Welcome to #rethink_learning chat where we are talking about Curiosity! Please introduce yourself and tell us where you're from, your role, and if you want, share a gif represent ... Curiosity!
Hi Everyone! This is Barbara - Come on in the chat to talk about #curiosity. I live in Oakland, CA - Q1 - is on its way to discuss a sense of wonder #rethink_learning
A1: they take risks and ask all sorts of questions that we never thought of! My 7 year old nephew and 3 year old niece are always wondering and asking questions - no fear! #rethink_learning
A1 - Children of all ages are curious. It gets lost as they get older because of various factors. Looking at exploring new ways to make their life happier. #rethink_learning
A1: Before school teaches kids there’s one right answer, they want to know why things work,how things happen, where animals go, etc. The world is a wonderland #rethink_learning
A1: I love that they are curious and always challenging the status quo. They see things in a different way and that needs to be nurtured! #rethink_learning
A1) Curiosity means looking in awe at the world, asking questions, discovering how things work, tinkering with stuff and getting messy. #rethink_learning
Q2. For too long there has been an emphasis more on the rules of school than learning. How does curiosity make learning more effective? #rethink_learning
I agree, James! We need to let Ss ask those Qs and let them lead their learning...don't worry about 'getting through' your lesson plan - if Ss take learning in a different direction, go with it! #rethink_learning
Q2. For too long there has been an emphasis more on the rules of school than learning. How does curiosity make learning more effective? #rethink_learning
A2: curiosity leads to deeper thinking, innovations, risk taking, intrinsic motivation, and Qs that lead to more Qs - Ss take ownership and are empowered to learn and make a difference. #rethink_learning
A2: Curiosity: The Secret to Your Success https://t.co/6uIfwGbWNO “how can we become ‘seekers’ ourselves, and develop a more curious attitude? #rethink_learning
A2: YouTube is the result of natural curiosity. You can learn how to do anything if you’re curious - play guitar, fix a dryer, dance, etc. Curosity can ignite passion/motivation to learn. #rethink_learning
Q2. For too long there has been an emphasis more on the rules of school than learning. How does curiosity make learning more effective? #rethink_learning
Q2. For too long there has been an emphasis more on the rules of school than learning. How does curiosity make learning more effective? #rethink_learning
A2 - When students are curious they don’t worry about a number, grade or other distractions. They are allowed to be free thinkers and open to new experiences. All of these things are what learning and education should be. Our jobs are to facilitate wonder! #rethink_learning
A2- When ss are allowed to be curious they open the door to critical thinking. They are able to try out many ideas. They are in charge of their learning. #rethink_learning
A2: YouTube is the result of natural curiosity. You can learn how to do anything if you’re curious - play guitar, fix a dryer, dance, etc. Curosity can ignite passion/motivation to learn. #rethink_learning
Q2. For too long there has been an emphasis more on the rules of school than learning. How does curiosity make learning more effective? #rethink_learning
A2 - When students are curious they don’t worry about a number, grade or other distractions. They are allowed to be free thinkers and open to new experiences. All of these things are what learning and education should be. Our jobs are to facilitate wonder! #rethink_learning
A3: Curiosity leads to creativity. I can be creative and follow directions or a pattern, but curiosity causes me to find another way to create...a way that is unique to me! #rethink_learning
A3: I like that they can't be graded - if we focus less on achievement, Ss will be engaged to learn and challenge themselves and take those risks. #rethink_learning
A3 - they are inherently linked. A curious student is profoundly creative because of their desire to learn something of meaning. Very few students develop creativity answering a true/false question. Not trying to bash those types. Just a point of reference. #rethink_learning
A3-I think that they go hand in hand. Curiosity leads to questions and ideas. Creativity then puts those ideas into action. It leads to deeper thinking and ss engagement. #rethink_learning
A3: This! it is natural for us to want to create, it is how we begin to understand our world, and eventually, our learning! Susan, instructional coach, dropping in :) #rethink_learning
A3-I think that they go hand in hand. Curiosity leads to questions and ideas. Creativity then puts those ideas into action. It leads to deeper thinking and ss engagement. #rethink_learning
Agreed. I think one has to be creative in your wonderings to understand the ideas beyond what is presented to you. #Curiosity is imagining things further and desiring to find out. #rethink_learning
A4: need to introduce them to a variety of topics through literature, find out their interests/passions, ask them open ended Qs, bring in global issues, model "I wonder" Qs, and provide them with a variety of challenges. #rethink_learning
A4 - Easel of excellence where we define what learning means and where you want to go. “ What you want to learn Wednesday”. Pick topics that inspire you to share with others. #rethink_learning
I think it can go both ways. A curious person may want to create a new way to do something. A creative person may be curious how something was created so as to remix it. Obv, ppl can be both curious and creative tho 👌🏼 #rethink_learning
Q4. Sometimes I have them ask questions that they have related to an essential question I ask. Sometimes they ask the driving question for their inquiry. #rethink_learning
Agreed. I think one has to be creative in your wonderings to understand the ideas beyond what is presented to you. #Curiosity is imagining things further and desiring to find out. #rethink_learning
A4 - Focus on making the class your own, not something that is teacher driven. Not easy but incredibly rewarding. Also, teaching students to not worry about the small stuff. #rethink_learning
That was so fast and fun! Thank you, everyone, for joining us in the conversations about #curiosity. Our next #rethink_learning chat is in 3 WEEKs on March 12th same time. The topic will be Relationships.
A4: open ended Qs foster that there is no one right answer - justify your thinking - doesn't matter what I think - its about you NOT me. #rethink_learning
A4-I think we need to find what they are passionate about and ask them what they could do to make it better. I think we need to take the T role out and let the ss do the teaching. #hornetsr2#rethink_learning
Actually - our next chat is in 3 weeks on March 12th. We had to move it one week later. Our topic will be on Relationships! See you then in #rethink_learning
I thought about this @SueThotz and kids want to know how to frame a good question. Guide them to develop open questions that have no right or wrong answer. Then they can jump in when they feel more comfortable #rethink_learning
A4 -I think - apologies- pulled away - provide opportunities for our kids to celebrate their curiosity- with passion projects - genius Hour ... #rethink_learning
Love this ---> turning facts into challenges. Let's help our kids become critical thinkers and problem solvers. They'll need those skills for their future. #rethink_learning
That was so fast and fun! Thank you, everyone, for joining us in the conversations about #curiosity. Our next #rethink_learning chat is in 3 WEEKs on March 12th same time. The topic will be Relationships.
It’s all about the process and not so much the product. How do we get them to love the questions, the journey of learning? Agreed. Framing and knowing there are no mistakes in curiosity are key. #rethink_learning
Yes!! Guide kids to find what they are passionate about and ask them what they could do to make it better. Let the kids do the teaching. Yeah!!! #rethink_learning
A4-I think we need to find what they are passionate about and ask them what they could do to make it better. I think we need to take the T role out and let the ss do the teaching. #hornetsr2#rethink_learning
It’s all about the process and not so much the product. How do we get them to love the questions, the journey of learning? Agreed. Framing and knowing there are no mistakes in curiosity are key. #rethink_learning
Even if it scares us to death to show the things we are not confident in: Won’t they lose respect for us? Won’t we lose authority if we mess up? What if we fail? #rethink_learning
Okay - @SueThotz we need to have #Failure as a topic on #rethink_learning. We decided to have a short chat of 30 minutes and it goes by so fast. We always keep the discussions going after and then archive them in @participate
Even if it scares us to death to show the things we are not confident in: Won’t they lose respect for us? Won’t we lose authority if we mess up? What if we fail? #rethink_learning
Hi @acassidy614 our chat on #curiosity was fun and we did talk about wonder. We'll be archiving the #rethink_learning chat and you are welcome to reply to anyone in the chat. Our next chat is in 3 weeks 3/12 7pm ET on the topic #relationships
A1: as I watch my toddler express genuine curiosity about his surroundings, I see him fully engaged in his world and wanting to understand everything around him. #rethink_learning