#FLedchat is a virtual meeting place using Twitter. Educators across the state of Florida come together on Wednesdays at 8pm EST to discuss the topics of the week.
Attention #FLEdChat - thanks for showing up! We will be following the Q1-A1 format for tonight's chat. Don't forget to tag all responses and with #FLEdChat!
Welcome to #FLEdChat rookies and veterans alike... start out by introducing yourself... Name, School District, Position, and if you had a magic wand and could change one thing about your job, what would it be?.. don't forget to tag your tweet with #FLEdChat
Corey, Director of District Partnership with a company called @BrightBytes and now that my job has been tagged in this tweet I will have to say I wouldn't change a thing #FLEdChat
Doug Konopelko, Martin County, Coordinator of Digital Learning - and your Twitter Emcee tonight for #FLEdChat! My magic wand would make @vogeley_g and @swizzkates participate in #FLEdChat!!
Looks like we've got a great crew here and we're ready to get started! Tonight, #FLEdChat is touching on lesson planning, instructional design, and curriculum writing.
Magic Wand? High speed internet for ALL! I know it doesn't solve all the issues but it would definitely remove a barrier that some have to overcome. #FLedChat
A1: They all involve knowing your learners, having clear objectives, considering how learners engage with material, and most importantly... CREATIVITY! #FLEdChat
Hey Tammy, it was pretty cool on the news today in Tampa they were talking about @sprint providing smart phone to students in Hernando County to help solve some of the access issues, was very impressed by this #FLEdChat
Magic Wand? High speed internet for ALL! I know it doesn't solve all the issues but it would definitely remove a barrier that some have to overcome. #FLedChat
A1: They differ in that LP is generally prepping for a specific delivery, CW is creating the content to be delivered over time, and ID takes not just the content, but the needs of the learners and desired outcomes into account... #FLEdChat
A1: Hopefully Instructional Design and Curriculum are both utilized when creating lesson plans. Instructional Design is using research-based methods to design courses or lessons. Curriculum is the content...and we all know too well what lesson plans are :). #FLedChat
A1: same- students outcomes, different- the level at which they are implemented. LP- direct to Ss, CW- the goals, ideas on which LP are based ID- the longterm goal, overall direction of education #fledchat
A1: I do think they are all related and hopefully scaffolded. LP comes from the CW, whereas the ID would be the best way Ss will get proficient in learning objectives. #fledchat
I was actually talking to my School Board Chairperson (@jerrytaylor921 ) about it today. I know that Flagler County also has hot spots for kids. Right @KristinCHarr ? #FLedChat
In reply to
@CoreyAppelbaum, @sprint, @jerrytaylor921, @KristinCHarr
I was actually talking to my School Board Chairperson (@jerrytaylor921 ) about it today. I know that Flagler County also has hot spots for kids. Right @KristinCHarr ? #FLedChat
In reply to
@CoreyAppelbaum, @sprint, @jerrytaylor921, @KristinCHarr
Tammy, @FlaglerSchools is also a @BrightBytes customer, and with our Technology and Learning module it takes a look at #access, I've even heard of a large district in GA that used this data to determine where to add these hotspots #FoodForThought#FLEdChat
In reply to
@TG_Neil, @sprint, @jerrytaylor921, @KristinCHarr, @FlaglerSchools, @BrightBytes
A2: Most of the time it is a well-developed lesson, unit, or course that includes an evaluation at the end. The evaluation should measure learning outcomes as well as survey participants for thoughts on engagement, clarity, etc. #FLedChat
A2: If done well, you should have a great overview of a course that can be taught by many and all have a consistent understanding of what is needed for student success. #FLedChat
A2: A comprehensive learning program developed as a result of analyzing learner and organizational needs. Program should include all resources Ts and Ss might need and go through rigorous eval after implementation #FLEdChat
It's SO important to constantly be getting feedback when creating content and designing lessons of any type! Too often we just deliver and move on. #FLEdChat
A2: Most of the time it is a well-developed lesson, unit, or course that includes an evaluation at the end. The evaluation should measure learning outcomes as well as survey participants for thoughts on engagement, clarity, etc. #FLedChat
A2: A comprehensive learning program developed as a result of analyzing learner and organizational needs. Program should include all resources Ts and Ss might need and go through rigorous eval after implementation #FLEdChat
A2: A comprehensive learning program developed as a result of analyzing learner and organizational needs. Program should include all resources Ts and Ss might need and go through rigorous eval after implementation #FLEdChat
A2: a solid base build programs for success, not necessarily CW or LP, ID should lend itself to both of these and give guidance for other areas, teach, classroom style, etc. #fledchat
Yes, and it's easy to think we did a great job if the students "liked" the course or lesson, but we need to measure learning outcomes as well. #FLedChat
It's SO important to constantly be getting feedback when creating content and designing lessons of any type! Too often we just deliver and move on. #FLEdChat
A2: Most of the time it is a well-developed lesson, unit, or course that includes an evaluation at the end. The evaluation should measure learning outcomes as well as survey participants for thoughts on engagement, clarity, etc. #FLedChat
A1, I think Instructional Design concentrates on the learning process providing direction with the end in mind, curriculum creates a pathway to meet goals, and lesson plans provides a map for how learning will happen, strategies, resources, a way to monitor success. #FLEdChat
A2. there has to be an element of "learner application". How is the material content going to be used, realistically, to benefit students. What's the "real world" value. Is there a problem finding & solving element. My lessons differ each year, b/c the world changes #FLEdChat
A2: A comprehensive learning program developed as a result of analyzing learner and organizational needs. Program should include all resources Ts and Ss might need and go through rigorous eval after implementation #FLEdChat
A2. there has to be an element of "learner application". How is the material content going to be used, realistically, to benefit students. What's the "real world" value. Is there a problem finding & solving element. My lessons differ each year, b/c the world changes #FLEdChat
Were you here for last week's #FLedChat? We devote the first Wednesday of the month to Diversity and Community. I'm so thankful that #ClearTheAir can keep the conversation in the forefront.
Q3: What are some of your favorite tools for lesson planning (LP), curriculum writing (CW), and instructional design (ID)? What do you WISH you could use? #FLEdChat
A2: I don't know if I believe that there is an end, but that it should be crafted as a "living" document/process. One that drives instruction and supports growth, but in a more flexible way to meet today's learners needs. #fledchat
A2: I don't know if I believe that there is an end, but that it should be crafted as a "living" document/process. One that drives instruction and supports growth, but in a more flexible way to meet today's learners needs. #fledchat
A3. I rarely lean on a textbook. I look for things that can be turned into a "hands on" type project/activity. I will use @NASA resources, or students will find problems and look for solutions within a content area. #FLEdChat
A3: Never underestimate the power of a good spreadsheet to use as a tracking tool for building out curriculum and coursework. While that's not where it will live in the end, it's helpful for organization. #FLEdChat
A3: My district has teacher teams that write curriculum using the backward design process. We have LOTS of resources available to teachers. It is teacher-friendly, but I think teachers may benefit from additional training to be able to get the most out of it. #fledchat
Sure :). ADDIE stands for Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Here is some info about Gagne's 9 Events. I use Gagne for individual lessons, and ADDIE more for larger units or courses. https://t.co/AR32gmqWY2#FLedChat
A3. I should probably track things a little better. I sometimes have to go back and watch the videos students made, or my parent contact videos to see what we've done and what ties in next. haha #FLEdChat
A3: For LP and CW standards, all the @gsuite tools, any textbooks. For ID survey/eval tools, authoring tools (#Captivate), an LMS (I β€οΈ @CanvasLMS), graphic design tools, stock photos, gamification tools. #FLedChat
Blogs and Pinterest (oh the horror) I use those for inspiration, LP start with an idea. Once I know what I want to do, then I can write the plan. As @joerobison907 pointed out students change, so should LP #fledchat
A3: For LP and CW standards, all the @gsuite tools, any textbooks. For ID survey/eval tools, authoring tools (#Captivate), an LMS (I β€οΈ @CanvasLMS), graphic design tools, stock photos, gamification tools. #FLedChat
A3: For LP and CW standards, all the @gsuite tools, any textbooks. For ID survey/eval tools, authoring tools (#Captivate), an LMS (I β€οΈ @CanvasLMS), graphic design tools, stock photos, gamification tools. #FLedChat
Lewisville ISD in north Texas. We have around 50,000 students. Our curriculum writing process has evolved into a very collaborative effort with classroom teachers and content directors.
A3; I'm not involved in the day to day CW or ID, but I would hope that for ID people are a resource. No point in reinventing the wheel, learn what worked or not from others. #fledchat
A4. Start with the "why". There really is no other starting point. Students need to know the "why" behind what we do, especially in today's age. #FLEdChat
A4; for my LP, I start with the curriculum, analyze the standard, consider the students ability, decide how to make it interesting, plan. Then laugh as the 5 year olds do what 5 year olds do and there goes the plan. or I try to have a backup #fledchat
A4: I'd like to say I always start with Pedagogy and Content, then the tool, but sometimes I find a really cool tool and think, "how could I use this with students?" Ideas come all the time, and I like to keep it flexible, while using an ID model. #FLedChat
A4; for my LP, I start with the curriculum, analyze the standard, consider the students ability, decide how to make it interesting, plan. Then laugh as the 5 year olds do what 5 year olds do and there goes the plan. or I try to have a backup #fledchat
A4: Start with the result and then work backward. I like to think of it like I'm writing a movie with a surprise- I've got to know that Bruce Willis is dead the whole movie or I can't figure out ways to make it a shock to my audience... too much of a stretch #FLEdchat? #6thsense
A4: currently, I start with the people or person who is requesting the project/resource to understand their why. On e needs analysis is done, move on to writing objectives and developing content. #FLEdChat
A4: Start with the result and then work backward. I like to think of it like I'm writing a movie with a surprise- I've got to know that Bruce Willis is dead the whole movie or I can't figure out ways to make it a shock to my audience... too much of a stretch #FLEdchat? #6thsense
A4: I think it is important to start with ID providing the big picture of what the learning will look like, what changes will take place, how we will know it has happened. C is the what/how/when, and LP is the nitty gritty of how it will all happen in 45 minutes, haha. #fledchat
Doug from Florida, Coordinator of Digital Learning (Instructional tech, instructional materials, and media services) Co-moderator of #FLEdChat thanks for having me, #BeTheOne