On the first Wednesday of each month #MSadminchat will provide MS K12 admins the opportunity to join together for a great discussion on leadership at the school/district level.
A1: Typically, we start with What Works Clearinghouse as well as EdReports. No doubt we ask neighboring successful districts based on data if available, and then allow our teachers to analyze, compare, request an in-house presentation, and then ultimately recommend. #MSadminchat
A1: we work to be sure the standards are accurately measured in the materials, then make the selection. Open ed resources are really efficient #OER
A1: We prefer a blended approach with some sort of anchor curriculum to helping with pacing. I believe it's essential to pull in resources from multiple areas to we build a more diverse attack plan on a particular standard. Helps eliminate bias. #msadminchat
A2: I believe there needs to be a balance between unannounced walk-thru and planned. Some may argue against the planned as "dog and pony" but I always wanted to see the best effort so I could expect that level. #MSadminchat
I prefer to use unannounced because it gives a better picture of what is going on in the room. Given the frequency of drop ins we've done over the past four years, teachers and students are usually unaffected by our presence.
I don’t have a problem with the formal being a scheduled visit. You need to see they have the skills to put on the proverbial “dog and pony” show. I feel the regular walk through gives you a better idea of what really happens in each classroom daily. #MSadminchat
I prefer Scheduled Formal Evaluations to see Teachers at their absolute best then unannounced walk throughs to compare. This IMO helps provide great feedback #MSadminchat
#MSadminchat Q2 A2
Continual, supplemented with PLCs. Evaluation should be a constant participation of all in the building discussed freely and without fear. Ask your PLCs whether they want a scheduled evaluation or not... then trust their answers.
Q2 Seeing what the students are doing, the interaction between people in the classrooms and the activities the students are involved in leads to a truer picture of the learning that is occurring in the room.
A2 Typically, unannounced. However, I really like the post observation conference with formal observations. I plan to utilize those more often, even with my unannounced observations. The book Leverage Leadership does a good job describing the process I want to use. #MSadminchat
A2: Mix of both with heavy lean on unannounced. The lesson taught in formal should set the standard for daily expectation. Bigger than anything though, students need to see admin often in classrooms. Principals MUST prove to students they are instructional leaders. #msadminchat
Q2 A1
We use both. Scheduled shows you what the teacher knows how to do. Unannounced shows you what they are actually doing. I think both have their place. #MSadminchat
A2 Be in the classroom as much as possible so that it becomes familiar to everyone, students included, and then ask the students questions. I want the teachers to feel comfortable being themselves! #MSadminchat
Most are unannounced. Not so much to catch someone not teaching but to raise expectations of giving best everyday. Some of our best "fuss" at us when we dont get in their rooms. #MSadminchat
Q3: Many districts are looking closely at their future course offerings/sequences especially in Social Studies/History. What changes are your district considering and why? #MSadminchat
A3: Our team is considering the move of Econ down...no doubt the number of q's on the USH test will motivate that decision. MDE's decision to drop the Geography requirement will factor in as well. #MSadminchat
Q3 Heavily considering blocking my junior high and high school tested areas, creating a hybrid, block schedule. Also, moving MS Studies and Geo to 8th and using the American Democracy elective in 10th to get “two years” of US History. #MSadminchat
A3: The Geography requirement will weigh heavily. I would like to see a local culture class to focus on civil rights. Coupling it with either economics or a problems with American democracy is the direction I would like to see us go. That move World to the 9th. #MSadminchat
A3: With the push coming for computer science, coding, and tech classes....I expect more STEM to be saught out, if the certified teachers can be found, or coached up. #MSadminchat
A3: Depends on when you want to test USH. Students need econ before they get in USH. Not sure grade is hugely significant, but I expect a movement to complete required tests by 10th to allow more freedom in 11/12. #msadminchat
One concern that I see with moving some upper level subjects down is you will have to double up with subjects to get students through them. Therefore, with district that have funding shortages are pressed to be more creative to get the subjects covered.#MSadminchat
Q4: As the instructional leader, how do you currently ensure classroom assessments are meeting the level of "rigor" needed to meet expectations? Please share any useful resources.
We are planning to move to Computer Science classes in our 6th and 7th grades next year and STEM in 8th. We are also having a double block of math and ELA for basically all 6th-8th graders. #msadminchat
A4: Our admins and lead teachers routinely review assessments and provide feedback. We are evaluating the @SolutionTree program as a ground-up approach to fostering assessment building capacity. Ongoing item banks usage via ELS, OpenEd, and others help. #MSadminchat
Q2 I give a “range” of dates for formals. As in... I will be in science doing formals for the next few weeks. However, I do not schedule them by period or hour. I dint like the concept of “formals”. A formal should be a combo of ALL evals thoughout the year. #MSadminchat
A4 Teachers submit tests to office at the start of the unit. We have implemented CASE 21 for our common assessments and teachers are utilizing test questions from their banks to build tests. #msadminchat
A4: We've had success pulling questions from multiple resources into one large test bank. Ex: Questions on Obj. 1 from Company A, B, C, D makes for a solid assessment of Obj. 1. Progression of rigor through vertical alignment should be clear. #msadminchat
A4 We have used ELS test bank in the past. Another thing we have moved to is trying to offer assessments via online delivery as frequently as possible, that coupled with formatting questions as close to MAAP style as possible. #msadminchat
A4 I start by challenging the teachers with a quote I heard - If I can google the answers to your test, then it’s not creating critical thinkers - ie it’s not rigorous enough. Students will rise to the challenge we set before them if they’re engaged!
Regular discussions with teachers about the data they are getting from these assessments. We try to review what they were seeing on the assessments with the results on the test. This helps us to continually monitor the validity of our benchmark data. #MSadminchat
Conducting Performance Based Assessments has also been huge in creating a rigorous environment. Huge perk of CTE classes, not that it can’t be done in traditional, just a little tougher
I also check our benchmark companies statistically at the end of each year to see to what extent we can trust their predictions and when we can trust their predictions. I send that feedback to the testing company as well. #imastatsguy 😁 #MSadminchat
Q5: With MS JR ACT in a few weeks, how are your reminding students, parents, and the broader community about its importance? What is your best tip to moving the needle? (Early release and Essentials will be in play soon.) #MSadminchat
A5: We asked each school to develop a plan on it. Utilize social media, wall space, bell ringers, blocked time, practice, scholarship money, and much more. Best tip is "mark and move." Time strategies. Asking parents to write child a personal note is special.
I also check our benchmark companies statistically at the end of each year to see to what extent we can trust their predictions and when we can trust their predictions. I send that feedback to the testing company as well. #imastatsguy 😁 #MSadminchat
Q5. After the State of the Union address, I created a State of the School address video that I posted to the school Facebook page. I discussed the accountability model as it relates to school and what role ACT plays. Had over 1000 views in Houlka, a small community #MSadminchat
A5: we are giving a practice test and having a boot camp before the test. We also have embedded ACT instruction in other classes. Also using social media to inform of the importance.
Q5. After the State of the Union address, I created a State of the School address video that I posted to the school Facebook page. I discussed the accountability model as it relates to school and what role ACT plays. Had over 1000 views in Houlka, a small community #MSadminchat
With ACT scores being sent to students prior to taking state test, what is best way to hold students accountable for state test? When a students finds out he/she makes a 17 on ACT they are not likely to try on state test. #msadminchat
What kind of Pearson’s are you pulling with ELS? And do you do a full set of precision and accuracy measurements? I have run ELS in the past for other districts, but not in recent years. Just wondering. #MSadminchat
A5: Really thinking the key here to start the conversation early! Middle School...maybe even elementary. Leverage the benefits to generate buy-in from students and parents. Ex: "You say you don't care, but here's why you should!" #msadminchat