#TMchat Archive
Current and relevant education discussions are held every Tuesday in #TMchat. A weekly guest moderator, considered an expert on the the week's topic, joins @conniehamilton to guide the one hour chat and actively engage with participants. Founder and moderator @conniehamilton supplies her responses to the week's questions visually in Thinking Maps.
Tuesday July 26, 2016 9:00 PM EDT
Thanks for the nod, Larry! Appreciate you and the PLN.
Hello! Jenna, ELL teacher in the Chicago suburbs, joining in!
Thanks, Larry... It's sure to be awesome! https://t.co/ltB4miSEMB
If you're in for another amazing chat, please be sure to check out starting in two minutes!
Meredith from Marco Island, FL here celebrating that the tech just left from installing a new mother board on this computer!
Good evening, ! Larry, EdTech Coach from NJ, checking in.
I'm Connie Hamilton. Sean Gaillard and I are your moderators tonight. Let the introductions begin. https://t.co/pXbBt7CzSx
Heather Abney, proud principal of WSHS in VA! Glad to be here!
Hi and others(?) I'm Gillian from Vancouver BC
I am very happy to be your guest moderator for and share Vibes.
Our format will include 7 questions. Use A1 to respond to Q1 & remember to include hashtag in all tweets. https://t.co/4AinAaWNwg
Elizabeth, 4th G T from NC joining tonight!
Kelly here. I work with new teachers. It's awesome. This is my first
Karen from Rhode Island riding the wave of awesome by and
Awesome, Heather! I truly love your leadership! Welcome to !
Very little chance I would miss - definitely my favorite. I hope others will jump over and join as well. https://t.co/NEIslC13fn
Good evening! Carolina from the Boston area checking into tonight.
Vicki King principal in IL Excited to join as we on Tuesday at
Tim Christensen, Superintendent Greene County Schools, Iowa looking forward to tonight's chat.
Thanks for joining tonight.
So excited to be here with some of my favorite friends! Sylvia, Writing Coach from Tampa, FL https://t.co/hZVemwasHy
Sue from Minnesota great topic!
Good evening . Looking forward to learning w/ my friend and . Russ, principal in FL.
Shannon Croston Lit Coach in Guatemala. Excited to talk about
Hey, ! Samantha, 5th from FL here.
Mary Hadley, academic coach, from Texas! Good evening
My groovy pal and bandmate is here for !
Great to have you here, Kelly. We're very friendly and plenty of resources are always shared in each week.
My friend is here! Welcome to , Vicki! You light up my PLN daily! Love your leadership.
Jennifer 4th grade T from Mi checking in tonight from Notre Dame
Dina, Math specialist from Edison NJ
Welcome fellow -er 💜 so glad you are joining us tonight https://t.co/FLqvMCk4BD
Kelly here. I work with new teachers. It's awesome. This is my first
Carrie, 6 & 8 ELA, rural Southeast Kansas.
My friend is here for ! Thanks, Russ!
Scott, principal from IL. Excited to learn more from everyone
. Yes, we're going to on Tuesday in
Robert from Los Angeles. Middle school English.
Hello Cherie from IL. Looking forward to learning!
Hey Ben -Reno-can only jump in for a few but I would not miss anything with !
Hi there, Tim, Glad to see you in
Just in awe of you both! Thanks, Pals!
Wouldn't be without Sylvia's gifs.
High school special Ed teacher from Ohio! Hi everyone!
Katie High School Teacher Librarian aka TOSA Excited to on a Tuesday with fab
Ashlie Rittle; 5th grade teacher; Pennsylvania; Hello!
Ben you are the man and you bring the backbeat to this chat! Thanks, Pal!
WOW!!! Sooo excited to see you here, Samantha!
Good evening, . Marilyn here from SoCal. Love to with and friends.
Chris Gibbs, K-2 Gifted from Volusia County, Florida
Your leadership has inspired me to look at Monday's differently- so much hope and positivity. https://t.co/jfGXMXqRm8
My friend is here! Welcome to , Vicki! You light up my PLN daily! Love your leadership.
Excited that my fab pal is here! Thanks, Katie!
. will rock the tonight :)
Q1 How can we make creating a positive school culture a priority?
Welcome, my pal! Thanks for being here, Marilyn! You inspire daily.
It's been TOO long, Connie! Getting back in the Twitter chat groove with the ever fabulous !
Hi friends at Terry here. 3rd grade T in Fl
We are better together. Looking forward to future adventures with you.
A1 Embed positivity in all messages - Ts, Ss, Ps, everyone. Reap the rewards ;)
Hi! Renee White from NC joining in for a bit.
Hey! Rhonda- science/math coach in central Florida.
A1: Modeling & leading by example https://t.co/TznTNjTKtj
Q1 How can we make creating a positive school culture a priority?
::turning carthweels:: is here in
Hello ! You are tweeting from Notre Dame! Thanks, Vandelay Friend!
Lots of friends here tonight. Hello
Start by modeling & sharing out the positives you see-tweet those things Ts & Ss do for all to see https://t.co/zdHZxeeyxA
Q1 How can we make creating a positive school culture a priority?
love seeing you here, friend!!
We started blogging together! That memory will last for many years.
And you do this so well, NC Neighbor! Modeling and leading by example are essentials for school culture
A1: It starts with great leadership! Admins hold a big key in spreading positive vibes on campus.
A1 creating pos cultures in all our work areas - I post free compliments on my door for students to take https://t.co/3NHLcizOTm
Q1 How can we make creating a positive school culture a priority?
Faige retired kinder teacher in Los Angeles. Took a look at topic and questions So glad I can stay awhile.
A1 as a CULTURE builds, I think, from alignment of LANGUAGE & action. All focusing on relationships.
A1 model growth mindset to all stakeholders
A1. We can make it a priority by sharing the positive news every morning on the PA announcements! So many great things to celebrate.
It starts with the relationships that Ts build with Ss and colleagues. Practice what you preach.
A1: Our priorities are where we spend our time. We need to use PD, meeting, and reflection time on culture.
A1 I always say: Positive school, classroom, & home cultures are built on a balance of leadership, love, laughter, & learning.
A1 Talk the talk, walk the walk, model & in the .
A1: By continuing to spread positivity to others & sharing all the awesomeness that is your school culture on blogs, Twitter, etc.
Thx ! You've led the way on this one! https://t.co/Pegwx9NuTo
And you do this so well, NC Neighbor! Modeling and leading by example are essentials for school culture
A1: Hiring the right people! Forming teams that support each other. Spreading the positive on an ongoing basis.
A1: Promote positivity in all areas of education and model it. https://t.co/wcegvqRYOG
Q1 How can we make creating a positive school culture a priority?
Have candid talks about inclusion & engagement of all populations of S & Ts. Not ok that some Ss can't or some Ts won't...
This is a scene. My fingers are already on fire! This is epic!
Commit to pervasive positive interactions across the board and post a "positive" board of genuine belief/quotes.
A1 NEVER be negative. Be a problem solver, an encourager, but never a downer. Negativity breeds negativity
AJ Norton HS AP in PA A1 Have at least 5 positive conversations per day with students. Relationships
A1: Stay positive in interactions. Look for the good. Celebrate it.
A1 - Keep positivity in the forefront of all that we do even when negativity tries to creep in.
A1: It starts and ends at the top! Whether that be the principal, classroom teacher, coach...we set the tone! It's intentional!
LOVE THIS! Great simple by powerful practice for school culture.
Yes, build your of Believers to
Admin and teacher leaders often set the tone for the entire school. Such a big responsibility! https://t.co/FA8mwqeX3F
A1: It starts with great leadership! Admins hold a big key in spreading positive vibes on campus.
A1. View culture as the foundation for all norms.. It can be positive or negative.
A1: Students are a gift in this world & we are blessed to learn w them. They deserve to see, feel & hear it https://t.co/8ItmWFDkXy
Looks like a great topic tonight!
You just hit on the essence of ! It's an entry point to building relationships in the schoolhouse
Our world definitely needs more laughter!!! https://t.co/xNOCiqnrGV
A1 I always say: Positive school, classroom, & home cultures are built on a balance of leadership, love, laughter, & learning.
A1 start the year off with positive messages home & keep it up through year-fill that emotional bank account B4 a withdrawal
How do you identify the "right people" when in the hiring process? https://t.co/1ZcUtmN1Fr
A1: Hiring the right people! Forming teams that support each other. Spreading the positive on an ongoing basis.
Admin is important. https://t.co/bqWWd7OeGN
A1: It starts with great leadership! Admins hold a big key in spreading positive vibes on campus.
A1: Making a deliberate choice and keeping each other in check (as with this chat) is vital to creating a positive culture.
Happy to learn with you and the of .
A1: Building strong relationships and being a good model. Define expectations for behavior positively.
Turns out a LOT of Ts need and want to !!!
A1: By valuing those in school that are part of its culture. We have Ss put handprints on walls in K to mark their value in school.
You got it. Promote positivity relentlessly.
A1 is the optimist's stance. is the tool to transform landscapes.
Yes! As a TL, I know I should set a positive tone and am happy to do so! Who wants to be grumpy?!?
A1: priorities- It starts w/me & my classroom- setting a positive, consistent example for my Ss & my team https://t.co/ww46nk2Izn
A1: With each interaction, no matter how small, bring the same positive energy and authenticity, custodian or head of school
yes! celebrate the uniqueness of ALL because we are all different and that's what makes us awesome!
A1: Start building positive relationships; be seen; check in and ask how staff is doing; start creating teacher autonomy
What happens if they try to opt out? https://t.co/uwG7EmQKOa
Have candid talks about inclusion & engagement of all populations of S & Ts. Not ok that some Ss can't or some Ts won't...
A powerful word and practice. This echoes what I have learned from .
A1 Encourage staff and students to share positive messages with each other on Monday!
A1 Create cultures of trust and engagement that start with .
It's my 2016 one word. https://t.co/cLiOGnl3k6
A powerful word and practice. This echoes what I have learned from .
Lots of "culture" talk--and that's what we are talking about. Not just a way of behaving 8-4!! https://t.co/XOrNczjmLu
A1 I always say: Positive school, classroom, & home cultures are built on a balance of leadership, love, laughter, & learning.
A1 Think about making Monday's what you'd want. create it 4you & others Surround yourself w/positive outlook it will shine on others
A1:People before programs- relationships Be transparent, honest,use EI & do the work along side people.Ts&Ss spot a fake a mile away
A1: It starts with us. We need to encourage it support it, and push through the hard parts.
Building a positive culture requires commitment and practice. Great insight.
A1: If we are the light and the joy - then the culture can follow. Be the good.
Asking the right questions & taking the necessary time to check multiple references.
Entry point that radiates out to others as relationships grow.
A1 Intentionally looking for the good and the GOLD in people. And for leaders- Lead with love. https://t.co/XHi3YlvDaL
I was hoping you'd be here too! Just ran to get paper in case I wanted to make a TM answer. Channeling my inner Jenna
The more, the merrier for !
agree we structure interview Qs that showcase growth mindset or lack of & look for solution oriented responses
Appreciate you being here, friend.
A1 Agree Intentionality is needed in all cultures. Start with a small group and let the movement grow.
. this is one of my favorite words- especially when it comes to creating a positive culture https://t.co/Y3qK9fau0M
Sure is... join in. Next week we talk about motivating boys with https://t.co/z997oLbCAF
Looks like a great topic tonight!
A1 It takes the entire school coming together and the adults teaching by showing the Ss how to treat one another
I may have to change my up!
Q2 How does the message shift when we instead of TGIF?
A1: culture is about leadership at all levels - students, parents, teachers, community and leadership
A1: Positivity begins with us, as school leaders. It must come from our hearts & souls. & we must carefully hire people with HEART!
Didn't even realize it, but I just so happen to have my shirt on!
SWWWEEEEETT! Relationships including pedagogical ones--ie. students-teachers-knowledge! =passion https://t.co/2TkOxNSRmq
You just hit on the essence of ! It's an entry point to building relationships in the schoolhouse
HUGE! We can plan for/seek what is in the best interests of learners. https://t.co/7X95utZSl8
agree we structure interview Qs that showcase growth mindset or lack of & look for solution oriented responses
An effective and known strategy for handling the Negative Nellies and Debbie Downers is necessary too. That needs to be iterated.
We are inspired by you, Pal!
Liz Savage 1st grade tweeting from our bookmobile
I've just come to realize there's no such thing as magic. Some things take less effort, but everything has to be intentional.
Have to give a quick shoutout to for joy! I see you here, Pal!
yes last year we had buliten board with pics -staff tweeted or sent in pics to share in front office
A1: Model what you say.Give out dress down days,do Cardboard challenges,pot luck food.Paint walls.Make a place ppl want 2 come to
A1: Exploit students' and teachers' strengths to build positive, sustainable culture
A2: Celebrating the START of something great in place of the ending.
Someone last night shared about calling students - learners or scholars rather than students. I catch myself trying to change.
A2: has changed EVERYTHING for me! I am excited and grateful for every week and every day I get.
A2 shows you are truly happy to see your Ss and celebrate another week of learning together
So true . Intentionality amd people. https://t.co/R0Abk4pffn
A1 Agree Intentionality is needed in all cultures. Start with a small group and let the movement grow.
Yes! I believe we may be staring to witness this in our school & it's awesome seeing those waves ripple. https://t.co/d9vFfs1IoZ
A1 Agree Intentionality is needed in all cultures. Start with a small group and let the movement grow.
also sometimes you gotta trust your gut
yes - positive people erase toxic vampires
Many new faces to connect with. This is how we with edus.
A2: It shifts our thinking and our words to value and enjoy our work. If we value and enjoy our weekdays, so will our Ss.
A1 This goes back to Connie's point on intentionality. We have to intentionally shift with support and each other.
Be the role model... https://t.co/ZQeKtzK7HZ
A1: If we are the light and the joy - then the culture can follow. Be the good.
A1 be aware about your passion and share it
A2 it shifts from 'thank goodness it's the end of the week' to 'let's get this learning started and celebrate'
Hi Alana from Dacula Ga. A1 set the tone right away. Be positive, build people by noticing, & encourage others to try something new
A2 begins the week ... Gr8 beginnings lead to awesome endings 😍 sets a pos tone for week https://t.co/Xg9I4UL9iS
Q2 How does the message shift when we instead of TGIF?
and believing in and doing what is best for all kids.
A2 Celebrate Monday sends the the following message "School is a GREAT place to be!"
Perfect Ts building positive relationships
A2. It sets a positive tone for the entire week. The culture becomes transformed into one that motivating and encouraging!
is something I think about and plan for on the weekends baby! Positive thinking & motivation keeps on flowin
Ohhh... questions. You have my attention! What are the "right" questions?
Asking the right questions & taking the necessary time to check multiple references.
A2 we are celebrating the start not the end. Set positive tone for learning w our time w S
Q2: We change the experience when we change our perception. The end of week, TGIF, is not a recharge point but a reflective one 😉
YES! Set the tone & model-others will get on board https://t.co/pmQoWzAOmU
A1: It starts with great leadership! Admins hold a big key in spreading positive vibes on campus.
A2: If we look forward to creating our story, what a great attitude. Celebrating it being over is not being proactive.
A2 Making a big deal about Fridays tells students you are so happy to be free from they....so why would they perform for you??
A2b: You are no longer waiting for an end. You are embracing new beginnings and opportunity!
I only have five more Mondays until I get to see my students again!
A2. Efforts like these create a building of stakeholders working toward shared vision. It is that 'feeling' you get when you walk in
A1- make time to reflect on the culture and spend time on things that support it & make it strong https://t.co/VZII3asb8c
We made positivity bracelets during maker space- it became contagious
A2 everyday week making students know they are important and you value them.
A2: I have not participated in , but you look for the good in that day instead of waiting for the good at end of wk.
Katie just dropped the mic here for . Yes.
A2: We also started with positive post-it's with students. We did this ALL year. Students ❤️Ed it
A2: I my Ss start to get excited about starting a new school week when my class started to https://t.co/GYKigAWxkC
Q2 How does the message shift when we instead of TGIF?
A2: Shows the world we're glad/proud/excited to be here making the difference! https://t.co/K7wzyaT6Of
Q2 How does the message shift when we instead of TGIF?
The heart of child-centeredness in education! https://t.co/v4ceoGPuUt
and believing in and doing what is best for all kids.
That's so true. Hiring. Then relationships and focus on shared vision https://t.co/H7W32SRQx9
A1: Positivity begins with us, as school leaders. It must come from our hearts & souls. & we must carefully hire people with HEART!
I can't decide if we can have our cake and eat it too... or if that makes us hypocrites. https://t.co/9CBCZa9zgJ
Can't we and enjoy Friday???
A2: starts the week right. Good mindset and look for ways to continue.
That's the intentional shift to keep voicing and modeling. You got this!
2 forces mind to recognize that Mondays are as joyous as Fridays and lets brain find new connections
A2: Start strong, finish strong. Empower Ss&Ts each day & allow their voice to be heard We often do to end the week
It's all in our heads, and it requires an intentional and coordinated CHANGE IN MINDSET.
A2: It's amazing how much is mental. Going from TGIF to seems small but it snowballs into much greater positivity.
Very late, but excited to jump in the chat for a bit! Amy, principal from Indiana!
A2: I say celebrate every day
A:2 The message shifts to being invigorated and feeling rejuvenated on Mondays! Ready to take on the world
I think it means that Friday's are more pleasant b/c we enjoy all the days with our Ss and Colleagues https://t.co/Wt7LUBA2rw
A2: It's a memo all days can be celebrated&Friday shouldn't be end all be all.My Ss hated when Friday over&looked forward to Monday.
A2 Message shifts to the because we start w on rather than finding joy over weekend.
Love this and I know would dig this, too.
With your vision and help of trending the positive!
Changes to glad you are here from can't wait to send you home. https://t.co/gJ9Gto4ziK
Q2 How does the message shift when we instead of TGIF?
A1: create an environment where every member can collectively answer the why for students �� MORE >> https://t.co/k1W3mpTM0G
Mindset was my topic in my presentations earlier today
A2 - pushes out the ingrained negative view of the beginning of the week!
A2: I need to remember these answers as I officially head back to work on Monday!
Sure we can! One we are celebrating and one we are enjoying. There's gotta be a way!
A2: It becomes about the journey not the finale. We focus on what could be instead of what was! is fabulous!
Thanks! Great chat to be part of! https://t.co/qrpo1pMLDK
Have to give a quick shoutout to for joy! I see you here, Pal!
We are better together when we all . Thanks, Pal!
A2 Nice reply Katie. is the beginning of a joyful week.
I am definitely a MONDAY Teacher now!
Sending good vibes from our book mobile to and in
A1: Isn't everyday that we get to make a difference in students lives a great day?
A2: How can we make the most of the week together?! Instead of when will this be over.
totally a Monday tchr. Love the energy & excitement of the first day of the week, eager to get started and learning.
Happy accidents don't build strong school cultures-purpose & vision do https://t.co/dWaZpyzWQW
A1 This goes back to Connie's point on intentionality. We have to intentionally shift with support and each other.
A2 has become the best-I literally love looking 4 things to post. I realize I smile all day looking 4 good things.
A2 You know, when the motivation is intrinsic & true, it doesn't much matter what day it is because every day is a learning party!
A2: I saw an excitement to start a new school week when I shared w/my Ss. It was powerful. https://t.co/GYKigAWxkC
Q2 How does the message shift when we instead of TGIF?
A2) When we , it sets the tone for an amazing week. "Wow, I really don't want to miss out!"
in the house for ! Along with Ambassadors here!
A2 looking forward 2anticipating the wonders of the week TGIF (can't wait 2be out of here) The message is telling
How can we not smile when we are walking into class already celebrating ! Every day has something to celebrate w S
A2 I love the monday celebrate bc it says we cannot wait! We choose them and we choose to not just sjow up but help them shine!
A2: we are in it from the beginning versus waiting for the end. Joining late, Jesse from PA, Jersey T.
is now trending in USA, ranking 30
A2-We are sharing our celebration, excitement for doing what we love, our passion for helping others!
Pal, that's a blog post! Go for it, Ben!
Me too! Especially pics of my students while they are doing Genius Hour
hence why it's 🔑to celebrate everyday because it's gift that we take for granted
Right allows for new beginnings and promise of what might be
Yes, this transformed and uplifted your 4th Grade . Honored to see that in real time.
Great attitude. I try to avoid crticising people but rather look for the positive. Can be hard at times. https://t.co/ijjPrDKtF1
Start at the beginning & set the tone-it's about what you're going to do-not what you've done https://t.co/kQQTrXKeKp
Q2 How does the message shift when we instead of TGIF?
A1 Find those who voices match their hearts: edus.
Q2: when is in play then yes it will truly set the tone for the rest of the week!
A3: Negativity seems to come easy in the schoolhouse. We need to work for positivity!
That's the move, my friend. is the spark to intentionally uplift the culture daily.
A3 We should have sticky notes and a pen at the door so kids can trend the positive as they walk in school.
A3: The world can beat us up, we need to stand as family and share our beautiful story we create every day!
A3: Start of something new and the doors of possibility are wide open.
❤️it! Think I may get my Ss in on & this year. 😬 https://t.co/81Oi5fbBiM
A2: I saw an excitement to start a new school week when I shared w/my Ss. It was powerful. https://t.co/GYKigAWxkC
Q2 How does the message shift when we instead of TGIF?
Wish I was there! I truly love your learning community!
A2: sends the message that we love what we do.TGIF sends the message we can't wait for kids to leave.
A3-Because it is such an uplifting & powerful way to start the week! Brings positive vibes to all!
Yes! If we celebrate it explicitly w/Ss it sends the message that we are glad 2B with them, they are important to us.
We need to end the culture of "ugg another Monday" if we want Ss to value education-not a have to but get to https://t.co/ITwwoCHLf0
A3. It is a reminder to Ts And Ss during the grind of a school year that learning and being at school will be best part of the week
A:3 A shared celebration is culturally contagious and healthy. The Ss and Ps will pick up on that as well.
A3Chronic absenteeism is an issue Monday is a way to create a positive culture and engage students.Engagement =Attendance
A3: When we uplift each other, life has a way of returning full circle when others, including S, uplift you when we need it most
A3: We also have Ss who come to us for the only hope and goodness they have, or even just to get more of what they do have.
Being that role model makes an impact! https://t.co/VsW0fC3DNe
A2: It shifts our thinking and our words to value and enjoy our work. If we value and enjoy our weekdays, so will our Ss.
Leaders who work along side Ts&Ss get it and make it happen. Spread the message&awaken those still in hedonic adaptation
A2: It sets the tone for the week...celebrating a new beginning, fresh start!
Staff or students? https://t.co/lzRx0CN3Xa
A3Chronic absenteeism is an issue Monday is a way to create a positive culture and engage students.Engagement =Attendance
A3 is the entry point to ignite a school culture transformation.
ahh you are so right-need to get on that
A3: Grumpy butts. We need to to try to convert the grumpy butts.
Negativity seems to be the default these days. We need to change that!
My Ss said TGIF was thanks god it's Friday.... challenge day! https://t.co/QvcQ46734d
A2 looking forward 2anticipating the wonders of the week TGIF (can't wait 2be out of here) The message is telling
Feeling incredibly inspired following the but I need to finish my book now
A3: Mondays are a transition day and can be tough. Make it positive, lead by example-let everyone know you want to be there!
A3 B/c it's an attitude & a WAY OF BEING tied to our purpose as educators. Any other way is a great contradiction!
A3. When you trend the positive it transforms a culture. You never know the lives you will impact simply by acknowledging others. ❤️
A2: It sends the message that we r excited for what is to come, not dreading it! Perspective is everything! https://t.co/ThVcEpJxou
Q2 How does the message shift when we instead of TGIF?
A3 Ts in the right mindset get Ss in the right mindset. I have bribed a with home made cookies 😄
Right on! We learned that today. Thanks for sharing! Mindset matters.
Q3: Celebration is a greater concept than complaining, bigger word than criticism, & just more fun than doing nothing
A3: Growing adults is hard, demanding work. We need to remember to enjoy the good moments and not fall victim to the negativity.
3A:if we aren't excited about Monday then we need to ask WHY
A3 changes the negative mindset that starts the week due to a negative vibe that has been ingrained in our thoughts
A3 Sends the message that you want to be just where you are & invites others to join you in the schoolhouse
A3 anticipation & possibilities, a fresh start & time to consolidate thinking
A3: to give people a sense of love, support and unconditional understanding. We all need that.
A3: When we , it tells students it's not just a job, but we care about them.
A3: For me, it gave me something positive to focus on. It can be the same for kids-build positive culture!
A3: Set the tone for the week, maybe a theme, build community and positivity
So are you Windy! So much positivity! I love it!
You practice this well with sincerity and a heroic sense of urgency.
A3: Who knows what Ss experience over the weekend? gives them something to look forward to.
Our Ss need to know we care, we are prepared to make learning for them the best it can be. There learning is our focus, our "why"
Well said! Perspective is everything, indeed.
A3: treat every Monday like a new school year -
Sadly, that's a very bold statement, but would be AMAZING!
That sounds great. Create a buzz around the building to let everyone know there is a culture of positivity.
I especially love PD Day Mondays! Look forward to it all weekend. https://t.co/XT1Qtky0K6
A3: Mondays are a transition day and can be tough. Make it positive, lead by example-let everyone know you want to be there!
A3 Stealing motto from my friend Janelle & Tim ...Who should? We should! If we don't, who will? https://t.co/0iO05jqMbj
Great way to think about it... https://t.co/fNqUDjVRSA
A2 Making a big deal about Fridays tells students you are so happy to be free from they....so why would they perform for you??
Glad to have you in the dance!
Would love you to join us- Looking 4 classes to join our STEM learning hub. Reason Ss want 2 learn more https://t.co/a03GKygP4C
A3 It makes the class see we are a family. We are here because learning is fun. We celebrate them
A3: It becomes part of the culture. Becomes contagious.
Can someone RT Q3 please?
ALWAYS about the students
Jumping in...Thomas 3rd grade teacher in NC
Viewed a TEDtalk where principal shared that she begins everyone day telling learners that she loves them. https://t.co/Xywf8Xf4Oh
Todd from NY joining late-sorry!!! HE assistant principal. Good evening!
thx bud! Just a regular guy trying to make school the fun place to be much work to still do!
Yes! It let's them know we're happy to be together again. https://t.co/1znL9AuM5r
A3: Who knows what Ss experience over the weekend? gives them something to look forward to.
We should not see Monday as some barrier to happiness but rather the start of another day of learning adventure and exploration
Welcome to ! Glad you could make it, Pal.
As a principal, I did it all the time!
it is like 'how can this week be awesome'
Agreed. Sincerity. Genuine. Intentional. Directional. Believe.
Glad you joined! is rockin and rollin this evening. I hope others join you. https://t.co/3XMUfAYl7Y
Todd from NY joining late-sorry!!! HE assistant principal. Good evening!
was was drafting questions for that chat today. https://t.co/IAXY5Dl58f
looking fwd to the starting school yr chat!
A3: For me it's about being open & fresh to new ideas, to opportunities to grow -
Started posting motivational posters in student bathrooms. It helps who it needs to help.
A3 Our thoughts and words become us. It is important to think about our thinking. Make good habits and help kids do the same
My Ss loves it. They couldn't wait to share reasons to It was so great to see! https://t.co/x0XsDAxOND
❤️it! Think I may get my Ss in on & this year. 😬 https://t.co/81Oi5fbBiM
A2: I saw an excitement to start a new school week when I shared w/my Ss. It was powerful. https://t.co/GYKigAWxkC
Q2 How does the message shift when we instead of TGIF?
Can I tell you a secret? I Loved Mondays. Seeing colleagues smiles on Ks faces & knowing they would be challenging me all week long!
. I want to do this w/my Ss this year too!
Such wise words! And it always is an adventure, isn't it?
agree everyday should be awesome
So true! Embrace all kids where they are, celebrate them & bring goodness in their lives! https://t.co/1JDhygS2XA
A3: We also have Ss who come to us for the only hope and goodness they have, or even just to get more of what they do have.
A positive restart towards inspiration and action. Great to have you here, Pal! Lots of here for
Oh man gotta roll out early but will be checking the chat strewn later-go be beautiful you superstars https://t.co/amtXnGQpHN
- I love that idea because everyone is fired up at the beginning of each year. https://t.co/4ERmqIBcpz
A3: treat every Monday like a new school year -
A2: sends the msg we're excited & glad to be a part of the week to come whereas TGIF implies we're glad it's over
A3: To let Ss know you are there for the right reason: them. To let them know they are a valued part of your life too.
Can't wait to see what you have in store. I see a Mystery Skype happening with you both.
Q3 Why is it important to celebrate Monday in the schoolhouse? 😀
that is great - excited every Monday
What's an example?
A1 creating pos cultures in all our work areas - I post free compliments on my door for students to take https://t.co/3NHLcizOTm
Q1 How can we make creating a positive school culture a priority?
Yes that will be very effective!
Thanks, Connie. Lots of inspiration here at tonight.
I totally agree! Our thoughts become words and those become actions. Very important!
A3: It will also have an impact on workplace culture - do we hate Mondays and perform below our potential on Fridays ?
It is SO terrific how everyone jumps into and adds the questions again or posts to other # We are lucky to have each other!
. so often students look forward to seeing you...don't disappoint them
A4: All the smiles. It confuses people and makes them wonder what you're up to.
Right on , Eric! Great to have you here for
A3: agree with all - positive resets need to happen every week for every student
A3: to drive the culture we want in a positive direction. Staff here enough negative- a positive message goes a long way!
A3: Bring humour to your Monday. Get ss, and ts smiling. I get ss to give a compliment to someone in our school & to look for smiles
Your Ss are lucky to have you! No doubt a positive force in their lives.
. Rita in Eugene. is the epitome of school and life culture. Everybody loves it!
A3) Honestly, for some, school is a safe haven. When we , & every day, we create a place of warmth & security.
It is SO terrific how everyone jumps into and adds the questions again or posts to other # We are lucky to have each other!
A4 We can with Ss, Ts, and every person who is not on Twitter!
A4 I started bulletin board -posting inspirational quotes every Monday - hoping to trend so others post too https://t.co/osrsF6bSiU
Yes, you do this so purely. Thanks for being here, Amy! I am honored to have my true here.
A4: Shout outs, kind messages delivered, morning teas to celebrate, buddying up with affirmations.
A4: Greeting students at the door and letting them know you are glad to see them.
A4 By being generous w compliments! By setting at least 1 emotionally significant goal for the day https://t.co/f5iayBlbDT
Hi, all. Lisa, IC from Chicago. Better late than never? Would love to join for the second half.
A4. As an admin, greet every S at the door and tell them how excited you are to see them
A4: Morning show, morning meeting with Ss, with team members, Social Media
A3 Our attitudes are contagious. What does it mean about learning if we aren't excited to facilitate for our Ss?
A4: Start the day with an awesome question on your whiteboard for Ss to answer! Get the positive talk pumpin' first thing!
Q4 Time 4 S 2 share thinking, reflect on goal, identify how they can move forward, try a new strategy, share 'funny' things, passion
Yes. Sometimes ts are the only poditive and encouraging people in their lives. https://t.co/xffuAdPf2c
. so often students look forward to seeing you...don't disappoint them
Look at what's happening now with ! We are trending hard! https://t.co/Yj71LJjedM
is now trending in USA, ranking 30
You're just in time. We're on Q4. https://t.co/dasmUUw8fn
Hi, all. Lisa, IC from Chicago. Better late than never? Would love to join for the second half.
A4.Not sure about any1 else but I adore reminders. "Have you thought about something special we can do ...." https://t.co/E0PNSR2tYd
Excited to jump in & learn with you &
A4: We need to guard our thoughts & words, & think about how we get to, choose to, and want to get up and go to school, not have to.
A4. I tweet out photos like this. I have over 2600 S's & I want them ALL to know how much I care about them. https://t.co/hCHrJrno9z
A4: I email our school funny, quirky, announcements and remind everyone to . Emails are usually so dull.
Lovely Rita is here and my day is made. Thanks, Pal!
A4 That celebratory teacher spirit must come from deep within. Joy & passion can't be faked. https://t.co/1NMiY55prx
. True. I always loathed Fun Fridays as a concept. Like what happened to the rest of the week?
A4: Any way that sheds positivity on Ed. Notes, posters, circle sharing time, greeting Ss w a smile, etc.
Thank you. I spent 39 years teaching ece from toddlers to Kinders. It was hard to say good bye. But I am lucky 2sub
absolutely, T being there to greet & chat to S before class, being interested
A4 just be present in each moment. In each conversation. Listen. Encourage. And when needed brew some coffee ;)
If our Ss & staff feel welcomed and safe at school, then we because it’s great to be back.
A4: School Spirit day, food, music blasting, promote student led lesson//EdCamp, create competitions
A4 Social Curriculum is as important as Academic Curr. . is a way to promote positive culture and social curriculum
A3: Kiddos need to know u want to be there. Your excitement will be contagious. Creates positive culture.
A3: kids need to see us model celebrating the small things. It changes their mindset
It is an uphill battle with some people who just to criticize.
May I jump in too? Peg, Instructional Coach/Reading Specialist from MKE!
A4: I did get hashtag sticky notes this week...I am sure they will fit in to somehow!
A4: I like posting positive message on Twitter and in my office. I've always done so- in my room or my office. Share with my Ts too!
A4 Good News Phone Calls Home to Families of Students AND Teachers!
A4: remember comments Ss made the week before and ask a follow-up question. "How was your soccer tournament?"
A4 Set a challenge to do something new and different - regarding people or learning. Doesn't have to be school related but shared.
A4b: This wonderful told me about this thing called a "Kindness Parade" ;P
I think many Ts underestimate the power of a positive phone call home. Parents need a lot of positivity too!
Sorry everyone. Missed introducing myself. Maria from Ontario, Canada
A4: Highlight Ss achievements; Greet Ss; Greet/encourage coworkers..we're a team!...
A4 Tell people how much they mean to you. Be loud and free with your affirmation of others! Love loudly! HUG more!
We have to celebrate the small stuff too right? I love new markers!
A4. --> Motivation Monday.Who will you be? What will be your theme song? What will your goals be? What will u make
Blown away by this amazing level of trending right now for !
. Your modesty is admirable. You started a positive movement across our country.
it could be done through assemblies/year meetings or newsletters home etc, staff meetings work too.
A4: music on PA, special breakfast in cafeteria for Ss, staff treats/coffee, & staff fitness or sports activity, smiles & greetings
Love this! Going to do it. https://t.co/fcXX51deyU
A4 Good News Phone Calls Home to Families of Students AND Teachers!
Kindness Parades ROCK! Students love them and it changes the entire school culture!
Start a "Mondays Matter" because..... board where anyone can add a reason. It might cause second glances/new perspectives. Inspire.
A3: It's contagious! A smile & + interactions make others happy & +! It gives Ss an example that they will feed off of.
We are the catalyst for that change. Well said, Pal!
I like putting the new pad of in the despenser. https://t.co/H8WLmdFMg9
We have to celebrate the small stuff too right? I love new markers!
A4: Announce student achievements or tweet them out for parents and the community to see
. I've never chatted before...is it too late to join in?
A4-Tweet pics of awesome learning! Model it so all Ts share as well! I email my staff & be visible to set the positive tone too!
I like the idea of sharing "Funny" things.
A4:focus on relationships
. Great idea. I nominate you to do it. You are always so positive & inspiring!
A4 greet staff and Ss outside in morning. Make rounds having genuine positive convo's. Broadcast it w diff means.
Yes! Sometimes they get confused when it turns out you have something nice to say! I need to do more.
A4: celebrate Monday is a culture buster, some won't like it. Be ready.
Yes, we have to sustain the loop of positivity for our kids.
Q4: with a bang! Happy song and dance, students greeted with hi-fives, "New Week, New Slate!"
fav calls home are those to report the positive.
A4 Be the teacher you always wanted to have (and maybe you did) I just look to Rita Piersons quote https://t.co/OYJd1npFx2
Q5 What impact do schools that are intentional about sharing the positives in things like have?
No way... you can join any timmme. We're on Q5.
Yes, has a in his school! Thanks for being here, Anna and Todd!
Or sharpening a new pack of pencils...that have erasers!
Retweet Q5. https://t.co/0RrF3Z0gTE
Q5 What impact do schools that are intentional about sharing the positives in things like have?
I love when Ss do this too. When they tell each other to put in or Twitter and offer to help.
Q4: find an inspiring power source each day, connect to it and pass the energy!!
I have an addiction to They make me so happy! Definitely the little things.
A4: By choosing to not be dragged into the negativity!
It's never too late! Glad you made it! Share your thoughts ... 💜 https://t.co/HRVrVBOE26
. I've never chatted before...is it too late to join in?
I need some of those https://t.co/LTF8QOPetS
A4: I did get hashtag sticky notes this week...I am sure they will fit in to somehow!
just said Happy DANCE! Now you're talking my beat! Yesssss! 👍👏👊
Hey everyone sort im late my hubby had surgery today and im takin care of him! Hilary from NC
A4: Each Monday is a new chapter, make it better last week.
You are awesome with this! I miss you!
Yup ! https://t.co/CSDNxTEfhD
. True. I always loathed Fun Fridays as a concept. Like what happened to the rest of the week?
Dropping in late to say hi to my friends
like use to share Events in their schools
A5: Positivity can infiltrate through a school, like a disease, but one you want to have, until every part is oozing out w/it!
. Grand idea! Kiddos love parades. Strike up the band, Sean!
Exactly! It means we ALL need to do it more. https://t.co/7X970VfVrj
Yes! Sometimes they get confused when it turns out you have something nice to say! I need to do more.
That is fantastic! Love that!
Dghtr is autistic & Mondays can be difficult-start of new routine. We call Mondays "Happy Mondays" starts positive mindset
Q4: Positivity it's a way of being; it is a lifestyle that stems from a conscious & intentional decision to see things differently!
A5: Last yr our school created a hashtag I saw it change us. A story of celebration.
I'm seeing Ss on blogs & in class Twitter in our futures. 😄
A5: Happy teachers. Happy kids. Happy parents. It's a miracle. Not really - they work hard and it works.
I found mine last week! Dollar Tree!
they create CULTURE and set expectations of the school!
A5:intentional about creating short term wins and short term celebrations - doesn't take a year or quarter to celebrate success
Thanks, Pal. I'm just guy with a hashtag and big record collection. All are greater than me.
They're thinking maps of course - lol
Q4: Run a breakfast program maybe ? Involve parents
What a great idea! https://t.co/s1FTOZfE4V
A5: Last yr our school created a hashtag I saw it change us. A story of celebration.
A5: Focusing on positives is a necessary for success. We are modeling and teaching an important life skill.
A5: Ss spread it. They start celebrating each other's milestones.
A5 We might be the only positive experience Ss have ... Intentional focus could change their worlds https://t.co/GrhcGogUCt
Q5 What impact do schools that are intentional about sharing the positives in things like have?
A5: Collective culture of positivity, opportunities for sharing experience, with social media, including all stakeholders
That's awesome! What a neat way to start the week!
A5 I'm @ a large urban district where negative Ss news is always 1st thing on the news. We uplift r Ss daily in wrds, actions.
Yes! My kids loved getting "smelly stars" on their papers! haha
Thank you for helping to make it happen, Pal.
A5 Intentional positivity is the cornerstone to a wonderful school who looks at the whole child and not the test score!
A4 Being at the door when students arrive; say hello & give compliments; tell them your excited about lrning today!
Totally agree! Very good point! Thanks!
A5 Schools model the Talk & Walk for others.
A5 Helps send the message to students that work, life, etc. is enjoyable.
A5. I have seen a big increase in both student & teacher leaders! More excitement to lead in a culture that positive & encouraging!
A5 So much trouble in our world so easy 2get us down. show the good the positive the joy & share w/students, we can be that person
Hi, Lisa! Thanks for being here with Dina and Russ!
and you can dance! I've seen those high kicks
A5: A lasting one. Ss feel ❤️d & valued & want to be at school which increases scores too.
My pleasure. This makes 1-2-3 projects for the two of us, right? https://t.co/NAXIEGO2ta
Thank you for helping to make it happen, Pal.
I'm a classroom teacher, perhaps I would modify this to be a tweet or personal note to them
💋 Hey, guys! 😇 Please, VOTE for me in the site from my profile! My nickname 🌷 NiceGirl
Love that! Yes for empowering student voice!
A5: they end up making real differences for all. Must be intentional...
A5 Got to bring the message of Positivity to all Ss so share the Positives with the community.
A5: Promoting positivity builds social & emotional thinking & skills. It can build confidence, change attitudes, & fill your heart
A5. We have Monday AM counseling groups where students set goals for the week and give advice to others on how 2 achieve theirs
A5 Highlighting positive tends 2 bring more positive into your school. Parents & students get into the action of noticing positive.
A5: they have a positive school culture, create buy-in, Ss feel valued, & creates support from Ss & families.Safe haven for Ss!
High school kids love stickers on their papers and huge smiley faces
You will love it. Wish I could be there to cheer you on for your first call.
We have rotating plastic flowers where Ts say a special thx u to colleagues. It's not the thing-it's the thought
A4: Have Ss talk about the learning they are excited about; have the Ss give compliments to one another; have Ss set goals 4 week
A5: It creates a positive culture that's bound to increase the positive atmosphere of the building.
Eat lunch with them instead of teachers. Learn about their life
Yes! Always at the door to individually greet every student. My 2nd principal did that at the front door of the school
Yes! And in the middle of the year when you need something new, do "double stars" like strawberry and lemon!
Q5: Schools that have positivity genuinely permeating throughout the organization have a safer climate allowing Ss to take risks.
A5: I think that people are just overall happier and in a better place.
A5 huge impact. Kids and ts want to be there. It is a magnet force for thw community. People are drawn to love
Q5: Boundaries, closed doors, limited expectations do not inspire uplift. Value the voices in your building and spread them around
A5 not trying to be too simple. But happy staff creates happy Ss
Love this!!!!! https://t.co/58RXxAtzcM
We have rotating plastic flowers where Ts say a special thx u to colleagues. It's not the thing-it's the thought
A5: The sharing of positivity is infectious, it's like a candle that can fan into an inferno. But with that care must be taken.
Thanks for having me! Tried to connect with everyone. Look forward to the next chat!
A6: 4 introducing me to Twitter! 4 inspiring me weekly
Be positive BUT be authentic. Being real if VERY important
A5 We change more than Ss lives. We change Ps and community. We create better futures. https://t.co/jvwKMJSOBT
Q5 What impact do schools that are intentional about sharing the positives in things like have?
A5: The impact is HUGE! We show our hearts, hopes, dreams, & plans!
Agreed! Attitude of gratitude helps with this too! Such an important skill! https://t.co/6z3ztqS0db
A5: Focusing on positives is a necessary for success. We are modeling and teaching an important life skill.
A2 If we the attention shifts and the beginning of the week suddenly has more attention and focus
A5: Such potential. Will be sharng w/ my schools. Creates place where evryone wants to be. Sets the tone & conditions for learning.
A5: Students, teachers and administrators can't wait for Monday!
For starters, I am shouting out as the Ultimate ! Who's with me?
A5 intentionality to makes school a place everyone wants to be at! https://t.co/Y338EkQvYJ
Q5 What impact do schools that are intentional about sharing the positives in things like have?
A6: fearless leader for always being happy to "see" me
Shout out to for being a lone nut with me!
A5: When adults share and celebrate the positives, the kids reciprocate that to each other. Lead by setting good examples.
2nd principal always stood at front of school greeting everyone every morning also stopped in every room each morning AWESOME! 🎊🎵😀
A6. Thank you for inspiring me to intentionally everyday!
A6 . & Team are and sincere supporters of
A4 You could incorporate A lively activity into a brain break or writing prompt
Shout out to for rewtweeting something of mine and helping my PLN grow.
A5: higher student achievement; great culture and climate that carries into community
Oh dang... my own hashtag! Calling my teenagers to take a look now. https://t.co/et1Cej85eB
For starters, I am shouting out as the Ultimate ! Who's with me?
A5 positive school culture and environment to deal with problems when they do come up
A5: In my experience those schools tend to attract parents to enrol their children more than the others.
work wonders, esp for Ss who hide their goodness. Seek the good, find it, call home & brag. https://t.co/7QTrnhoVMs
A4 Good News Phone Calls Home to Families of Students AND Teachers!
standing ovation 👉🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Q6: Each one of you is an EduHero--talented, brilliant, compassionate and most importantly, CONNECTED!!!
Shout out to for being encouraging and helping Twitter Rookie (me) get involved!
A5: Mondays = safe environment, adults who care, food, friends, time to for expression
I have Magically Marvelous Mondays...means new task is in Google classroom. Time to get fired up about learning.
A6- Just a few who push me daily!
My inspirational shout out goes to . Always thoughtful-technological & learner first
A6: If I start, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop. Obviously, & for welcoming me into the band.
A6: Edu Hero shoutout to . Talented teacher, gifted writer, dear friend. Can't thank you enough.
oh that's good! create an environment where they forget the time of day!
Shout out to & for giving me the opportunity to present and share all things Google with MT Ts.
to to being the first real connection I had on here
Shout out to That's a mic drop!
music makes everyone happier
you have teenagers...no way!😀
A6: Everyone here in the tribe, and my emtire !
A6: Everyone here in the tribe, and my emtire !
A6 Meredith, big thanKs 4 Shoutout
Shout out to you for an awesome chat making me feel so positive the night before returning to work!
A6: I have so many Many of you here and now. So shout out to my
A6- Shout out to my amazing staff who trends the positive in our school!!!
Shout out to for getting me started with "Deploying GAFE" three years ago. Will never forget your kindness and help
you're a rookie...I would not have known!
A6b: My amazing supporters,
A6: & teams for all do for Ed, & so many more!!!
Dying here on my Tweetdeck - It all goes SOO fast!!
A5: helps create a culture that is focused on the positive and hopeful.
Shoutout to all Edus on for their !
you hear the kiddo in the background saying they don't know what the did wrong.
What has done with is truly an inspiration! Keep plugging, my friend!
I am sorry I could not join Major prob bc of storm!
A6: proud to learn from others! A place where learning & growing is appreciated, not faced with pessimism & skepticism!
Q6 just realized today Buncee is made for celebrate Monday-a little slow🐢-you're awesome!
I love when S say 'What is it lunch already?"
Love seeing everyone celebrate each other! In my head I'm shouting "go, go, go!" as I watch the handles fly!
A6: for being super Eduheroes and everywhere!
Powerful quote: "If we value and enjoy our weekdays, so will our Ss." https://t.co/VTXugUp82b
A2: It shifts our thinking and our words to value and enjoy our work. If we value and enjoy our weekdays, so will our Ss.
to pushing me to think of all the possibilities for my students in
A6: Shoutout to all chatters for inspiring me to continue to pass on the positive so others start riding the wave too!
A6 Thanks for getting me on Twitter!
He even DM'd me! I was in total shock :)
A6- Shout out to the tribe for their awesome inspiration daily!
you are all a gift to me as well
Shout out to for being an awesome leader!
Shannon is going to on Wednesday. https://t.co/ScHO0ZhPdw
Shout out to you for an awesome chat making me feel so positive the night before returning to work!
& that's just a few. Many others. Another of my is my sister ~ a passionate teacher who loves her Ss
Surf's Up! w Tonight! Thanks & for a positively great convo!
A7 It's little things-smile, stop, actually say 'good morning' w/ eye contact. When we ask how someone is, stop & listen 2 response
always supportive of you my friends!
Shout out to for their support!
It was pretty amazing meeting at we were both pretty tired at that point!
A7: By celebrating every day! Every day is a gift! Use it happily! 😊
A6:amazing coaching colleagues, folks & my PLN (too many to list) who have helped me grow SO much! https://t.co/jHKAgzmFOI
A7 We have so many and Thought Partners to help, remind, encourage. Let's lean on each other to
it is cool to see S connect over shared 'funnies' builds relationships
I can't handle all the compliments. moderators and are making me blush. https://t.co/WCT618sa3w
you have teenagers...no way!😀
A7: student ownership - leave it in the hands of Ss
A6 always my mentor. . My new crew at