#connectedTL Archive
The hub for educational-coaches, TOSAs, administrators, department heads & all Teacher Leaders! | Join #connectedTL Tues 7:00 pm PST.
Tuesday May 10, 2016
10:00 PM EDT
Mike here Tech TOSA from La Puente, CA I don't often chat, but when I do it's always with... &
Hey Nicole from Campbell. Not a TOSA or a coach on release so here's what I'm contributing tonight: https://t.co/Mi0KDXX2Lr
you can still participate! Everyone can use some branding now and then
Hey! Jenna from Lake County, EdTech/STEM Specialist and Education Coordinator for Taylor Observatory. (I made it!!)
Thanks!! I've been more than a little MIA :)
Good evening! Stephanie from Missouri. I teach HS sped math
a1 Neither. I like working with site Admin & dept chairs to find out what's going to work best for them.
A1: Take from the classroom! Show what works, and more importantly what doesn't. Give t's the chance to share.
A1. I likes me a nice mix. I think that any philosophy or practice that looks at either/or benefits from a glance at both/and
Steve in Hammond, IN. Soaking up the awesomeness. Walkup: Something Foo.
Hi! Jenny, instructional coach from Berwyn. Happy to have found this group!
What Up tribe! Aaron from Chicago, I am an Instructional Technology Coach and my intro music would be something
Also, I'm HS social studies teacher from SW Mo.
A1: I think the trainees should decide, and whatever they are comfortable with, We accomodate.Don't be a heel, be a help
a1 However, I will host Pull-Outs because some Ts like/want it. Push-iN is good too, as long as I'm invited
Julie from PESD 6th Grade elementary teacher and Tech Lead ...happy CAASPP testing to all😭🍷
A1: Being in the classroom full-time...I work with teachers when they come to me.
A1 If I have to choose, I choose to be w both the T and S. We hv recently experimented w having pullout w push in & is working!
A1: As a classrm T I prefer pull out. I like time to think,discuss, ask/answer ?s & go deeper w/o distractions of the classrm.
“Don’t be a heel; be a help!”
Love it.
A1: I think the trainees should decide, and whatever they are comfortable with, We accomodate.Don't be a heel, be a help
A1 Push in, because believing is seeing, when Ts see it w/their Ss, it builds trust/credibility
Hi Jody from Quebec. I am the school board coach for pedagogical integration of technology (20 elem schools & 3 HS)
I push in and pull out - because I like to work all the angles 😜 oh and T's have different learning styles too
A1: I vote for IN!!! Whether it’s push or pull — meet them where they’re at.
Interesting approach, any PD fails w/out admin support
A1: Enjoy the push in, but as someone mentioned only if I am invited!
And my song..."Time of Your Life" Green Day
Yes, but have to have t's willing to take the chance on it then share. If t's don't buy in, it won't work.
Thank you so much! You ugys know how to make a gal feel special!!!
Do you find that they have you push in or pull out more w their Ts?
A1: In class is going to stick, however you reach a smaller audience. Each model has its place and is needed!
How do you make the invitation happen? What’s the magic sauce?
A1 Im reading some good thoughts. i don't think push in means be pushy, just where the Ts and Ss are engaging w the PS
A1: I think you have to adjust for the teacher learner. Some are comfortable learning in front of Ss. Some are not.
That is an important distinction!
Hi all! Sally from Placer County Office of Ed.
A1: I like a mix of both for ur different levels of learners. No size fits all
I agree w/u, but I am referring to Ts choice, they generally prefer push in vs being pulled out for reason I stated
Good point. I can see the misread. I push in like demos and observations and partner planning
Getting my foot in the door any way possible! Keeping my ear to the ground.
Elementary reading teacher from Missouri with a love for PD. Lurking and learning tonight.
A1. I think it also depends on what the teacher, or school, or district needs.
A1: I prefer a combo. Pull out for ideas. Push in for application with kids on the same day. Pull out for reflection
Prefer IN, but can't push, must be invited. Been given extended stays in 3 schls this yr to build relationships & promote IN
This year mostly pull out Next year we want 2 shift 2 more of a 1/2 & 1/2. We are in a rebranding phase right now.
If I hear they are making Google Slides. I'll ask the teacher if I could come in and help out with it.
I like that, a one-two combo! Nicely done.
I agree. I'm peesonally a fan of one-on-one but that works best since I'm in the classroom full-time.
Right — so the visit has a purpose. Like “ Help me help you”?
Do you find being from the classroom, Ts tend to listen more readily to you?
A1b: We offer F2F classroom follow-ups to all our out of classroom professional learning.
very important to build those relationships
It's all about relationships and having teachers trust you
A1: I think we can all agree that it's what the Ts prefer. Whatever I need to do to increase contact with Ts
Nice transition. W Admin support that’s a super match. Without… it’s a super mess.
even within a site plan there is room for both and should be
Teacher Choice = Teacher Voice
Yes! Building street cred
sadly meh. I work for 'the district. That's a culture shift that needs to take place too
Yes and No. Since I teach sped some Ts think I can only do what I do bc I have small classes. Not true.
That’s a really well-explained definition with clear outcomes in mind. Love this!
A2: Email, handouts, word of mouth, podcasts, you name we have tried it trust me
That's the best to see the real application of strategies with students.
I wasn't assuming you were (: We offer a mix, usually including in class model as part or all depending
>.>...<.<...>.>...o.o maybe
A2: We're planning a menu a la . Fab add to the voxer group. It's very easy to use and clear.
A2: I make clever MailChimp newsletters and just send em out. Focusing on an upcoming event or test & highlight how I can help!
is there a way to make sure Ts are reading it? We found lots of our emails went to the Junk folder
A2b: We have used Smore newsletters, but our Ts and admins are notorious for not checking email. Not much success there.
Sometimes it's hard to ignore student behaviors and focus on the purpose of the PD.
A1 PD should be a mix of success and aspirations. I don't always want to do what others have done.I can be innovative for my Ss
my hubby works in sped too, the small classes mean nada in regards to work load
A2 Started the year w weekly Gdoc signups w brief description of services if you will but I feel are Super TOSA model is better
A2: I share at PD, mention in conversation what I'm doing in my classroom, send emails to staff occasionally.
This really gets me thinking as we look to next year! Thank you!
A2. My blog, emails, newsletters, menus, flyers dropped off w/donuts. The only thing that seems to work is word of mouth
I am wondering if those Ts may always find a reason if you know what I mean.
Q2 I send out questionnaires with choices and feedback then send out a "class" schedule to sign up
So much is dependent on the intro of the coach and the expectations
I have the .doc if you need/want to copy!
Interesting title. What do you do in a week on the job?
A2 email, newsletters, social, classroom visits.. Drawings and prizes... Yet to find my silver bullet
both digitally and IRL, right?
A2: Answering from a t's perspective here: I think I lead through modeling/sharing. Not overbearing, but confident in methods.
blog! I'm an English Major, and that blog thing scares me.
A2) I am a big fan of the soft sell. Too much enthusiasm is off putting. They are ready for help when they are ready for help.
A2: I use a mass social media combo + word of mouth. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Depends on so much.
A2 Super TOSA model = connecting with Admin, identifying need & then team goes out to clsrm with Ts/Ss No sub plans needed
Yeah, it can be, I think it also means, I haven't earned trust, or need more relational capacity
A2: I love and his GSlides newsletters each week. Easy to follow — predictable — in one place!
Some districts, Twitter would work better but for mine it's email
A2: I don't get the hesitation to have help in the classroom. I used the heck out of our LitCoach when I was in the classroom.
A2) I do the same thing. Passive without the aggressive. https://t.co/6lifFhf2Ul
Q2 I send out questionnaires with choices and feedback then send out a "class" schedule to sign up
I'm stuck on something. I'm looking at intersection of gamifying, play, and stories. Any takers on ideas
Agree! PD should be personalized to meet needs as individuals. Should be focused on what each need.
I'm trying to get into some classes when they have a sub... Enticing, but still not too many takers
A2: I think it’s about ease of access to/reliability of what I curate & design. I build a site 4 my Ts to go back to after PDs
There is some of that and some of the other. I think it goes back to dept
exactly, if anything, it is the opposite!
No, more in regards to there is something in these ideas my brain is trying to pull out, and I haven't hit it yet..
A2: I seek them out through personal conversations. However may miss someone with hidden potential.
Hi Geri!!! What about asking them if you could “borrow” to get some learning done for you?!
A2: I tried out site visits this year- went to a site for entire day. Worked with teachers w/Ss. At lunch, recess.
A2 Mostly word of mouth. That has kept me busy. Need to get more organized like Then more Ts will be reached
Something that helps is throwing in some entertainment. My Ts know that they can get a good laugh if they read my newsletter.
Tech and Tippin' Tuesdays!
Willingness to share by other teachers, I think, is huge. As teach, I prefer to hear from somebody in the classroom.
Right! crazy how isolated and misunderstood this population of amazing Ss world is still so hidden fromTs
our menu sprang from a fear of forcing ourselves on Ts. It is passive, but we try and send out reminders.
How do we transition Ts to see us/our services as more valuable? We must value them ourselves!
My hubby and I are hoping to run a Sped/EdTech pd together one day.
My tech lead just started a come-as-you-are EdCamp-style FTF meetup 1x/wk. Learn what you want, teach what you know.
A2. Predictable thingies are useful, too. I do a monthly Tech event, folks who see it look for it.
I love that idea, but I'm stuck on characteristics of these pieces that are so appealing to our brains.
Yes, newsletters are great
Having the admin confer w T has helped. We go in, PD w T & S and have T deliver a lesson/debrief after https://t.co/GgU90X9h5C
I'm trying to get into some classes when they have a sub... Enticing, but still not too many takers
ProjectBL--All can be put into one! S's choose type, how, and what.
read receipt?? But I hate when I get those. Smore will keep tack of views.
I want to do badges next year. Try out some bonuses for participation and trying new things
A3 Come up w/a #, use a cool logo, share open and often and iterate based on feedback
That would be awesome! has a Sped Ed Tech strand. I'm hoping to attend and share ideas too!
A3. Predictability. I figure if I keep using the hashtag someone else will have to eventually, too, right?
I love that too, but I'm wondering about the characteristics that make these pieces stick w/us and engage us
A3: We have branded all of our emails, forms, site, etc. with the same design elements. Our learning events are similarly named
Umm what part of YES do I need to repeat!!?!!!!?!?!??!?!?!?!? :)
AGREED! I also have a group, which has helped. Still, not all on it. https://t.co/u7WRDNxpFE
social media is huge for those that are on it. I miss everyone was!
Might miss someone, but can't get everyone in one year. Hidden potential teacher might appear on radar next year
Are people showing up? Sounds great!
yes, coolness factor is a major plus
A3: I'm starting an "adopt a coach" idea for next year, combined feedback system of needs, partnering w/Ps admin Ts
Great educoaching tips! https://t.co/reUr8fxKQ0
A3 Come up w/a #, use a cool logo, share open and often and iterate based on feedback
A3) Catchy moniker and a catchy logo lend themselves to credibility. I have EdTech805 waiting in the wings. Sorry
YES!! I used for a solid 6 months all by my lonesome! :) don’t give up!
oh and I almost forgot a good slogan its never a bad thing
yep, and logos only cost some imagination and paint skills! good call
. I often ask to "borrow" classes so I can teach. It lets teacher sit back &watch, & I get to teach
I tend to show sped examples in PD. To minimize the "oh, my kids can't do that"
MEMEMEMEMEEEEEEEE!!!! https://t.co/kjTlUryAB4
I want to do badges next year. Try out some bonuses for participation and trying new things
So in what ways do these characteristics engage our brains?
Yes, have to keep pushing and projecting.
Seven Ts turned out for the first session. Good start. Everybody had something to share, which was cool.
As a t, I'm at the point of "how do I share w/o oversharing?" and "I'm your coworker, not your boss."
A3: I am in the midst of getting my staff on Twitter. Trying to have Ts come up with a hashtag. Give them ownership
one of my summer projects is to redo my brand to make it more consistent across platform
That's a great start! Have to start the trickle and let it flow to others.
Good pt on Gslides. Actually moved to these halfway through the yr bcuz you can + video & format better https://t.co/aS3Ia6gVvI
A2: I love and his GSlides newsletters each week. Easy to follow — predictable — in one place!
Ahh interesting, I definitely see that w/play and gaming, but having hard time with stories...very interesting
I got ONE teacher on Twitter and I took a picture to commemorate. I end EVERY PD with "get on twitter"
We need Don Draper to do a PD.
or Larry Tate.
Exactly! Sometimes Ts don't know what to ask for.
Q3 I've had over 80% turn out with out branding - how much of a difference does it make? Maybe I should've thought bout this b4
actually that would be pretty epic
I certainly don't. But, when I see something cool, then I'm hooked.
Yes, yes that's definitely part of it, I think part is there is also a lowering affective filters of failure too
Me too! Support/challenge group? https://t.co/z76TnYzsQ1
one of my summer projects is to redo my brand to make it more consistent across platform
passive programming works. Hate when I am leading forced PD
A3: Get 2 know & play w - my new obsession 4 capturing moments & quick turnaround w prof pizazz
alliterations are always good
Smart! Naming structures totally matter!
is a cool new tool that might be useful too
like TosasTalkingTech?!?!?!?
A3 - Branding is something I have not worked on (been in this position less than a full year). Agree with idea of consistency
Epic! Soooo true! My Ss taught my admin how to screenshot on chromebook the other day
'm learning about ... come join me at ... & learn together. A few takers.Those who will use it will come.
I see it all the time. Some Ts r just not comfortable w another colleague in the clsrm. Just takes time https://t.co/QYVWYQokMD
A2: I don't get the hesitation to have help in the classroom. I used the heck out of our LitCoach when I was in the classroom.
We call them Appy Hours. #1 #2 #3. Etc. Soda bar, pretzels.
A3: tbh, I don't think I even fully *get* what it means to have a PD brand...
Is anyone using Tech Tuesdays? (haha)
I think they each engage r senses which evokes an emotional response and build strong memories to help with recall
we asked for a slushy machine for our PD room.
. I have a few, but finally convinced the grownups to let me run an official school one
I'm getting an office -- with walls.
Can I come?! I need to find out more about this Cue thing!
We’ve ALLLLL been there! sometimes
I mean I see it all the time. I just don't understand because I just LOVED having my coach in my room.
Hey, whatever happened with that?
Nice point! Spot on for sure!
Basset Brain Freeze Fridays.
Got my principal on Twitter this year! Mission accomplished.
. our lockdown last week (don't ask) solidified our campus getting on
We were specifically told that we couldn't serve margaritas.
TOSA Edition is coming back to SoCal in Aug! Details soon. One of the fastest filling events last year.
Q4 t's value anything that will save them time and energy with increased S engagement
Stay tuned for next week — it’s all about developing your brand!
. way to make lemonade! Loooove
A3: My brand = Your Tech Fairy Godmother ;)
A4: Aside from chocolate?
. let's go! https://t.co/5AfEwmfFau
TOSA Edition is coming back to SoCal in Aug! Details soon. One of the fastest filling events last year.
Tech Spec. from LB joining in LATE
we've had three this year - can't get them on remind but got everyone on google hangouts now
A4) Trainees in general value not having their time wasted. Also, keeping it simple is nice. and stickers.
A4: Snacks. Decent prizes. But that's not WHY they come. Fortunately.
Awesome, just what I need! I'll have to mark the calendar and clear the decks
A3 Such a great Q! Just spoke briefly w & we r going to brand the heck out it next year. Perception is everything!
I've always gone with: If it's good for sped it's good for all students.
A4: $ = incentive. Also, guarantee you'll be there 2 support. Public recognition is always nice too.Not enough of that in edu.
A4: My mentor has seriously brought candy and conference freebies as at our pds. haha
indeed, same goes for ELLs
A4: CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE and time to create- not just sit and get
I totally do that. We have boxes of goodies we pick up from vendors at conferences.
Go with a Harry Potter meets Van Halen theme-Van Potter!
swag is good if u have funds. You'd be surprised what $1k can buy
Yes! This is my first year as a tech coach so I'm building my collection
A4 Ts value when PD is relevant, applicable, easy to implement, free, supported, and they as people are valued almst universaly
A4. My Ts value time & integrity, I try to honor that providing PD that doesn't waste their time, so I start with their needs
Have to make it fun! totally agree!
we didn't have swag but we had a private event as a thank you for coming to our PD for about 50 ts
Excellent point, Nicole!! https://t.co/fyulE3UiEm
A4: $ = incentive. Also, guarantee you'll be there 2 support. Public recognition is always nice too.Not enough of that in edu.
I don't know what the Q was but heck yeah!!!
I have a PD Google classroom class where I post examples of things I do with students.
A3 Giving Ts opportunities to brand themselves helps our brand & we intend to invite more opps for Ts to show out and off!
Late to the chat tonight... Kara from Kennewick, WA, Dean/Coach K-5. First year and needing this chat.
I stole from that I have a weekly drawing from my newsletter.. Name that logo, win Starbucks!
I approach problems with solutions. Ts value help if they see a benefit. It's easier after that
Try going for some “low hanging fruit” and keep back to fill your mojo! It will help u build some confidence too
That is one smart cookie! https://t.co/YTmWMWRCsP
I stole from that I have a weekly drawing from my newsletter.. Name that logo, win Starbucks!
A4: Ask for some "budget dust" from your Assistant Sup. or CFO. dependin on dist. size, it could be
I always try to find out what teachers want, not what tool to try
bloody brilliant! I think the adopt a coach thing was also ben's...not sure, but loved it
A4 Food goes a long way in helping someone feel valued...even dollar store chocolate. Ts are easy.
A3: Comp time if possible
A2: I loved the idea shared on Voxer- menu of services. will be creating that ASAP for next year
i was on negotiations team, I was surprised at the term. But it could literally be thousands!
A3 Weekly Ts guest newsletter/blog post, video tutorial, podcast. A multimedia frenzy!
A4: As a teacher, my time is most valuable--get it to me quick, let me get out and take care of stuff in my classroom.
I try to find out what teachers want 2accomplish. Shiny tools are always there. Solving problems makes life easier
LOL, I had a site that called themselves "food ___", they'd do anything for food..they have a great culture
TELL US MORE! Give us pix!
Total side note: I had an impromptu meeting with HS ts &I showed them the directory we made in vegas to show them my pocketpals
nice! we're better together
A4: Teachers value time. Don't waste theirs but be prepared to invest yours.
A4: our dist has an option to earn units for hours- 15 hours = 1 unit- can move over on payscale
I like that idea! Exclusive invites to MORE LEARNING!!
A4: Comp time if possible. Ts never have enough time.
A4 cont.: Offer to cover my class for me so I can go work on the tool we discussed in our planning together!
Unfortunately, our dist is in state receivership. No dust in any corner of anywhere. Still love the term.
Yes! Make each PD session or resource worth their time!
Lots of $1 store green screens (errr green table cloths) https://t.co/PfFxH3tF8V
swag is good if u have funds. You'd be surprised what $1k can buy
this is great to keep in mind. thanks!
If it's morning PD there better be some!! Even though I prob won't eat any...the offering is what matters
Shiny tools are so much fun though! It's hard not to want to share. I have lots of 30 second commercials for tech
is great w/ the swag. Other depts. come to him. It's amazing
so very true, this is great idea
I see you and raise you that all students value their time.
I told my 1st principal we're like stray dogs: keep putting out food and we'll keep coming around.
So you want your coaches to put their $$$ where their mouth is!? but I like it!
Oooooooooooo! https://t.co/PNTnHXWIbd
we didn't have swag but we had a private event as a thank you for coming to our PD for about 50 ts
. wow, great incentive we need a new column added to ours, so many all the way over. Loss of growth incentive
We're hoping to do more next year along with some new PD structures and cohorts.
Dance floor....because kinesthetic learning is important
I used to have a newsletter- went to CUE Admin, ended the newsletter and started a blog- how many people read the newsletter?
We need a new column too. I've been maxed for 5+ years.
I offered w/$ components for WMPWMV for any T, just asked for evid of implementation
And what they use IRL bc that makes platforms and OS choices a lot clearer
. oh yes, but knowing the end goal gets me the right shiny tool that lasts for more than a week!
when we did a greenscreen training, everyone got one! I felt like
A5: Keeping appointments. Nothing like cancellations or flakage to lose trust. Supportive emails. Thoughtful forwards...
A6 Start small, get to know person before offering support, discuss needs, work on what they say
AGREE! Vet Ts have maxed out units and should keep learning something new- frustrated by Ts who only go for $
A4 On demand PD. Call me and I'll be there! Easier said than done, but when you can go out and help on the drop of a dime, whoa
a5. Be yourself, be genuine, be generous and gracious.
A5: For my coaching team we have "specialties" I'm the android guy, my mentor is iOS. Librarian is research/copyright queen!
I learned about cards from “Get Out Of School Early”
Admin take the class for last hr of the day
A5) You have to be real & subservient. Ts are paranoid, for good reason. It takes time to build that trust. Help in meantime.
A5: I build trust by valuing Ts values & not pushing Ts to change everything they do. Homemade cupcakes and muffins help too
Yesssssss! You get a green screen, you get a green screen, everyone gets a green screen! LOVE it! https://t.co/OuH0uZ5td0
when we did a greenscreen training, everyone got one! I felt like
Q5 I lack a filter and the ability to BS - so I'll never promote - and I approach everyone the same way! Honestly
it's now common for teachers 2 enter maxed out. I've been maxed out since btsa, 2 years into teaching
Yes! Totally needs to be remembered by all of us!
A5: As a T I build trust w/C's when they show they are invested in ME & my Ss. No chillin at the DO while I'm in the trenches.
Yes! Help them out unconditionally. Without asking in return & eventually trust is given
A5- Build trust eating in lunchroom & chatting, really listen to concerns, celebrate baby steps, be genuine
A5: I build trust by letting the Ts be in charge of what we do- putting them in charge.
Oh so like you just won't listen to what they say, adding 1 more thing each wk? interesting (:
A5: Some Ts more willing than Admin, I share my crzy ideas with those my outside box Ts, wait for others to see the awesomeness
very cool. Can u give an example?
I've had my edtech masters for 15 years, & hit 20 years of longevity 5 years ago. No more money.
Good marketing! That's what people are used to. Superbowl commercialish. Entertain & give them the idea https://t.co/09HyueH1K0
Shiny tools are so much fun though! It's hard not to want to share. I have lots of 30 second commercials for tech
Sad to say, haven't had many coaches offer to come by my room in the last 8 yrs. I'm doing the seeking.
I quickly learned that being a Tech Coach is synonymous with salesman sometimes
A5 Find a way to do things for Ts before they realize they need it. Helps build relationship, trust, and respect
belongs in PD and in the classroom amiright ?
i hate the TOSA acronym, teachers ordering starbucks again. whoever started that needs to be flogged!
Also, I need to build my credibility. We have some sharp folks working in silos. They need to see if I'm legit b4 trusting me.
A5- Dispel misconceptions (e.g. your mission is everyone be paperless, or only interested in big tech projects, not day-to-day
So is the blog more effective?
Pure genius! I'm bringing this up with our admin! https://t.co/4PJdCZkciA
I learned about cards from “Get Out Of School Early”
Admin take the class for last hr of the day
That's sad, well I hope your PLN here is more responsive and supportive
What do you mean you’ll never promote?
Gotta run, bedtime. Great chatting with you all!
When are GOOSE cards given out, Cate?
. Sorry 2 hear this! I am 1 of 3 coaches in a 50 school district, I KNOW there are folks we never see in a year.
a6 well if I'm planted at a campus, as lone nut, I hope I grow big and provide learning shade for others
Todd has 2 ring in on that but they could b used 2 incentivize anything/reward hard work/etc
A6: I need an answer 4 this one! HELP!
A5: Take risks with Ts and be transparent. When they realize you don't know everything it's easier to trust and work alongside.
A6) Try to be a Gandhi lone nut instead of a Unabomber lone nut. Less collateral damage.
A6: By building a , an entourage of coaches. Recommending other coaches and Ts if a problem is not best solved by me
A6: Crazy seeks crazy- I just keep looking for the weird ones and HOLD on when I find them-
A6: Smiles. And accept that some are going to think you're a nut. Let your own awesome self shine through.
A5 Not really. I am just me to the people that I am trying to serve. Its gonna have to be good enough.
One thing is reaching out to PLN, and finding at least 1 T willing to try something, start small
Q6 I am a lone nut but not due to tech - this year i assembled a team - dragging teachers to conferences !
A6: sharing out needs to come from a place of "this is cool, Ss loved it, thought I'd share" not "look how awesome I am"
a6 Find your on campus . Then bring them to the tribe too!
A6: Too late. I am the lone nut. Srsly, I was lone nut 4ever. Took some serious time and commit. Still lone nut on some things
Me too! I'm waiting for everyone else's answer.
Ok, that makes me wonder... I'd hate for Ts to feel that way about me. I need to do more seeking.
and I can build a PLN bigger than my small district
you and saying similar things about growing better together, need to find and celebrate together
Hell yeah, because nobody likes a show off and there is always somebody better in the audience.
Sorry - not going to make it to end, five to 11 here. Great chat, thanks to all. Hoping to dip into Voxer chat some this week
This is my first yr as IC and I'm learning I need to promote myself. Hard to do.
A6: "If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck.." hard to avoid. Have to brave and find another nut https://t.co/YxfhItgKFR
A6 Take over a class. Ask...kindof...(say it's a favor for you to try something)Show T what their Ss can do with their content
A6: As the district edtech, I’ve brought together lone nuts from all over the district. We meet monthly. It’s helped a lot.
Now that is what I am talking bout! How about it https://t.co/1YYtFBlj3W
I learned about cards from “Get Out Of School Early”
Admin take the class for last hr of the day
Yes! The power of the internet!
A6: Embrace your nuttiness. Own it, work it. People will appreciate that it is who you are... eventually.
first year here too! But I've had experience with promoting myself haha. But still a learning experience!
. PRECISELY. I take pride in being a nut.
I do this with Ts I know will trust me- I know where my seeds are. Going tmrow to Grn Scren w/ new Ts
Never chillin, always hustling! You got it! https://t.co/9jWkT2D0Zz
A5: As a T I build trust w/C's when they show they are invested in ME & my Ss. No chillin at the DO while I'm in the trenches.
A6: Lean on your to bring some of ur local tribe members to ur site!
A6) Be the same person you have always been. Don't let some lofty title like TOSA (haha) turn you into a slickster.
I think we need a signal of some sort like the all call signal
A6: I'm not afraid of being the lone nut. I present at conferences & collect badges for my email signature. It's ok bc I'm me
A6: Get involved with your local board! (if ur in Cali) There is a home u there!
A6: You come here where all the Nuts come to play!
A6 Make every opportunity count, engage in as many conversations as possible and shake as many hands as you can --->>>
we should call ourselves slicksters!
DESIGN IT! love that! For ? What do you think
A6: I think it's too late for me...
wish CCCUE was more active- LB is on the outer edge of area- lone island feeling
Oh could you imagine if the spheros like made the signal on the quad or something crazy like that (:
Board Elections start now! Didn't get the email? Contact baord@iacue.com to update your contact info.
I give em as raffle prizes! For ex: It's how I got my staff to tweet out the awesome in their classes! https://t.co/vpg07hjtZY
When are GOOSE cards given out, Cate?
And give as many HIGH FIVES as you can, too! Everyone appreciates a
Wish i had that confidence! You go Steph! https://t.co/TY9dHnYHgv
A6: I'm not afraid of being the lone nut. I present at conferences & collect badges for my email signature. It's ok bc I'm me
be careful with raffle prizes, depending on the funding its a gift of public funds