#TOSAChat is a chat on Twitter every Monday night at 8pm PST for TOSAs (teachers on special assignment), including all edtech and instructional coaches.
Hi #TOSAchat. It’s been a long time. I’m glad to be here again tonight. Oliver, 5th grade teacher. I’ve attend 1 edcamp & would love to learn more about them.
Hey #tosachat Tom from Bassett, fist decamp I went to was edcamp LACOE, not well attended and kinda light on topics. Looking for another opportunity to attend tho!
Hi friends!! Amanda here from Campbell, Cali. Excited to be a part of @EdCampSV team again this year! Hope to see many of you there in January 😉 #TOSAchat
A1: I love how EdCamps puts the power, voice, and ownership in participants. Those who attend determine the topics, choose which session to attend, switch sessions whenever they want, and connect with others authentically #tosachat
A1: The edcamp I attended was kind of weird in the beginning. I went with a friend who knew what was going on & another who was new like me. It can be overwhelming for newbies. #tosachat
A1 the standout was being able@to help some newbie teachers and arching their eyes go wide with the awesome possibilities. I still keep in contact with 4 who routinely ask questions or for advice over social media! #tosachat
A1cont: I always love the energy in an EdCamp. Love the organic conversations in sessions AND those that are offshoots from the session boards. Often small groups meet on their own. #tosachat
A1: I remember really enjoying the conversations in the sessions I attended. I like that no one was the “leader” & everyone contributes to the topic. #tosachat
A1: The amount of sharing in the sessions from various individuals and not just a single presenter. Also the personalized nature of the sessions. #TOSAchat
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@TosaChat, @EdTechAri, @peerlessgreen, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @cogswell_ben, @Jyoung1219
A1: I attended an EdCamp in Perris CA and had a blast. I put up the idea of a session on putting together a kids edcamp but my school didn't want go for it unfortunately. #TOSAchat
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@TosaChat, @EdTechAri, @peerlessgreen, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @cogswell_ben, @Jyoung1219
A1: My first Ed Camp was hosted by @tech4teachers19 in #BurbankUSD! Had a blast and learned about @breakoutEDU there ^_^ What stood out to me was the synergy and ideas you can build from speaking with like-minded enthusiastic people! #TOSAchat
A1 I love EdCamp SO MUCH! What stood out was I went in not knowing what I wanted to learn, but came out learning SO VERY MUCH. My greatest learning experiences have been at EdCamps or unconferences. #tosachat
Don’t be shy!! Get your ideas up on the session board so you can participate in the conversations you want. Also— vote with your feet is truly a thing. No one gets offended if you leave a convo that’s not working for ya! #tosachat
A2: be open and willing to share, the more you put in the more you get out; don't be afraid to ask questions; make connections, get twitter handles, follow people #tosachat
A2: Go with the flow, look at the topics on the board. Topics are posted shortly before showtime. You are allowed to come up with you own topic. Do not be afraid of posting something that you are interested in learning about. People will come. #TOSAchat
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@TosaChat, @EdTechAri, @peerlessgreen, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @cogswell_ben, @Jyoung1219
A2 Go into it with NO EXPECTATIONS, but remember you will only get out what you put in. Follow the rule of 2 feet, but not with an attitude. 😋 #tosachat
The TOSA Team organized it. I helped plan the backend of tasks, introduced the format of edcamp at the beginning (for those who may be unfamiliar), and helped take notes during sessions #tosachat
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@MrDsengclasss, @CAMathTeacher, @TosaChat, @EdTechAri, @peerlessgreen, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @cogswell_ben
I organized one for Ts at one of our middle schools for a staff meeting. They pre-creates the board on a padlet to maximize time. It was awesome. Can’t wait to do it again!! #tosachat
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@MrDsengclasss, @Jyoung1219, @CAMathTeacher, @TosaChat, @EdTechAri, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @cogswell_ben
Do it. It’ll be good to have those videos that were tweeted from the @tosachat account to show those who may be unfamiliar with the format in the beginning. #tosachat
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@edtechyoda, @MrDsengclasss, @CAMathTeacher, @TosaChat, @EdTechAri, @peerlessgreen, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @cogswell_ben, @TosaChat
Did you get that question answered? I am scrolling through the feed and didn't see it picked up. Usually something added to something like edcamp is usually a location or a specific group but I am not familiar with NOC. #TOSAchat
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@CAMathTeacher, @peerlessgreen, @annkozma723, @hollybsteele, @Askmrchong, @teachusingtech
Love that idea about a teacher training turning into an edcamp, however, there is so much to go over with the new teachers that it might be better on the 2nd day. LOL! #TOSAchat
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@edtechyoda, @Jyoung1219, @CAMathTeacher, @TosaChat, @EdTechAri, @peerlessgreen, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @cogswell_ben
A3 we did an edcamp-style PD last year where some of the sessions were set but teachers chose and drifted between them, and it wasn’t led by someone, more like facilitated. Teachers loved it. #tosachat
A3: What I have learned most is that the smartest person in the room is the room. #EdCampLA was my very first Edcamp 3 years and started my learning from my PLN. #tosachat
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@TosaChat, @EdTechAri, @peerlessgreen, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @cogswell_ben, @Jyoung1219
I would love to hear more about how you set this up. I am thinking of doing something similar but may have to spread the sessions over a few Friday morning meetings. #TOSAchat
A3: Yes and no, the conversations were interesting. I learned somethings about Microsoft Apps and the resources for a BreakoutEDU. Overall, I just enjoyed the experience. #TOSAchat
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@TosaChat, @EdTechAri, @peerlessgreen, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @cogswell_ben, @Jyoung1219
How many new teachers do you get each year? We used to do new T training but it has gone by the wayside. Would love to hear more about this!! #tosachat
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@edtechyoda, @MrDsengclasss, @Jyoung1219, @CAMathTeacher, @TosaChat, @EdTechAri, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @cogswell_ben
A3: I’ve gotten so many great ideas at EdCamps from classroom design to coding lessons to math resources...! And have made really great connections w/Ts that I continue to learn with virtually #TOSAchat
Sometimes in the past when I mentioned EdCamp Admin would get very hung up on "who was presenting the sessions?" It's tough to explain if they have never been to one. #TOSAChat
Getting ppl out to events is tough for us sometimes, so we did an EdCamp Admin in our district in lieu of one of their admin meetings. Helped them understand the format & power of personalized PD #TOSAchat
A3: I most definitely have. I gained more than the specific learning itself. Meeting with people who aspire to do and make #BETTER, is an energizing and synergizing event! It's like a real life in-person #TOSAchat ^_^ Ha!
Very true, sometimes you don't want to ask questions and sound an idiot. The stiffling of one's voice is easy to do and takes a long time to find again. #TOSAchat
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@edtechyoda, @CAMathTeacher, @Jyoung1219, @TosaChat, @EdTechAri, @peerlessgreen, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @cogswell_ben
Q EC1: Who posts the best resources online? Where do you go? What sites do you use the most? (Answered will be featured on episode 57 of @TosasTalkinTech!) #tosachat
The coaches in our district had the same discussion Joe. We chose to wait because we didn't want the first EdCamp experience for many Ts to be a bad one. #TOSAChat
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@Jyoung1219, @CAMathTeacher, @MrDsengclasss, @edtechyoda, @TosaChat, @EdTechAri, @peerlessgreen, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @cogswell_ben
This year we are bogged down with new adoptions and new data analysis system. However our Ts are being asked what they want to work on during our Jan PD day, so that’s a start... #tosachat
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@rickmccall25, @Jyoung1219, @CAMathTeacher, @MrDsengclasss, @edtechyoda, @TosaChat, @EdTechAri, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @cogswell_ben
We felt if the first experience for many Ts was bogged down by distractions of the beginning of the year it would leave a bad taste associated with EdCamp going forward. #TOSAChat
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@MrDsengclasss, @Jyoung1219, @CAMathTeacher, @edtechyoda, @TosaChat, @EdTechAri, @peerlessgreen, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @cogswell_ben
Guess it depends on what u are looking for..#teach180 gas a ton of resources by different Ts. @mathequalslove always puts out a lot of resources. I think her ideas could translate to many subj areas #TOSAchat
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@TechTomBUSD, @TosasTalkinTech, @mathequalslove
We use mailchimp to create ours. Then I send test email to myself which I rename and send to district. We do it every other week. There is a secondary and elementary section. We have a how-to and then an application part. Focus on strategies. #TOSAchat
Ooooh, and your Rodeo Alisal game is looking awesome, Ben!! We posted a special sortie this week for #CSEdWeek— submit a selfie w/Ss for points :) #TOSAchat
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@cogswell_ben, @CAMathTeacher, @KarlyMoura, @scratch
I was so inspired by @cogswell_ben's awesome updates that I saw at your playground at CUE last year. Thought about it forever... finally got it started a couple of weeks ago. #TOSAchat
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@kmartintahoe, @MsHaughs, @CAMathTeacher, @KarlyMoura, @scratch, @annkozma723, @cogswell_ben
It’s a great program. We’re certainly going through the 1st year struggles transition to new material from the old curriculum, but the curriculum is robust & the Ss love it. #tosachat
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@CAMathTeacher, @kmartintahoe, @MsHaughs, @rachelmarker
So far so good! Ts & Ss both really enjoying. Ss liking math again & really noticing patterns and thinking deeply about concepts. Biggest complaint from Ts was amount of prep but it’s starting to get better half year in #TOSAchat
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@CAMathTeacher, @Jyoung1219, @kmartintahoe, @rachelmarker
thanks, friend...but it's a digital tree "timer" and helps me to focus/not be distracted by my iPhone as it grows! haha! the more digital trees I grow, the more ones I can plan IRL through the app! #TOSAchat
The amount of prep is what our Ts talk about too. Classroom aides too. Many have forgotten that they went through all of that with our old math curriculum too. #tosachat
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@MsHaughs, @CAMathTeacher, @kmartintahoe, @rachelmarker
{edmodo: RT MsHaughs: CAMathTeacher Here are the resources we shared w/our Ts— https://t.co/hP2Xs08SCZ Links to KarlyMoura’s HOC doc, scratch intro activities, our district Bots resources, intro to digital making & more :) #TOSAchathttps://t.co/sSySKDGbLv]