Elementary math chat is a weekly math chat where participants come to discuss best practices, examine student work, explore routines for reasoning and research that guides and supports pedagogy centered on problem and student based learning.
Welcome to #SwDMathChat 2019. A collaborative chat between #elemmathchat and #swdmathchat with authors from a special issue on Critical Perspectives on Disability in Mathematics: math ed researcher Steven Greenstein and disability studies in education researcher Sue Baglieri
Q1. Introduce yourself! Name, what you do, and what conversations you would like to have about the topic of students with disabilities (SwD) learning mathematics? #SwDMathChat#elemmathchat
Let’s make this chat accessible, always a work in progress. We will be adding image descriptions for images in the chat and you can too! Also please ask if you are new to chats and want guidance!
A1 Hi everyone. My name is Teddy Chao. I'm a professor of math education at @OhioState. I'm really interested in how to use disabilities study framework in my elementary teacher education. #swdmathchat#ElemMathChat
Rachel Lambert, former special ed and elem. math teacher, currently research and teacher ed at UCSB. Editor of the special issue. Can't wait to hear the dialogue beginning! #elemmathchat#swdmathchat
A1. Amber Candela I am a professor of Mathematics Educator #UMSLCOE, how to support teachers in providing SWD access to cognitively demanding tasks. #elemmathchat#swdmathchat
A1 Molly, K-5 Math Coach from Mass. I enjoy conversations with my colleagues about how we can support SwD with maintaining opportunities that focus on sense-making by Ss. #elemmathchat
Q1. Introduce yourself! Name, what you do, and what conversations you would like to have about the topic of students with disabilities (SwD) learning mathematics? #SwDMathChat#elemmathchat
#elemmathchat Julie from Delaware. 1st grade math inclusion teacher. I want to discuss how to make math more fun and relevant to my kids who have disabilities specifically autism which I have a great deal of in my room.
Steven Greenstein, math educator at Montclair State. I'd love to hear what you've learned about teaching math with students with disabilities.
Scott from West burbs of Chicago. Keenly interested in this topic as I don't like working in resource rooms with SwDs when I know they can learn in gened rooms. #swdmathchat#elemmathchat
Q2. The article is a conversation with Steven Greenstein, a math educator, and Sue Baglieri, a Disability Studies educator. What reaction did you have to this paper? What do you notice/ wonder about how students with disabilities are taught mathematics? #SwDMathChat#elemmathchat
A1: Hi all, I'm Jessica Hunt at @NCStateCED. I'm interested in how to support collaboration and conversation- can't wait for this chat! #ElemMathChat and #SwDMathChat
Hi everyone! Happy to see #ElemMathChat and #SwDMathChat (SwD= students with disabilities) joining together tonight!
Instructional coach
Niagara Canada
Wonderful article for us to discuss!
I've learned students with disabilities want to be in gened room with classmates, that Ss without disabilities can teach those with in groupwork. But there's no district-wide PoV on making this work. #swdmathchat#elemmathchat
A1 Sarah from western MA. K-6 math supervisor. Always curious about how to better support general ed and special ed teachers in providing rigorous but supportive mathematics instruction to SwD #swdmathchat#ElemMathChat
A1 I'm Melynee I teach math for swd in 6-8th grade. My Ss are amazing! They think critically, problem solve, collaborate, communicate mathematically & + I wish ALL Ts had the time & support to teach constructively rather than be tied to pacing guides! #ElemMathChat#swdmathchat
I am interested in thinking about why there is such a divide between math ed research and spec ed research.... and listening for the belief structures we all have here related to who can learn what!
I learned about learner and lesson profiles from @bkdidact and it has given me opportunity to think about what every student has to offer to an integrated classroom. #swdchat#elemmathchat
My district is really struggling with how / when to make this decision about when a student should move to a resource room. I'm always advocating "not yet" but sometimes wonder if I'm too optimistic #swdmathchat#ElemMathChat
In reply to
@professorteds, @mavenofmath, @ScottGeisler12
A2: My reaction is how can we have more of these conversations happen and then make change from them! I also wonder how we support teachers to have these productive conversations in their schools. #elemmathchat#swdmathchat
I wish! My district will not allow special education teachers to video in their classrooms even with confidentiality and identities hidden. #ElemMathChat#swdmathchat
Lisa Jilk has some interesting research on how to shift schools and districts towards Complex Instruction, perhaps similar models might work for this? #SwDMathChat#elemmathchat
Yes. I think that's the heart of this great conversation between @Psyclist and @sue_bgl . I've never heard a math educator and a disabilities studies educator come to such amazing agreement! Why is there such a divide between math ed and special ed? #SwDMathChat#ElemMathChat
Q3. How do your SwD engage in mathematical thinking? What are some examples of "occasions to wonder" that you have used with SwD? #SwDMathChat#elemmathchat
Yes! I'm pre-service, just getting started with MAT, really. But I've had SPED and now Methods for math. No "overlap" at all. Totally siloed, just like in elem schools where I sub. #swdmathchat#elemmathchat
A2: I am wondering if sped tends to focus on discrete skills because of the IEP goal focus. It lends itself easily to computation because it is easily measurable. So do we change how that? #elemmathchat#SwDMathChat
That is the challenge with the removal system. If instead our system focused on support within the classroom, we wouldn't have to answer that difficult questions. #swdchat#elemmathchat
In reply to
@SCH211, @professorteds, @ScottGeisler12
That we need to feel "too optimistic" at all is what is wrong here! Ugghh. Wow, I can see so much oppty. Just thought "this is the way it is done." Wow. #swdmathchat#elemmathchat
#elemmathchat@sch211. Agreed. I have a hard time with this as well and I think inclusion is always best but some kids still seem to struggle no matter what I do.
In reply to
@SCH211, @professorteds, @mavenofmath, @ScottGeisler12, @SCH211
Something I’ve noticed...
The more a teacher views math as accumulation of skills... and sees math learning in a linear fashion, the more likely they will struggle to be inclusive or to allow SwD to engage in rich mathematics.
Yes! Or about staffing. Do we have someone who can provide that type of support / instruction? If not, Ss end up with something different than what they really need #swdmathchat#ElemMathChat
In reply to
@mathematize4all, @professorteds, @mavenofmath, @ScottGeisler12
And why such a divide between research and practice? The slowness of the educational system to adapt and change can be frustrating #swdmathchat#ElemMathChat
In reply to
@professorteds, @MarkChubb3, @Psyclist, @sue_bgl
A3: I have found having Ts Notice/Wonder in their classrooms just to get a conversation going that is not threatening to Ss or where there is no right answer, helps engage SWD and Ts comment how Ss become and stay engaged #swdmathchat#elemmathchat
Yes, but the district does not see this as viable for swd. The last 2 years I have been nominated for the PAEMST but my district will not allow me to complete the video portion. I am in OK and they are concerned about legalities and law suites. :( #ElemMathChat#swdmathchat
Q3. How do your SwD engage in mathematical thinking? What are some examples of "occasions to wonder" that you have used with SwD? #SwDMathChat#elemmathchat
And the more a teach sees math as interconnected set of relationships... and sees the big ideas that form these connections... the more likely students will be able to learn WITH and FROM each other in cooperative learning opportunities! #ElemMathChat#SwDMathChat
A3: We do a Summer Math Camp. SwD surprise us every summer with how they see the world mathematically. We use #WODB#youcubed & make them believe they CAN do the math. We already do believe that. #elemmathchat#SwDMathChat
I now officially notice this, Mark. Jeez. First, we got to have districts that no longer think like this, then we've got to have district willing to bring SwDs into the stream of math ideas. #swdmathchat#elemmathchat
Agreed. Also if we had better vertical alignment between schools. Sometimes the support a kid gets in elem doesn't exist at the middle school level....and then we wonder why they don't succeed. #swdmathchat#ElemMathChat
In reply to
@mavenofmath, @professorteds, @ScottGeisler12
I remember a student of mine who came alive the first time I did a rich problem in 5th grade, he didn't think it was math at all, he was so excited to share his thinking on fractions. Yet his IEP said I should work on his multiplication facts #swdmathchat#elemmathchat
Q4. Steven (ME) begins with a story of seeing students with disabilities taught math in a disconnected way. Have you seen this model of instruction for students with disabilities? What are the intended and unintended effects of this instructional model? #SwDMathChat#elemmathchat
#elemmathchat I have all of my students discuss and write math stories. I also ask them to use strategy vocab when collaborating. I try and always pair my swd students with my gen ed students and encourage both of their strengths in math.
And I also think it comes back to varying definitions of "inclusion" - what do we mean by this? Does what a S is included look different for different kids? (I think yes, but of course that makes it more complicated) #swdmathchat#elemmathchat
In reply to
@Julie12129030, @professorteds, @mavenofmath, @ScottGeisler12
This is what I have come up with so far. Really trying to emphasize the SMPs and focus on the big ideas of math, rather than discrete skills. #swdchat#elemmathchat
Ss notice so many things - and come up with awesome wonderings. The engagement is high and kids take ownership of what we are doing. Giving Ss a voice to share their ideas is so important. #elemmathchat
I think that many of our sped students just see the world a little differently than what "we" expect. Makes our world a little more beautiful! #elemmathchat#SwDMathChat
Love this story! How can we help more Ts see their SWD succeed with rich tasks and how these tasks can engage and support SWDs in learning mathematics and get excited about it! #swdmathchat#elemmathchat
I remember a student of mine who came alive the first time I did a rich problem in 5th grade, he didn't think it was math at all, he was so excited to share his thinking on fractions. Yet his IEP said I should work on his multiplication facts #swdmathchat#elemmathchat
A2 I noticed that the authors are seeing the same challenges I see. Lack of resources, lack of training and a deficit model approach to meeting swd needs. #elemmathchat#swdmathchat
That is terrible! There is so much learning to be had by seeing each other in our field of work. You should contact PAEMST about adjusting the parameters given your situation. #swdchat#elemmathchat
I see IEPs with the same basic skills for years on end with no progress actually being made on them. At some point, stus need to move on and learn grade-level content, not forever be held back doing basic calculations... #swdmathchat#elemmathchat
Excellent! I have a similar memory. The student actually said to the class, "I did it! I did it! The person you didn't think could do it did it!" How wonderful, right? And also sad. #swdmathchat#elemmathchat
I remember a student of mine who came alive the first time I did a rich problem in 5th grade, he didn't think it was math at all, he was so excited to share his thinking on fractions. Yet his IEP said I should work on his multiplication facts #swdmathchat#elemmathchat
And my end goal is usually a supportive setting here they can experience success. Although I believe that CAN be possible in inclusion, sometimes that's not reality. I want LRE for them, but don't want to end up doing them a disservice in the long term #elemmathchat#swdmathchat
In reply to
@MissMath_Teach, @professorteds, @mavenofmath, @ScottGeisler12
We now have "interventionists". 2 for math for 11 schools. they take less-accomplished math Ss to another room. So we have 1) leveled classes, 2) resource for SPED Ss, 3) intervention rooms. We get staff, we perpetuate divide. #SwDMathChat#elemmathchat
In reply to
@SCH211, @mathematize4all, @professorteds, @mavenofmath
We shouldn't think of resource solely as a place either; the resource teacher can come into gen ed. classrooms and co-teach or support instead of bringing students to a "resource room". #SwDMathChat#elemmathchat
In reply to
@mathematize4all, @SCH211, @Julie12129030, @professorteds, @mavenofmath, @ScottGeisler12
#SwDMathChat#elemmathchat Q4: I have. The danger is that these disconnects can result in reasoning being shut down. When students think in ways we do not expect, honoring that thinking can lead to important mathematical places for that student!
I videotaped this student (someone who rarely sees success in math class) engaging in a spatial task. Just watch her face in the final moment of solving the task: #ElemMathChat#SwDMathChat
#elemmathchat A4. This is so prevelant in teaching swd and it applies to all subjects. I understand why the chunking method is used but I also think we need to not limit what we think or our district thinks our kids can do
Q4. Steven (ME) begins with a story of seeing students with disabilities taught math in a disconnected way. Have you seen this model of instruction for students with disabilities? What are the intended and unintended effects of this instructional model? #SwDMathChat#elemmathchat
Part of it feels like we can't get away from "measurable" as being about accuracy / right answers. Yes, that's a component of math, but aren't we trying to shift towards thinking and reasoning and growth mindset? How do we "measure" that? #swdmathchat#elemmathchat
A4: I have. The danger is that Ss never realize that their ideas matter or are relevant. That's true of all Ss who are taught this way, but maybe Ss with disabilities think they deserve it more? They've internalized the label that's been put on them.
A4: I’ve seen SwD being taught a bunch of discrete, disconnected number crunching algorithms.
An “answer getting” endeavor, rather than “sense making”.
We have to help teachers transition to teaching rich tasks, period. The shift from procedural to conceptual teaching is still in progress here in CA. #swdchat#elemmathchat
I love the tapping fingers that indicate thinking, and of course the satistifed smile. Learning feels so good. It should at least. #elemmathchat#swdmathchat
I love the protocol. What I've found less than straightforward about it is that one needs to know something to notice and wonder about something. Students do know! But they don't know they know. We have to help them realize that they do.
A3: I have found having Ts Notice/Wonder in their classrooms just to get a conversation going that is not threatening to Ss or where there is no right answer, helps engage SWD and Ts comment how Ss become and stay engaged #swdmathchat#elemmathchat
Q5. What kind of math do SwD need? Is it a different kind of math than for students without disabilities? Do SwD need algebra? What kind of algebra? Why? #SwDMathChat#elemmathchat
A3 My 6-8th grade swd just finished this activity!They found the strategies to draw any AND they found formula for the quantity in any! They #noticewonder collaborated, communicated AND they dominated! I even had one successfully critique MY thinking! #ElemMathChat#SwDMathChat
Yes. This is done quite honestly to help Ss. Things are broken down into small manageable chunks in order to deal with pacing. So, what ends up happening is Ts teach tricks that really isn’t learning mathematics.
Ss become more and more reliant on these tricks.
l also find that middle & high school Ts are unfamiliar w strategies that elem Ts use for number sense & operational fluency. Makes it difficult for them to support Ss w familiar strategies when they get stuck #ElemMathChat
In reply to
@SCH211, @mavenofmath, @professorteds, @ScottGeisler12
Yes, but how can we do it in ways that are not too big for Ts to integrate into their practice, Ts need to feel successful with their Ss, just as we want Ss to feel successful with math #swdmathchat#elemmathchat
A5: We have to be careful to make judgments about what students need. The math they need is the math that builds from what they know and provides opportunities for them to reason into new ideas.
Q5. What kind of math do SwD need? Is it a different kind of math than for students without disabilities? Do SwD need algebra? What kind of algebra? Why? #SwDMathChat#elemmathchat
Great Q! I'm studying CGI on my own (not in MAT class) and I'm intrigued by its potential for teaching SwDs. Is this thought too easy/obvious, I wonder? I'm a newby. #swdmathchat#elemmathchat
A5 This is definitely one of those ?s I feel is applicable even more broadly. Do all Ss need algebra? What kind of algebra? Why? #swdmathchat#ElemMathChat
Q5. What kind of math do SwD need? Is it a different kind of math than for students without disabilities? Do SwD need algebra? What kind of algebra? Why? #SwDMathChat#elemmathchat
Everyone has the best intentions but I think they are sending the message that, "You can learn the real math, here's a trick to help you." #elemmathchat
The power of CGI is in listening to the students. SwD definitely deserve to be listened to. Then we need to have a teacher move ready based on what we hear. I use CGI with my SwD.
I have found that # talks r a great way to begin the shift to math talk that focuses more on process & less on product. B/C they are only 5-15 mins, it makes for a reasonable shift & provides a place to begin to build a safe classroom culture of discourse. #swdchat#elemmathchat
I agree, and not JUST when thinking of swd, but in thinking about all students. I see the future when I look at my kiddos, and together we can make the future look pretty dang amazing! #ElemMathChat#SwDMathChat
I've taken to thinking of 'algebra' as "algebraic thinking." If we think Ss "need math" I think they "need algebraic thinking." #swdmathchat#elemmathchat
A5. SWD need a T'er who believes they can succeed, is willing to make learning fun & meaningful, provides access to learning through multimodal & multisensory teaching, uses individualized goals and targeted instruction. Give me that, and the program won't matter #elemmathchat
I'm always cautious about CGI, because it's designed to be a strengths-based approach but could easily be misinterpreted as a deficit-based approach if misapplied... #SwDMathChat#elemmathchat
I work with people who feel pressured by testing enough that procedural seems to trump constructive. I struggle too but I do see the light. Number talks and routines are so powerful. #ElemMathChat
#elemmathchat A5 not every child will need everything we teach when they become adults.However, the critical thinking, collaboration skills, higher order thinking and brain stamina required in a successful math classroom will help swd be successful in life.
Loving how naturally students apply whole number thinking to work with fractions - adding up in chunks, decomposing, using a landmark number. #numbertalks#MTBoS#ITeachMath#ElemMathChat
Yes! I actually have started to do more research in # talks and started supporting Ts using them in their classrooms! I am super excited about # talks and to see Ts implement them with SWDs #elemmathchat#swdmathchat
Fair, but I think you answered your own question, haven't you James? One teacher at a time. CGI feels like the right approach from what I've learned. #swdmathchat#elemmathchat
I think anything can be misinterpreted as a deficit-based approach if you are looking for what a student can't do instead of building on what they can do. #elemmathchat
In reply to
@TeacherIdentity, @ScottGeisler12, @professorteds
A5: All my Ss need the opportunity to participate, explore, try, without pressure, unrealistic expectations and a wild sense of hope. I had a Ss who needed me to walk him thru every prob. Then he went home & repeated it. He grad'd Valedictorian last year. #elemmathchat
Depends on my relationship w/ the Ts. 1st I live the example, 2nd I share any & everything! On social media I usually share a success story & a resource or 2. I also give my contact info & invite dialogue. I do this on MANY social media platforms. #SwDMathChat#ElemMathChat
We need to always make sure students have access to grade-level tasks, whereas CGI can sometimes be used as a rationale for why students have to do lower-level things instead of moving on to grade-level material. #SwDMathChat#elemmathchat
“‘Need’ names a sled to low expectations”.
Phil Daro
I worry about the term “need” because it often insinuates skills over understanding... practicality (as an adult) over interest or seeing patterns or thinking mathematically
Q5. What kind of math do SwD need? Is it a different kind of math than for students without disabilities? Do SwD need algebra? What kind of algebra? Why? #SwDMathChat#elemmathchat
A T told me today about a WODB task she did with Ss, & one of her most challenging SwD came out with "the basketball is full of air but all the others are solid shapes" - the whole class found that contribution immensely valuable #swdmathchat#ElemMathChat
Your use of the words unpredictability and chaos feel so appropriate to the current status and describe everything that is going wrong with our current system. #swdchat#elemmathchat
In reply to
@mathematize4all, @professorteds, @MNmMath
Sometimes people engage in conversations and take me up on contacting me off line and sometimes they don't. I get enough contacts and conversations that I keep doing it and I have gained some great PLC friends in process! #SwDMathChat#ElemMathChat v
A5: Being K through 8 (now 12) I get to see Ss develop over the long haul. Some don't click till HS or college. Some don't get math so mich... Some struggle every day to recall facts & use a calc, then score in 95% on standardized test w/o accomodations. #elemmathchat
Yes, why I'm such a big fan of Complex Instruction. It's an equity pedagogy designed for precisely this reason. Publicly assign competency, high expectations for all, apply evenly. We cannot be shy about this. #swdmathchat#elemmathchat
There are several research studies on this, finding CGI an effective practice for SwD. CGI is to follow children's thinking, and so is very appropriate for SwD, who may bring complex ways of thinking which we should honor. #SwDMathChat#elemmathchat
Q6. Sue (DS) argues here that we should challenge the math curriculum, rather than take it as a given. Can the inclusion of SwD transform math classrooms? #SwDMathChat#elemmathchat
I had a friend who taught in fifth grade and was under a lot of pressure from administrators to use ability grouping instead of the heterogeneous groups. #elemmathchat#SwDMathChat
In reply to
@professorteds, @dhabecker, @ScottGeisler12
Now you're talking, Sue! This is already done, of course, with "accelerated" programs. They obliterate "grade level" to some extent. So close to doing away with them altogether, really. #swdmathchat#elemmathchat
In reply to
@sue_bgl, @TeacherIdentity, @professorteds
A7: It absolutely can- different ways of reasoning can support students to make further connections between what they know and understand and the knowing and understanding of another. The increase in connections, to me, is conceptual evolution. #SwDMathChat#elemmathchat
A6: I think the approach starts with the culture, the assumptions about school. We started with inclusion from scratch. It influences the fabric of the Ss. So, yes. #ElemMathChat@Hopetechschool
There is research showing that composing and decomposing shapes regularly will help us to compose and decompose numbers.
I’d keep using visual models as much as possible!
A6 Yes - most definitely! Often I find it forces us all to think more deeply about what our learning intentions are for Ss, and getting better at defining those improves instruction for ALL #swdmathchat#elemmathchat
Q6. Sue (DS) argues here that we should challenge the math curriculum, rather than take it as a given. Can the inclusion of SwD transform math classrooms? #SwDMathChat#elemmathchat
We might also dispel the notion that math is a linear progression and that everyone must learn the topics in order, or that every student has to master every topic. #SwDMathChat#elemmathchat
In reply to
@sue_bgl, @ScottGeisler12, @professorteds
A6 I believe that when we allow the standards to drive our instruction, rather than the curriculum, we are better serving Ss. I also believe that the using of the CRA progression (written in to the CCSS) allows many Ss access to the standards. #swdchat#elemmathchat
#elemmathchat A6. We need to challenge anything that doesn't make sense for our kids. Not having access to high standards and exceptional math practices doesnt make sense. My kids with swd often see things in a way that my gen eds have a tough time understanding and vice versa.
A6: I'm beginning to think 'what' I teach is less important than the environment we've created. The approach of a parent is to 'try' and 'change'. #ElemMathChat
A6. My years as the regular math teacher in a full inclusion class made me a better teacher. I found myself always thinking about each student every night and pictured how he/she might best learn the concepts and then I did lots of what that was. It changed me. #elemmathchat
What does it even mean to master a topic? I feel like I am an expert in math, but I still learn something new within that topic almost daily. #swdchat#elemmathchat
In reply to
@TeacherIdentity, @sue_bgl, @ScottGeisler12, @professorteds
A6: Including SwD in math classrooms would necessarily require teachers to begin incorporating principles of UDL into the classroom. This would be awesomely transformative.
Q6. Sue (DS) argues here that we should challenge the math curriculum, rather than take it as a given. Can the inclusion of SwD transform math classrooms? #SwDMathChat#elemmathchat
A5 Swd need beautiful math, they need math that makes them struggle, math that inspires them! They need to see math as the amazing integral part of our world that it is. They need the same kind of math and learning that EVERY person needs & craves! #SwDMathChat#ElemMathChat
We might also dispel the notion that math is a linear progression and that everyone must learn the topics in order, or that every student has to master every topic. #SwDMathChat#elemmathchat
In reply to
@sue_bgl, @ScottGeisler12, @professorteds
Well, yes of course! We must do this. Huge opportunity, especially when no real "curriculum" or philosophy exists. Just textbooks and stop gap measures. #swdmathchat#elemmathchat
A7: This is interesting...think it is a dance between teaching & curriculum. Curriculum can help teaching or hinder teaching. And teachers can squash thinking of students by an innocence instruction. #elemmathchat#SwDMathChat
It ties, too, into the neoliberal idea of "personalized" learning, where what is needed is more individualization and independent work rather than building communities of learners that support each other. #elemmathchat#SwDMathChat
In reply to
@professorteds, @DDibley123, @ScottGeisler12, @Psyclist, @sue_bgl
As a parent, I feel the frustration and chaos of the SPED world. I can only imagine that feeling multiplied by the number of students I serve. How can Ts do their best work in a situation so broken? What is the best first step toward fixing it? #swdchat#elemmathchat
In reply to
@mathematize4all, @professorteds, @MNmMath
No, just right before it started on a math Facebook page I am part of. I can't post this chat on that site like I usually do now! Shhhhh #SwDMathChat#ElemMathChat
Is anyone confused by the quotation “…rather than just focus on better teaching strategies”?
It seems inclusion MUST include better teaching strategies.
Maybe I am misunderstanding something.
This might also relate back to IEPs which are deficit based. Even though you write about the Ss present levels, the goals are based on meeting the (perceived) needs not on building on the strengths. #elemmathchat
In reply to
@professorteds, @TeacherIdentity, @ScottGeisler12, @Psyclist, @sue_bgl
For the same reason we have math teachers who do not understand and internalize the beautiful design of math. Or who have forgotten what it is, what it looks like. And who don't embrace student differences. #swdmathchat#elemmathchat
In reply to
@professorteds, @dhabecker, @TeacherIdentity
I have started first in my classroom. When parents and teachers see the amazing metamorphosis happening w/ the Ss I serve they want to know what I am doing. One pebble makes a HUGE ripple! #SwDMathChat#ElemMathChat
In reply to
@mavenofmath, @mathematize4all, @professorteds
I love, love, love working in classrooms where it is readily apparent that the teacher has created a community of learners with her SwD…rather than just a bunch of students working on their individualized packets.
In reply to
@TeacherIdentity, @professorteds, @DDibley123, @ScottGeisler12, @Psyclist, @sue_bgl
I convey a sense of vision and hope in the mtg that will give me the latitude to try. I think through what goals I can hit on a concrete level as I teach full curriculum. This enable Ss to participate if only for a few lessons and the application activity. #elemmathchat
In reply to
@DDibley123, @professorteds, @TeacherIdentity, @ScottGeisler12, @Psyclist, @sue_bgl
I've been doing number talks PD labeled just for SPED teachers, b/c I found that they didn't think the traditional session would fit the needs of their Ss. Little do they know, it is almost the same session! #swdchat#elemmathchat
My hope is that moving forward, once they believe that their classroom is a place of sense making, that I can integrate the Gen Ed and SPED Ts more regularly in my trainings. #swdchat#elemmathchat
I learned more about how to make math accessible to all Ss the year the SwD class was cancelled mid year and I had to add 8 more Ss to my math class.
Truly transformative!
A6 Yes - most definitely! Often I find it forces us all to think more deeply about what our learning intentions are for Ss, and getting better at defining those improves instruction for ALL #swdmathchat#elemmathchat
Q6. Sue (DS) argues here that we should challenge the math curriculum, rather than take it as a given. Can the inclusion of SwD transform math classrooms? #SwDMathChat#elemmathchat
Ah…thanks! Having good teaching strategies is important, but it is merely a subset of the larger set of things that need to be done. AGREED!
I teach a scafolded lesson. Ss drop of and go independent when they want to. I make them ck in with my answers as I'm usually behind them helping others w/a more direct instruction approach. #elemmathchat I have what I call 'legal seat work'...
In reply to
@mavenofmath, @amcan36, @professorteds
A6 my ripple of change started in my math classroom. I'm using a curriculum that is inquiry based, student centered, rich in discourse, embedded w/ great routines & supports for Ss & Ts. NOW all 6th gr Ts are using and promoting it! #SwDMathChat#ElemMathChat
In reply to
@mavenofmath, @mathematize4all, @professorteds
A6 my ripple of change started in my math classroom. I'm using a curriculum that is inquiry based, student centered, rich in discourse, embedded w/ great routines & supports for Ss & Ts. NOW all 6th gr Ts are using and promoting it! #SwDMathChat#ElemMathChat
In reply to
@mavenofmath, @mathematize4all, @professorteds
So so much, but THE idea is that bringing SwDs into the GenEd classroom is not a "nice to have;" it's an absolute must. We can transform math class to "wonder class" if we do. Thank you so much! #swdmathchat#elemmathchat
Rachel really helped me through a point of confusion I had. I will start looking for larger, systemic issues IN ADDITION to seeking improved teaching strategies.
What teachers usually want in terms of disability is a better teaching method. But I think that it is more important to analyze the system, how it is almost designed to segregate and not educate kids with disabilities. Teaching is important, but the system is broken.
A7: Great ending question. This has been an AMAZING chat with you all! I have loved hearing your stories and I want to think better about collaboration, conversations, and how to support thinking about presuming competence of SWDs #elemmathchat#swdmathchat
I love you! xo Or a nerdy, orange clad, bundle of dynamite! LOL I think most people see me as an annoying little nerdy girl that they might as well listen to or I will never shut up and leave them alone! #SwDMathChat#ElemMathChat
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@MissMath_Teach, @mavenofmath, @mathematize4all, @professorteds
#elemmathchat A7. Continue to push for all kids and provide rich and innovative math lessons to all even if you are worried it will be too hard for your swd to get at first. Keep pushing them. Dont hold them back, minimize what they bring to the table, or ever underestimate them.