Join teachers and educationalists for #ukedchat each Thursday between 8-9 pm GMT for Edu chat. Education news, resources, and @UKEdSch website with @UKEdMag
A1- I’ve tried to encourage children to identify the choices they can make within their learning. In writing, this can mean the way in which they plan their work, the sources of vocab and inspiration as well as how the written outcome is presented. #UKEdChat
A1 A major element of our curriculum is the ‘on-demand curriculum’ which reflects the learning journey that pupils take based on, amongst other things: interest, passion, teacher steer, self-assessment, agreed next steps, world events, peer voice. #UKEdChat
The Truth About Martians by Melissa Savage - Mylo knows there's no such thing as Martians - at least, until a flying saucer crash-lands next to his family's New Mexico farm - daily new children's book #ukedchat#readingrocks
A1:Some of my favourite lessons have involved taking a process drama approach where the narrative is created by the pupils as we go through the lesson, weaving appropriate drama skills&techniques in to their story. #dramaarmy#ukedchat
#UKEdChat a1 children have a big impact through various pupil voice groups. They are involved in reviewing t and l policy. Within class they ask questions they want to find answers too. They also plan everything to do with the enterprise projects we run in class
Me & my Y3 colleague are experimenting with alternate work outcomes for different children. This decision might be made to play into and develop a child’s passion/gift, to allow the child the chance to explore an interest or offer support to access the same knowledge. #UKEdChat
A2 We afford learners lots of choice about how to tackle problems and learning challenges, how to present work and how to extend learning into different lessons and subject areas. We promote a lot of this through explicitly teaching learning dispositions. #UKEdChat
#UKEdChat Q3
How is dialogue used in your classroom and do the learners have the opportunity to discuss the process of learning?
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#ukedchat A2 Use technologies to help you in class! With Emile you can find apps designed specifically for primary schools in the UK; subjects like times tables, grammar, spelling, roman numerals, and much more. Improve your teaching experience at
#ukedchat A3 Teacher must model learning and therefore naturally encourage discussion. Important to reflect on the emotions linked to learning so as to break link with "ability" and "learning"
Yes, absolutely. We talk a lot about managing distractions and what happens if you make poor choices. One of our other curriculum elements talks about being successful: and that happens through hard work, effort, dedication: our strap-line is “learning: it’s up to you!” #UKEdChat
#ukedchat A3 Of course, in language teaching & learning, dialogue is a crucial part of the methodology. Discussing the process of learning is a two-fold objective: learners practise their speaking skills & the content matters! (… And teachers get feedback about their pedagogy)!
#UKEdChat Q3 again
How is dialogue used in your classroom and do the learners have the opportunity to discuss the process of learning?
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#ukedchat Q3 is very interesting. In my experience we rarely discuss the process of learning BUT IT IS ESSENTIAL that we do if we want confident independent learners.
#UKEdChat Q4
Do you use situated pedagogy which is adapted to the culture and social experience of your learners? How can we ensure that we are not making assumptions from our own (perhaps different) backgrounds?
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#UKEdChat A1
Student led inquiries, defining and exploring key questions, leading philosophical discussions, selecting tools and models for organising/presenting their thinking: they have been exposed to a range so can now self select. Genius time allowing complete agency...
A3:Feedback and discussion continually informs the learning in Drama.very hard to know how your work is communicated to an audience when you’re in it. Reinforces and refines skills for aud and performer simultaneously.fosters listening,empathy,socio-emotional devt. #ukedchat
reviewed our curriculum today and planned changes. The most important part of the day - spending an hour with primary teachers & yr6 books. If you want to know whether yr7 is challenging for all THIS is how you find out. You simply must SPEAK TO PRIMARY TEACHERS. #ukedchat
We do it through helping learners become reflective and resilient - managing distractions, deciding whether to work independently or collaborate, remembering what has worked for them in the past, analsying what sort of problem they are asked to deal with. #UKEdChat
#ukedchat Q4 - one of the downsides of 'mastery' in being a teacher - we need to remember what it is like to be a learner and have empathy for our students.
A3: pupils self assess&identify aspects of their performance they’d like to work on in plenary. Use these ideas for starter and warm up activities where a common need is expressed. Follow up more specific ones through small group and one to one work #ukedchat
#UKEdChat Q4 again
Do you use situated pedagogy which is adapted to the culture and social experience of your learners? How can we ensure that we are not making assumptions from our own (perhaps different) backgrounds?
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#ukedchat Interesting to see the pace of this discussion so far compared with others. A reflection of the current education system perhaps that certainly does not appear to encourage learner participation!
#ukedchat A6 | Start with a key word on the blackboard / beamer. Let them think what it awakens … Then, discuss and get to your point. In the best case, this leads to wonderful ways of starting & adapting your lesson. Worst-case scenario is that you just switch to plan, but = ok
A1 At the start of a topic I ask children to complete the first two sections on a KWL grid. Depending on their prior learning and what they want to learn my planning will change. Children's questions in a lesson can change the way a lesson goes and class discussion. #UKEdChat
A3 We are using a formative assessment approach to learning and as such there is a lot of time dedicated to partner talk and discussion. There is time to reflect on learning, perhaps at the start of a subsequent lesson or at the end of a lesson. #UKEdChat
#UKEdChat Q7
How can learners voice there critique of knowledge they encounter in school and how can we help them seek alternative views?
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#UkEdChat A1 In history pupils have chosen an aspect of a topic for a half term and their homework and some class time is spent researching and creating a visual, song, drama which is presented to rest of the class. Level of motivation, learning and communication was impressive.
A4 Having an established staff means we are familiar with the backgrounds and experiences of the children we teach. Some children have very limited experiences and as a school we try to provide a range of experiences through topic days, trips and inviting visitors. #UKEdChat
#UKEdChat Q7 again
How can learners voice there critique of knowledge they encounter in school and how can we help them seek alternative views?
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A5 In an ideal world we would want children to have a deep understanding of what they learn. Sometimes not knowing facts such as times tables can hinder progress in other areas of maths. If a child learns times tables by rote and it helps them make progress then... #UKEdChat
A6 Sat in on a fascinating talk today by Martin Renton of @ChallengeLearn who reminded us not to demonise closed questions. The important thing is how you respond to what you get back from the learner by way of an answer. #UKEdChat
A7 I've often asked children if they can sort vocabulary in whatever way they wish. This can lead to mind maps / concept maps or to a simple distinction of words I know and words I don't know yet. #UKEdChat
#ukedchat A8 Given that a great deal of information is put in front of us through search engine algorithms it is essential if we are to break the 'bubble' of potential distorted belief and understanding. We must teach children to ask questions.
A8 Knowledge can change quickly -advances in science and IT make information outdated. With the term 'fake news' critiquing knowledge is vital. Last year a child asked me if news is fact of fiction. I said it can be both depending on who is telling the news + purpose. #UKEdChat
"Teaching is way too much about 'teaching to the test' and not enough about developing knowledge and skills." Any teachers willing to share some insights for a new vlog episode? #edchat#edutwitter#teachers#ukedchat
#UkEdChat A3 Dialogue is hugely important in all subjects eg talk for writing and working in pairs/groups in maths where pupils clarify and have to justify their ideas in debates. Reflect on what helped: talking, manipulatives, images, modelling, connections, pattern spotting?