Global #gtchat Powered by TAGT is a weekly chat on Twitter that takes place on Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET/7 p.m. CT and 5 p.m. PT in the U.S. For one hour, parents, educators, advocates and experts in the field of gifted and talented gather to share resources, links, authentic life experiences and insights about gifted issues.
Welcome to Global Gifted and Talented Chat Powered by the Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented @TxGifted Thanks for joining us to chat about “Critical Issues in Gifted Education” #TAGT#gtchat
I’m Lisa Conrad ~ moderator, advocate for gifted children, conference presenter, blogger and parent of 2 gifted adults from Pittsburgh, PA. Please take a minute to let us know who you are and where you’re tweeting from! #gtchat
Marianna Ruggerio. I teach AP physics in our school's gifted academy in Rockford, IL. I grew up as enrolled in programs @CTDatNU from prek on, and then started teaching there as a TA in college and later as an instructor developing science courses for PreK-8th #gtchat
It's been a pleasure to support and watch #gtchat grow over the past 6 years. TAGT is grateful to our facilitator Lisa Conrad @gtchatmod and the whole #gtchat advisory board for hosting engaging conversations about current G/T topics each week. Cheers to many more!
It's been a pleasure to support and watch #gtchat grow over the past 6 years. TAGT is grateful to our facilitator Lisa Conrad @gtchatmod and the whole #gtchat advisory board for hosting engaging conversations about current G/T topics each week. Cheers to many more!
Lurking to learn? Please say ‘hi’ and then view a livestream from Participate Learning at Enjoy the chat! All the links and a summary of this chat will be posted later on our blog at
Hello. Middle School Gifted Ed Specialist from Chapel Hill, North Carolina! So great to join the chat to discuss critical issues about #gifteded#gtchat@gtchatmod
Our first question is coming up; let’s get ready to chat! Please preface your responses with A1). Excited to collaborate and share ideas with you today about critical issues in gifted education. #gtchat
A1) Yes!! I have learned so much while working on my Masters, which a degree is required in KS. I have also met others who taught G in other states w/o such requirements that end up being anti-gifted or only doing it because it seems easy. #gtchat
A1. I'm not sure about being certified but they should have extensive professional knowledge and it needs to be ongoing learning, not just one-off professional learning sessions. #gtchat
A1) Any profession benefits from certification. Gifted education is rarely covered at the undergraduate level. Educators often lack the knowledge to recognize giftedness or the know how to respond to gifted students. #gtchat
#gtchat A1 I am currently working on my endorsement and I learned so much about the world of g/t, but as an alternative educator I have also learned and seen so so many similarities and I feel it has helped me be better prepared for showing my ability to work with g/t students.
A1) Teachers of Gifted need to understand that these students have special needs that may differ from others. Unique traits/abilities need unique teachers. Yes. #gtchat
A1. This is tricky since “certified” in #tx means that you took “the test” but teachers must be trained with 30 hours in #gifted here, even without the test. Short answer though- YES!!!! #gtchat
That's where my thinking is too Jeremy. Some who may be certified, might not be the best 'fit' for the students, as with any teaching / teachers. #gtchat
A1 - short answer: of course! why? would we say it's ok to not have certified teachers for kids with other learning differences like disabilities or impairments? #gtchat
A1) AIG certification is a MUST for any teachers who teach #gifted but they also need support through coaching, guidance & collaboration with the AIG experts #criticalcollegiality@gtchatmod#gtchat
So right Carol. My Masters thesis was on communities of practice to sustain professional learning and it was really interesting. Teachers know that it doesn't work, but still we persist with the workshops. Great, sometimes, but it needs to be sustainable learning. #gtchat
A1) If you have students with IQ 30 points below average they will get specially trained teachers. If you have students with IQ 30 points above average they are dealing with a difference just as great. How can they not get trained teachers? #gtchat
A1) I believe all teachers should receive training in giftedness pre-service and that those teaching gifted programs should participate in ongoing PD/ further degrees/certification #gtchat
TAGT Leadership Conference Registration Don't miss your chance to join fellow gifted education leaders for 2 days of learning! Early bird registration & hotel group pricing ends March 26.
Q2) What are ways of identifying students for participation in gifted programs that respects equity regarding race, gender, economic status, 2E, etc.? #gtchat
A1) I believe all teachers should receive training in giftedness pre-service and that those teaching gifted programs should participate in ongoing PD/ further degrees/certification #gtchat
A1) I've known teachers with no background in gifted ed who have been designated teachers specifically for the gifted. I'll let you guess how that worked out.#gtchat
every classroom teacher. I would like to see some kind of education for teachers on what giftedness means and why the gifted students in their classroom is not necessarily the straight-A student. /2 #gtchat
This is really interesting. One of my focus areas for my research is on what's provided for trainee teachers and also practising teachers in terms of gifted ed., and I don't think it's a lot here either. #gtchat
A2) Proper identification is the key to a strong (and equitable) GT Prgm. Multiple measures, transparency, and multiple perspectives are important #gtchat
If you have a passionate educator teaching a specific subject, ok, one person can't know everything. However, there should be oversight/consultation/training with a gifted T. #gtchat
In reply to
@ChCh_based, @cossie29, @JeremyDBond, @gtchatmod
#gtchat A2 our district is currently exploring how we can better identify students for 2e. In resent years we have had a few students in our alternative program who we have gone to bat for to getting them g/t services.
every classroom teacher. I would like to see some kind of education for teachers on what giftedness means and why the gifted students in their classroom is not necessarily the straight-A student. /2 #gtchat
Agree Anna. I think because it's such a specialised are, you need to have the training / professional learning to make sure that you are meeting the needs of the students. #gtchat
In reply to
@AnnaCalven, @ChCh_based, @JeremyDBond, @gtchatmod
A2) Identification needs to be universally administrated early in the elementary years. If a child shows strong signs of giftedness, earlier assessment should be considered. Lack of challenge can lead to so many behavior/academic issues later. #gtchat
A2) use non-culturally biased tests like the NNAT that don't give advantages to kids with less exposure to the English language than their peers #gtchat
Question related to Q2...once you've ID'd kids early with universal screening, how do you ensure they are retained? We have huge challenges with our minority students dropping out before HS #gtchat
I think that school boards should employ psychologists who are suitably trained in identifying students with learning exceptions and have them on staff in the schools, observing students from kindergarten on. Someone with a trained eye should /1 #gtchat
We screen top 15% achievement, and then from the 15% achievement, we identify the top 10% of each subgroup based on #localnormed ability(CogAt) & achievement(Iowa) #gtchat
I'd love to know more about this for my research Heather. I think it's an area in which we're lacking in NZ. You don't have to be certified in gifted ed to teach gifted students. Maybe we need to look at this. #gtchat
A2) #redlining in giftedness is widespread. Think about testing instruments and how biased they are. It's not merely in the identification but in culturally responsive classroom practices that help them be identified #gtchat
A2) We also need to stop equating achievement with ability. Equating the two often leads to identifying non-gifted high achievers as gifted and missing the gifted underachievers. #gtchat
Question related to Q2...once you've ID'd kids early with universal screening, how do you ensure they are retained? We have huge challenges with our minority students dropping out before HS #gtchat
arguably be able to identify students with exceptional needs in a way that a classroom teacher may not. We should not depend solely on teacher or parent identification of exceptional students. /2 #gtchat
#gtchat When I met with our g/t coordinator she told me our district was looking into using screeners that were not bias and would provide the district more data points to help support identifying any and all students who are needing g/t services.
A3 Does education have a place in tight school budgets? Why is there/should there be any distinction. #Gifted kids need to be educated. The end. #gtchat
A3) Georgia finds gifted students at a higher rate. By serving gifted learners we earn more teachers and resources through this funding formula. Gifted programs need funds to be successful. #gtchat
A3) [1/2] Gifted education NEEDS to be as important as any other SPED area. Just because gifted is not covered under the same legislation as other SPED area doesn't mean that students are not disserviced when their needs are not met. #gtchat
I feel strongly that psychological services for all students is vastly underfunded. But certainly, families who cannot afford to privately fund psychological testing and services are left to fall through the cracks, which is grossly unfair. /3 #gtchat
A2) We also need to stop equating achievement with ability. Equating the two often leads to identifying non-gifted high achievers as gifted and missing the gifted underachievers. #gtchat
A3 With the new emphasis on student growth, and schools being measured on that and not just achievement levels, we may see school budgets make more room for gifted services. Students can’t grow if they’re not being challenged. #gtchat
A3) All students deserve a free and appropriate education. Full stop. Gifted education does not have to be expensive. An open mind to its ‘appropriateness’ can lead to many low-cost interventions such as acceleration, genius hour, PBL. #gtchat
A3) Yes, during tight budgets we need to invest in kids with high potential. If they become bored and disengaged then they won't be able to contribute their gifts and talents to society. #gtchat
A3) I never understand the question of whether gifted ed has a place in tight school budgets. That is the same as writing off an entire group of children. Imagine asking the question this way: Does special education have a place in tight budgets? #gtchat
A3) It’s not in the numbers, it’s in the decision makers’ hands on how they want to prioritize the numbers!
I'm split in two schools where the gifted pop is 30% - 34%. The district exceeded the average gifted %. #gtchat@gtchatmod
It is my opinion that a public school system should have all educational services, including psychological services, publicly and readily available to all children. /4 #gtchat
A4) We need both. We know that gifted =/= academic achievement, and we know that often gifted students are underacheiving. And many times those two go hand in hand #gtchat
#gtchat A4 In our alternative program our mission to looking a a holistic approach to teaching a child and so I feel that I think the whole gifted child is my vote.
A4) Definitely the whole child. Addressing academic achieve is easy, however this can’t happen if we don’t address social and emotional needs that can hender achievement. #gtchat
Oh my gosh, the whole gifted child! Being with intellectual peers and learning about their unique social emotional needs is so essential so they don’t feel so weird and isolated. They need a place to feel fully themselves. #gtchat
Special needs students once were too until parents took action! GT could learn a lot. I've worked 15 years in Special Ed. Have seen great results! #gtchat
A4. Kids can’t be compartmentalized. This shouldn’t be an option. We need all the tools to become successful contributing citizens. #empowerGT#wholechild#gtchat
A3) There is such a perception that gifted education is elitist, which is such a misinformed position. Gifted education is necessary because there are gifted students in every school. We are doing ourselves a disservice if we don't figure out how to meet the /1 #gtchat
A4) Caring for the whole gifted child will include caring for their educational needs as well as their social/emotional to develop a happy balanced person #gtchat
A4) Gifted students have many needs beyond academics; dealing with myths about being gifted, bullying, social-emotional needs, finding intellectual peers, etc. #gtchat
That's what scares me. Have we got a too-narrow focus here, when the requirements from the govt are for a broad focus. It's going to be very interesting researching this. #gtchat
Understanding the Learning & Advocacy Needs of a Twice-Exceptional Student Through A Strengths-Based Lens: A Case Study in California (pdf)
In my experience, they’re also at risk for emotional problems and school refusal if their unique emotional and learning needs aren’t recognized or met. #gtchat
A4) Gifted students have many needs beyond academics; dealing with myths about being gifted, bullying, social-emotional needs, finding intellectual peers, etc. #gtchat
Depends on where you are...I’ve been in 4 different states that serve and identify different types of #gifted- from academic to intellectual to creative #gtchat
A5) Best practice begins with acknowledging the need for gifted services, early assessment and intervention, and providing a long-term individualized plan. #gtchat
#gtchat This is so true, this is such a huge issue with any alternative learner including g/t students. I spend my day working with about 55 alternative learners and these needs so real and does not matter if they are g/t or not they are real needs.
A4) Gifted students have many needs beyond academics; dealing with myths about being gifted, bullying, social-emotional needs, finding intellectual peers, etc. #gtchat
I agree completely -- as well as teaching a child what it means to be part of a community, how to be a good communicator, how to be empathetic towards others, how to be a good leader, and how to be a good team player. #gtchat
A3) I never understand the question of whether gifted ed has a place in tight school budgets. That is the same as writing off an entire group of children. Imagine asking the question this way: Does special education have a place in tight budgets? #gtchat
Years of being misunderstood takes its toll. All kids need to feel understood. This is even more of a challenge for 2e kids, who may feel they don’t fit in traditional achievement focused programs, but don’t fit in gen ed classes either. #gtchat
A5. Having programmes in place and being open to what is going to work best for an individual student in terms of their learning, social and emotional needs. Flexibility is key if we're going to truly differentiate. #gtchat
A5) Differentiation & acceleration are widely accepted as exceptional gifted programming. They don’t provide for Ss who exhibit an increased rate of acquisition. This leads to GT students relegated to the back of the room reading. #gtchat
A5. Matching your #gifted definition with your identification process AND your services... you know so that you serve the kids in the way that you were looking for! #gtchat
#gtchat A5 I think the needs of kids needs to be considered. We are in the business of kids, their needs are what need to be met, there should be a variety of options. Our AltEd program has Ind Study, Credit Recovery, and Whole Class instruction.
A5) Best practice begins with acknowledging the need for gifted services, early assessment and intervention, and providing a long-term individualized plan. #gtchat
Depends on the classroom though, right? my gifted AP Physics we compact the material and students generate differentiated products based on product choice and their knowledge or lack of knowledge in calculus. #gtchat
#School-WideEnrichmentModel @uconn allows all children to benefit from & give access to high-end/precocious students who need direct services #gtchat@gtchatmod
In my experience, they’re also at risk for emotional problems and school refusal if their unique emotional and learning needs aren’t recognized or met. #gtchat
A4) Gifted students have many needs beyond academics; dealing with myths about being gifted, bullying, social-emotional needs, finding intellectual peers, etc. #gtchat
Q6) Why is it important to define what it means to be ‘gifted’? What are the consequences for failing to do so for educators, counselors and associated professionals? #gtchat
A5) #School-WideEnrichmentModel @uconn allows all children to benefit from & give access to high-end/precocious students who need direct services. Good practices come from planning, planning, and planning #gtchat@gtchatmod
A6 Important to define who is gifted so they don’t slip through the cracks & not get the learning designed for them & facilitated from trained gifted teachers. My #Gifted Identification links Thanks @TXGifted for supporting #gtchat
A6) When teachers equate the ‘gifted’ label solely as high achievers, the student will rarely receive appropriate intervention or adequate instruction/challenge in the classroom. #gtchat
A6) (1/5) When we lack a definition of giftedness, we put ourselves at a disadvantage of not being able to defend our craft to our colleagues. Too many people still have no clue what gifted is and why needs are different. #gtchat
Q6) Why is it important to define what it means to be ‘gifted’? What are the consequences for failing to do so for educators, counselors and associated professionals? #gtchat
(2/5) Many teachers honestly believe one of two things: that giftedness is a construct and that any child can perform as if they are 'gifted' and/or that a class of gifted learners is easy because they all "behave, do their work and want to learn" #gtchat
A5) Best practices don't necessarily translate to scores and numbers. They need to be engaged in #servicelearning#leadership opportunities #mentorship and ways to problem solve issue that matter to them #gtchat@gtchatmod
Happy birthday #gtchat! We're so glad to have you all as part of the TAGT family. Thanks so much to @gtchatmod for all the hard work you do! You are the best, Lisa!
A6 Going back to the Columbus Group definition, because “The uniqueness of the gifted renders them particularly vulnerable and requires modifications in parenting, teaching and counseling in order for them to develop optimally.” #gtchat
Q6) Why is it important to define what it means to be ‘gifted’? What are the consequences for failing to do so for educators, counselors and associated professionals? #gtchat
A6) Having a clear definition means that there is a reason for differentiation. Also once you identify a student as gifted stakeholder groups will have preconceived notions of the child’s abilities and needs. Let’s hope they are the right notions. #gtchat
A6 Important to define who is gifted so they don’t slip through the cracks & not get the learning designed for them & facilitated from trained gifted teachers. My #Gifted Identification links Thanks @TXGifted for supporting #gtchat
A6 Without definition then school leaders cannot provide the necessary experiences for GT children. Admins need to understand that being intellectually gifted doesn't always mean excellent academic achievement. Many GT kids question answers instead of answering questions #gtchat
A6. Without a clear #gifted definition, it’s subject to interpretation. Not a problem for a #gtadvocate but a HUGE problem for the untrained or unwilling #gtchat
So much baggage goes into how we're defining "achiever." So many gifted kids, and other kids for that matter, don't achieve the way school wants them to. That doesn't define their capability. #gtchat
A6) When teachers equate the ‘gifted’ label solely as high achievers, the student will rarely receive appropriate intervention or adequate instruction/challenge in the classroom. #gtchat
It is my opinion that a public school system should have all educational services, including psychological services, publicly and readily available to all children. /4 #gtchat
Happy birthday #gtchat! We're so glad to have you all as part of the TAGT family. Thanks so much to @gtchatmod for all the hard work you do! You are the best, Lisa!
This is very true and interesting in light of the requirements set out by the govt here where each school is supposed to have their own individual definition. I've always wondered if that can cause gifted Ss to not be identified. #gtchat
Defining Gifted: The need for a unifying definition that is clear, concise, broad enough to encompass all the varieties in giftedness, but not so broad as to wash it out. ~ Mona Eby Chicks #gtchat
A6) Professionals who lack knowledge about what it means to be gifted cause a ripple effect throughout the system; referring students for inappropriate services, i.e., misdiagnosis of gifted characteristic traits, misunderstanding 2E kids. #gtchat
The Impact of Vulnerabilities and Strengths on the Academic Experiences of Twice-Exceptional Students: A Message to School Counselors Article Critique
I wonder how we address that? Do we need an overall, consistent definition which then has a school's particular character added to it, in the case of NZ schools. #gtchat