I’m Moo, the Elementary Principal at St. Paul American School in Hanoi. Can’t think of a movie that I regularly quote, but I always think about Spaceballs! #PIAChat
Hey everyone! Kelley from Ks...co-moderator for tonight's #PIAchat
I'm Prek-6th Grade principals and a #momsasprincipals co-founder/blogger! I quote Stepbrothers....All.The.Time.
CJ Cain, Assistant Principal, Littleton, CO. Wondering Ryan if you used this back in the day “If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball.” #piachat#physed
A1. I dream a lot. However when I have a dream, I start setting myself up from their to achieve it. It is like building a pyramid, it must start with a base and planning. #PIAChat
A1- I want to be with KIDS whenever I can.. they get to KNOW the principal... and think it's cool when I just join a class or even see them at the mall- and then it's high fives and fist bumps! #piachat living the #principalsinaction mission
A1: I have a system that maps my vision + 3 month goal + Weekly strategy + day to day plan. I measure my progress and chase my dreams. "Right the vision down so that those who read it will run." #piachat
A1: Reading daily for Personal PD. Connecting with fellow admins and teachers. Starting to work out & eating low carb to help lose some stress weight! #PIAchat
A1- I’m so behind the times but after #MALeads18, I started a blog so it’s in writing. I’m sharing with my staff. I’m accountable to me and to them. Sharing my passion and my dreams. #PIAchat
A1: Making Time Each day to just be with kids. I realized really quick the paperwork is there before and after the kids leave. It’s always there but the kids are not! #PIAChat
A1: Whew! Not enough! One thing is daily mindfulness practice and reflection. Another is not daily but a bi-monthly meeting w/ my executive coach. #PIAchat
#PIAchat A1: Make positive rounds, interacting w everyone in a positive manner, being sure that I am the originator of the positive culture that is built around the people in our building. #chooseyourculture
A1- Utilizing the knowledge and passions of my PLN’s to help me promote a school where students and staff want to be there. Constantly striving to better tomorrow than I was today. #piachat
A1. The seed you plant today becomes the harvest becomes the harvest you enjoy tomorrow. You may not see the harvest but don’t let that stop you from planting seeds. #piachat
#PIAchat So tough but so important to take some me time during the day. I try to get 10 in a day, reading about @Twins and checking in on them. Helps take my mind out of the school for a bit and lets me relax mid day.
A2. Trying to learn everyones story. Knowing their story allows for genuine conversation about whatever is going on in their lives, allowing me to show care where it is needed. #PIAChat
A1: trying to be the leader I needed as a student & teacher. Being where our teachers and students are! Teaching lessons, reading aloud to all classes each month, talking with kids, building relationships with Ss & staff! #PIAchat
A2- whatever I can, someone to lean on, a safe place to visit, a bottle of water, listening ear- I try to give my Ts and Ss whatever they need at school.... SUPPORT is what it is all about #piachat
A2: This is something that I try to be intentional about, but I fail at times! I am doing a March Madness countdown and I try my best to listen, collaborate whenever I can, and always try to write notes! #piachat
A2: tell them I care, Ss tell me they love me and I tell them I love them! Care abt staff, check in on them and pay attention to what they have going on in their classrooms and in their lives #PIAchat
A2: #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay and taking time to go around and talk with them daily about anything from concerns to general topics outside of school. #PIAchat
A1: Every day remind myself what the goal is. From then, making a daily plan to achieve that goal. But t he thing that they all have in common is getting out of the office and being with the staff and students every day #PIAchat
A2: High fives, hugs, asking about family and being truly interested, inviting staff out to go running with me, #goodnewscalloftheday and calling home for the negative too, asking staff and students what their goals are and doing everything I can to make those happen #PIAchat
#PIAchat A2: Its taking the time to listen and be an active listener too. I try to be off any device, stop my typing and ignore the phone when it rings. That's the one that gets folks, then they know that they are the most important thing to you at that moment.
A2- This one is HUGE for me. I leave handwritten notes, in the morning I triage staff and students to see who needs me, I make Monday’s magical and give out “pick me ups” like covering duties, gift cards, photocopying, covering classes for 15mins. I’m visible and crazy #PIAchat
A2: Connection is huge for me. I gain a lot of positive energy when I take the time to connect with others. @principalboots says I can find the 6 degrees of seperation (or connections) with anyone. #INspiredLeadership#PIAchat
A2: #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay and taking time to go around and talk with them daily about anything from concerns to general topics outside of school. #PIAchat
A2: I'm a big believer in that first interaction of the day. Being that welcoming voice, being positive and upbeat and just telling the students we are so happy to see them! #PIAChat
A2: I love spending time with students & staff & learning who they are as individuals. The words “how can I help?” go a long way! I like to bring out the treat trolley,write cards & messages,check on them, & let them know how much I LOVE working w/ & learning from them! #PIAchat
A2: listen, listen and listen some more! Taking time to write personal notes and mailing them home. Acknowledging milestones for students and staff #PIAChat
A2: Do these 3 Things Every Day
1. Value People
2. Believe in People
3. Unconditionally Love People.
You will find more people are with you when you put serving others first.
A3. I was vulnerable when it came to leading discussions around priority standards in math. Because I allowed myself to show vulnerability, I was able to have teachers trust me more throughout the process. #PIAChat
A3 At our last staff meeting, and nearly every staff meeting, I thank them for all that they do for our kids and for each other, show a video, and shed at least one tear. #PIAchat
A3- allowing ourselves to be vulnerable shows staff we are human and we're able to make stronger connections. They know I want what is best for our kids and them all the time. I show that at times that I'm vulnerable... walk the talk #piachat
A3: My staff has watched me cry over my connection with kids and their trauma. I've cried when talking about that "one caring adult' I had my junior and senior year. #PIAchat
A3: Shared my survey results that staff fills out about my leadership and where we are as a school and how I was going to set goals for making improvements back on February 2nd…I feel I am vulnerable a lot when I tell them ‘I don’t know, but I’ll find out' #PIAchat
A2: listen, listen and listen some more! Taking time to write personal notes and mailing them home. Acknowledging milestones for students and staff #PIAChat
A3: I have 2 people that help me with podcast production. I told them I was nervous because it was our first meeting! We all laughed because we were excited to meet virtually F2F #piachat
A3- I wrote my FIRST blog and put it to them for feedback. I also openly admit when I fail and turn to them to learn and they know they can do the same. Builds trust and no relationship is successful without that #PIAchat
A3: vulnerable?! Just recently as I am involved in job search, potential move to a new district, been open with my staff abt possible change in order to be closer to home, and they have supported me, want what’s best for me #PIAchat
A2: Both - Know every name, know genuinely engage. Follow up when you say you will. Show personal interest, ask how they are and have sincere interest. For staff I also - do small things to show appreciation. Notes, small token gifts, etc. #PIAchat
A1: daily gratitude journal. It helps centre me. I also have lunch with a small group of 6th graders weekly. Keeps me@close to kids and really getting know our graduates. #PIAChat
#PIAChat A3: In a staff meeting, when I read the letter from the state superintendent congratulating us on reaching full accreditation, I cried. It was 4 years of being under state review and a lot of doubters squashed, both inside and outside the building.
A3: I was with a staff member yesterday. We all walk in carrying something from home. We both cried, took time to process and went back to kids. #piachat
#PIAChat A3: In a staff meeting, when I read the letter from the state superintendent congratulating us on reaching full accreditation, I cried. It was 4 years of being under state review and a lot of doubters squashed, both inside and outside the building.
A3: I’m a pretty open book! As I listen to staff throughout he day/week if I hear a theme I try to relate my personal experience or I just let them know I’m here for them! #PIAChat
A3) I modeled a guided reading lesson a few weeks ago. Learning along with your teachers is refreshing. It allows for authentic conversations and common understanding. #PIAchat
A4. I look to our students to hear from them. Allowing them to share their experiences helps me look into the mirror to see what I can do differently. #PIAChat
A2: I talk to my staff. Remember their kids names and important things happening in their personal & professional lives. I ask about lessons we discussed and sports teams they coached. I try to make each person feel like I know them and want to hear their story. #PIAChat
A4: Everything....every little thing comes back to me as the leader. I have to able to reflect and make changes. However, I should never "should-of" on myself #PIAchat
A3: teaching lessons in classrooms! When teaching,I want my Ts & Ss to see that I’m not perfect b/c I’m admin! I’m learning & reflecting! Be YOU.I love to dress up in costumes to read aloud to classes each https://t.co/DK8QxY4lxX makes the job less serious! #PIAchat
A3: Every staff meeting opens us up to being vulnerable, especially when the subject is emotional. I'm a crier, so it's hard to hide my feelings/vulnerability #PIAchat
A4: Listening to what others have told me throughout day/week and reflecting daily by creating my Google Keep note for the following day. As the night goes on, I revisit it as thoughts come to me. #PIAchat
A4 - If you are fortunate enough to work with an open administrative team be willing to ask the tough questions, seek input from the parents and listen👂and respond to teachers! #PIAChat
A3: was completely vulnerable witnessing the incredible leadership Ss performing The Laramie Project this past wknd. Riveting to witness young ppl changing the world w ldrshp of Ts #PIAChat
A4- I talk to students in the cafeteria or on the playground. Kids don’t hold back. I use surveys, I run, and now I’m proud to say I’m writing in a blog #PIAchat
A4: Stand back and watch lunch. How teachers and students act when they don’t know you’re watching really shows their true feelings. Some of my my revealing observations come when I don’t even step foot in the room. Just outside the door listening to conversations. #PIAchat
A3: i showed vulnerability with my board chairs (private school) when I shared with them a disciplinary mistake I had made - because my own son was the victim. They recognized my candor and thanked me for my vulnerability. #PIAChat
A4: I try to spend a few minutes at the end of day wrapping up with my AP. I am blessed to have a Director if School Development who always reminds me of the good happening daily. Asking questions on how we can improve or what’s going well of all stakeholders. #piachat
A4:I have a 40 min commute which allows me time to reflect twice each day. Also, Voxer (love my #momsasprincipals and #principalsinaction PLN) and Twitter help me see from other lenses. #PIAchat
A4- In order to grow, we have to reflect. I learn from the responses I receive daily from all of the stakeholders at my school both verbal and nonverbal. I am also lucky to have a spouse as an administrator @LKapuchuck who I can discuss situations with nightly #piachat
A4: I talk with staff who I know will shoot it straight to me about what’s going on. I’ll also send out quick 2-3 question surveys after meetings to get feedback and share it with staff. Fall and spring survey about me staff fill out to help myself set goals #PIAChat
A4: It starts by being #AllIn at your school. You must be present. You must be engaged. You must lead from the heart and serve others. It starts with being All In. #piachat