#kyadmin Archive
#kyadmin is a great way for Kentucky School Administrators to share strategies, educational resources, and more.
Monday January 11, 2016
7:00 PM EST
Welcome to ! Thanks for joining tonight. Please share your name and location. Did you have a snow day today?
Shelee Clark, Hardin County, First snow day today.
We're chatting about PLCs tonight for 30 minutes on Twitter. Then, we'll continue the chat all week long on Voxer!
meeting with some phenomenal teachers about a spring authors visit! Multitasking at it's BEST!
Alison Gregory - lead learner - Symsonia Ele - Graves county. Snow days for kids. Work day for teacher peeps.
Michael Cole Fulton County Schools. Had a full day with kids.
Allyssa Binkley, Reidland Elem., snow day with my kids
Let's jump right in to tonight's questions.
Lou Carter, Murray Independent! Full day with students!
woohoo! Glad you are here!!
Q1. What is the fundamental purpose of PLCs in your school?
Philip West, Green Co Middle. No snow here - so no snow day!
A1 to analyze student data and determine the teacher's next steps
A1 fundamental purpose is to increase teacher effectiveness through ongoing learning and application. These = student success!
Q1 Time to work on the work. Data is a must not feelings. Improving instruction not admin time to present info.
A1. PLCs have not had enough focus at my school. Getting ready for an Extreme Makeover PLC style! Going to shift focus to learning.
A1. Our previous focus was on data analysis, but it's become something Ts dread. Want to make PLCs meaningful.
A2 and data is good but instruction is where the heart is...so every week we have to talk planning and instruction.
Q2. What criteria does your school use to monitor the effectiveness of PLCs?
A1. We haven't had consistent PLC meetings- but we are launching 1st wk in Feb. I hope it is a time to focus on teaching/learning
Tessa Jaggers Central Hardin HS
A2 we don't hv a formal eval until the end of the yr. I do walkthroughs to provide feedback to concepts disccussed in PLCs
A2. Planning to create a set of criteria for new PLCs. Right now we use PLC minutes and look for evidence of data analysis.
A2 i also do a lot of co-teaching and modeling with teachers. We are dev an atmosphere of an team!
I love doing lessons in classrooms. Best part of my job.
a2: nothing formal, more informal discussion forMay
welcome to a soul sister and colleague! ! Glad you are here.
Q3. How do you utilize PLCs or critical friends to help with PGES or teacher mentoring?
Hi Andre Meadows from Metropolis, IL (just across the river)
A3. PLCs are the lifeblood of PGES. Ts work together to develop SGGs and PGGs.
A1 we analyze data and discuss next steps, changes, etc
Amy from Glasgow. Just getting out of board meeting. Can't wait to read posts when I get home. No snow day for us.
A3. PLCs can also be used to monitor progress towards goals if Ts share the same goals.
A3 Many ideas are shared at PLCs so Ts are constantly getting ideas - we hv a lot of obs. taking place among vertical teams too
A3. I'd like to create some PGES critical friend groups based on learning needs too. Haven't gotten there yet.
A3 We also are using a lot of video at learning sessions. Watching videos of their own peeps doing strategies helps build buy in!
A2 we use minutes, data and discuss instruction of content.
If any of you have any sample PLC agendas or minutes you would be willing to share, that would be awesome!
I will send you one that my AP created last year. It's a great place to start.
a3: PLCs work together on every aspect of teaching and learning
Honestly if you can sit back and wait - the friends find eachother based on needs...everyone is at a different place.
I will catch up with you all. Going to travel home!
A3 we use Plc's to discuss SGG and PGG.
Q4. What role do you play with PLCs? How do you support PLCs in your school?
A4. My AP and I each have specific PLCs we work with. I try to attend meetings weekly and offer resources as needed.
A4 Rt now I lead. we are year 3. Next yr I plan to pull away a little. I do think by setting the agenda we keep our vision clear.
A4. With the Extreme Makeover though, I see my role changing with PLCs.
Lyon County-we went an hour late today and had good attendance. We have both virtual and grade level PLCs. Great way to communicate
So, you make the agenda for every PLC meeting? Are they all the same or different based on grade/dept?
Virtual PLCs....tell me more.
A4 each of my Plc's are in dif places. My role changes drastically. Support for one vs Leader of others. Totally depends on Plc
A4 And every PLC has some portion that is DF based on need. I am a HUGE believer in Modeling. Rdg a book doesn't make a good PLC
Looking forward to seeing more answers as the night continues. Be sure to check back later for a storify of the chat.
Teachers make agenda for READING, I make up agenda for the rest.
I will slowly turn it over the T's
Yes - some portions are the same and 1-2 are based on grade level need.
We'll continue chatting all week long on Voxer. If you need to be added to the chat, message your Voxer username to me or Erika.
A4) Teachers make agenda for READING, I make up agenda for the rest.
I will slowly turn it over the T's
Great Chat can't wait to continue the conversation on Voxer!!
Catching up while at my son's bball practice. A1: PLCs are a time to let Ts lead and adjust instruction based on formative data.
I meant vertical ;) but have done virtual with google app with On a snow day. Vertical meets 6 times a year after 3pm
Great to chat with you ....and I miss your face !!
District lead team members lead vertical meetings and agenda includes district initiatives as well as each sharing resources
A2: No criteria as of today except that we are moving towards vertical PLCs this second semester.
A2: As of yet, no criteria. We are moving towards vertical PLCs this second semester.
We need vertical PLCs too. I'm trying to find some good agendas for these meetings. Ideas?
Just a term for someone who keeps you accountable to your goals.
A4: My CS and I would take the lead but I agree with . I need to step back and let teachers LEAD!
Thanks. I thought about sending out a Google Form to collect questions/topics for vertical PLCs.
Do you use Google Hangouts to have vertical PLCs?