#21stedchat Archive
Our mission for our 21st century chat is to create a positive 21st century learning environment for our students by sharing resources and ideas that has worked in our classrooms. Join us every Sunday from 8:00-9:00 PM (EST) on Twitter using the hashtag #21stedchat. All are welcome!
Sunday April 17, 2016 8:00 PM EDT
Thank you to for making tonight's chat possible.
Reaching Higher is ready to hear your wisdom, Brian….
Welcome to Tonight
s Topic: Competency-based edu w/ guest along w/ & I. PLS intro yourselves.
Good evening. Thank you for joining me to chat about . Please take a moment to introduce yourself to everyone.
I’m Jill a Personalized Learning Director from NC and co-creator of
I am a NH HS Principal who has been active in in my school for the last 6 years.
Erica DeVoe, secondary ELA teacher and fellow from RI
Dave HS Science T from MI and co-creator of
Tonight's Q's will be coming from we will do a Q & A format.
Hi, ! Mary- elem. principal, Northern California.
Hi, I'm Rachelle, a Span T in Pittsburgh, & culture Hummingbirds
Brad in Bangkok double-dipping tonight at and .
Hello! I'm Abe, MS Administrator in NC.
I have six questions for us this evening. I will space them out every 10 minutes or so.
My name is Jonathan Vander Els and I'm a principal in NH. Happy to be here.
Hello - Mike from NJ - hope all have had a good weekend!
Please use the conventions A1, A2, etc to respond to questions. This will make it easier for everyone to follow the thread.
Also, don't forget to include the hashtag at the end of your tweet.
And Reaching Higher NH for 21C and Work Study Practices
Brings back memories, best day in math Sr. yr, T showed VHS of Stand & Deliver, we were in awe, a movie in math!
I have 40000 fake questions for tonight. I will send one out every 42 seconds
We are one hour away from tonight w/ Join us
Hi ! Emily Dustin, Educational Strategist - building a platform to support
Q1: What is driving/drove your school/district to implement CBE? If you haven't made the shift, what interests you about it?
4th grade teacher from California
Hi, I'm Diana a language teacher from CA this is my first time taking part in a live chat on Twitter.
Competency Based Education?
Q1: What is driving/drove your school/district to implement CBE? If you haven't made the shift, what interests you about it?
A1. I am working on becoming CBE but we have some barriers. Working on going standard based in 3-5 as next step
Hello! Michelle from Oregon. Superb weather here. It was a 2 walk day! Eager to learn!
I have it in spanish too , on VHS and DVD
yes CBE is Competency Based Education
A1 Carnegie unit and seat time are completely outdated as measures of learning.
That's a great first step ! We will talk about barriers in a later question tonight. https://t.co/XNaHbznNAt
A1. I am working on becoming CBE but we have some barriers. Working on going standard based in 3-5 as next step
A1: self-paced learning, just in time learning
CBE = extremely fine grained learning?
Yes, start with the WHY.
Interested bc it makes SENSE, curious abt reporting relationship w higher ed https://t.co/ZRvZMUwOW6
Q1: What is driving/drove your school/district to implement CBE? If you haven't made the shift, what interests you about it?
Oh I am so glad you could join us for your first one ! https://t.co/ENBMv5aWOe
Hi, I'm Diana a language teacher from CA this is my first time taking part in a live chat on Twitter.
A1: We were committed to meeting the needs of ALL learners, and to helping them to progress along their own learning continuum.
Using Technology to Engage Students With Learning Disabilities (Corwin Connected Educators Series) https://t.co/UIM38y0IsN
Competency-Based Learning
would live to see it in Spanish
A1) What interests me about CBE is how students get to direct their own learning and learn at their pace.
I know the acronym, looking to define it.
A1: CBE appeals to me bc it can infuse personalized learning for every Ss while focusing on mastery learning
A1: I would love to see this in place! Our (TX Standards) are good, but this would be better for the student learner!
A1: I find most schools looking for a learner-driven student-center instructional approach.
A1: Always trying to find new ways to differentiate for our Ss. We are thinking of moving to standard based grading next year.
A1) could someone give a good working definition for CBE on this chat?
A1 Some ss use for CBE in several classes or programs.
It can equal that if designed properly.
What is Craig's favorite standard to teach?
And I'd add grades to that.
It is pretty great in Spanish too.
I see CBE as a way students can master skills at their own pace ie removal of seat time and place
How does project based learning connect to competency based learning?
somedays I listen to our Spanish radio station
A1: CBE enables a , engaging learning experience that ensures Ss are prepared for college and career & beyond
Thanks, that's a good definition.
Is CBE being discussed within a K-12 context? https://t.co/A8mXGd4tN4
A1: I would love to see this in place! Our (TX Standards) are good, but this would be better for the student learner!
Agreed, deeper relationships.
I love this take on ! https://t.co/FLFMFacYqN
I see CBE as a way students can master skills at their own pace ie removal of seat time and place
Agreed. Traditional grading culture still huge impediment to change. https://t.co/AqQbUJ86dT
And I'd add grades to that.
= foundation for our work. Schedule for intervention/extension a must. Perf. Assessments determine comp.
A1: CBE…how else to learn 21C skills?
. A1: haven't made the shift, however I like the focus on real world learning and some of the benefits
performance assessments can be competency-based. Best assessments for CBE model. https://t.co/NHagaOtMdp
How does project based learning connect to competency based learning?
A1: I am interested in the chat because I'm not familiar w/ CBE.
Q2: What are some of barriers you see to implementing CBE in your school/district?
CBE begins to focus on what is learned instead of what is taught.
Beyond grades: bells and discrete content areas instead of interdisciplinary are also huge impediments. https://t.co/2zr01b5ZUP
Agreed. Traditional grading culture still huge impediment to change. https://t.co/AqQbUJ86dT
And I'd add grades to that.
Where do grades fit within competency based education? Move by showing proficiency, right? https://t.co/BwIb5OyNag
And I'd add grades to that.
A2. State Laws, Board members and Parents not understanding why bc school "worked for them" mindset
Still trying to understand- is CBE disconnected little steps within 1 subjmatter or interconnected little steps within multiple?
A2: As with any "implementation"/change: communication & buy-in are important. Research to support decision is important also.
A2) Students at a younger level might not be ready? Convincing and educating parents of the approach.
A2: A major barrier is the lack of knowledge on the topic from staff & parents. Hesitancy to adapt to something you don't know.
Near term need to map back. Many reasons, parents being big one. As you said - it's about mastery.
We do this now in our Personalized Learning Schools (mastery learning) but we still have 'seat time.'
A2 Mindsets looking backwards to 20th century are significant barrier to change of all types.
sounds more like micro-credentials instead of grades
Imagine having assessments linked 2 course competencies. Students meet proficiency in each 2 get credit. https://t.co/NydYWnWgAM
Still trying to understand- is CBE disconnected little steps within 1 subjmatter or interconnected little steps within multiple?
Yes, most CBE schools I know of do not have grades - Like High Tech High
Absolutely, - As says, "It's about what students learn, not what they earn." https://t.co/2CyHWhVQ3u
CBE begins to focus on what is learned instead of what is taught.
I wrote this to help my staff and parents understand in my school: https://t.co/pSPv8xRjLQ https://t.co/lXliWs59WM
A2: A major barrier is the lack of knowledge on the topic from staff & parents. Hesitancy to adapt to something you don't know.
but high tech high started out like that and didn't transition.
A2: One early struggle is helping parents and students understand that CBE won't hurt their college chances.
A2: Need a change in mindset of teachers and parents. Most will struggle with it being different than what they had.
A2 Agreement, all people on board, buy in, making sure everyone is prepared,
Yes there is starting to be. Read o see the movie Most Likely to Succeed by
Its not overnight. Multi-year transition.
What do you mean, didn't transition? #
A2: seems that state testing doesn't support CBE, factors into grades
I'm scheduled to see this later in the month https://t.co/AxDaFvMZqU
Yes there is starting to be. Read o see the movie Most Likely to Succeed by
started the school with this in mind
Transparency is essential.
. A2: Traditional culture of education that parents, students and educators are comfortable with .
changer - I have seen it 3xs
A2: Learning w/o stress of grades is huge. I would love to redo my liberal studies program from CSUF! Pass/No Pass
I agree. State testing doesn't yield the flexibility that CBE needs.
state testing doesn't factor into grades everywhere! Not in RI... Yet (hopefully not ever!)
that is starting 2 change , has worked in NH to support alternatives to testing https://t.co/IRPkfxYg8Q
A2: seems that state testing doesn't support CBE, factors into grades
A2: Resistance to change, fear of failure. Imperative to build a culture of trust.
Q3: With CBE, how do you hope students will describe their schooling in 2 years? 5 years?
we need to join forces and work on state laws to help us move toward CBE helps w/ policies etc
What is the classroom make up in CBE?
Believe it would take a total change of mindset,historically state test counted as a portion of each Ss final grade
we have a large team from NC coming to NH this week to visit schools. https://t.co/yesRJ6s1ZO
we need to join forces and work on state laws to help us move toward CBE helps w/ policies etc
A3: 2 Yrs - Questioning but working with the different model. 5 Yrs - Wondering how they even did it before this model.
A2: The emphasis on doing well on the standardized tests.
'Listening in' on and learning about CBE, any real world examples out there for someone learning about this topic?
some@state testing counts as a portion of the Ss final grade
we have traditional classroom organizational structures, but instruction is student-centered https://t.co/iHvAOMGhaU
What is the classroom make up in CBE?
A3: No more figuring out system & jumping thru hoops? I owned my learning.
A3: That they are able to easily apply what they learned in life and were better prepared.
A3. I see all Ss truly mastering skills at their pace and enjoy learning
A3: I'd hope CBE would allow for kids to remember ANYTHING 3 or 5 yrs out. I teach seniors now & they're sapped by trad system
A3: Ss will say they actually learning valuable & concrete knowledge that they can apply in real world settings.
A3: I would hope Ss would describe their education at relevant & meaningful.
A3: I hope/believe students will be describing their learning journey as their own. provides so many opps for ownership.
Students should not be memorizing facts or regurgitating them they should be creators of knowledge.
An "IEP" for every student? Class size?
A3) Is time really a factor with competency based education? Students ideally understand that they have progressed year to year
Q3: Ss will say that CBE was transformative and created a flexible environment to ensure learning & confidence to succeed
This is so true! https://t.co/FXG89368lj
A3: I'd hope CBE would allow for kids to remember ANYTHING 3 or 5 yrs out. I teach seniors now & they're sapped by trad system
I'd like to see a shift towards it but TN would need a total overhaul for CBE
A3 I would hope CBE has put Ss more in charge of their own learning.
Thanks! I saw that, but was looking for examples, how would this look in a 5th grade classroom?
Yes, yes! https://t.co/MogJqiv7j7
Students should not be memorizing facts or regurgitating them they should be creators of knowledge.
Without a doubt . puts students at the center of their learning. https://t.co/Xd9ov6PEHq
A3: I hope/believe students will be describing their learning journey as their own. provides so many opps for ownership.
Awesome, let and I know what we can do to help. (or anyone in NC)
Exactly- they can Google/research facts. It's more important they have the skills to know the facts are credible.
A3) I would hope that students have made real world connections and that they value their learning.
A3: I hope they say they are in control of their learning and they choose their paths. Choice & voice = engagement.
A3: I'd hope kids say "my school respected me and didn't waste my time"
is going some great work at his school in NH. https://t.co/ZK17aQYrQI
Thanks! I saw that, but was looking for examples, how would this look in a 5th grade classroom?
Thanks all.. need to drop out. Will catch the archives
I think this depends on where in the CBE journey your school is. https://t.co/DTVN6wgZMg
A3) Is time really a factor with competency based education? Students ideally understand that they have progressed year to year
Every student should and could have a personalized learning plan.
How does CBE handle- Moving on because I'm just not ready for this right now? (Sorry for all the ?)
A3: I'd hope Ss would say that leavening was tailored to them & they saw growth & enjoyed an engaging learning experience
We do PL at my schools & its NOT IEPs for every Ss. We set it up zo Ss learn standards through pathways & have choice
Our school did not tackle the "move when ready" piece right away either. https://t.co/LAvKqzGquU
How does CBE handle- Moving on because I'm just not ready for this right now? (Sorry for all the ?)
. A3: Students are workplace ready and have expertise in their chosen fields
I would love to see what this looks like on paper. Can you share something?
Q4: How do you successfully implement a major philosophical shift like CBE?
is now trending in USA, ranking 42
Beauty of ... DOK 3 or above. Learners must apply learning in/across content areas. https://t.co/XANm8gmFLg
Students should not be memorizing facts or regurgitating them they should be creators of knowledge.
Here is our site: Personalized Learning Site with resources pl@cmslearns.org
A4: I think everything starts w/ equity & understanding one's own privileges & beliefs about teacing/learing.
That is something we (at my schools) need to do a better job of) Across content areas.
A4: if you write a guidebook, send it my way! Talk about
A4 Julie from TN jumping in. Prototype, get multiple people involved in decisions, step into it. https://t.co/piwUTImnr8
Q4: How do you successfully implement a major philosophical shift like CBE?
A4: Let Ts & Parents know that Change is inevitable, growth is optional. We must come up w NEW ways to grow our kids!
A4b I think you start with convincing others of the power of formative assessments and SBL
A4: We must be "resolute" in our leadership. When we know what is right, we must stay the course.
A4: I think everything starts w/ equity & thinking about one's own privileges, as well as beliefs about teaching & learning.
A4 Start with "Why Change?". Leaders need to envision change. Collaborative goal setting & different pathways to reach change.
A4 Discussion, learn abt other perspectives ideas, exper, work togethr, be prepard/anticip quest and concerns,
A4: Constant communication. Introduce agile methodologies - no all at once. Accept mistakes will happen. Learn and adapt.
Great way to start. https://t.co/yMRbzbc96r
A4b I think you start with convincing others of the power of formative assessments and SBL
A4: I think we can all relate to this! Sorry to leave early. Chicken and biscuits are calling. https://t.co/LROxuS1Al2
A4, Through a change management plan that has the 5 major components of: Vision, Resources, Skills, Incentives and Action Plan
A4: You have to start by identifying which key stakeholders can play key roles in your transition plan.
Yes as leaders, "better to be hated for what you are, than loved for what you are not" applies https://t.co/uY7ixww9XS
A4: We must be "resolute" in our leadership. When we know what is right, we must stay the course.
A4c be sure you all know what the competencies are and have them broken down into manageable parts
I like that - "agile methodologies" - implies respect and trust
This is so true ---- it is realistic, and that will make it work. https://t.co/Bz54yk4cWa
A4: Constant communication. Introduce agile methodologies - no all at once. Accept mistakes will happen. Learn and adapt.
A4: Change leadership (distributed among ALL stakeholders in education) is essential to the success of CBE
- It's always a work in progress... https://t.co/WEuywEI1bx
That is something we (at my schools) need to do a better job of) Across content areas.
This is an important step https://t.co/wc2mpPj9u4
A4c be sure you all know what the competencies are and have them broken down into manageable parts
or "The Falconer" (my fav edu-book)
A4: gradual change, concrete examples, supporting the process, modeling, same as with our students
Like "agile methodologies." https://t.co/2GOVK3whvc
A4: Constant communication. Introduce agile methodologies - no all at once. Accept mistakes will happen. Learn and adapt.
Such a great point - collective responsibility is key. https://t.co/Ea8h7LDbyH
A4: Change leadership (distributed among ALL stakeholders in education) is essential to the success of CBE
Q5: How do/will grading practices change at the classroom and school level with CBE?
I would love to see to take over MIT's Freshman perspective Credit or No Credit. 1(2)
A5 the biggest challenge for us! Figuring competency thresholds, & mastery grading or not of practice https://t.co/HfbOwlAVZN
Q5: How do/will grading practices change at the classroom and school level with CBE?
No Credit is only an internal record and Ss are conferenced & encouraged to retake the class for full credit. 2(2)
A5. Standard Based and no letter grades
A5 Traditional grading doesn't support learning in any school context. Focus is on grade, not learning.
A4: Amy from Illinois here! Do it WITH staff. Have goals, plan, and revise as needed https://t.co/hYErGrzc9a
Q4: How do you successfully implement a major philosophical shift like CBE?
A5: Inter-rater reliability will increase significantly. Rubrics define what is competent-teachers identify exemplars together.
Are you rubric-based or working on a traditional 100 point scale? https://t.co/B9cYEpVpfv
A5 the biggest challenge for us! Figuring competency thresholds, & mastery grading or not of practice https://t.co/HfbOwlAVZN
Q5: How do/will grading practices change at the classroom and school level with CBE?
A5: My thoughts on grading were influenced by
A5: One of the most eye-opening experiences is putting a staff in one room to ask them how much homework should count. .
A5: The school I work for has evolved their grading practices over time. They can be found here: https://t.co/vKPqxf3bc6
A5: Grades I would hope go away. Poor measure of what has been learned. Love to get to place of full mastery and all 'As'
A5: Gone are the grades. More focus on the profession of learning. SBG. Constant feedback. https://t.co/iQNX4oB24R
Q5: How do/will grading practices change at the classroom and school level with CBE?
A5b in process learning looks different in classroom and the gradebook is highly fluid yet slow at times due to personalization
Well said . There is no substitute for a well-calibrated rubric in https://t.co/VyP4uJdhn2
A5: Inter-rater reliability will increase significantly. Rubrics define what is competent-teachers identify exemplars together.
. I totally agree the change start with the leadership
our school is 100-scale this one grade level math is a prototype. So much to learn this year! I love rubric shared!
I always tell my staff "Grades are about what students LEARN not what they EARN." https://t.co/TSMzHfqIAG
A5 Traditional grading doesn't support learning in any school context. Focus is on grade, not learning.
I assume only your honey badger teachers would make it out alive https://t.co/R2Qb64VJIh
A5: One of the most eye-opening experiences is putting a staff in one room to ask them how much homework should count. .
I agree but how does that transfer for college transcripts?
Q5: Authentic learning experiences result in student learning, success and engagement, not punitive grades.
Super-interested in this answer. https://t.co/ZeWjRZRrm5
I agree but how does that transfer for college transcripts?
A5 no letter grades, points, use rubrics, I like focusing on indiv S growth, Ss worry abt points & grades so much
Sorry for all the SPAM - that just means we are trending on a great topic
Next week's topic will be "Bring Authentic Learning and Real Life Applications To The Classroom. Join us Sun 8 PM ET US
This requires that the school is ready to personalize at the one "student at a time" level. https://t.co/BehngX4NHe
Every student should and could have a personalized learning plan.
A big THANK YOU to for hosting
Big misconception that colleges won't take proficiency-based transcripts.
Q6: (Last question) How do/will assessment practices change with teachers?
Jumping in! Some colleges have moved to portfolios vs grades!
In 6 yrs I have yet to find a college that had an issue with our CBE system with regards to transcripts. https://t.co/gi6Ohpwuxy
Super-interested in this answer. https://t.co/ZeWjRZRrm5
I agree but how does that transfer for college transcripts?
Agreed. It takes work but collectively doable and with sharing between districts may speed things up
Agreed. Many colleges starting to shift how they look at applications. https://t.co/bZcyMjm7Pq
Big misconception that colleges won't take proficiency-based transcripts.
Great thank you all that joined and the lurkers. It is awesome to always push our thinking!
Thx for tonight's convo on CBE. Lots for me to learn!
A6: Everything really becomes formative in nature. Information is used to provide necessary support or extend learning.
A6: more focus on the process vs end result. Assessments that different based on s's needs! https://t.co/37sGsEIuRL
Q6: (Last question) How do/will assessment practices change with teachers?
I'm happy to be Randall from the video and do a full skit on grades. :). has heard it.