#CatholicEdchat Archive
CatholicEdChat is a twitter chat. Topics focus on discussions around educational issues for Catholic Educators and topics beneficial to Catholic Schools. We look forward to continuing to connect Catholic Educators online to discuss education and teaching with faith in our schools. The chat takes place on Saturday mornings. Time 9am EST.
Saturday October 1, 2016
9:00 AM EDT
Good morning - tweets for the next hour
Morning, folks, Happy Saturday...
Good morning. Sorry I missed last week. I was doing a
Today's topic - You best tips for a paperless classroom
Good morning! Adam, 5/6 social studies, St. Michael School in Independence, Ohio! Glad to be here!
Good morning from rainy RI. Finally have a Saturday AM off again and can make it!
Good morning from rainy Peabody, MA
Morning from NJ! Rainy day here- perfect for coffee and morning PD
I'm new at this, but is happening today?
That is my favorite topic! I have been paperless for 2 years!
Q1 - What are the benefits of a classroom?
Nice! Just got chromebooks- looking for work arounds until we get Gclassroom up and running
A1. I don't loose any paper!
Good morning from Green Bay, WI made it back from farmers market in time for the chat this week
A1. There's less chance of a student losing an assignment-with classroom, its on their Google Drive.
A1 Too many to mention. No more bringing home stacks of worthless worksheets, avoid the copier line
A1: Ss and I have spent a lot of time teaching eachother what to do- awesome for building culture. blown away by Ss!
we consider ourselves paperless - helps Ss stay organized, use LMS to full advantage and use to personalize
You can tailor the curriculum to the children better.
A1. Your assignments need not be confined to what can actually be on paper.
Paperless classrooms are an indicator of your teaching and learning philosophy at your school.
Good morning from Pennsylvania
A1: save money, easier to maintain, can record time submitted, Ss can add their own touches, variety of lessons!
A1.2 Grading is a breeze, saving the environment, kids doing more meaningful work has a million reasons
Awesome - Paperless is a huge benefit in terms of organization of work for teacher AND students
A1 Cuts down on mounds of paper and enables different kinds of student interaction and lessons
Can you elaborate on how grading is a breeze, especially re essays?
A1: From an ELA perspective, it allows me to give more effeciest, real-time feed back on student papers
Less money spent on books.
Used Edmodo for a grad class. No paper and I could give instant feedback in the posts everyone shared
YES! This has been such a game changer in my classroom this year! They help each other.
Organization is key! Google Classroom is great at helping with that.
Less clutter, money saver, every thing in one place
Q2: How was learning different for you? Before classrooms
They are super helpful, but at the same time, what if something breaks?
with Google Docs, you can see what students are working on during drafts and leave comments
its helped a few of my ss already- assignments aren't late because I tell them to just upload before class.
A1 students and teachers see curriculum and technology as one
You grade the process. If you use Google docs you can guide them as they are writing.
A1: Easier to organize, more cost effective so $ can go to worthier things, eliminates busy work, respects God's creation!
Love this! You are the one who shares this well
and better yet, if they've actually started the assignment...
You can also make a list of common comments & copy/paste them in - ex. work on sentence variety
A2 Are you all old enough to remember the manual typewriter? Where are all those papers now? In the trash!
With paperless classrooms learning and assessment has fundamentally shifted to mostly PBL and alternative assessments.
A2: used to have stacks of paper (still do, not paperless completely yet)...Ss collaborating was all the same!
These sound like creativity builders!
yes! We use Google Apps (G-Suite!) and
Students need handwriting practice and the thought process of "paper writing."
I really like big chart paper I use for "table grafitti" aka deep questions the Ss rotate to answer and "talk"
A2: slower feedback, less collaborative, more cut off from the global community
A2 Yes just talking about them on Thursday with students. I told them I was going to bring one in for them to see.
Google classroom and drive has been crucial for me going paperless in my classrooms.
A2 It was paper for everything-worksheets, rubrics, practice, directions, announcements, on and on
Me too! Getting there, but fighting a lot of tradition, too.
Good morning. Hanging with at the
Hey ! Can't hang around today, wish I could! Looks like a great topic
A2 Google Docs -see the student's thought process through draft and provide feedback
Can the students collaborate more when they are using technology?
That is a good use of paper-collaborative brainstorming for visual learners. I use a whiteboard app
A1-2 In writing, handwriting, journaling, art, math, reading. Not thinking digital-but making &a building.
definitely agree cursive is beneficial- studies absolutely support that with note taking in particular.
And it got shoved in the bottom of the backpack.
Yes, and sometimes never to be seen again !
It helps if you're trying to draw 3-D.
tradition is difficult. Ps like seeing their child's work in their hand. Getting Ps on board is huge.
A2 - that feeling when the book or paper you need is left at school or left at home - I don't miss that!
As an Admin, like having tech. Easy to find things, less clutter, G Classroom allows for Ts to give me things
definitely! There are tons of ways Ss can collaborate in real time - are a great way to start
Good to chat with you Monica and Barb! Enjoy the summit!
Talking paperless benefits? I want the archive of this chat today...where can I get my hands on it?!
Definitely won't be going away
May not be more but can be any place at any time for them.
Ok. Gotta go, could only check in. Great Saturday everyone.
One of the best tools for iOS!
More parents want Classical education, which may shift come leaders/teachers.
And you take the time to practice with students. Don't worry about cutting into curriculum
Good AM. Sorry for tardy. A1 Notability and Showbie apps. Besides trees, opportunities for collabr8n, analyzing & more.
A3 - What would you say are the benefits of a classroom to students in terms of student skills?
Still trying to get rid of the clutter as colleagues still use a lot of paper. Wish our central office was GAFE
my Home Parish school in NJ just adopted the approach and enrollment already up from last year...
Good morning, I will be lurking & learning as we are no where near ready for paperless yet, one day ...
is now trending in USA, ranking 37
It can be a challenge - sounds like you will lead the way!
A2. Learning WAS much less creative. Way more linear. But maybe a bit less distracted?
Agreed. IMO Google Classroom = the easiest way to dip ur feet into the paperless water - extremely user-friendly
A3 They are better able to focus on content because they are organized. They get more meaningful feedback
Work displayed is another thing they want to see.
Authentic Classical education will increase enrollment in no time.
Students can see feedback immediately, rather than in a few days.
A3.2 They also learn to collaborate and use critical thinking skills if done correctly
A3: same as T: organizing, not losing notes. HOTS, including analyzing, comparing, commenting, collaborating, some cre8tfty
Love Google Classroom - worked w/teachers in workshop yesterday-using for profdev,communications
A3: Students learn how to leverage tech in positive ways that promote their own learning and growth
A3. collaboration definitely increases, organization improves, and creativity are my three...
A3 Organization and collaboration - need for work later in life.
A3: Ss develop reliable, beneficial research skills...but handwriting skills start to decrease with increase in doc typing.
Oh and the all powerful revision history on collaborative docs!
Is there a Classical School Chat? A couple of schools in our Diocese are Classical.
A3. Collaboration! And organizational skills. And thinking flexibly.
A3 All those skills already mentioned and also the opportunity to become good digital citizens
A3 I noticed increased confidence in my Ss as they were writing this week
Technology enhances creativity and innovation
although free version is must less robust than it used to be
Collaboration with and by students is a top student benefit in terms of skills !
I haven't seen one, but I know my pastor would love if there were one...
A3 Can't not say that the dog ate their work.
I love revision history for myself. Has saved me on more than one occasion!
much easier than the undo button...
Must give a shoutout to in the paperless environment. Invaluable way to teach.
A4: Name your top tools for paperless - websites, apps - GO!
that would be a great idea! Its very easy to set up and use! I love the new Qs feature
Yes. Disappointing. Spend the money on Explain Everything
YES! That would be terrific
Does it help the students focus?
A4 and are my favorite sites for going paperless
Mark here from outside Washington D.C
Two negatives in one sentence. Fingers are acting up again.
I think it's important we prepare these kids for the world they are living in... Realistically, who does things on paper?
Absolutely! GAFE was ground-breaking.
the rev history is great 2 fix past mistakes & 2 keep Ss accountable
For review- I love Kahoot- its a hit with students-Google Classroom is awesome...
Or I turned it in and you lost it. I am no longer losing my mind with Ps.
same here! Workflow so much easier for Ts and Ss
A4 Google apps, Notability, Schoology paper53
A4 GAFE, Flipbook, Explain Everything, Notability, oh and GAFE!
So, Ss dont have google accounts yet, so no access to GAFE. Any work arounds I can use until then?
I need to get back into using Symbaloo. I love it.
In meetings, I see pen + paper all the time. It helps increase attention span.
A4 and maybe some others that I can't think of right now
Have encouraged all our Ts to use Google Classroom easier for Ss if working at home can upload work without a problem.
That is so true. Seriously if the cloud blows up so does my life.
great point! I love the time signature feature for Google Forms as well
Yeah. And I was paranoid about loosing my flash drive...
A4 Showbie , Notability, GAFE, Kahoot, Google Forms, Educreations, Explain Everything, come to mind
Yes! Students love when their sick-at-home peers can contribute to a discussion in real time
Do they have a personal gmail account? They can still use the tools and collaborate?
A few do, but don't remember passwords.
We have Blackboard but I use Google Classroom to turn in work. Works much better.
I've got to cut out early everyone - pregnant wife breakfast run! Thanks for the great chat!
School in our area has a program
Has anyone used Google Forms new quiz feature?
Regent Street
Thomas Pieters
Wonder how long that will last. Already people use note apps. Do u see Ss using paper regularly in 30 years?
I have seen more people drop apps for pen/paper.
Have them create new ones with you and write down their passwords
It is, check out their gallery of ones already made !
Or when sick at home teacher pops up and comments! Freaks them out!
Well, this is another "duh" moment. Thank you!
Q5: How can digital and paperless learning help collaboration across your diocese? with other schools?
How could I forget Kahoot, Socrative, GoFormative...
I think that Montessori should be a good fit for Catholic schools. She was Catholic.
A5. Especially being in a rural school, collaborating w/ schools across diocese becomes so much easier- lessons, pd...
Have to run out. Have a great week everyone.
So true. Always need to first consider outcomes before tools.
I never thought about that, it sounds great!
You have a lot of powerful ideas
A5 Collaboration on projects with other schools is powerful
We use G Classroom for our PD-would work across diocese, too.
Time to get ready to walk with . It's been about 3 weeks and it's showing up on the scale!
A5 Collaboration across the diocese has been tough for us. However, our google site is a step in the right direction
Late to the party, laid up with strep. Can't wait to read the transcript
A5: apps like Padlet allow you 2 communicate and collaborate w classrooms all over the world. Using it for this week
A5 Love all the global online projects we engage in , , , etc.
A5 Still need to form some relationships or T's do not think of other forms of collaboration unless they love technology
Pureview does as well- also has an easy search feature.
App synchronizes notes typed with a video also connects with Google Drive. www. videonot.es
A5.2 our diocese is also using to allow us to share our unit plans with each other. Great for T collaboration
Sorry I had to book out! Headed to breakfast! Have a great and blessed day!
A5 makes it possible to collabor8 outside our own classrooms. SAMR redefinition - wasn't possible without the technlg
that is a good reason to learn more about Collaboration happens!
Technology is great, but what do you do if it breaks?
Outcomes come first. What would you have done w/o technlg to reach outcome? Do what you can until fixed.
Our Ss were without computers had to use encyclopedia, dictionary, paper & pen didn't have Google for two weeks.
Thanks all. You make me happy I remember to wake up early on a Saturday.
Wifi in my room is always hit/miss, so students have realized need for coming prepared because tech doesn't always work.
It is good to develop all those skills.
They adapt very quickly when they need too.
Thanks for joining chat today and contributing powerful ideas!
Send the kids home early.
the importance of writing esp cursive to brain development shouldnt be underestimated
Never we have a library they can use & they do.
Teaching them to think critically, they can figure out what to do when the technology doesn't work
Thanks to for hosting. Have a great weekend everyone!... In all decisions, try to choose kindness. I will try too.