Mooi artikel over het fenomeen 'Edcamp', waarin docenten met en van elkaar leren. Hier in Nederland wordt het regelmatig georganiseerd, en ook in de VS is het een steeds bekendere manier van professionaliseren geworden:
Funny what 24 hours can change. #OurGlobalClassroom has cracked over 200,000 views.
@m_drez I am absolutely loving the work of the kids at the #edcamp. I have been learning so much and their presentations have been role models to my students.
I’m interested to know how your district #Edcamp experience is reflected in, or was different from those described in this research:
A district #Edcamp can be a positive experience. Share this article with the planning committee. Shout if you want to talk more about it
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@MsManzoLV, @Flipgrid, @edpuzzle, @PearDeck
#Edcamp-ers, would you like to submit to our upcoming July newsletter. This one is focused on our beloved Edcamp organizers. Let us know about your tips and tricks for a successful Edcamp! How do you keep the momentum going? Submit using this form:
Last year, Ambassadors @KarlyMoura + @SEANJFAHEY put together the ultimate Flipgrid resource 💯 Now, they're back with a completely revamped, updated, and shareable second edition 🎉
Kristin - that's a good question and one @jeffpcarpenter and I studied in some depth. Some useful descriptions of differences with voluntary and mandatory #Edcamp in the paper. Shout if you want to talk more ...
In reply to
@PreK33, @amyrdelarosa, @jeffpcarpenter
Thanks - and solid observations, Amy. Ownership and time are key elements of #Edcamp Hope you collect some feedback on your events. Feel free to use the Qs in our research!