Welcome to #MakeItReal! Happy 2018! Thanks to all who joined in the Winter Break Slowchat! Introduce yourself and share your favorite Yoda Quote (if you have one).Here's mine!
Phil from Northern, VA I teach US History II. As an avid Star Wars fan I have many quotes I enjoy, I really enjoyed his more recent quote, "The greatest teacher, failure is." #MakeItReal
Hi Everyone! Valerie from Atlanta. Here’s my fave Yoda quote. As an aside? My dad’s call sign (&Yodazro1) as a pilot was Yoda! #makeitreal (He will appreciate the Twitter shoutout!)
#makeitreal *spoiler alert* My favorite Yoda moment is when Luke is threatening to burn down the Jedi tree, but doesn’t and yoda just does. Actions speak louder than words!
A1 - Finding ways to get all students (HS especially) to care about math enough to give it their all, fail, get back up and continue persevering #MakeItReal
A1: Rejecting what has "always" been done in exchange for what is best for students. I have been constantly reevaluating the ways I have been doing things this year, and have been working to be more innovative for my students! #makeitreal@ERobbPrincipal@KGT_Educator@LCSCoach
A1 Our school has a monumental attendance issue that is getting in the way of student success. I plan to tackle this head on in the upcoming semester. #makeitreal
A1: A building. In my new role as elem. principal that's what I've faced. However so fortunate to have outstanding staff who always go above & beyond. #MakeItReal
Love that you are working to destroy these walls. Like Luke's X-wing stuck in the swamp, it just takes the right mindset to lift up and get out of messy situations! #MakeItReal
A1: I'll be moving to the superintendent chair in July. The time between now and then will be challenging as I balance building leader and try to learn aspects of the new role. Thankful for great current leadership and mentors. #MakeItReal
A1: Continuing the battle of proving history isn't boring!! Also motivating/ proving that we can and will do well on any state/AP exams this year #MakeItReal
A1: As the new STEAM resource teacher for my school one of my biggest struggles is remembering all 800 names/faces for each student! The struggle is real! #MakeItReal
A1: My biggest challenge is to continue to make our school the best it can be and support our learners in order to give them a better chance later in life #MakeItReal
A1: Anxiety. Since October some of my Ss have been expressing that they are scared of their upcoming transition to Middle School next year. Also, less weighty but problematic, the fact that lunch is 10 minutes later. #MakeItReal
A1: along with just having moved grade levels and districts, and still being seen as a "first year" in year seven... Owning my teaching style and helping my kids thrive, without overstepping and offending those around me. Heavy lifting AND awkward. #MakeItReal
A1: Getting teachers to take a risk, quit worrying about testing and use life to learn. Quit doing the same thing and expecting different results. #makeitreal
It's so not boring!!! Especially when it's deeply connected to a great question. Like "What did Mozart and the American Revolution have in common?" #makeitreal
I think Freddie would just do it. Dive in and see what happens. There is nothing to see if I don't dive in ...daily. And I do. Win or lose. #MakeItReal I'm not sure Freddie would get ahead either.
A2: I'm guessing he'd tell me to smile, nod, and do what I know is best for my kids in the end. Here's to innovation and daring winning out in the end! #MakeItReal
A2: Freddy would try to use student names as much as possible when responding to them, calling on them, or seeing them in the hallway so eventually their names will stick! I think I have about 300/800 names down pat! Keep on trucking! #MakeItReal
A2: Freddy would assure my student that there are always going to be scary challenges in your way but you just have to forge through and believe in yourself! #MakeItReal
A2: do what it takes to get the job done. I’m going to have to get uncomfortable and take risks. it may not work out (at first) but I’m going to do it and keep at it till I’m where I want to be. #makeitreal
Google Hangouts with the middle school classes or librarian would be a great way to make connections. Partnering with classes in their feeder pattern so that students can connect with future/past teachers and upperclassmen. #Makeitreal
A2: I have to try. It's the only way to know. Someone else's experience is not exactly mine. I also can't learn as much by just taking someone else's word for it. #MakeItReal
A2: Freddy would probably be the loudest voice on campus!! He would think of grandiose ideas to show the value and intrigue to history class #MakeItReal
A3: Do you like when people recognize you and know your name? And when in doubt - you can always refer to a student as “friend”, “buddy”, “sweetie” and the list could go on 😉 #MakeItReal
A3: You'll only regret the risks you don't take! All innovations (and insights and creations and surprises and...) come from people trying new things! We have to model this for our students. #MakeItReal
A3: You can't grow unless you make mistakes. Learning, growing, and trying even in the light of failure models grit and determination for students. #makeitreal
A3 My ultimate purpose and mission is to serve the students. As TIS I want to facilitate their teachers’ professional growth and in turn, impact the students. You just CAN’T convince me I shouldn’t try 👎 #MakeItReal#KidsDeserveIt#tlap
If you're interested in hosting #makeitreal in the future, send me DM and I'll get you on the schedule!!! Looking for great new chat ideas this year :)
Took out 20 desks, brought in camping chairs, a big teacher desk, a floor pillow, and 5 small tables-to start. Going to bring in a coffee table for the floor seaters to use, and carpet squares for additional floor seating. #MakeItReal