This is the official chat for Union County Public schools. Here all resources and ideas tweeted around #UCPSChat will be curated and showcased in one place.
A1- Teaching various strategies for building a knowledge base in multiplication...skip counting, use of number lines, building arrays, picture much more fun than "hey memorize these math facts!" #UCPSChat
A1 Where to start?! I personally love connecting classrooms from different countries via Skype and shared projects using @GoogleAppsEdu. #globaled#UCPSChat
A1: I’ve found recently that using smart lab online has been really engaging for focused instruction, and guided instruction. Great for quick formative assessments . Lots of new tools released to increase collaboration ! T’s and st’s are loving it! #ucpschat@ucpschat#empowered
A1: I really enjoyed using Kahoot to tie together our focus on character traits in reader’s workshop. Students were so excited to show what they knew and really embraced using text for evidence. #UCPSChat
A1: I’ve seen Sts using @Flipgrid to share book reviews; 1st grd Ts using tech to facilitate awesome lit centers; student-generated products in 3-5! Ts & Sts are being #EmpowerED#UCPSChat
A1: Digital read aloud. Reading video with purpose to allow students to do the work of a reader (as a thinker) while cognitive load is not on decoding words. #UCPSChat
@ucpschat A1: We have seen teachers starting to use flip grid as a way to express their learning and respond to their peers! This engages their ability to formulate their thoughts while critiquing and responding to others! #ucpschat
A1: using kahoot, flippity, quizziz, etc to review and practice skills. Reading responses/journals online for those that are ready and flipgrid for those that struggle with written response. #UCPSChat#empowered
A2: both students and myself get quick feedback which turns into great class discussions. Also let’s students piggyback off of each other’s responses. #UCPSChat
A2: Student engagement lifted to a new level of ownership & independence. Transformational T&L is happening because Ts are taking digital risks! It’s such a beautiful sight! #UCPSChat
A2- By increasing St engagement-bring in technology & my 3rd graders are hooked...since they're just getting Chromebooks for the first time this year, they think it's the coolest thing to be able to use the technology to enhance the learning. #UCPSChat
Instead of just "turning and talking" with a partner, students are able to share their ideas in more depth using a social media like platform that their peers can read. #UCPSChat
A1 My PLC and I have gamified a unit we began today. We incorporate Google Sites, Google Forms, Canvas, videos, simulations, and quizzing sites. It's great to see the students learning while having fun!#UCPSchat
a2: a lesson with @svickersucps and @pmhshroyer included infographics for research. The tech tool really helped them synthesize authors purpose and claims and allowed st’s to present the info and what claims were the most compelling in argument . #ucpschat#empowered@ucpschat
Not for video read aloud. I use things like Literacy Shed, or The Kid Should See This, or current appropriate viral video (among others). Our Ss are reading video more than any other content. We have to teach them how. #UCPSChat.
@ucpschat A2: Gizmos make the “impossible” happen in the classroom- things that we can’t actually do in class, like transmission on an infectious disease! #UCPSChat
A1: Recently saw a fantastic lesson @CHSCavaliers that allowed Ss to work collaboratively and connect w/standards for the purpose of preparing for a final assessment. Used the hallways as their learning environment. #UCPSChat
A2 the students are highly engaged and can learn at their own pace while earning badges. There is also a daily competitive challenge that allows each class to earn points and compete with each other. #UCPSchat
@ucpschat#ucpschat A3 I would buy more iPads and swivls! Our EPIC Master Teachers are really moving mountains using them for coaching and reflection! I get calls daily from principals wanting to know how to get more in their buildings!
A3: skipping Q2 to move to me the purchasing of additional hardware must align to this question: How will this device support our #EmpowerED Framework? If the answer is “it won’t” then we don’t need to buy it! #UCPSChat
Love infographics. For connecting AND creating. Such a great way to synthesize the most important information. Love using Canva for personal use. #UCPSChat. #EmpowerED
In reply to
@MrBeardEnglish, @svickersucps, @pmhshroyer, @ucpschat
A3: VR capabilities would be great, allow the students to experience different places and things without leaving the room and 3-d printers for creative adventures #UCPSChat
A3: iPad carts in HS. So many apps and options. Infographics websites with full tools ... the list goes on And of course a swivl and tablet for every teacher for video reflection #ucpschat@ucpschat@loripeyton
A3- Something that could keep up with the times and not be obsolete in a year...something that can improve St connections with each other and take learning to a whole new level. #UCPSChat
A3: some type of digital resource that lets me see what screens the students are on so I can help facilitate learning of digital tools easier #ucpschat
#UCPSChat@Flipgrid has so much power. Talking, thinking, interacting, speaking, presenting, processing, listening, collaborating. It’s like turn and talk x 10 for big kids
A3b: the process of preparing students for a future that is unpredictable starts now. We must prepare students for commerce w/out borders by teaching them how to solve world problems today. #EmpowerED#UCPSChat
A3: @goswivl for every school for T and PLC reflection. What if PLCs, admin, curriculum writers had access to what actually happens when content is delivered and real kids rumble with it? So many possibilities! #UCPSchat
A4- Have conversations with my Sts (and parents) about does absolutely no good if it sits in a binder for my eyes only. Helps them with goal setting, moving forward, tracking progress and areas for continued growth. #UCPSChat
This was the question I was thinking about when you mentioned Kahoot! I love that kahoot can help you make small groups based on understanding or reteach something that maybe the students didn't get the first time around! #UCPSChat
A4: data is merely the gap between what st’s know and what they don’t l. The data is essential to address misconceptions , inform enrichemnet, or know who or what to reteach. Tech makes data transparent and easy . Also Allows for student self assessment . #UCPSChat@ucpschat
A3: iPads for starters. For everyone. Then content driven PD on the best use of it such as the work we did at the @TCRWP Digital literacy institute or what we created for our own #EmpowerED PD. It is the learning in relationship to the standards that matters most. #UCPSChat
A4: @UCPSEpic MTs are using baseline and progress monitoring data with their partners to 1)measure the effectiveness of a new strategy and 2)reflect as coaches. How awesome that Ts will be able to broadcast quantitative gains in engagement/attention/attitude/achievement #UCPSchat
A4: Lexia growth, MyOn growth with Lexile levels, Dreambox lessons proficient by student, SchoolNet by student and class/grade. We celebrate All Time Bests and realize the real power of synergy-with class, grade level and school. #UCPSchat@BentonHeightsES
@ucpschat#ucpschat A4. Coaches (MTs and ICs) are using coaching logs to collect data from coaching cycles. Google forms does this easily for us! We will also be launching the coaching survey in Dec to gather data from those being coached! Measuring quality for improvement is key
A4: tech lets me see what students are mastering in the class. If I see a a class or student struggling . I can try a new way to teach it or address small groups of students . Technology like schoolnet , canvas and smart have made getting this info much easier . #UCPSChat
A4: Empower Ts & Sts to inform curriculum planning & Instruction; give student voice/ownership in their learning; collaborate about how to extend learning opps by co-collaborating with Sts about outcome. Boils down to #Empowerment! #EmpowerED#UCPSChat
#UCPSchat A4 I'm not sure if this counts, but did you know @DreamBox_Learn allows parents to sign up for updates? I recieved an email today that told me that my son finished a lesson and gave me ideas for how to reinforce the skills he learned today when he got home.AMAZING!
Things went fast tonight. Feel free to join the conversation after 8PM! Just use the #UCPSchat hashtag and A# while recording your answers! Our friends @participate archive all of our chats for us-- Check the archive there if you missed tonight's conversation!
A4: I use data from Quizizz in Science to determine which concepts I need to add into our weekly science HW versus which standards I need to add into whole class lessons to review. #UCPSChat