Elementary math chat is a weekly math chat where participants come to discuss best practices, examine student work, explore routines for reasoning and research that guides and supports pedagogy centered on problem and student based learning.
A): Heidi from Ontario. Grade 6 Teacher. Fav moment was when one of my Ss asked if we were having a 'party', and the rest of my class answered for me. "uh, no. Have you met Mrs. Allum?" #elemmathchat
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Ann Elise, Math Specialist in NH working with grade 3-5 Ss this year. All the years my children were growing up and we'd have pink milk and mashed potatoes. #elemmathchat
Hi! I’m Abbi... K-6 reading interventionist from Davenport, Ia. My favorite valentines moment was that a teacher left school early so I got to teach some valentines math💕 #ElemMathChat
Hello everyone, my name is Rozlynn Dance and I teach first grade in Federal Way, WA. Favorite Valentine's moment was the kindness circle my students participated in yesterday. 😍 #ElemMathChat
Tessa, K-6 Instructional Coach in Shoreline, WA. I always loved the the piles of Valentines and treat I got from my students. Certainly miss it now that I'm out of the classroom! #elemmathchat
#elemmathchat Judy, 5th grade math, North Texas, favorite Valentine moment - small group of 5th grade bro’s backed up their buddy as he delivered a teddy bear to his Valentine in the class next door. There was cheering!
A1: I would say almost anything a S does, says, or creates. Data can be anything a teacher decides is worthy of collecting and analyzing. #elemmathchat (I feel like that answer is cheating a bit? Too open?)
A1 Classroom data is all the information collected from and with kids that helps teachers/students know where they're at and where they need to go next. #ElemmathChat
A1 Quarterlies, NWEAMaps, TenMarks, IXL, Matific, Google Classroom task giving, problem of the day evaluating, sit back and observing anectodtal note taking datapaloozafrenzy in room244 #elemmathchat
A1: I think data can be defined as anything you use to help you gauge where your Ss are in their learning. Data should let you know where to go next. #ElemMathChat
A1 Depends on the audience. Data can be informal, such as a student observation. Or, it can be perceived as a numerical value on an assessment. Both have the potential to impact instruction. #elemmathchat
A1 A) Also, I think the data a teacher 'collects' should be meant to drive instruction and student learning forward; it's 'collected' for a purpose. #elemmathchat
Like the wording of "preparing for an instructional response.” Data (as long as it’s readily available) can help educators make more informed decisions that impact students. #elemmathchat
A1 Collecting information from our students in a way that will guide our further instruction and allow us to better serve them. It can be eavesdropping, observing, tests, interviews, exit tickets, projects, journals. etc.
It is a scrapbook and not just a snapshot
A2) I think I kind of touched on that -- the data should move your instruction and student learning forward. The hard part is deciding what data is going to lead to the best next steps. #elemmathchat
A2: To me, it means that data collected is always updated, changing, and tells you how Ss are doing w/ a concept. From that you can make informed decisions about moving forward, reteaching, or trying a different approach. #ElemMathChat
A1 the data I use most in the classroom are the notes I take while interacting with students during partner work time and whole group discussion. I also use benchmarks #ElemMathChat
A2 Not necessarily change the objective, but it may impact how it’s delivered. I might change the scaffolding or questioning based on the information gained. #elemmathchat
Data is anything collected 2 provide evidence of student learning/achievement.It includes formative/summative assessment;however,we can’t discount the importance of attendance data,behavioral data, etc 2 help us determine root causes 4 achievement or lack there of. #ElemMathChat
A2 B) Sometimes we can have too much data; or be 'data rich'. How do we filter through the data to find the most accurate data to our needs, and that most accurately represents the Ss thinking/process. #elemmathchat
A2 I use the data I collect during partner work time to scaffold the content during whole group discussion time. My benchmarks help me know where we all are and where we will be going #ElemMathChat
#elemmathchat Hi Lybrya Oakland USD Math Coach A2:Using data (observations, formative/summative tests, assignments, etc.) to make instructional decisions
A1:Data is anything collected to provide evidence of student achievement. It includes formative/summative assessment;however,we can’t discount the importance of attendance data,behavioral data, etc to help us determine root causes for achievement or lack there of. #ElemMathChat
A2 #elemmathchat To inform instruction is to design lessons/interventions that are infused with information gleaned from summation and formative assessments.
A2 It means that an activity or an assessment allows me enough opportunity to observe and evaluate learning so that I know what to do next. #elemmathchat
A2: Makes me think of, “So what? now what?” Now that we have evidence, what are we going to do about it? How will this impact instruction? Make adjustments as a result of data; however, don’t lower expectations. What will we do differently to bridge the gap? #ElemMathChat
A3 I am seeing that the peeps of #ElemMathChat pretty much agree that data informed instruction has more to do with what we observe and info we collect than test scores. This is diff than message we get about data! #ElemMathChat
A3: This is a tough question (thank you for making me think). I think my views are similar to those in this #elemmathchat. It's more about what we do with the data, and how we respond to our Ss learning. Data gives us a compass to help navigate our next steps.
A2 It’s important to keep in mind that one data point does not fully describe a learner. We need multiple sources of input & multiple data points #ElemMathChat
A3 I'm hearing a lot about what teachers do with data, but curious what others feel about how we use that data with the students to set goals and reflect. #elemmathchat
At the end of every school day I spend time reflecting on what we d accomplished where we struggled I then look at what I have planned for next day to make any needed adjustments. That is data driven instruction #ElemMathChat
A3: This is a tough question (thank you for making me think). I think my views are similar to those in this #elemmathchat. It's more about what we do with the data, and how we respond to our Ss learning. Data gives us a compass to help navigate our next steps.
I often discuss assessments after the fact and it's a head scratcher how they can correct but it get it wrong to begin with. Often lack rigor and vigor to do their very best w challenging assessments #ElemMathChat
A3: Putting Ss needs first! Using observations, conversations, and projects/assignments to give feedback to Ss and decide where to go next #ElemMathChat
My Ss use data daily to make decisions about what they will do during math workshop. Their data folders are always with them. They know their data and can explain what they are working on and why they are working on it. #elemmathchat
I am not sure about limited; I think the reality of teaching sometimes is that we have so much data. I guess more what is going to give you the best information on whatever it is in that time you are focusing on. Does that make more sense? #elemmathchat.
For example, using rubrics to help students understand what they're responsible for doing/learning, then using them as self-assessments to gauge how much they've learned and what they still need to work on #elemmathchat
A4 I collect the big ideas owned & the little ideas causing stumbles.I try to capture both in the moment and help students to capture them too. Help them own their education. If big misconcept I plan for intervention, but if we can mistake and grow Bring it on! #ElemMathChat
A4 Math tasks need to be open-ended rather than closed response or recall in order to get a true understanding of what your kids know and understand. Creating rubrics and presenting these to your kiddos is huge too! #ElemMathChat
#elemmathchat A4: S thinking and math reasoning are the hardest to grade but give the most insight to Ts about the 1. S understanding and 2. the effectiveness of our instruction. I loathe grading though, so I've learned to gather that data in the moment and not wait until test.
#elemmathchat To me, the most important elements are those which highlight student ability to analyze and reason, the student’s number sense, and the student’s ability to evaluate.
A4: In my role as Math Specialist working with all classrooms, I want actionable data on math fact fluency, word problem type structures, as well as conceptual understanding of stds. #elemmathchat
Ts make decisions all the time. Using observations and formative checkpoints can be quickly used and is often readily available. I find this to be the most valuable; as opposed to data that gives results months later. #elemmathchat
A3: An important piece of the puzzle in data driven instruction often left out in classrooms is keeping S’s informed of their own data so they can take ownership of their learning.This needs to take place on a daily basis. One goal per grading period isn’t enough. #ElemMathChat
Yes! I think people minimize developing observational skills and focus too much on tests, though. No feedback more immediate than in the moment questioning (both assessing and advancing:) )#elemmathchat
A4: What Ss are doing and thinking now. To help Ss become aware of their own thinking, and how that thinking can move them forward, through a problem let's say. Listening to their talk in the moment as they work is the best to capture learning (when you can!). #elemmathchat
A4: It is most important to capture the strategies that students are using to answer questions. Diving into how students are thinking and the strategies that they are using is the most valuable data you can gain. #elemmathchat
Totally agree. Building from strengths is so important. Building relationships with Ss where they know you are looking out for them - to grow. #elemmathchat
Yes! I am always searching for ways to effectively capture in the moment data. Seriously need to just film constantly. And know when to jump in, and when to not. #elemmathchat
Yes, students should be tracking their own data daily. They should know what their strengths are and their areas of need. This will help them develop ownership of their own learning. #elemmathchat
A3: An important piece of the puzzle in data driven instruction often left out in classrooms is keeping S’s informed of their own data so they can take ownership of their learning.This needs to take place on a daily basis. One goal per grading period isn’t enough. #ElemMathChat
A4 Depends on the teacher. Those moments can be captured digitally, in a class conversation, through peer sharing. At times, the issue comes from the documentation piece. But it doesn’t have to be documented to be actionable. #elemmathchat
#elemmathchat A5: Continuously! Where a S lands in one concept does not necessarily predict where s/he will prosper in another. What's most important to me is that the data is varied and collected often to get a fuller pic of Ss' understandings.
Do you have a user guide for these? I just got some chromebooks! I have added Flipgrid to my Google Classroom, but am still trying to figure out how to use it most effectively. #ElemMathChat
Do you collect data on which problem types students are able to solve? Interested in seeing what that looks like. I feel like Ts have some knowledge gaps around problem types, so it would be a long road to get that data #elemmathchat
“Most of the world will make decisions by either guessing or using their gut. They will either be lucky or wrong.” — This is one of my most recent favorite quotes! Data MUST drive everything we do. #elemmathchat
Yes, I want to continue collecting information about how and what Ss are learning... and being patient -- who knows when something will click for a S.
Important to listen and learn
“Most of the world will make decisions by either guessing or using their gut. They will either be lucky or wrong.” — This is one of my most recent favorite quotes! Data MUST drive everything we do. #elemmathchat#mathchat
It can direct our instruction, how we teach, and possibly what we need to teach. It can guide us to think outside of our comfort zone; finding other ways to teach, and therefore, assess. I am constantly asking "is this the best learning for this student now?" #elemmathchat
A5 I feel I get the most useful data through one-on-one discussions with problem solving tasks. I wish I had the time to interview every kiddo daily. #ElemMathChat
Yes, I have created assessments that allow us to see exactly which forms of the various types are a stumbling block for Ss. It has been our school goal for 2 years now. Worth the effort it takes! 5th gr now working on add/sub types with fractions. Powerful! #Elemmathchat
All of us! In K, it starts with a lot of modeling of both asking and answering, by now they are capable of digging deeper, questioning and leading discussions #elemmathchat
I use flip grid in a class I am taking. Can you embed a video into a document off of flip grid? I want to have Ss do so as an option for explain your thinking. I teach Ss w/disabilities this will remove so many barriers! #ElemMathChat
In reply to
@hallumclass, @Miss_Lievens, @Flipgrid, @Seesaw
I am always trying to make my data their data, too. What is the point, really, if it isn't for them? I heard you say this; what were you thinking? What does this mean for you next when you are completing this task? I want them to own their own data. #elemmathchat
I created a matching game of all the problem types for add/sub and mult/div and Ts would match them up and have to explain their reasoning. #Elemmathchat
Being able to distinguish what type of data to collect within these small moments and how to use that is a skill. Being able to identify when these moments arise is important. Having the awareness is experienced through time and pd (if it’s available). #elemmathchat
A6: Your planned lesson plan should change daily based on the previous days lesson or an exit ticket. Ts need to be flexible with their plan in order to meet the needs of their Ss. Data that is collected should tell you what the next steps should be. #elemmathchat
The processing piece is huge - especially when I'm taking anecdotal notes during a lesson. I'm working on making sure I revisit those notes with T to debrief. The convo is important. As a coach, I want to influence Ts to see that data is more than a number. #elemmathchat
#GoogleClassroom - and give them instant feedback through this. I listen a lot; and write. I record and take photos/videos. @Flipgrid - so many options. Ss can choose how they share their learning. They ask for feedback from me all of the time! #elemmathchat
Q6: If I see there is a concept that only a few Ss are struggling with, then I know to do a small group response, but if most of the Ss struggled then I know to discuss as a whole group or reevaluate the question. #elemmathchat
The math journal could be a way for them to get their thoughts down on paper prior to the 1:1 conference. It could also help inform the teacher prior to the conference so that they can be better prepared to have the discussion. #elemmathchat
#elemmathchat A6: I will adjust my priorities/sequencing of learning goals and address needed scaffolds/enrichment while addressing grade-level standards IF possible. If not, may need mini-lesson to build foundation or be able to skip!
A6 It depends on what the perfect set of data tells me. Do I need to go back w/ more conceptual experiences, can I step it up and challenge more, Do I need to spend more time on investigation? So many options #ElemMathChat
Definitely agree!
It's varies - and for diff lessons, I'm looking for diff things.
It's a #workinprogress for me to collect and analyze data with teachers in a way that is manageable and meaningful. #elemmathchat
For example. students may use their math journal to review their assessments. They look at their performance on certain skills compared to the standards, reflect on strengths/areas to improve, set realistic goals and have teacher and students sign-off. #elemmathchat
Thanks! I teach Ss with disabilities and I think it will be an awesome tool to implement UDL and remove barriers. I just got devices that are able to utilize! So excited for the possibilities! #ElemMathChat
In reply to
@SEANJFAHEY, @Miss_Lievens, @Flipgrid, @Seesaw
A6: We can’t only look through the lens of, “did they get it right or wrong?”We must provide the students a question that allows the teacher to analyze the student work, find the good news, &discover the misconceptions. Then the teacher can target the specific gaps. #ElemMathChat
So, for those not here yet, this is what happened...I read some great responses to some questions I’m constantly arguing with myself about, then I asked more Qs, and now amazing lessons, resources, and examples are being shared. What might be some takeaways? #ElemMathChat
Good question. I’ve seen 1-3 Ts use a similar form. More visual w/circling and examples. It’s amazing when students start to take more of an ownership role in their math journey. #elemmathchat
In reply to
@tessakaplan84, @mathkaveli, @RozlynnDance
A7: Data is crucial and it informs instruction by showing you where each Ss is. The Ss thought process, is most important data to capture to promote instruction because it allows you to see how Ss are thinking and misconceptions they may have. #elemmathchat
A7 Data is important and informs instruction if we are reflective, patient, and brave to try new things. Interviews are valuable because Ts can gain so much insight into student thinking. #elemmathchat
A7 Data is important and informs instruction if we are reflective, patient, and brave to try new things. Interviews are valuable because Ts can gain so much insight into student thinking. #elemmathchat
Using feedback to turn back into a lesson...hmmm...seems you created learning as a feedback loop that turns into learning...so prep goes down, amount of work you have to do goes down, and learning goes up...hmm...win win? #elemmathchat
#elemmathchat I will have looked for patterns in S intuitive thinking & determined where to push or support. Also, I will have considered where I failed/succeeded in refining their reasoning and what strategies to keep and which to reject for next time.
I love watching our littlest learners take ownership of their learning. I've had firsties self-assess with their exit tickets by turning them into one of three different bin choices: "got it," "starting to get it," and "need more help" #elemmathchat
Ha ha! I think that's the idea; still feel like I do too much work, though. Still learning and working on it. But yes, I love when Ss see how it all cycles back! #elemmathchat
For some of the kids, I think being able to communicate their math perspectives via journaling can help them make more sense of their own mathematical understanding. Adding a conferring session adds to its benefit. #elemmathchat
In reply to
@jcorippo, @mathkaveli, @tessakaplan84, @RozlynnDance
FT I am reminded when I get discouraged by what the "man" is telling me my data and data driven instruction should look like I need to turn to my #ElemMathChat & #MTBoS friends for support!
I would talk to you. What do you need now to help you? Give think time/space. Give suggestions slowly; not all at once. Ss choose, ultimately. #elemmathchat