Continuem amb un pica-pica, compartint les experiències de la primera sessió de treball #edcamp a la #jornadamagnet18. Aquesta samarreta ho resumeix be! @aliancesmagnet
Aules plenes per parlar sobre els reptes en l'educació pública! En aquest cas, parlem d' @aliancesmagnet per desenvolupar projectes transversals a l'aula #edcamp#projectemagnet18
Fantàstic que els centres educatius de @aliancesmagnet celebrin la Jornada Magnet 2018 amb l’ #EdCamp
Ara mateix, xerrada d’@ainatarabini “Innovació per combatre la segregació escolar: els aprenentatges de l’experiència pilot magnet”
#edcampMagnet Avui 300 persones hem intercanviat experiències al voltant dels quatre eixos del programa Magnet. Estigues atent/a, que anirem compartint els principals aprenentatges de la jornada!
A1: Ts were very appreciative of many, many PD opportunities. However, it wasn't alway equitable. More T voice needs to be involved where they are more self-directed and leading. Ts continue to crave to learn, which is awesome. #tlap
Q-7: Exploring ways to provide choice and empower our adult learners. Check out the #EdCamp for our Teaching Assistants scheduled for today. #PACGrades
If thinking about starting an #EdCamp, start by attending one with your friends. Find an edcamp at as well as resources and suggestions about edcamps. #edcampiste#ISTE18
Love #Edcamp ? Want to share the experience w/ other Ts in CA? Want to take on a new role, grown your PLN & receive a stipend? Be a part of #BetterTogtherCA at this year's CA Teachers Summit on July 27th!
Let us know you're interested here:
Sign up for EdCampMT-West—Aug. 9 from 9-4 in East Helena.
Great participant driven PD! OPI recertification credits available. FREE FOOD—Light breakfast and pizza lunch! Great conversation and swag! AMAZING PRIZES!
#edcamp is a great way to include everyone’s needs for PD in a more relaxed atmosphere. It is also a great way to include parents and community members.
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@teacher2teacher, @MrSpicerTweets, @alextvalencic, @Shapiro_WTHS, @SteinbrinkLaura, @1cathymiller, @TeachLikeALady, @freshfromthe4th, @MsWmsOneOhWhat, @ElemCoach, @amyo13