic seminar where active discussion between people is at the center of the learning. #satchat
A2 has become defacto lens 4teacher tech integration growth. Important 2recognize that it can also identify the barriers Ts erect when students are evolving 2. ie ‘the lesson does not allow 4 that or the class isnt ready’ Ss sometimes opgradefaster than system players. #satchat
Good morning! I woke up late today! Jennifer Luftop here from Houston, TX. I’m a Dyslexia Therapist and PD Instructor for an educational nonprofit. #satchat
A3 In writing class, I do a musical guided imagery exercise. I need eyes closed and ears open. We write what we imagine. That one is better without tech in kids' hands. #satchat
Unfortunately, this happens way too often. I once got thrown out of a conference presentation because I was live tweeting the info and the presenter told me to get out if I was going to play on my computer and not pay attention. ;) #satchat
A2: We need to shift our focus away fromt the "traditional day" and move to a project based/problem solving curriculum where students have the critical standards weaved into their projects. Tech needs to be their tools for delivery, research, and thru collaboration. #satchat
A3 Even though we live in a technological world I think it is important that students regularly engage in civil, thoughtful, face-to-face conversations. My Class Discussions page https://t.co/tEQ77WmDj7 My Debate page https://t.co/sqmlmD3PRk#satchat
A3 When having a group discussion the technology can be put away. A truly deep and engaging conversation wouldn’t need tech. If you want to look something up later jot it down on a sticky note. #satchat
A2: I know I’ve said it before, but I have literally said to teachers…would you stir your soup with a can openener? But, if you could use a spoon...would you? Differentiating when and when not to use technology pretty much follows the same thought process. #satchat
A3: I think you can do lots #TechFree ••• it goes back to design of lesson and what you are empowering Ss to do••• sometimes we get CRAZYYYYYY and overload tech••• and what about those F2F #moments ••• relationships matter! #SatChat ❤️
3) Anytime technology becomes a process to determine a solution before students are able to process the problem, put it away. We want kids who can question answers. To do this we must teach concepts not just solutions. #satchat
A3 - Any time a lesson isn’t going to be completed entirely in school with equal student access to tech - tech shouldn’t be required. Period. #satchathttps://t.co/1oQpHiupF0
A2 There needs to be reliable wifi throughout the school, even the ovals, so that all classes can benefit. The T needs to ensure that IT is used as a tool for learning, that’s where the balance is! If they’re not learning, why do it? #Satchat
A3 Tech should be put away when students are getting to know one another, talking about their thoughts, ideas, and concerns. There always need to be time for students to realize they are the most important part of the classroom, everything else are extras #satchat
A2 I always try to use and choose my tools based on the #4Cs...collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking. Does it allow Ss to practice one or more? #satchat
A2: Technology can be used to engage students in academic discussion while instruction is occurring. Nearpod is one app I've used and seen used to engage students during lectures and support their learning #satchat
100% yes. Protocols that promote face-to-face, human interactions such as Socratic Seminars and CPR (Circle of Power & Respect) feature eye-contact & active listening are so meaningful. #satchat
A1: if info is being presented then a laptop is only necessary if it’s being used to record that info. But research does not support this use. #satchat
Unfortunately, this happens way too often. I once got thrown out of a conference presentation because I was live tweeting the info and the presenter told me to get out if I was going to play on my computer and not pay attention. ;) #satchat
A3: If the lesson dorsnt need the tech, then keep it put away. The artform of a great conversation is something that our students need to learn. #satchat
A3 When students are collaborating on engineering design planning. If they need to refer to online resources/images, each lab team has only 1 Chromebook open. No personal tech open during science discourse where active listening & contribution are essential. #satchat
A3 #satchat When your goal is to have Ss LISTEN, tech should be away. Listening and responding is a tough skill, like a tennis match - you need to pay close attn to what's being said to respond accordingly
A3 Putting tech away can be the default if we use partner discussions, writing to think, drawing to think, manipulatives (even for older students), games, experiments, and field studies as our primary methods of instruction. #satchat
A3: When the classroom situation requires eye-to-eye contact, group instruction/small group work where true listening is the requirement. Research has proven that we truly cannot multi-task. #SatChat
Many studies link "mental ill" with creativity or a high IQ -- Is Trump really mentally "unfit" or those accused him are too stupid to keep up with a #Genius ?
A3: If technology doesn't add value to the lesson, it shouldn't be used. Technology use simply for the sake of using technology will impede more than assist learning.
"Something's afoot!"
Early of a Morn
thinking of feet
warming to read I've already written about what's afoot in ME
when others step up w/#Kind#Energy: #Gratitude galore!
💐#ThankYOU—from th'Top of my Mind
to th'Tips of Beachless-in-Chicago❄️Toes!
A1 technology is a tool like anything else. In my class as we cover information pertaining to history the question that matters to me is what "skill" are my students learning today. #satchat
A3) I would automatically say testing situations, but more and more testing is moving to the computer/online. Students will need to practice in these formats. Genuine conversation is always a ➕ in classrooms as well w/out devices. #satchat
If an activity doesn’t require tech than why would I want to put it in front of the kids ... that would be as silly as asking the kids to open a textbook when we’re not using it. #satchat
A3: Lessons dealing 1 on 1 or where students need to interact with each other and understand social cues should be tech free. I'd also add the lesson on lab safety should have 100% student attention!!!
A3 Can the lesson organically warrant true face time? When I’m in PD and the presenter demands “SCREENs CLOSED!” I find it creates a bad vibe 😖 #SatChat
A3: We still need that collaborstion time where atudents work cooperatively through problem solving and devices need to be managed; however think how hard this is for adults. We can teach them now. #satchat
A3 Difficult to draw the line. If Ss need to be 100% focused on what's happening in class and there's no good opportunity to engage in the info digitally. Small group conversations or other Ss presenting come to mind. #satchat
#satchat A3 Good Morning! Can we agree, that even with our society's immersion into technology, that there is still a place for books, pencils, and paper? Let's consider the research which supports the act of writing, and its impact on brain development.
Sometimes paper & pencil/pen can be as distracting as a laptop or phone for a learner. And let’s keep in mind that the word technology speak to a much broader spectrum than just electronic devices (low tech, high tech, etc.)! #satchat
A3 Sure. But it is by design not just for the "un"use of technology. Person to person LIVe interaction is an important skillset. Even though we sit here typing away with each other, how cool would this convo be in person with Coffe!?#satchat
Q2. Always take time to discuss learning objectives, technology purpose, and teach learning strategies so Ss can practice & use technology appropriate. Open dialogue is essential #SatChat
A3: Whenever we are working to enhance social skills and interpersonal abilities the technology goes away. I love using a board game or group activity for students to work together and communicate. #satchat
A3: I agreee. Live conversation does not always require tech. Nor does certain physical activities and musical/performance experiences. And when someone is giving directions for a task. #satchat
A3: Technology could be put away during a learning experience such as a Socratic seminar where active discussion between people is at the center of the learning. #satchat
#satchat A3: It's often required when we watch a short lesson-related clip. Otherwise, I don't require it too much. In high school, it can be good to be in touch w/ps when tech is major distraction.
A3. Seriously though, engagement in ‘people in front of me’ time is important and should also be practiced in classroom. Time for human 2 human interaction. #satchat
A3: Learning is about making powerful connections. Rather than thinking of a separation between tech and learning, we need to concentrate on these connections. It's not about putting anything away. It's about the connection. #satchat
I will say we've used @Flipgrid to hold discussions, but they're not the same as actual face-to-face, real time discussions. Ss need to think and respond on their feet at times #satchat
Unfortunately, this happens way too often. I once got thrown out of a conference presentation because I was live tweeting the info and the presenter told me to get out if I was going to play on my computer and not pay attention. ;) #satchat
Proud moment for @wkrakower@ScottRRocco and I as we are currently working on the 4th Annual Tomorrow’s Classrooms Today Conference that is being held at Rider University on May 18 & 19. We hope you can join us for this innovative event https://t.co/K8TYUc2kJ4#satchat#TCT18
A3: There are Times I call for “power down.” It’s when I’m giving directions or teaching a very important point I need students to understand. They know that means pencils down, laptops closed, iPads flipped, phones down. When students have the choice they #power up.” #satchat
I'm giving away 80 (eighty!) animated Cube Conversations lessons...
and I've updated the post to reflect the requests.
1. Multiple Lesson Downloads
2. Grade Level Notation
3. The lesson count is now up to 25!
A2 I’ve used blended learning extensively with Gr12 final year High School Ss. My results were always well above state average. Ask the Ss what they want! I built a class website, to discover all they wanted was a shared Google Drive where everyone could add resources #Satchat
A3: Whenever we are working to enhance social skills and interpersonal abilities the technology goes away. I love using a board game or group activity for students to work together and communicate. #satchat
Let’s be honest ... if you are saying you get 💯% compliant kid behavior 💯 % of the time when using tech I am going to call you out for fibbing or not really paying attention to what they’re doing. #satchat
It’s not the test scores in the classroom, but the grit of students when tested with challenges outside the classroom. #satchat#edchat#SaturdayMotivation
Q1 Based on your experience, does the presence of technology (i.e. a laptop) assist or impede a student's ability in a classroom when a teacher is presenting information? #satchat
#satchat A3. However, there will really not be a place for writing in the near future. We can’t really use the brain development research because evolution has a place in this discussion. If we don’t need it, it goes away.
When given the choice, many of my students now choose paper-based assignments over tech-based alternatives - analog has become the new novelty the way tech once was #satchat
A3: lots of the skills being mentioned here (including listening) can be developed effectively using tech. As a tool for differentiation, instruction, and assessment it a powerful when the teacher & student know how. #satchat
Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Creativity can all be achieved w/out the use of tech - & sometimes we need to pull back on tech and let Ss create, collaborate, etc. w/out devices #satchat
A3: Learning is about making powerful connections. Rather than thinking of a separation between tech and learning, we need to concentrate on these connections. It's not about putting anything away. It's about the connection. #satchat
A3 Just make sure students know what to do during no tech, so you don't start fires of behavior for having no tech. Maybe have schedule on board to see? #Satchat
A1 for new users, tech can often be a distraction. But learning to use it responsibly and avoid distractions is as important as the lesson being taught #satchat
Q1 Based on your experience, does the presence of technology (i.e. a laptop) assist or impede a student's ability in a classroom when a teacher is presenting information?
#satchat A3 I still #read aloud to my #students, and you can hear a pin drop. No matter what technology brings, nothing will replace students #listening and using their #imagination
A4: Absolutely, we are in a time period that is calling Ts to learn new tech skills, effective pedagogy,planning and delivery needs to keep up with the pace our Ss are using tech, good teaching is the beginning #satchat
I have to admit, I wasn't on Twitter in 2012 & I'm sure the most I would have had with me would have been a notebook...#satchat (I had to check my profile to see...2013)
A4 Speaking to a group isn’t necessarily an antiquated practice: look how popular TED Talks and podcasts are. But let’s make sure we invite diverse voices into the conversation, look at and listen to each other (not just wait to speak), and teach purposeful tech use. #satchat
That's an interesting theory - and I tend to agree.. they need instant feedback etc. and I think adults are starting to relate as well -- #AmazonPrime lol #satchat
A3: We put away technology whenever we want to invest time in relationship-building in our classroom. Person-to-person contact/interaction trumps tech use in our classroom, although we still value tech use. #satchat
A3: In my classroom I've noticed a significant difference between reading a story to the students vs. using tech to present one. It's the human interaction/thought missing from the latter. #SatChat
A4: I've always said balance is needed and how we approach / design instruction and learning opportunities needs to change with the generations and modern technology. Too much of one thing or another has never and will never be good. Find the balance! #satchat
If a student is wandering on his/her device, it is necessary for me to reflect "Am I presenting this in an engaging way for my audience?" I could be the one at fault, not the student (still realizing the student is allowing him/herself to be distracted) #satchat
A2: My co-teacher & I strive for the 10 minute rule- switching activities regularly throughout the lesson to stimulate different learning styles. #satchat
A3: the real Q is: If a T helps Ss grow & stretch w/ their lessons & instructional model/methods w/out using tech, is tech even necessary for them? #satchat
A4: Antiquated teaching practices are the barriers for innovatove change in a school. Some of the tried and true methods work, but we have to encourage teachers to grow with the times and stepnputsode the box. #satchat
Saturday thought; Great day to reflect on your influence and leadership. Am I likable? Do others enjoy working with me? Keep working on your fundamentals in 2018! #lead#voice#satchat
A4 The issue might be the teacher who hasn’t yet fully learned how to truly use tech to enhance their teaching. Tech training is essential pd that teachers need! #satchat
A3 finding a stable rationale is tricky, the subjective nature of ‘success’ in classrooms needs to be balanced with both individual as well as group needs. Tech used for Adaptive ends can seem like a distraction to the whole, but absolutley nec to one kid #satchat
A4: I think teaching & learning have gotten to the point in which there is natural integration, so you have a little of this and a little of that. So when there’s little variety in teaching strategies/ways to meet needs, that’s antiquated. #satchat
Don’t sleep on digital breakouts - some of the most energized collaboration I have seen in my 7th graders have come from these content-based, digital scavenger hunts! #satchathttps://t.co/tXdb45qgaZ
It may be a matter of educators actively choosing to abandon the "tabula rasa" mindset. Learners are far from "blank slates". Lecture assumes that they still are, until the teacher changes that. #satchat
A3 For sure! It also comes down your definition of technology. A pen & calculator is technology. It may be that with some paper, that may be the best technology to solve an advanced Calculus problem. It might be the best way to teach perspective & sketching in Art. #Satchat
A4: I'm wrestling here. Are there no formative assessment strategies, guidelines, or learning targets or objectives to meet WHILE using technology? Otherwise, this Q sounds like tools are completely separate from supporting or enhancing learning. #satchat
A4 how do we define a lecture? I like to think of it as connecting the dots ... mine usuallyhappens after learning activities or when I see kids missing the point #satchat
A2 well there is no either tech or instruction in today’s world - kids need to learn to choose tools they need to accomplish rich, challenging work / and to differentiate b/t heads down and heads up needs #satchat
A4 Teaching practices are an important part of this issue. We need to teach in a way that engages Ss. Laptops aren't the problem, they just make it easier to see that Ss are not engaged. #satchat
I know many teachers who rock their lectures - I, am not one of them. If you can keep those kids IN the game for the class period, do it. You do you! #satchat A4
I ignored this first exchange thinking it couldn't be true, but yep, I suppose Chelsea is friendly with the Satanists. #Drake#SatChat#Qanon#MSM#inthenews#love that the hill is reporting on it. #beautiful
With our elementary and middle school students using tech, we set expectations to establish good habits. Typically, when instructions are being given, you don't need your tech. #satchat
A3 Technology is such a part of our lives- kids need to learn balance and how to not emerge themselves too much. We can model and practice this. #satchat
A4: it is about connecting students to content through authentic learning experiences. Sometimes this involves tech, direct instruction or other approaches. The art of teaching is knowing your students and understanding what works best for them to personalize learning #satchat
A2: Technology can be integrated as a vehicle to deliver and enhance instruction...think of all that can be accessed in the world to enhance information sharing and skill development during instruction. #satchat
A4 A bit of both. Communication during a lesson is so important. It's about learning meaninugful ways to dialogue and interact with your class using a variety of media and presentation types to keep it engaging, relevant, and connected. #satchat
A4: I don’t think we’ve shown students the right way to use their device during lectures. However, I also think that the simple act of physically writing notes down is more beneficial, at times, because they “get it.” It’s being processed from brain to paper. #satchat
Yes, but this is an area where teachers need as much training as students. Teachers need to be intentional about when they want/need to use tech and then communicate those expectations clearly to students #satchat
A3: Does the use of technology add value to the lesson? Don’t use technology just for the sake of using technology. I’m a Computer Science teacher. I love technology. Sometimes low-tech approaches are most effective. #satchat
And I think many Ts just find lecturing to be easier FOR THEM. They know the content and they're super excited, but that doesn't always translate to excited Ss A4 #satchat
A3 I think it's important to have balance...sometimes create choice and most importantly beyond anything the #1 priority is student engagement. #satchat
Totally agree...some see it as teacher simply talking non-stop...some see lecture as a conversation led by the teacher...should've started with a definition of lecture for this chat. #satchat
A3: When we first start with learning objectives we must consider the type of emotional/social outcomes we want for our students. Then we move from there. So, yes, we can define tech free learning when appropriate and intentional. #satchat
A4. YES, Teachers love the idea of passing on wisdom/knowledge from a bygone era, but today due to readily available information, we now need to focus on other things. Skills, Habits of mind, Structural writing and so on! #satchat
A4: #satchat I really agree with @Gregbagby's A1 about how technology can add to learning--even if learning activities are sit-and-get, so to speak: https://t.co/Sn8qFyAJ2Q
Agreed! We know developmentally that teens & preteens move into a mode where their social connections take priority & the place where most of their connections lie are their devices #satchat#Canyoubemoreengagingthantheir friends
A3: Learning is about making powerful connections. Rather than thinking of a separation between tech and learning, we need to concentrate on these connections. It's not about putting anything away. It's about the connection. #satchat
A4: I think the issue often involves tech training in isolation of standards-based activities. Don’t just show me the tool and how to use it, show me how I can use it to design an engaging and challenging lesson for the students. #satchat
A4 I like this question. I am facilitating a hybrid grad course in the Spring and will be connecting the online portion to the face to face while also reducing lecture. Big shift in my thinking and planning. Not traditional at all #satchat
A4: Yes and no. It’s important a teacher is somewhat skillful technology before implementing it with their students for instructional benefits #satchat
A4: I suppose without effective and current teaching practices, any type of technology implementation will likely fail. More effective instruction = more chances to use tech! #satchat
A4. It could be. Teachers might get stuck in the way we have always done things mindset. Innovation in pedagogy is necessary. Why not let students have access to tools that they have access to 24 hours a day? #satchat
A4) Truly the 🐥🥚. I believe that 💻📱 enhances any lesson and can lead to amazing products from our students. We have to support our teachers and students on how to best maximize its potential 🐣#satchat
A3 When kids are partners in learning vs recipients , it opens the door to focus together on what respect looks like S2S, T2S, S2T . Including use of a variety of tools from pencils 2 mobile devices #satchat
A4 I dont think the issue is "antiquated teaching methods" some older methods stand the test of time b/c they are great. The issue is bad teaching methods, and that happens with or without the latest technology. We shouldnt bash old just b/c its old #satchat
A4:I think laptop vs lecture idea stems from the fears of technology and Ts worries of losing control. Yes, antiquated thinking. Ts that want to lecture & rule from the front of the room are not comfortable w/technology being a constant. #satchat
Is this not contradictory? The students will need technology of sorts to prepare for Socratic seminars, finding worthwhile evidence for the conversation. And wouldn’t it be helpful to further the conversation w/ a way to research mid-convo? #satchat
Couldn't agree more #satchat - There is place for tech and non-tech in learning. But it should never just be worksheets or busy work in either manner. #learnbydoing
A3 Putting tech away can be the default if we use partner discussions, writing to think, drawing to think, manipulatives (even for older students), games, experiments, and field studies as our primary methods of instruction. #satchat
A3: Yes. Nothing in education is binary except the need for compassion, empathy, and love. Those are "always." Everything else has shades of gray. #satchat
I went into my son’s class to read a story to the class, and I was asked to use an Elmo. I couldn’t look at the book, the screen, and the kids. They were looking at the screen and not me. It took the humanity out of one of the oldest of human interactions: storytelling. #satchat
A4: This Q sums it up perfectly. Tech is a tool that allows Ss to be engaged, curious, collaborative. It allows them to be create, and used correctly sparks curiosity. And all these can be done without the tech - it’s just easier. The behavior above is what we want. #satchat
A4: Funny thing is, I had no tech when I was in school, but I still had distraction and boredom. I think we blamed the passing of paper notes. https://t.co/M4978WQcED#satchat
A4: I think it is about variety in teaching practice. There is still room for elicit instruction and lecture has it's place; it's just not for all kids, just like many other teaching practices. It is important to know how your students learn. #satchat
#satchat A4: The issue of laptops and lectures is absolutely about antiquated teaching and learning practices. I can't even focus for extended periods of time, and I'm Gen X. hehe
A4 Teachers will be more open to stepping out of their comfort zone if they get the training and support in using technology as well as current instructional practices. #satchat
A1: It really depends on the student. If the student is not engaged, it definitely can be a distraction. But if a S is engaged in discussion, tech can enhance as they explore images,vid,content of subject matter. @AmyAmyorr@A_Dalton13@Robertsjess_1#satchat
Q1 Based on your experience, does the presence of technology (i.e. a laptop) assist or impede a student's ability in a classroom when a teacher is presenting information?
I think Ss need to see the value in what they're doing and why they're doing it - if it's not communicated properly, or Ss don't know why tech is being used (or not used) - it can be a lost cause #satchat and this again depends on S-level
A4. I've seen the "issue" highlighted as ableist - removing technology limits access & ability for many. When it's an option only for those requiring access it highlights difference in a public/harmful way #satchat
Dems at this point write a FAKE book
Then they go on social media and REEEE about what is in the book.
meanwhile reality is chugging forward into the future!
A4: If this were true, it would be a sad commentary about the state of education today. Perhaps I’m too much of an optimist, but I have seen a lot of evidence of educators dedicated to changes in practice, over time, based upon changing S learning needs. #satchat
Q5: Knowing that the research indicates students with laptops in lecture classes don't do as well as those without, how should we handle this in our classrooms? #satchat
Totally agree...some see it as teacher simply talking non-stop...some see lecture as a conversation led by the teacher...should've started with a definition of lecture for this chat. #satchat
A4: I think there are many factors. And I am not sure that educators (in general) have fully grasped how to effectively integrate technology. Meanwhile, we are playing catch up with “digital natives”. #satchat
Fault in the sense something is falling short of excellence, and that is sometimes on me, sometimes on the student, sometimes on both. I cant be hard headed enough to never think Im not at fault #satchat
A4: Funny thing is, I had no tech when I was in school, but I still had distraction and boredom. I think we blamed the passing of paper notes. #satchat
A4: The art of teaching is to be able to find the right and best approach for different situations. It requires reflection and planning... and lots of trial and error.
A3: Yes! When I need students to hear, see, or respond to my explicit instruction, tech tools should be put away. I use tech tools when students need assistance showing what they know when reading/writing get in their way. #satchat
A4: This question presumes a lot, mostly negative. Perhaps most damning, however, is its false binary premise. #satchat
And oh, good morning, science teacher from NJ fighting the cold.
A4 Again yes and no! If the Tech is being used by Ss to check email, Facebook, etc, it may be inappropriate. If it’s a medical school lecture on how to read X-Rays & MRIs, maybe the email can wait! If the Ss are using it to get shots of diagrams & build notes, sure!
Love that you mentioned Ts being excited. It's true. Being excited about a topic and wanting to share is a good thing. Just need to find the best way to get Ss excited. #satchat
A4 I debate this in my head a lot. I believe we can easily default to teach how we have been taught in the past. Letting go of those ideals and preconceived notions (students needing to sit for lectures b/c that is how college is) is tough for many #satchat
Exactly. I spoke yesterday with my students for 60 minutes on learning...how we learn, how do we know when we've learned...no technology...just talk. #satchat
As an adult in church, I have my phone pulled up to a website called soniclight, as it deeply explains the context of the text. As the pastor is speaking, at low times I'm reading to dig deeper understanding, while still listening too. How would you handle this in class? #Satchat
A4: The laptop/lecture issue is more about not understanding what we expect students to master. We need to create ads who are critical thinkers, problem solvers, and can defend an argument with evidence. The issue is more complex than lecture/laptop. It’s about the Ss. #satchat
If research says students in lecture classes don't do well if they have laptops, here's a simple solution: Stop being the talking head. Throw out the lecture class.
A4 Why are any teachers lecturing? Let's happily abandon that word and focus on engaging students in active learning, presenting them with genuine problems/situations and working together on investigating, research, critical-thinking & analysis skills. #satchat
A4: Yes and no. Tech can redesign the learning experience or simply replace a traditional practice. Student engagement is a great measurement of which SAMR category you need in your classroom #satchat
#satchat A4 I think this question addresses those #teachers who are reluctant to change, not out of a lack of caring, but out of fear, not understanding, etc. If we can, as a #teaching#community support our colleagues in learning new methods, it changes that school community.
A4 #satchat I think how learning is enriched. Learning is always at the heart of our work because it directly impacts students. Technology offers a variety of ways to have conversations & highlight ideas we're exploring. Learning=connection can lead to collaboration.
It is antiquated tchg...lectures are about sharing knowledge...our kids can find the knowledge they need. We need to facilitate ways they can apply this knowledge. #satchat
Definitely follow @TomEMullaney and @btcostello05 - these two are making amazing digital breakouts that my students (and fellow colleagues) have loved! #satchat
In reply to
@MrDiMauro, @TomEMullaney, @btcostello05
A4: There can be so much value in students using technology during lessons. The key is for teachers to integrate technology into the lesson in such a way that students are using the technology for meaningful, authentic purposes. #satchat
A3) Yes. Any lesson where student 2 student eye contact and collaborative, verbal discussions need 2 take place, encourage a less than 1:1 laptop or similar device. No #edtech seems to supersede the "go 2 the board" group work 2 wrestle with a collaborative problem (yet) #satchat
#satchat A4: It's less about "laptops" and more about the Apps on the laptops. Research shows when people have access to their email, texts, etc. Even if the device isn't open (just present on their desk), they are distracted by it. The habit of "look now!" is hard to overcome.
A5 I guess I want more info on this research b/c I think its highly dependent on the execution. Yes, ppl argue something about brain function - but I don't know if i buy that completely #satchat
A5: Many of those studies that I have read have been small sample sizes or very specific situations. We need to do what's best for our Ss in our classrooms #satchat
Feature your library’s brand new books or a specific genre collection with this Animated Book Covers display. The display is made on Google Slides. It is a slideshow with preset animations on each book cover. https://t.co/YV9s0VoKKv#satchat#librarylife#tlchat#googleEDU
A4: Yes. Hands on, authentic, interesting, challenging work will keep learners focused...most of the time. There will always be distractions, for all of us! And a laptop is a good distraction; phones even better 😀 #satchat
I can’t count how many kids tell me “ I like it when you talk to us” ... “tech is fun and all but I get more from you talking” but what I do is mop ... maybe I should look at it as batting clean up ... my job is to drive in the runs. #satchat
A5: I think it is much more important to hear student voices (either audibly or through their digital posts) than it is to hear mine. Teach student critical thought and agency; ditch the lecture #satchat
A4. Also feel its important to note that using tech in the classroom (even when used well) does not make one an effective T - I would argue that w/o relationship & use of culturally sustaining pedagogy, it doesn't matter what tools are used #satchat
Sensational Saturday is here; Pick up a bunch of flowers & head over to mom & dad's to say "I Love You" & "thanks for everything" & yes, don't forget to give them a tight hug..!! Stay blessed. #SaturdayMorning#SaturdayMotivation#satchat
I just submitted a proposal for the first-ever crowdsourced session selections for #ISTE18
Please take a minute to cast your vote for my session and retweet. Thank you!
Here is the link:
https://t.co/2qU4yQykG8… via @isteconnects
#satchat A5 Just as we have routines and spaces for phones that should not be used during #class, so too we can have a space for other types of #technology
A5: This all depends on the individual student. A one size fits all approach doesn't work. Whatever is the most effective for students is what should be used. #satchat
Yes, Lectures are definitely antiquated IMHO - I have not lectured in years. correction. I have not spent a class period lecturing in years. A4 #satchat
A4 I would add, if you have a world class authority standing in front of you, no matter how antiquated it may seem, maybe it might be worth listening to them. If your a Tweeting from a conference that can get you really engaged with what is happening. #satchat
The African American unemployment rate fell to 6.8%, the lowest rate in 45 years. I am so happy about this News! And, in the Washington Post (of all places), headline states, “Trumps first year jobs numbers were very, very good.”
A5: Begin by analyzing the research study to determine everything from sample size to the type of study to the assessment used to draw certain conclusions. Our learners could use technology to do this meaningful & important learning. #satchat
A4 of course ... btw - there is research on the impact/effect size of basics of lecture such as PPT / also know little neuro potential for learning transfer from lecture unless ... #satchat
#satchat A4 I think this question addresses those #teachers who are reluctant to change, not out of a lack of caring, but out of fear, not understanding, etc. If we can, as a #teaching#community support our colleagues in learning new methods, it changes that school community.
If a student is wandering on his/her device, it is necessary for me to reflect "Am I presenting this in an engaging way for my audience?" I could be the one at fault, not the student (still realizing the student is allowing him/herself to be distracted) #satchat
A4: Some students require technology to be successful. Universal Design for Learning - what is necessary for some is helpful for all. Technology can support student success in many ways. #satchat
Q5: Knowing that the research indicates students with laptops in lecture classes don't do as well as those without, how should we handle this in our classrooms? #satchat
A5 Try not having only classes that are pure lecture all the time. Balance teacher given lectures with interactive learning, independent learning and research. Ss need to own the learning too! #satchat
Q5: Knowing that the research indicates students with laptops in lecture classes don't do as well as those without, how should we handle this in our classrooms? #satchat
A5. Depending on the age of the students, why not show them the research and allow them to make an informed decision. Engagement increases when students have control over their own learning. #satchat
A4: yes•• 💯
We must build capacity but complicated• What I see is excitement over one tool that then everyone uses which turns into 😴 for Ss...and some people working in instructional tech who are trying to teach Ts and support w/o real knowledge themselves. #SatChat ❤️
A4: Some students require technology to be successful. Universal Design for Learning - what is necessary for some is helpful for all. Technology can support student success in many ways. #satchat
#satchat A4 - I have substituted lectures with annotated article reading. It may not be the best method for sharing information with students but students actually annotate the articles on laptops (chromebooks) using google classroom and google docs.
A5 frequent check ins throughout the class to ensure Ss are learning. It will help promote the need to focus and learn the skill of being on task w/ technology. #satchat
Q5: Knowing that the research indicates students with laptops in lecture classes don't do as well as those without, how should we handle this in our classrooms? #satchat
A5. Firstly I would question the research criteria/methodology?Then I might suggest that learning is about breadth&depth&connectivity2a persons story.The ability2individualise the learning4a specific pathway is empowered with use of Tech,which in turn creates engagement. #satchat
Instead of just considering the results of a study, let’s teach learners to dive into the actual study & analyze how it was done & then work backwards from there to consider the results & whether they are viable/relevant! #satchat
Maybe this could be a mini-lesson and a building block? A question a teacher would ask is, "Are the students in my class able to successfully integrate these practices?" (Researching while they dialogue.) If not, it may be an unnecessary distraction. #satchat
My rule of thumb is that if I'm talking for more than 7 minutes with 6th graders, then I'm talking too much. I even shorten my life stories to stay under a 7 minute window. #satchat
Yes, Lectures are definitely antiquated IMHO - I have not lectured in years. correction. I have not spent a class period lecturing in years. A4 #satchat
Lectures, as they fit in my class, provide heavy doses of context so that students can do more with the sources I give them and that they find. #SatChat#sschat
A5: The validity of the research depends on how you define learning? Is it about grades or standardized test scores? The "experts" are pretty fuzzy on this. https://t.co/dotLlBBGcs#satchat
#satchat And one of the things I would do, is make an MP3 recording of each lesson and add it to the file with my notes. When Ss missed a lesson & wanted to know what they missed I would say, go to the file, then ask me any Qs. V useful when preparing for final exams
work by @brholland has helped me frame my thinking about tech & notetaking. Especially when I consider how tech is being used in the activity: Multi tasking vs. parallel processing #satchat
Q5: Knowing that the research indicates students with laptops in lecture classes don't do as well as those without, how should we handle this in our classrooms? #satchat
A5: Very related to the last question; I think that the research should focus on why classrooms are simply lecture-based versus offering a variety of instructional methods. #satchat
Year 25 as a T for me. I do find it hard to give up lecture many days. Instead I try to balance everyday. Tech is truly changing the school experience as well as the art of teaching.#satchat
Q5: Knowing that the research indicates students with laptops in lecture classes don't do as well as those without, how should we handle this in our classrooms? #satchat
A5 Let’s teach students to decide when, how, and why to use laptops, and when, how, and why to put them away. They can notice when the tool is moving them toward a valued outcome and when it’s getting in the way. #satchat
A5: I think it is much more important to hear student voices (either audibly or through their digital posts) than it is to hear mine. Teach student critical thought and agency; ditch the lecture #satchat
I've done the same thing. I may lose a bit of the sermon, but it helps me to process and better understand its major points. It's a great question, as teachers do we allow this freedom for those who will use it wisely knowing there will be a group that chooses poorly #satchat
A5: it’s about student engagement. Long periods of lecture also shows low performance versus classrooms that put students to task to think and synthesize information. After 8-9 minutes, you better get the Ss moving. #satchat
My grades went up in grad school when I stopped taking notes on a laptop, but dropped when I handwrote graded assignments. Important for us to help students understand what role the tech is playing and when it is most beneficial for them to use #satchat
I hope we are not bashing. I just know there are some that refuse to move away from lecturing, fear technology, & are not comfortable w/student centered activities. Those ideas and practices to me are antiquated (not the individual). #satchat
A4 I dont think the issue is "antiquated teaching methods" some older methods stand the test of time b/c they are great. The issue is bad teaching methods, and that happens with or without the latest technology. We shouldnt bash old just b/c its old #satchat
A5: This is a very over generalized statement: “Knowing that the research indicates students with laptops in lecture classes don't do as well as those without..” What about our students who NEED tech in lectures to be successful? #satchat
A5) Plan well in advance & if/when possible try to have available devices for those without 💻. Encourage those with devices to utilize in class when needed #satchat
A5 - Research outcomes are ultimately suggestions. We as Ts should know what the research says, but be bold enough to decide to use/not use #edtech considering the research. Only we know OUR Ss and OUR learning objectives enough to make that call. Take risks for your Ss. #satchat
Q5: Knowing that the research indicates students with laptops in lecture classes don't do as well as those without, how should we handle this in our classrooms? #satchat
A5 - Students need opportunities to learn analog skills too!
Note taking is a crucial piece in organizing thoughts and making connections. Paper can still be the most flexible format in many cases.
Q5: Knowing that the research indicates students with laptops in lecture classes don't do as well as those without, how should we handle this in our classrooms? #satchat
#satchat A5: I'd like to say end the long lectures/note-taking, but if they must continue, make them more interactive. Design lessons that do not require tech at all times, then.
A5: kids learn by doing and working together. Lecture should be come time for guidance and provide students with additional time to collaborate and research with tech and without. #satchat
Q5: Knowing that the research indicates students with laptops in lecture classes don't do as well as those without, how should we handle this in our classrooms? #satchat
A5: I still read a lot about technology for technology sake. These studies are too early to see the lasting effect. Digital immigrants are teaching digital natives. #satchat
Public School Crisis. Stale curriculum. Partisan Teacher criticism. Technology & Vouchers might not be enough to fix how mediocre US educator's are compared to International Peers. Bill that "allows" Teachers to buy their own supplies. #satchat
A5: Be more intentional about how we introduce and use technology in the classroom. I am excited to share these articles with my college Ss and get their feedback. #satchat
I'm not sure it will - I use tech often, and also can't keep up with the rate of change to know all of the tools & what to use/when. I don't think this rate will slow... not sure how Ts will keep up without this role #satchat
A5: It's all about great teachers. I'm also skeptical of this research. I've seen many great teachers enhance "lectures" and instruction w/ tech! #satchat
Agreed. It took me a long time to realize my lecturing mistake. Finally I caught myself yawning about a subject I'm passionate about. - If I'm board... then the students...! #satchat
A2: #satchat My Philosophy - if there is behavior problems - how am I not engaging them. Student unfocused in class, that's on me not engaging them. Produce instruction that is engaging and authentic learning so my class wins over distractions. @AmyAmyorr@A_Dalton13
A5: This IS the essential question of #satchat this morning, @robpennington9! The answer to that question will inform future learning opportunities and what they look like in our learning spaces. https://t.co/FvfnL0BN3Q
We have to remember that we are teaching kids for THEIR future and cannot let the limitations of ourselves as teachers get in the way of their learning. #satchat
Q5: Knowing that the research indicates students with laptops in lecture classes don't do as well as those without, how should we handle this in our classrooms? #satchat
A5: We can't give a computer to students and assume that they will use it well. It always come down to teaching. Educating is multi-dimensional.
#satchat A5: In college, I’d suspect research is correct. In MS/HS, use laptop for specific tasks — TodaysMeet, popplet, Padlet, AnswerGarden, collaborative Google Apps work, etc.
A5 Students and teachers must use tech intentionally. For example, Google docs and slides can be great for collaboration. Students share w/their partner and me so I can ask questions, comment, praise insights, etc. #satchat
A5: The “research” I’ve seen that indicates that stated it was done w/college students where the tech has not been thoughtfully integrated. So, it doesn’t count. 🤷🏾♀️ When tech is used as a tool & not babysitter (b/c Ss learning comes first) you WILL see growth. #satchat
A5: Know your Ss! Help guide them in using the method that works best for them-personalize learning and support creative learning paths :) one size does not fit all! #satchat
A5. We also need to be careful with research, it is yesterday’s story! Today and tomorrow shouldn’t be defined by it, it should be created by the critical analysis of it. #satchat
A5: I humbly suggest we explore the reasons why students with laptops “don’t do as well”. Perhaps students need much more support in the effective use of the devices they are accessing. Tech is a reality moving forward, so let’s equip our Ss to be successful! #satchat
Q5: Knowing that the research indicates students with laptops in lecture classes don't do as well as those without, how should we handle this in our classrooms? #satchat
Lot of talk today emphasizing the need to write something down. This too, taking notes, is a waste for most. Most 6th graders do not remember what they wrote down, and refuse to look back at the notes when stuck. So my notes are minimal as well. #satchat
A5: This is a very over generalized statement: “Knowing that the research indicates students with laptops in lecture classes don't do as well as those without..” What about our students who NEED to use technology during lectures to experience success? #satchat
Agreed! They are not a bad student because they can't sit still or stay awake during my boring class. #satchat - am i making them think? am i engaging them? #satchat
A3: #Satchat Is there a time for tech to be shut off. Definitely.
Tech is a tool, not a requirement. Thinking is the requirement.
Match the tool to the job, just like in the garage.
A4 Educators use interactive strategies .. where using what you are learning has immediate application -/ why UVA med sch uses case study in their team-taught team-based round space with just in time mini lectures 180 students, 2-4 med faculty #satchat
If that were the case then that’s a reflection on us, we aren’t doing our jobs. Ss need to learn how to use tech to improve & enhance their own learning. Perhaps integrate this discussion into the classroom, get the kids talking about this topic, let them be aware of it #satchat
Q5: Knowing that the research indicates students with laptops in lecture classes don't do as well as those without, how should we handle this in our classrooms? #satchat
Yes! Question then becomes how to support that T - what might they want to learn more about & how can others help (also - what strengths do they have that can be shared to create reciprocity) #satchat
A6 - Simple...Godin is wrong. Lecture is not dead. Walk into a college class Monday...assuming they're not canceled due to weather...and witness lecture. He's just wrong. Makes for a great article, though. #satchat
A5 I’ve read that research &contradictory research (eg BECTA &also Florida Virtual School). Blended learning allowing 24/7 learning key. I always made an MP3 recording of my Gr12 lessons&put them in a folder with my notes on the shared drive. It’s about working smarter!
Our kids deserve better than lecture. Here is Jaden, who just completed Level 1 Google certification through a personalized pathway that he chose. Things like this cannot happen in lecture. #GESPride#satchat
A4 yes and beyond that - sense of purpose an educator has. Days of being the gatekeeper of knowledge are gone. Focus needs to be more on developing responsible consumers and developers of content/data #satchat
Have great week #satchat! Tech is not inherently bad or good in the classroom. Use it wisely. Be judicious. Be the teacher in the room with Jedi like pedagogy skills.
A5) Plan lessons well advance and determine how technology will support/enhance the lecture. Also think about equity & access to the content. For some the 💻 is instrumental. #SatChat
#satchat Students need and deserve a learning environment that nurtures creativity & innovation...not rigitity & compliance. The future is Calling: Are We Listening? https://t.co/UEjxoroIl4
I've seen these studies & am bothered by the generalization of statistics on this topic. For students with learning challenges, tech can help in lecture courses. Just because the majority doesn't benefit, doesn't mean teachers should create a rule that applies to all #satchat
Q5: Knowing that the research indicates students with laptops in lecture classes don't do as well as those without, how should we handle this in our classrooms? #satchat
With our elementary and middle school students using tech, we set expectations to establish good habits. Typically, when instructions are being given, you don't need your tech. #satchat
A5. Routines and expectations. Some middle school classes I have seen a visual of a stoplight posted. Red no tech, yellow some tech as directed by T and green student choice. T moves clip to what expectation is #satchat
A6 #satchat I have never seen myself as a lecturer, at least not a good one - but I know they exist (in my very own dept). So I don't know if it's dead, rather it's a lost art form. Some excel, some do not.
We shouldn't ignore research and depend solely on our "gut instincts". But we should be open to conducting our own action research on how this relates to our classroom culture. #satchat
Q5: Knowing that the research indicates students with laptops in lecture classes don't do as well as those without, how should we handle this in our classrooms? #satchat
A5 - Create structures for students to guide their own learning - let the students come to you to facilitate understanding how and when they need it rather than expecting them to take it all in at once
Q3: this is an answer teachers get during effective planning. What is to be accomplish? Are soft skills being focused on in lesson? If so, pause tech. Double planning=purposeful planning. 1. Plan Ts actions and 2 Ss reactions. Then, will your goals be met using tech? #satchat
I'm not sure it will - I use tech often, and also can't keep up with the rate of change to know all of the tools & what to use/when. I don't think this rate will slow... not sure how Ts will keep up without this role #satchat
A5: I still read a lot about technology for technology sake. These studies are too early to see the lasting effect. Digital immigrants are teaching digital natives. #satchat
A5: What is the metric we are using to determine that Ss "don't do as well?" If it's test scores, I'd say the metric is the problem, not the laptop. #satchat
This is gold! This is why we have every teacher using one "fun" tool• that is not blended instruction or effective use of tech••• @micheeaton#SatChat ❤️💜
A4: I think the issue often involves tech training in isolation of standards-based activities. Don’t just show me the tool and how to use it, show me how I can use it to design an engaging and challenging lesson for the students. #satchat
A6: planning and instruction should begin with the end in mind, as @jcasap says, what problems do the students want to solve? Plan backwards from the world they can make better with the skills they practice in class today #satchat
A6 As the article suggests, baby steps. If Ss are used to lecture, a T needs to slowly, over time, model & infuse cooperative learning in the classroom. Important to not give up- first tries won’t be a home run. Ask for suggestions through peers. #satchat
A6 We need to meet the learners where they are. I do less lecturing and more two way conversations. I may set the topic but then let their questions guide the conversation. Also I do more interactive modeling. #satchat
True statement. However, I don't ever hear of an amazing lecture. I'm sure it can exist, especially in upper level courses where the learners are mostly interested in the topic. #satchat
I know many teachers who rock their lectures - I, am not one of them. If you can keep those kids IN the game for the class period, do it. You do you! #satchat A4
You have to win the #popularvote to be @POTUS. A sovereign cannot be denied.
The independence of the sovereign is a Founding principle. The people are the source of law. A sovereign cannot be overruled by public servants sworn to uphold law ordained by #WeThePeople.
A6: The lecture has it’s palce, as does tech integration-it’s all about the presentation, the delivery, training on effective note-taking, regardless of the vehicle :) #satchat
A3: I’m finding it hard to think of any, though writing poetry, fully immersing the idea of placing students in nature and having them write about their surroundings, would be the best non-technology activity. #satchat
Students can use Google G Suite tools to collaborate inside AND outside of the classroom. Google Slides, Google Docs, and Google Forms offer a plethora of collaborative opportunities.
#satchat A6 I recognize that I am not always the best one to convey information to #students. That means my discussions with them have meaning that is specific to our conversations: values, tough decisions. Google can give them facts, so our discussions focus on the affective.
A3 I find the use of “required” to be consistent with are there times when kids need to be compliant — of course children who need UDL access to tools might always need some devices .. my question, what is so compelling that I need to control others choices? #satchat
Right. Some research shows that in a traditional (lecture) situation students do better on knowledge recall in the sort-term, but in a more project-based or inquiry environment there is better retention and application long-term. #satchat
A6: We can all make a difference by helping teachers—modeling and training teachers around the instructional practices that work...Building on teachers’ strengths, meeting individuals where they are, and not where we’d like to be. #satchat#KidsDeserveIt
Question for Twitterverse: Post to Blog vs. Post to Facebook? Which is better for building an audience? I get that I can cross post once content goes somewhere. But where should it start & why?
Q5: Knowing that the research indicates students with laptops in lecture classes don't do as well as those without, how should we handle this in our classrooms? #satchat
A^: Same way I did when I learned from Sartre that "God is dead." Live and teach as well as I can, morphing along the way as humans do, get a bigger toolbox, then monitor and adjust. #satchat
A6: My first thought: "Has the lecture ever been alive?" My second thought: "And if so... according to whom?" There may be a place for sit-and-get, but varying instructional formats and learning opportunities to make them student-centered overall is imperative. #satchat
#satchat A1: When kids learn aubout this thing called the Autobahn, they want to know "What kind of cars drive on that?" If a redesign of your lesson would turn your room into an Autobahn for learning, your students would so want to drive!
A5:Lectures do not engage Ss and may not even inform them if they are lost & off task. Ss need to be active participants & engaged in order to learn. Instruction & teacher talk has to be limited. When Ss are off task they need to be redirected. Ugh, who is to blame? #satchat
A6) Best Practices are Best Practices! The need is to become better facilitators not lecturers. Technology will always be a tool not a replacement 🤔 #satchat
A6 I hope no methods that lead to rich, deep, meaningful learning are dead. Let’s learn LOTS of ways for students to learn, use tools flexibly, and teach students to use tools flexibly, in accordance with a valued purpose. #satchat
A teacher should always be willing to adapt to new tools & research. My concern is that we build a strawman out of an old method ie lectures & our attack is just pointing out areas most of us would have disagreed w/before the Internet age. #satchat
A6: Lessons have to be engaging. We need to move away from asking students to memorize and regurgitate content. Instead, we must provide them with opportunities to collaborate and to create new content.
Great question. I was in grad school when laptops in the classroom was just entering the scene. I didn't know how to use it effectively - lots of distractions, taking notes as a transcript without processing what was being said. #satchat
Great second week of holidays, but I can’t remember the last winter when I’ve done so much snow shovelling this early during the winter season! 😊 #satchat
A6: I don't believe lecture is "dead." I do believe it should be diminished. I think we've all had the experience of being inspired by a great keynote. There's a place for such things in education. They shouldn't be our primary mode of teaching, though. #satchat
A5. Put the students front-center in this discussion. Co-construct with them an approach that works. Read the research together, discuss, share thoughts, and ultimately make the decision together. #satchat
A6 if students are to be successful in higher education a balanced approach is the most appropriate. I enjoy giving choice sometimes, but nothing in the classroom should be an absolute...except student engagement and teaching skills. #satchat
Great point. To piggyback, an A student doesn't always mean a smart student. Often it means that students is a good hoop jumper. Jump the right hoops in the right way and anyone can be an A student - depending on the class. #satchat
A3 but if kids are choosing device games/texting friends over peer interaction, active learning, reflecting on compelling questions, listening to a great story teller, pushing their thinking beyond the need for a search engine - more study is needed by T #satchat
#satchat Technology is an awesome tool, but the teacher is still the facilitator of instruction. Think of a car, the gas pedal needs to be pushed by someone or thing to accelerate the car.
A6 - Particular instructional techniques should not be the primary focus. Instead seek understanding of your lesson objectives and love your Ss. #satchat
#satchat friends, would be very grateful for votes for my #ISTE18 crowdsourced proposals:
teaching digital media literacy which is also my Google Innovator project:
and leveraging social media in the college process
Thank you!
A6 Ed Lecture isn’t dead as such,simply needs to be more engaging &use tools that are available today. If you’re in a lecture on Urban Design & they don’t use tools like Google Maps Street View, then it doesn’t connect theory with reality. Ed Lecture needs to join 21C
A6 - I only lecture three times a year. Each is in service of complicated, sensitive, emotional material (the true story of Columbus, the Declaration of Independence, and slavery) that I cannot risk students misunderstanding #satchat
I can prove lecture is not dead. Ask your students how much information they have learned watching a Youtube video where someone just talks. I think most of my students learned about the Net Neutrality issue that way #satchat
A2: True tech integration means Ss are learning through the use of tech, so the instruction takes on multiple, varied forms. Also, my Ss have created online notebooks which they use to organize ideas, resources, and their drive. #satchat
I haven't lectured, either. When would a "lecture" of more than 5 minutes be necessary? Pose strong questions and present situations that get students critically thinking. Provide opportunities to investigate. Teach skills as needed in real time. #satchat
Perhaps. Though it feels like we are trying more and more to find ways to remove technology from the classroom. Our students are more infused than we are which is widening the student-teacher divide in understanding what they need in a 21st century environment. #satchat
A5 examine lesson design, standardized outcomes, relevance of content, teacher interactions, student interactions, IRL content/context comparison, socio-eco biases/realities ... and remember that post-sec is not evolving at same rate as elem and HS #satchat
#satchat A6: Lecture is dead. So are other outdated forms of assessment, but I digress. Being that my 5-mn lessons are already quite short, I should revisit screen recording, and offer it as another way to obtain info.
5th grade teacher question: I require Ss maintain a science notebook that is graded. Ss are encouraged to snap pictures if they can’t complete an entry allowing them to finish at home. They print it and put print of pix in notebook. Full credit?#satchat
A6: We are ensnared by polarized thinking: tech or handwriting, laptop or lecture, tradition versus progressive. It's simply about engagement. #satchat
A6: I really like this @gcouros graphic that relates to how we structure our instructional delivery and learning opportunities, especially when discussing laptops-versus-lecture learning. #satchat
In case you missed them...
My Digital Tools to Enhance Student Discourse resources are here:
I'm also teaching an online course entitled:
Technology-Infused Discussion Groups
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....Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart. Crooked Hillary Clinton also played these cards very hard and, as everyone knows, went down in flames. I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star.....
Public school teachers, LEOs, and other public servants swear to support the Constitution. The people vacate corrupt government at will.
The Constitution requires an eligible POTUS to remain valid. A POTUS installed against the #WillOfThePeople voids the Constitution.
I agree. Teachers need to know what tools and methods would work best in a particular situations and with a particular group of learners. There is a place. #satchat
A6: I don't believe lecture is "dead." I do believe it should be diminished. I think we've all had the experience of being inspired by a great keynote. There's a place for such things in education. They shouldn't be our primary mode of teaching, though. #satchat
A6: Same way I did when I learned from Sartre that "God is dead." Live and teach as well as I can, morphing along the way as humans do, get a bigger toolbox, then monitor and adjust. #satchat
I know what it is! #globaled and teaches that #TeachSDGs! Students will leave their years with more that a grade or a level...guaranteeed! My pals @participate pave the way for all this an more! #satchat
Yes! Thank you, Andy! Wondering why this isn't the default "gut instinct" of teachers. (Quite honestly, it wasn't mine.) Where does this shift begin? #satchat
Philippines 4:13
'For I can do everything through Christ,
who gives me strength.'
Life is full of challenges, difficulties, pitfalls.
Lean on #Jesus for strength, comfort, love & encouragement.
#satchat A6: Chunking anyone? I mean shorter instructional segments, not throwing out direct teaching. Use all your tools to reach all the learning styles in the room.
That last piece is a big one - progressive teaching styles have not penetrated into college and university pedagogy at the same rate as in preK-12 #satchat
Thank you all for the time learning together, go and have a super Saturday! #satchat Thanks @ScottRRocco & @TheBradCurrie for starting the new year off with another awesome #satchat
A6. Is the premise of a lecture to impart information from one human vessel to another. Surely there needs to be a ‘Why’ for the information being passed? Simon Sinek https://t.co/SStVtvjCKI#satchat
A6: More student ownership of their learning is key...inquiry and play-based learning can help build independent learners who ask questions, explore answers, and think critically...collaboratively. #satchat
@RepBrianFitz Stop protecting this despicable fraud. Do your job and maintain this country's division of power. Protect the rule of law and the Constitution. Do not obstruct justice.
It was! I did a PostGrad Certificate in eLearning, hence my approaches and views! The key, esp in Studies of Religion, was to hit the pause button when needed (eg If the Ss are doing a group task, pause to save time and space & avoid the class mumble from the groups! #satchat
Yes! Plus the screen recording will allow them to watch at their own pace and rewatch if they need a refresher. Plus you Ss who are absent will still get the info needed. #satchat
satchat PLN
Great start to 2018
Thanks to my co-moderators @TheBradCurrie and @wkrakower
We are back here next Saturday at 7:30am EST
Hope to see you then.
A6. Loved this topic. Wasn't sure it applied to me as I work in a lower el school, however, I found myself reflecting on PD and staff meetings. Now I am inspired to make my staff meetings more engaging. Thanks! #satchat
look to innovation edges such as what “would Duke do?” Here’s how they are turning lectures for listening into “serial” like podcasts .. if purpose of lecture is listen 2 learn, most sadly are lot of listening with little learning but this .. #satchathttps://t.co/DiKqx8x4bC
Q5: Knowing that the research indicates students with laptops in lecture classes don't do as well as those without, how should we handle this in our classrooms? #satchat
President Trump has created over $8 trillion dollars in wealth for American companies, all while donating his presidential salary back to the federal government.
This is what a real president looks like! #MAGA
Bring my essentials to the classroom each day- passion for learning (if we’re excited their excited), let Ss know I want them there (show this in a variety of ways), be active (always make it interesting and fun), make it rigiorous ( Ss love challenges) #satchat
Join the #nt2t chat at the top of the hour (9 a.m. Eastern, 6 a.m. Pacific). Today's guest is @BeckettHaight on special education and more. Here are the questions! #satchat#leadupchat