#LangChat is dedicated to the discussion of topics associated with issues and trends in world language instruction and learning. Educators, administrators, learners, and aficionados of world languages are encouraged to participate and share their experiences and input on various topics such as new ways to teach vocabulary, using music in the language classroom, and making standards-based grading valid. This chat is also unique in that it brings together language educators worldwide and from different contexts (elementary, secondary, higher education, etc.) and languages.
Q1: i did a year long mentoring program while in gradschool myself. 9 years later I am mentoring a new teacher as she gets her certification. #langchat
#langchat I've had one student T, and several other pre-service Ts in my room over the years. I live in a college town now & we get several through each year.
We are hoping to connect newer teachers with more experienced teachers, to create support networks early in teacher careers, and to encourage PD for both pedagogy and the TL. #langchat
@kltharri my training was via Google Classroom from state created training. My mentee started mid-year so I was the only one doing the course. #langchat
A1: I offer PD every month in Indianapolis :D I'm part of a new, startup blog with @edutryguys and I'm taking a language program development and administration course right now and we talk about mentor/leadership :) #langchat
A1: I am a student teacher right now who does not mentor haha, but I would say that I have a great partnership teacher. He makes me learn from my mistakes to see what fits best for me and my students! #langchat
Found a location, found people to help present, send out the invites every month. we meet for 3.5 hours every month and talk about/practice CI strategies. #langchat
We are working on collaboration efforts with up and coming language teacher as well first year teachers! The goal is to create a support system that will keep WL teacher in the field !! #langchat
This is year 1 of our project; we are just in the planning phases, and were just connected with our mentors. One year from now, we will present at NECTFL our year of work on this initiative! We are excited to plan and implement! #langchat
In reply to
@kltharri, @Marishawkins, @CTITALTEACHERS, @NECTFL1
A1: I had a WONDERFUL mentor who taught me about professionalism, high standards, basing thing on research, and more! I seek to mentor new teachers in a similar way, as well. #langchat
A2, looking back on my experience, I wish I had known that teaching language is not about filling in the blank. And the importance of good #authres#langchat
Q2: Wow. Mainly? Support! A listening ear, a professional sounding board, a guiding opinion--offering suggestions, not taking over their room completely, access to resources and PD #langchat
A2: I'm wondering what new teachers need. I have ideas, but am not a new teacher. I can't wait to learn from new teachers about what support would be most helpful. #langchat
just learned about The Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning @coerll and I am excited to explore and learn #langchathttps://t.co/RT1Ek41MOA
A2: key concepts broken down into itty bitty little pieces #langchat
Took me a few yrs to get scaffolding, differentiation, classroom management... #StillLearning
A2 Structure, encouragement, letting them know what we all know - not every lesson is perfect and exciting. We all make mistakes and some lessons are just ok. As @SraSpanglish told me "no ever died from bad language teaching" #langchat
A2: Also, as a more "veteran" teacher, I have much to learn from new teachers, who are connected with latest research and have fresh ideas and energy. #langchat
A2: Also, as a more "veteran" teacher, I have much to learn from new teachers, who are connected with latest research and have fresh ideas and energy. #langchat
#langchat#edit2000mane A1: I've had amazing mentors throughout highschool and college. Through them, I gained my passion for advocating language acquisition such as Spanish & American Sign Language.
A2: I feel as a student teacher, my weakness is being afraid to test something new and change up my routine. But gladly, my PT reminds me that in order for me to grow and improve, I need to take risk. So I give you a big thumbs up! #langchat
A2 definitely reassurance that 1) it will all be OK, 2) it will go better next week/semester/year, & 3) strategies to save time, money, & their sanity while teaching kids how to communicate. #langchat
Yes. Absolutely. I had no idea where to get things other than the textbook...and we need to teach new Ts that there is so much more out there! #langchat
GIRL. At NECTFL this weekend, @la_sra_hinson was PREACHING at lunch! Third year teacher schooling me and my fellow old teacher @HolaSrHoward on what the world COULD be!! #langchat Hats off to whoever taught her too! (cough @kltharri cough)
In reply to
@RobuPrice, @la_sra_hinson, @HolaSrHoward, @kltharri
Yes! Sometimes I hesitate if the activities I do are "authentic" or "want-to-be-authentic".. I would appreciate that even more now in my student teaching. #langchat
absolutely. I literally just tell my Ss when I'm trying something brand new and am not sure how it will play out. My Ss tend to enjoy those experiences and giving their input. :) #langchat
I feel that. I remind myself that I expect my students to be risk-takers, as you're guaranteed to make a fool of yourself when you're leaning a lang. So I have to take the same risks I expect! #langchat
I think as a new T I could have used tips on how to keep improving my language as a NNS...it wasn’t until I was 3 years in that I started “priming” with French podcasts before teaching! #langchat
Q3:Am I being overbearing with my help?Am I being condescending? Am I sharing something outdated, but I didn't realize it? Am I supporting in the way s/he needs? #langchat
I'm trying to provide this for my mentee but she is understandably relying heavily on the other Spanish teachers in the department who are not as SLA/current research interested. #langchat Suggestions?
Amigo, can I recommend straight up GIVING them questions to start off with? Like give them cards they can read off of, maybe trade when they are more confident #langchat
I think probably observation opportunities, maybe looking at performance assessment results and discussing what her goals are for students long-term #langchat
C’est quoi, le Nouvel An chinois ? - 16 février 2018 Aujourd'hui, c'est le Nouvel An chinois. Mais ?! On est le 16 février ! Eh oui, en Chine et dans plusieurs pays d'Asie, la date du Nouvel An se calcule en fonction du calendrier de la lune et elle c... https://t.co/vMR93kdCU8
#langchat#edit2000mane Personally I believe the most important need for everyone in this area is encouragement. Without encouragement, the passion for language learning would diminish. It's not an easy path, but it's worthwhile.
I was going to say the same. Talk about what the goals are & then what are the best ways to reach those. I think that when proficiency actually becomes the goal, there MUST be a pedagogical shift IMO #langchat
In reply to
@Marishawkins, @MadameGreiner, @SraSpanglish, @welangley
I've been doing 3 questions posted on the board in English, we break em down together, then they take turns asking each other those questions in the hot seat #langchathttps://t.co/RC6YMHVF3o
In reply to
@windycitysenora, @FontaineAlec, @MadameGreiner
#langchat A3:If we have fears/concerns then we are on the right track. Fears/concerns usually indicate reflection. It's evidence that we are cognizant of our strengths&weaknesses. We have to put the mentee first, do what's right for them Even be willing to grow in the process.
I wonder if you backwards planned a unit together but you chose the final assessment—she needs to prepare Ss for that, hard to do with worksheets from “grammarians”... #langchat
In reply to
@MadameGreiner, @SraSpanglish, @welangley
A3 TBH I've made lots of mistakes as a mentor-- feeling like I should have the solutions to problems and not fully understanding a mentee's point of view are the biggest. I worry about providing the right type and amount of support. #langchat
A3: Oh I'm so protective of my babies. I think I'd have some serious trust issues #langchat What if Student T didn't recognize level appropriate output & accidentally crushed Ss little language learning soul b4 I could intervene?
Teachers that I have mentored inspire me, and help me to rethink my own practice with fresh eyes. They have also shared great ideas and practices. #langchat
I feel like as a student teacher, I may think different from my PT's way of teaching, but at the same time, once he explains to me the way he does things, it makes since and motivates me to be more open to learning or switching up my style. There is no one right style. #langchat
A3: Fears/concerns... I think having a mentee would be wonderful, but I'd be afraid of giving up control of my classroom. and I'd fear that I'd be overbearing. #langchat
A4: Think the thing that has always been the most helpful to me and the most well received are usable materials--proven activities that work well. I always offer with the condition that they can use it, amend it, or lose it--but it's there if they want it! #langchat
I feel like as a student teacher, I may think different from my PT's way of teaching, but at the same time, once he explains to me the way he does things, it makes since and motivates me to be more open to learning or switching up my style. There is no one right style. #langchat
I did that as a ST...mentor pulled student aside to do some damage control, then talked over my error with me, helped me craft response to kid, the I had the convo next day. Embarrassing but SO helpful for me! #langchat
#langchat A3:If we have fears/concerns then we are on the right track. Fears/concerns usually indicate reflection. It's evidence that we are cognizant of our strengths&weaknesses. We have to put the mentee first, do what's right for them Even be willing to grow in the process.
A4: help curate resources/activities. Share knowledge/professional resources, invite them to conferences/workshops, help them become a reflective practitioner. #langchat
Yes! A well-known, highly respected prof. once told me that a big challenge is that she's training students on proficiency and then as ST they're placed with teachers still kicking old school. #langchat
A4: To help new teachers, one of the first steps is to identify - who needs a mentor? How can those teachers who are the only in their school, etc., be connected with a PLC? #langchat@CTITALTEACHERS
That invited thing is cool too. Even as a veteran teacher, sometimes I just want someone to listen and say "that's cool" and "oh yeah?" While I talk myself through something #langchat
Ha! You know I like to keep it real, amiga! I think the biggest a-ha in my evolution has been that I need to help a mentee build the class of their dreams... not mine. It's about what they want for themselves and their Ss. #langchat
Have to run a little early tonight. Thanks for the great conversations! Stay safe my felow teachers, protect your students and enjoy each and every day! See you next week! #langchat
OMG did you see the new posting features in @padlet ??? Draw/doodle, maps, take a pic w/filters, respond via video, link to another padlet, safe search google ... all from a variety of devices, including phones! My request? Ability to comment on posts. #edtechchat#langchat
A5: Bring them with you to meetings and/or conferences! Be a co-presenter with them. Introduce them to people you know in low-key situations. If you're an officer/on the board, have them shadow you in your role to learn what it's like before committing. #langchat
A5: Bring them with you to meetings and/or conferences! Be a co-presenter with them. Introduce them to people you know in low-key situations. If you're an officer/on the board, have them shadow you in your role to learn what it's like before committing. #langchat
Well and how many people want to read- this activity still didn’t work for me... it helps more people to see how I reworked an activity or what they can use that I did do #langchat
I think it's the same as with our students and our own instructional practice-- you have to KNOW that you are going to make mistakes and give yourself permission to suck for a while until you know better and can do better. #langchat
A5: Maybe it's rose colored glasses b/c of #langchat but it feels like the Titanic is starting to turn. So many Ts using CI. So many conferences, podcasts, blogs, & communities.
OMG did you see the new posting features in @padlet ??? Draw/doodle, maps, take a pic w/filters, respond via video, link to another padlet, safe search google ... all from a variety of devices, including phones! #edtechchat#langchat
I mean... pretty sure I do have a few volumes of failures in ye olde blog by now...People are ok with defeat as long as you model GETTING BACK UP too! #langchat
A4 One other thing: given yesterday's tragedy, one of the most important things we can do for our new colleagues is make sure they are getting the emotional and mental health training and support they need. Our jobs are so tough right now. #langchat
A4 One other thing: given yesterday's tragedy, one of the most important things we can do for our new colleagues is make sure they are getting the emotional and mental health training and support they need. Our jobs are so tough right now. #langchat
Such a tough topic and yet important reminder. Took me a while to learn that if I didn't take care of myself, I couldn't take care of my students. #langchat
TA: Mentors are as nervous as mentees in the classroom, but excited about it as well! Thanks to everyone! Keeping mentoring us student teachers, we appreciate it! ☺️ #langchat