Good morning! Kasey from KS here tweeting from my new house! Moving is pretty awful. I’m reflecting on how I should have packed better for the move lol. Happy to be here this morning!! #sunchat
#sunchat Good morning! Susan from the Jersey Shore, still in my PJs, working on plans for our annual summer festival here in town, Lavallette Founders Day! woohoo! Taking time out for some learning (and reflecting).
When it comes to reflection, I think teachers think it always has to be some all-ecompasing, formal thing. Informal, quick reflection can be powerful! #sunchat
Good morning from Auburn, AL! Attempting to wrangle 2 year old twins and try to learn at the same view currently. They destroy everything! #sunchat
I used to have a question / thoughts bulletin board in the back of my room where students could use post-its to ask questions or share thoughts in the middle of the lesson. #sunchat
Reflection has been my focus for the last 2 years. Still need a lot of help with it Latest tool I have started to use is
I’ve tinkered with this idea. I used to do this in college as an RA, have a white board with a question. Ss could respond. This would be really cool to do again. #sunchat
I have been told my daughter a 6th Grader is twice exceptional. She has ADHD Inattentive & Dyslexia has tested at 2.5 Grade in Spelling and 3rd in reading. On the other side she tested at Graduate level in Cognitive Thinking and made a 98% on her science EOG. Loves brain teasers
This is a more meta-assignment, but I love having students answer a series of ?s every quarter or so - what is going well, what is a goal you have, what can your teacher do to help you more, etc. Always got very insightful responses!
I work on reflection with my student. We have done it informally... What to do you think, what did you hear, how can we make it better/different. Going a more formal route starting tomorrow with Performance Journals and reflections. #sunchat
Another idea for informal reflection : in students folders, place a set of laminated emojis. Students place emojis on desk during independent work that reflect their understanding. Teacher can walk around and react appropriately. Great for Ss too scared to speak aloud. #sunchat
For me reflection comes in the convo. I’m working to move away for tests, and focus on conversational ways to assess learning. Eg- we’ve started doing a modified blog in my gov class. #sunchat
I’ve tinkered with this idea. I used to do this in college as an RA, have a white board with a question. Ss could respond. This would be really cool to do again. #sunchat
Did they utilize it? Other than drawing on my whiteboards or doing math. Haven’t been successful with them getting up to utilize other things. Have wondered if it is a high school thing? #sunchat
I always wonder how to help students not only reflect on their current understanding, but take the next step...ask the next question...figure out how to move forward (this time or next time). #sunchat
I was tired of students looking at their paper grades and then stuffing them into their backpacks to be forgotten. Now, I mark them up without a grade. They then fill out a self-reflection sheet and grade themselves. Then we compare. Done best? Needs improvement? Etc #sunchat
Reflection is so important for Ss so they can "see" their progress, even in little steps it makes them see they are improving, getting better, learning. I reflect each day on the lessons I taught and make notes to do better next time. #sunchat
I think I often do a better job of making students reflect than I do for myself.
Students analyze every unit by tracking test data over the course of the year + analyzing their strengths weaknesses from that unit. #sunchat
I always wonder how to help students not only reflect on their current understanding, but take the next step...ask the next question...figure out how to move forward (this time or next time). #sunchat
Reflection starts with "why", "How" or "what if". Getting Ss (& Ts) to think in terms of these 'stems' is a starting point.
Reflection goes hand-in-hand w/ growth mindset - "i could be better"
With time....but I went overboard recognizing the students who did early. High fives. Praise. Make it a big deal. Then that social capital comes into play, and you have a whole class taking part. #sunchat
Did they utilize it? Other than drawing on my whiteboards or doing math. Haven’t been successful with them getting up to utilize other things. Have wondered if it is a high school thing? #sunchat
The oportunity for students to reflect in my classroom is constant. I love using the 'Color Run' peer edit model for writing. Each students has a different color or specialty of focus to edit. Students can then determine and reflect on specific areas of improvement. #sunchat
I’m an AP now, but lead/plan PD - I try to build in some silence into any PD with space to write or sketch. We need quiet sometimes to really think about our learning. #sunchat
Friday @flipgrid is another way for students to reflect - have them record a quick reflection about their week - what they did well, what they feel they need to improve the following week.... #sunchat And YOU can see what they are taking away from the lessons.
Something else I’ve tried is to give students a big or “essential” question that serves not only as a guide for where we go but also as the reflective prompt that will culminate our unit. Given at start and think about throughout #sunchat
Friday @flipgrid is another way for students to reflect - have them record a quick reflection about their week - what they did well, what they feel they need to improve the following week.... #sunchat And YOU can see what they are taking away from the lessons.
Ss set SEL goals & steps to reach them. Each month we have them reflect on how they're doing - we've seen a lot of growth since implementing this. #sunchat
I’m not an actual teacher yet but I do have a placement in one of the local elementary schools. My mentor teacher doesn’t really do formal assessments for reflections but she did create an safe environment so students can comfortably reflect themselves.#sunchat
As a parent, our time after school is spent reflecting over a snack. We discuss classwork as well as personal situations. If parents are informed, they can be part of the process on their end. #sunchat
I was tired of students looking at their paper grades and then stuffing them into their backpacks to be forgotten. Now, I mark them up without a grade. They then fill out a self-reflection sheet and grade themselves. Then we compare. Done best? Needs improvement? Etc #sunchat
Oh - no - they don’t get to enter grades. I still have mine, they just get to compare their self-grade to mine. It is my grade that goes in. Sometimes they make me see something and I’ll change it. Often, they are more critical of themselves than am I. #sunchat
I think student reflection is something that can happen constantly in the classroom, with PBL charts, I do we do and you do, and even in CBM, along with many more but the more you encourage peer reflection across the board for students it’ll be great for them! #sunchat
Professionally, reflection is instrumental. I implemented #Observedme initative this schoolk year. On my door hangs the sign below inviting everyone in, including students to observe and reflect on content, engagement, and improvement areas! #sunchat
A GREAT #edtech tool for reflection is @padlet ! Create class or indv online boards where students can post thoughts, videos, memes, or questions as they proceed through the content. Can be collab or indv. #sunchat
Two things stand out for us to remember- reflection doesn’t have to be something elaborate, just something to get kids thinking. And reflection can be personal, but can be a powerful collaborative growth tool as well #sunchat
I also think we need them to reflect abt how/when they learned best during a unit - teaches them how to be an effective life long learner. I used unit surveys for this - helped me refine my unit plans but also made them think abt the process they went through #sunchat
Good point!! Would you be willing to do it even if your child is in high school? I have found parents want to start to step out and let their children lead at this stage. Inspection is more their role #sunchat
Do you all think there’s a way for us to involve parents equitably in the reflection process? I love the idea of ss sitting down and reflecting with their parents. #sunchat
I am also open with my students about my writing process. I have had many editors who have given me critical feedback. It’s never personal - helps me to grow. Don’t expect to be perfect on first try. Be human and open with your struggles and reflections. #sunchat
At a local elementary school, they have their Ss write a letter to their parents every Friday. "My favorite thing this week was..." "A challenge I had this week was..." "My goal for next week is..." "Something that made me excited is..." #Sunchat
The biggest learning experience that this has given me, is another set of eyes to find areas of improvement. The biggest one being pacing. Taking time to slow down the formative checks and zero in on each student through check-in procedure. Students need time to process. #sunchat
I think it’s inportant to let parents “see” into your croom as much as possible. I put out a newsletter detailing what we are working on, but also live stream classes thru YouTube. Parents can tune in #sunchat
When I was in the classroom, I would ask my students to reflect on the week’s learning, what they were uncomfortable with, their effort, and what they needed from me. Things they might not think about the learning process & things I might not otherwise know. #sunchat
I have my students choose their own research paper topics. They have to pitch it to me first. They also need to get written parental feedback first. Often, parents can help make a family connection to a historical topic - very powerful. #sunchat
I've never had more questions then when I shared that I was published. When I'm open about how feedback and the struggled have improved by writing, they are more apt to truly consider mine and each other's. #sunchat
I am also open with my students about my writing process. I have had many editors who have given me critical feedback. It’s never personal - helps me to grow. Don’t expect to be perfect on first try. Be human and open with your struggles and reflections. #sunchat
Join me tonight at #oredchat . The topic: how can rules get in the way of S-centered decision making and leadership? Imagine: What if we posted "goals" instead of rules! #sunchat
Reflection helps us make connections back to things we've experienced or read previously. We can then process all of this information, synthesize it, and develop our own insight and meaning from it. As Steve Jobs says, this skill is "too rare a commodity." #sunchat
The biggest learning experience that this has given me, is another set of eyes to find areas of improvement. The biggest one being pacing. Taking time to slow down the formative checks and zero in on each student through check-in procedure. Students need time to process. #sunchat
I also used reflection during projects: what’s going well? Where are you stuck/unsure? Are you where you wanted to be in the process by now? If so, what steps have made you successful? If not, what steps can you take today and tomorrow to get back on track? #sunchat
#sunchat. I took this idea of not putting a grade on the top from a headmaster who shared the story of a former teacher who did that. The headmaster thought it was terrible idea. I said nothing...but then immediately adopted the practice b/c's a great idea!
OMG - you gave me a great idea! We have interactive journals, and I'm going to have my Ss do this letter in there, and have parents respond! Thank you for this great idea, Aubrey! #sunchat
#3161 Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome. — Booker T. Washington
One of my colleagues would have students reflect on their learning through a “letter to an absent student.” I adopted this as part of my weekly reflection. #sunchat
I just realized I haven’t shared much of what I have done. When my students do a PBL, I use a specific reflection journal. See one here:
Thoughtful, constructive feedback is a gift, bravely given. It means someone cares enough about your work to help you make it better, even at the risk of hurting your feelings. When someone simply says "looks great," it means they don't care enough to help you improve. #sunchat
I've never had more questions then when I shared that I was published. When I'm open about how feedback and the struggled have improved by writing, they are more apt to truly consider mine and each other's. #sunchat
I am also open with my students about my writing process. I have had many editors who have given me critical feedback. It’s never personal - helps me to grow. Don’t expect to be perfect on first try. Be human and open with your struggles and reflections. #sunchat
I also love doing padiea seminars. Haven’t been able to do too much in my small classroom. But I love the reflection build in. See this form:
Be my guest. I’m sure I got the ideas from somewhere else too and then tweaked to work for me. We can’t do the hard work of teaching without each other! #sunchat
DONT FORGET - we have to reflect as well :) even on twitter chats! Don’t let this 30 min go to waste.
Take notes unceasingly. Always be learning. I use @OneNoteEDU. Use what works for you. #sunchat
During a unit, students set goals and then track their goals and reflect on their progress in @sowntogrow. Love this tool and will keep using it instead of paper form. #sunchat
My favorite quote that is guiding my reflection journey is by John Dewey: “We do not learn from experience... we learn from reflecting on experience.” #sunchat
In my Sports Lit. I had parents secretly write letters to their students telling them all the things they were proud of and motivational quotes to live by. Then, I had students reflect on the impact the letters had on their performance mentally and physically. #tears#sunchat
#sunchat S metacognitive reflection is critical for growth. Each week my Ss respond to a prompt about their emotions/process/habits. We use Google docs that are shared only between myself and S.
That is very true. The inspiration that my twitter tribe has given me has been phenomenal. It's nice to have a community where we are encouraged and supported in our efforts! #Sunchat
I saw an idea on Pinterest where it’s a What Stick Wall, so Ss have a chance to write about the things in the day that stuck. Do you think it’d be good to have them write what they wished more about and find a friend that had it stick to talk for better understanding? #sunchat
#1in5 kids have learning difference in a classroom of 20 that that could be 4 to 5 kids with various learning issues we need to embrace their #HackLearning and promote what they excel in . . .
84% of dyselxics have above average Reasoning Skills, like interpreting patterns others can't & seeing the big picture. Find out why British Intelligence Agency @GCHQ seek out & employ dyslexics for these thinking skills in our interview with Secret Agent "Louise" & @kate_griggs
That sticking ? is what initially prompted me to start asking “what have we learned this week?” Their responses, or rather what was missing, helped me reflect on whether or not I was effective in facilitating their learning, or was it just a week of fun activities. #sunchat
Bummed that I missed #sunchat The majority of my Ss grades this semester will be from the reflections they write every week.
Q1: What did you enjoy learning about this week?
Q2: What topic that we covered would you like to know more about?
Q3: What else would you like to share?