#nt2t I’m a preservice 4-8 ELA/SS teacher. A1) The Maker Movement is Dewey-ian: learning through doing in a classroom. I think of creating a Ferris Wheel in my 8th Gateway to Tech class. We used soldering irons and taught one another how best to make something we’ve never done.
Welcome everyone! I am Julie, co-founder and today's moderator of #NT2t I live in Missouri, USA and work in higher ed. I love making baked good for my family during the holidays.
#nt2t Howdy, my name is Hannah and I am a preservice teacher, currently seeking my 4-8 ELA/SS certificate. I go to Texas A&M University and am excited to join this conversation.
#nt2t I’m a preservice 4-8 ELA/SS teacher. A1) The Maker Movement is Dewey-ian: learning through doing in a classroom. I think of creating a Ferris Wheel in my 8th Gateway to Tech class. We used soldering irons and taught one another how best to make something we’ve never done.
#nt2t I have not learned about the Maker Movement in my studies. However, I can point this concept to educational philosophers and ideas such as Dewey and 21st cent. skills.
A1. For me, the 'maker movement' is all about encouaging problem solving, innovation, collaboration and 'play' through hands-on learning activities such as #physical computing, robotics & enginnering.
I guess I am surprised (but not really surprised) that you aren't learning about it in undergrad. It's a HUGE part of education right now and really wish it would be included for you. #NT2t
#nt2t In the school I am student teaching in, the library has a “Maker Space” for students to build and craft. I am seeing it in some ways, if not on campus at TAMU.
It's like interning at a job, I suppose. You're not sure what you're doing or how, but you're doing it anyway, and learning from it. It's learning through experiencing. #NT2T - A1
That's good to hear. It seems like libraries are picking up on the movement much more that "regular" classrooms. I think it's a great way to keep libraries relevant in a struggling educational system. #NT2t
Our helpful page for #nt2t#Makerspaces#MakerEd page https://t.co/15Ibnw7ANq "... a place where young people have an opportunity to explore their own interests; learn to use tools and materials, both physical and virtual; and develop creative projects" Laura Flemming
I think it absolutely fits into the curriculum; it should be foundational to the way every concept in the curriculum is learned. I think students will be more motivated when they are responsible for making something to contribute to their learning #nt2t
It will, of course, condition students to find solutions to problems on their own. They will learn to become less dependant and more experimental. #NT2T
A2: Thinking out loud...can EVERYONE be a maker? Does everyone WANT to be a maker? What about students who prefer paper-pencil tests? Is it fair to force making on them? #NT2t
#nt2t A2: A maker is someone who is empowered to use their hands and mind in learning and building. It is beyond DIY culture! “If something is worth doing, it's worth skipping lunch for.”
A2. A 'maker' is someone who solves problems by creating a physical or digital resource. A 'maker' can be anyone and any age just like these 11 year old girls who created this motion sensing room guard using #microbit#nt2t@shyj@stephwurking
Everyone is a maker. Everyone has the creative potential inside. The materials may vary, but it’s the movement of the heart & soul that makes it meaningful. #nt2t
A2. A 'maker' is someone who solves problems by creating a physical or digital resource. A 'maker' can be anyone and any age just like these 11 year old girls who created this motion sensing room guard using #microbit#nt2t@shyj@stephwurking
A2: Thinking out loud...can EVERYONE be a maker? Does everyone WANT to be a maker? What about students who prefer paper-pencil tests? Is it fair to force making on them? #NT2t
Pardon my ignorance, here, but does the maker movement suggest getting rid of paper-pencil tests altogether? I was thinking making is complementary to traditional learning. #NT2T
Yep. I think we must always honor WHO a kid is. Forcing someone to draw with pencil when they prefer Sharpie can lead to pent up creative frustration. 😊 #nt2t
I think everyone CAN be a maker, but not everyone WANTS to make. I struggle with the "all or nothing" in education. Are we allowing kids who really don't like to make other opportunities? #NT2t
This is another of my favourites! #microbit Fitbit watch. Counts number of steps using built-in accelerometer. Also displays random fitness tips! #nt2t A2.
Ah, I see. Perhaps that's what our systems should focus more on—creating a curriculum that considers the ability and the interests of all students. Anything less than that is a biased system. #NT2t
#nt2t A3: A Maker classroom should have a space for students to manipulate, build, and engineer a design (or no design). Physically, the space will be different to accommodate this ideal.
So this leads me to wonder, why.... why don't they want to make things? Is it innate? Is it because we have sucked all creativity out of them? @krissyvenosdale and @clcsimon what do you think? #NT2t
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@ziegenfus_jenah, @krissyvenosdale, @clcsimon
For sure, it gets sucked out. Unleash a group of five year olds on cardboard and there’s no hesitation. Over the years, most will give up and play the “game of school.” I only know this because I lived it in my own childhood. #NT2t
A3: Maker classrooms are definitely louder, filled with excitement and wonderment, and may be just a little messy! I think one big thing is that they need flexible seating to accommodate the creativity. #NT2t
I don’t like the one-size-fits-all model too. I wouldn’t ascribe to being a Maker; I would get frustrated with building and crafting in class (I had to build a trebuchet). I would rather write a short story or read Austen. #nt2t
I don’t like the one-size-fits-all model too. I wouldn’t ascribe to being a Maker; I would get frustrated with building and crafting in class (I had to build a trebuchet). I would rather write a short story or read Austen. #nt2t
My epiphany when I was teaching when I had an at-risk group of kids. I brought in several tubs-o-junk and let kids go! I tell you what, those "at risk" kids went to town & their learning became unlimited. #NT2t
In reply to
@krissyvenosdale, @ziegenfus_jenah, @clcsimon
Unfortunately it depends on the school. Some teacher have NO control over what they teach, when, or how. Others have more control and can do what they know is best for their students. #NT2t
Agree. And when a teacher introduces making assignments out of the blue, it shocks students. Self-doubt comes crashing down on them at once—they've never made anything before. Are they good enough? Do they know enough?
Perhaps that's why they're averse to making. #NT2t
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@krissyvenosdale, @shyj, @ziegenfus_jenah, @clcsimon
I love this perspective. After all, there're so many options in the store, why bother wasting time building something from scratch when we can just buy a better version of it? Mindsets matter a lot. #NT2t
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@clcsimon, @shyj, @ziegenfus_jenah, @krissyvenosdale
I hadn't thought of that at all Simon! Thank you for expanding my thinking here! I wonder how the environment of pop-ups and entrepreneurship affect the maker movement as well. #NT2t
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@clcsimon, @ziegenfus_jenah, @krissyvenosdale
Yes! And truly, embracing being a maker can help students overcome severe perfectionistic tendencies... or maybe that was just me. The beauty of having more than one right way to do something is exhilarating. #nT2T
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@s_narmadhaa, @shyj, @ziegenfus_jenah, @clcsimon
An environment has to be a community, where kids feel comfortable openly sharing ideas and feel heard. Just having a "makerspace" is nowhere near enough. Choice, honoring ideas, and celebrating resilience. The culture has to be there, or the space is just a space. #NT2T
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@shyj, @s_narmadhaa, @ziegenfus_jenah, @clcsimon
#nt2t A4 “Nothing is new under the sun!”
Perhaps lesson plans can accommodate room for Maker learning (i.e. an ELA teacher can instruct students make a 3D model of something they read in their book).
Background knowledge + New experiences = Learning.
I think even the students in traditional classrooms will learn to adopt the maker mindset. But it takes time and effort on the teacher and parents' part.
An encouraging home environment, as well as an experimental teacher can help students realise they, too, can make. #NT2t
In reply to
@shyj, @krissyvenosdale, @ziegenfus_jenah, @clcsimon
An environment has to be a community, where kids feel comfortable openly sharing ideas and feel heard. Just having a "makerspace" is nowhere near enough. Choice, honoring ideas, and celebrating resilience. The culture has to be there, or the space is just a space. #NT2T
In reply to
@shyj, @s_narmadhaa, @ziegenfus_jenah, @clcsimon
A5: Maker Faire is a celebration of invention, creativity, and curiosity showcasing the very best of the global Maker Movement. Find a Maker Faire nearest you: https://t.co/JlpaCabYCM#NT2t
All includes the teacher and parents as well, I assume. I've seen that adults learn so much when they let kids be kids and observe without interrupting them. #NT2t
A4) I would say, are you looking for a score on a piece of paper, or are you looking at a kid to "score" some serious life skills? No, you just can't put a point value on authentic collaboration, problem solving and creativity, because that would cheapen it. #NT2T
Got it. That makes it all the more crucial to have a proper strategy in place before initiating a maker curriculum. It's about nurturing students' well being but also about advocating the making culture to the rest of the community. The picture is bigger than one class. #NT2t
Got it. That makes it all the more crucial to have a proper strategy in place before initiating a maker curriculum. It's about nurturing students' well being but also about advocating the making culture to the rest of the community. The picture is bigger than one class. #NT2t
I would say the divide in equity that has existed in #edtech continues to exist, is definitely there in #makermovement. Are so many doing amazing things to break those barriers down, the divide exists. Opportunities for making belong in EVERY school. #NT2t
It's just like tech. We get caught up in the shiny, new tool without having a clear objective and idea behind what it is we actually want to do and need. #NT2t
Exactly. Planning isnt flashy or sexy, and it oftentimes is hard work, so many skip it and just buy and oftentimes dont make good choices, as a result. That planning process has NEVER let me down.
I recently designed and taught a graduate class for @RutgersCommInfo and it was definitely a valuable experience for all, myself included :) If I can do anything to assist you, please let me know. https://t.co/6VUR7NDTGZ and my email is lfleming at worldsofmaking dot com 😀
I have hope... at least we are now talking about instead of pretending it doesn't exist. However, I think there needs to be more listening to those experiencing the divide. Lots of listening. #NT2T
I learned just as much from them all, as I hope they did from me and each other. Because no two makerspaces should be exaxtly alike, everyone has their own spin and interpretation...so interesting, valuable and inspiring to see.